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Can you define editing?

The process of selecting and preparing film media used to convey information. 

Tutor definition...

Film editing is the art, technique, and practise of assembling shots into a coherent 

Developments in Editing Technology

What was the first editing machine?

The Moviola  

What was the first video recorder?

The VTR 1000 

What is linear editing?

What is non-linear editing?

List the pioneers of editing and what their contribution was...

Pioneer(s) Contribution

Lumiere Brothers The Lumiere brothers were some of the first filmmakers

but did not engage in any real film editing rather they

used static shots.

Georges Méliès Georges Méliès was one of the first cinemagicians,

experimenting in special effects and focusing on

building narratives.

Edwin S Porter In his acclaimed movie The Great Train Robbery, Porter

used cross cutting (or parallel editing) to show what

occurs in two different places. Though Porter didn t use

the technique to its full potential, he was responsible

for introducing the concept to the American cinema,

allowing others to build on it.

D W Griffith Where Porter had sparingly and cautiously cut a couple

of times to break up some of his scenes into discrete


shots, or parts-of-scenes, Griffith took a much livelier

hand in cutting up his scenes, typically shooting

different moments of the unfolding action from a

variety of different angles and camera distances.

Kuleshov Kuleshov experimented and discovered that the

audience derive more meaning through the sequence

of images by applying emotional connections rather

than through the actual performance.

Eisenstein Eisenstein took the work of Griffith and Kuleshov one

step further and used it to create powerful montages to

manipulate audience emotions and views.

La Nouvelle Vogue La Nouvelle Vogue (the French New Wave) directors

took the rules that had clearly been established and

enforced through classical Hollywood and broke them

all to create fresh new editing styles and techniques

such as the jump cut and breaking the 180 degree rule.

What are the purposes of editing?

Purpose Explanation

Time Speed up, slow down, compress time, stretch time,

flashbacks, flash forwards, to fit a specified running

time, to control time within the narrative.

Space Creating a logical and believable space between

characters or objects not sharing the same shot.

Rhythm The duration of shots controls the flow and beat of

the moving image production, which allows the

audience to understand the message or story.

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