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Vikrant & Group from Class VIII - A

Save Trees Cutted Trees
Today, when environment is being polluted so rigorously,
everyone has only one question on his / her lips and mind that is
how to save environment from being polluted. How to protect
earth from disaster? The strongest way to protect environment
is save trees. Trees are one of the main creations of God that
play an important role to keep air clean. If there will be no fresh
air available then how human beings, animal, and birds survive;
therefore, a clean environment is the need for every living
object on this earth. Many big organizations, schools, colleges,
and NGOs are taking initiatives to save trees for a better
future, clean air, and unpolluted environment, in short healthy
life for living objects.

One of the biggest initiatives to save trees is taken by Idea

Cellular Ltd. - a part of Aditya Birla Group. Today, trees are
being cut with a great speed for full filling daily needs of human
beings. It is true that we need to cut trees for our daily needs
but cutting trees in such a furious way is leading towards a
disaster. You might have noticed that as the number of trees is
reducing; disasters are being continuously increasing, which is
ultimately leading into high death rate. A big part of the trees
is cut to make paper to help us do our personal and official
works. If the use of paper will be minimized then we can save a
large number of trees from being cut, which leads into healthy
and clean environment that is fresh air and healthy life.
Oxygen-Cycle Oxygen Chart
Garbage of Plastic Bags Plastics in the Oceans
Every year, around 500
billion (500000000000)
plastic bags are used
worldwide. So many that
over one million bags are
being used every minute
and they're damaging our
(Environmental Cosmos)

There’s no doubt that water is important. Not only do we humans
use it just about every day, but every living thing needs it to
live. It has helped form the Earth as we know it, and it covers
over 70% of the Earth. Even where there is land, much of it is
covered in ice, which is obviously just solid water. The importance
of water is clear to us in many ways, and we can’t overlook it.
Where would people be without water? Well aside from, you know,
not being alive, we may never have evolved the big brains that
make us such a unique species. Some say that that learning how to
keep, and transport water over land was the key to our survival
when other similar species just kept dying off.

Water is a precious natural resource
that is often taken for granted. The
Greater Dublin Region consumes 110
million gallons (500MI) of drinking
water per day. This puts an enormous
strain on the water supply to meet an
ever-increasing demand. To help you
ease the strain and save this precious
resource, here are a few tips on how to
save water around your home, office or

The environmental impact of pesticides is often greater than what is intended by
those who use them. Over 98% of sprayed insecticides and 95% of herbicides
reach a destination other than their target species, including nontarget species, air,
water, bottom sediments, and food. Though there can be benefits using pesticides,
inappropriate use can counterproductively increase pest resistance and kill the
natural enemies of pests. Many users are inadequately informed about potential
short and long-term risks, and the necessary precautions in the correct application
of such toxic chemicals are not always made. Pesticides can contaminate
unintended land and water when they are sprayed aerially or allowed to run off
fields, or when they escape from production sites and storage tanks or are
inappropriately discarded.
 We are destroying the ocean & polluting
the air by making & using plastic bags.
 We are polluting the ocean by throwing
 We are polluting the air, soil & ocean by
using pesticides & Chemicals.
By :
Vikrant, Siddhesh (P), Grishma, Bhumi & Saurabh.

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