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The process of school admissions — including enrollment, registration — is one of the costliest
and time-consuming tasks that a school needs to conduct. Scholars are having a problem in terms
of enrollment. Long queue in encoding their grades, few working cashiers and slow action
among the staff. The problem that the students are experiencing in the enrollment process. The
purpose of this research is to provide an ease enrollment among the scholars in the university. We
will create a website that the student can access through the internet. This project will focus and
be limited on the scholars in our university. In this research proposal it will provide an efficient
enrollment. This research proposal will be funded by the student by adding a miscellaneous fee.
The fund the that will be collected will go to the creation and maintenance of the website to
provide a secure enrollment. In this online enrollment system, a sytem can collect all the
information into a central hub, making it easy to access and modify. Registration information is
instantly added to the database without the need to enter the information into a registry by hand.
This dramatically speeds up the registration process.

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