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For your information, a great nation is build through a teacher in the four walls of a class
room. A teacher’s profession
is a noble one,
it is said. Yes, it is a noble one. I feel it is the basis of all other professions. It is the teacher who
creates doctors, scientists, engineers, artist, dramatist, singer, builder and all other professionals.
However teachers nowadays faced a lot of challenges in their profession. One of the most
significant challenges of being a teacher is being a role model for your students. It may sounds
easy but one said that it is easier to be said than done. In order to be a role model, a teacher
must display good qualities since actions are always louder than words. A teacher can talk, advise
and even nag, but all of those words will be useless if he or she acts the exact opposite of what
he said eventhough he did without realizing it. This will cause the students to The next challenge
is teacher have to work with parents and it can be difficult. When their child’s performance seems
to slip, they will ask you and sometimes they even accuse you for not doing the best to teach their
child. It is hard to explain that you cared as much about the progress of their child did.

Moving on to the student side, teaching become challenging when the student itself does
not stress on their learning experiences. We know that every student already have this learning
experience su ch as interpersonal skills and time management but they tend to take it easy on it.
Then, it become the teachers’ burden to teach the students all of these things all over again
instead of focusing on the syllabus. Next,challenges in the teaching profession is a teacher have
to manage conflict between the student and themselves. The conflicts could be poor instruction,
unfair grading, favoritism and unclear instruction. As an educator we should not let this situation
continuously happen. Because, day by day it will become more challenging if no action are taken
to have an operational classroom and the connection must be happen sufficiently between
teachers and students.

The other challenges in teaching profession is lack of funding and resources. The
education funding has suffered greatly since the economic downturn in countries across the globe
including Malaysia. Regarding from the issue, lack of proper funding by the goverment has a
number of negative impacts for the teachers. Besides that, teachers resourse spending is
curtailed. The consumable budgets given by the goverment are slashed and the teachers are
forced to buy the teaching aids and tool by theirself. Essentially, teachers are asked to archieve
top level result with inadequate funds for tool and recourses
For most teachers all around the world, they would say that ‘Time is gold’. This is because
they need enough time to do a great job. This situation happen because there are numberous
demand made on a teacher’s time each second and every day. The demands are endless. Based
on the following reasons, the teachers are simply directed to have a mental and physical
problems. This is because they did not have time for themself. They are easy to get a sickness
such as migrains and if they had that sickness, they cannot perform well and the learning also did
not archieve the maximum level. Besides that, they are prone to depression and frustration.

In a nutshell, there are many types of challenges if you want to be a teacher. But the
challenges that come are not a barrier for us as a teacher to move forward. As a good and quality
teacher, we should make the challenges come as a spirit to teach our students and young
genarations. The road will be rocky at times. You may fall, stumble and bleed but you need to
remember that nothing worthwhile comes easily and the title ‘teacher’ is reserved only for those
willing to face the challenges with open heart.

Many of the great teachers that I have had throughout my education have
become my heroes and role models. I began to understand in high school
and college that great teachers have skills that I wanted to learn. I want to
follow their examples. I remember that great teachers were good at
explaining content, were patient yet firm with students, were always fair,
set high expectations, knew how to motivate, and used humor
appropriately. They were great communicators who had a command of
their subject matter content.

Why do I want to become a teacher? A teacher has the direct

opportunity to make a difference, to change the future.

An excellent teacher is not just someone who explains. Not someone

who just demonstrates. An excellent teacher is someone who inspires. An
excellent teacher goes the extra mile. They can take any individual and
make them believe, truly believe, that their hopes and dreams are within
their reach. An excellent teacher will not let a student walk away until
every question is fully explained and completely understood, no matter
how long it may take.

Of course the most obvious role models for any child are the parents, followed
by other immediate family and teachers. This is why it’s so important in these
roles to provide a good role model – as children will be imitating your
behaviour. That means that if you smoke, you can expect your child to take up
smoking either now or later in life. If you swear meanwhile they too will swear,
you are their blue print for living.
They make us proud of ourselves. We feel that it is vital to reward these learners with
praise, encouragement and support.

Social learning scientists have shown that much of learning that occurs during
a child’s development is acquired through observation and imitation. When
asked, most of us would agree that children learn from role models and
imitate behaviors of those they admire. The question then is not, “Do children
imitate adults?” but, “Which behaviors of adults do children imitate?”
While children do indeed look to the media for role models, parents still are
the biggest influence in their children’s lives. To increase their influence,
parents need to limit the amount of time kids spend watching television and
videos and increase the time children spend with them. Children are more
likely to imitate their parents if the parents spend time with them. In addition,
parents should be very intentional about what they role-model for their

1. The Over-involved Parent

: The mother of one of the students in Michael Duncan’s* third grade class left twenty-minute messages
on his voice mail every day. Listening to them consumed his entire free period. She would also show up
at school unexpectedly. He would walk into his classroom and find her waiting to speak with him.
Studies show parental involvement is critical to a child’s academic success. Parents should always feel
welcome to contact you with questions and concerns. But if a parent’s phone calls, e-mails and
conference requests become overwhelming, and you find you’re spending too much of your time on one
student, it’s time to address the situation. If the parent’s concerns are unwarranted, reassure them that
their child is well-adjusted socially, behaving properly, and progressing academically. Provide specific
details to back up your assertion. Assure the parent you will contact them if a problem does arise. If the
parent’s concerns are justified, work with them to proactively develop an action plan that will help the
student overcome the issue they’re facing. Involve the parent in the plan. Suggest actions they can take
at home to support what you’re doing in the classroom. Then take steps to manage the future level of
contact. Suggest a communication schedule that you think is reasonable and that the parent is
comfortable with. For instance, commit to checking in with the parent every two or three weeks to apprise
them of their child’s progress. Tell them that if a problem arises sooner, you’ll contact them.
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2. The Absent Parent

Laura Taylor *, a first grade teacher, said parent-teacher conference day was basically a day off for her.
“If five parents showed up, it was a lot,” she said.
While over-involved parents can be exasperating, uninvolved parents can also be problematic.
When you have a student in your class who is struggling with an issue, whether it’s social,
behavioral or academic, it’s helpful if you have support and cooperation from the student’s
parents. But if the parents are not responding to your calls or e-mails, what do you do? It’s rare
that a parent truly doesn’t care about their child’s performance in school. When a parent is
unresponsive, it’s usually because they are overwhelmed by their other responsibilities. Maybe
they have two jobs, younger children or ailing parents, and they feel the need to leave school-
related issues in your capable hands. But parents bear a certain amount of responsibility for their
child’s education. As noted earlier, studies show parental involvement is a major factor in a
student’s academic success. In your voice mail and e-mail messages, tell the parent that you
understand they’re busy and you’ll try to accommodate their schedule. Offer to discuss the issue
in a brief phone conversation if they don’t have the time to attend a conference. Remain positive.
Tell the parent you’re confident their child can overcome the issue if you work together to provide
support. If you suspect a language barrier is to blame, find someone on the school’s staff who can

translate to make the parents feel more comfortable. 3. The Demanding

4. The Defensive Parent
. The Uncooperative Parent

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