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Burnished Denim Purse

by Melanie Testa

Simple details and elegant fabrics elevate this purse from functional to high fashion. An easy-
to-install magnetic snap keeps your valuables safe and four easy tucks just below the opening
allow for roomy storage. Topstitched detailing lends a professional finish, and just wait until
you see how easy it is to line this shining gem of a purse.

• ½ yard burnished copper denim • Topstitch thread (Sulky 12 wt. 4010 Caramel Apple)
• ½ yard lining fabric • Machine sewing thread
• ½ yard embossed dupioni or • Topstitch sewing machine needle, size 90/14
heavyweight decorator fabric • Edgestitch Foot #10
• ¾” magnetic snap set (includes 1 male • Standard Foot #1
snap, 1 female snap, 2 washers) • Seam guide
• ½ yard fusible buckram (very stiff, • White colored pencil
medium-weight interfacing)
• Pliers
• Two 1½” squares quilt batting or felt
• Ball-peen hammer
All seam allowances are ½” unless otherwise stated.
Remember to snip notches.
Iron burnished denim either on the wrong side or with an ironing cloth. Never place the iron on the face
of the burnished denim.
When printing this project, please be sure to print at 100%. For more detailed printing
instructions, see pg. 10.

1. Prepare the Straps

Cut all pattern pieces, including
interfacing and lining, and don’t forget
to snip notches.
Apply the Purse Top fusible interfacing
to the wrong side of the Purse Top.
Center the fusible interfacing on
the wrong side of each shoulder
strap, allowing ½” above and below
interfacing. Fuse in place.

1. Prepare the Straps

2. Turn under ½” seam allowance along both long sides of each shoulder strap. Using a
Cut all pattern pieces, including interfacing and lining, and don’t forget to snip notches.
pressing cloth, iron in place.
Apply the Purse Top fusible interfacing to the wrong side of the Purse Top.
3. Fold each strap in half along the length of the strap; pin. This conceals the seam
Center the fusible interfacing on the wrong side of each shoulder strap, allowing ½” above
and below interfacing. Fuse in place.
4. Thread machine with topstitch thread. Attach Edgestitch Foot #10 and move the
needle into the proper orientation (left or right) to sew along the edge of each strap.

5. Topstitch each strap closed, then topstitch along the opposite long side of both
straps. Set aside.

6. Prepare the Purse Top
Mark snap placement on Purse Top.
Mark the two perpendicular lines to
either side of the central circle of
the washer marks by snipping the
smallest possible cut through both
the interfacing and the denim.
Force the tabs of the male snap into
the mark on the left and the tabs of
the female snap into the mark on
the right.

7. Snip matching holes into the small

squares of quilt batting or felt and
push the tabs through. The batting or
felt lends the purse fabric a bit of body
in an area where the purse will get
constant use.
Place washer then bend tabs toward
each other using pliers, cover with a
small bit of scrap material, and hammer
the snap tabs firmly closed. A good tap
will do it.

8. Revert to the BERNINA Standard Foot #1 and regular machine sewing thread.

9. Fold the Purse Top in half, right sides together, and sew into a loop.

10. Fold the Purse Top circle in half lengthwise, wrong sides together, raw edges even.
Using a pressing cloth, iron the top (folded) edge of the Purse Top.

11. Switch to the BERNINA Edgestitch Foot #10 and a topstitch thread. Place the needle
in the proper orientation (left or right) as needed to edgestitch along the folded edge of
the Purse Top.

12. The snaps now indicate the wrong side of the Purse Top. Set aside.

13. Construct the Purse
Align the ½” seam allowance notch of the
embossed dupioni Purse Side Front to the
corresponding notch of the denim Main
Purse piece (each notch is indicated by
an additional marking and a dash mark).
Pin in place.
Tip: Remember to pin the right sides
of the fabrics together. The Purse Side
Fronts will be pinned to the middle of the
Main Purse and turned outward after they
are sewn in place.

14. Attach the Seam Guide to the

back of the BERNINA Standard Foot
#1; adjust as needed to indicate a
½” seam allowance. Sew embossed
dupioni Purse Side Front to denim
Main piece.

15. Repeat with opposite Purse Side Front.

16. Fold Purse Side Fronts to the sides and finger press open.

17. Switch to the BERNINA Edgestitch Foot #10, Topstitch needle foot and top stitch
thread. Place needle in proper orientation (right or left) to edgestitch the Purse Side Fronts.

18. Edgestitch both Purse Side Fronts.

19. Fold the Main Purse in half lengthwise; pin.

20. Change to Standard Foot #1 and Seam Guide. Sew the outside edges using a
½” seam allowance. Zigzag or overcast raw edges.

21. Fold the Main Purse base into a
“duck bill” shape, making sure the
seam is vertically aligned.

Make a mark 2” from the point of the

duck bill.

22. Extend line from fold to fold.

23. Straight stitch along the

marked line.

24. Fold the lining material in half
lengthwise. Sew both side seams,
leaving a 6” opening on one side.
Zigzag or overcast raw edges; do not
zigzag opening closed.

Follow steps 9 through 12 to finish the

purse lining. Turn lining right side out.
Set aside.

25. Complete the Purse

Pin tucks on each side of the Main
Purse piece toward one another,
aligning notches.
Wedge straps between markings on
the Purse Top and Main Purse. Pin.
Sew using a ½” seam allowance.

26. Open Purse Top completely.

Switch to the BERNINA Edgestitch

Foot #10 and topstitch thread. Move
the needle all the way to the left.

Topstitch the Main Purse to the

Purse Top.

27. Turn the purse inside out.

Revert to the BERNINA Standard #1

Foot and sewing machine thread.

Pin the tucks in the purse lining toward

one another, aligning notches.

Insert the lining into the Main Purse,

right sides together. Pin the lining to the
Purse Top, right sides together.

28. Stitch together using a

½” seam allowance.

29. Turn the bag right side out through

the opening in the lining.

Turn under the ½” seam allowances

along the opening in the lining.

30. Sew the opening in the
lining closed.

31. Insert the lining into the purse

body and open out the bottom
corners. Press using a pressing
cloth, if necessary.

Bonus Project
No purse is complete without a matching
pouch to tuck a lipstick and tiny mirror.
Texture and shine with a zippy red
zipper, details that enable you to learn
about topstitching while showing you
how to install a zipper with no fuss.
Download the instructions at http://www.

Melanie Testa for Sewing Republic

Source List:
B and J Fabrics, 525 Seventh Ave., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10018 (212) 354-8150
Greenberg and Hammer, 535 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10018 (800) 955-5135

In order to use this pattern, please print this page
out first and follow all instructions carefully.

1. Print this page. Be sure that you print at 100% scale.

If you printer has a box that says “print scaling” please
make sure it is unchecked. You can also print this pattern
as draft quality to save ink.

2. After you print this page make sure of two things:

First, make sure you see all sides of the red outlined
border. If you don’t see them, then your printer will need
to be adjusted so that the whole border fits on the page.
Second, measure the test line on this page. It should be
exactly 6” in length.

Test Line (should measure 6”)

If this is good, you are ready to print the whole pattern!

Once you have printed the whole pattern, cut along the
red lines and lay the pieces out in a grid format as seen
in the example below: R1P1 = Row 1 Page 1, etc.

R1 P1


R1 P2

R1 P3

R1 P4

R1 P5




R2 P1


R2 P2

R2 P3

R2 P4

R2 P5



R3 P1

R3 P2

1 3/8”


R3 P3





R3 P4


R3 P5

R4 P1

R4 P2


R4 P3



R4 P4

R4 P5

R5 P1

R5 P2

R5 P3

R5 P4

R5 P5


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