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Adjective order

Task 1: Put the following adjectives in the right order.

1. Our school is in a _______________________________ (big, old, rectangular) building.

2. We have ____________________________ (English, interesting, two) classes this week.

3. We have ______________________________ (a few, tasteless, tiny) hot dogs for dinner.

4. We drink some ____________________________ (American, orange, sweet) lemonade.

5. We meet a group of ________________________________ (five, smart, young) authors.

6. Today, we have a ______________________________ (difficult, extensive, math) exam.

7. We are selling our _____________________________________ (broken, tiny, ugly) car.

8. We can see _________________________________ (ancient, circular, several) menhirs.

9. They sell ____________________________________ (colourful, round, southern) cacti.

10. We are looking for ___________________________________ (fresh, red, some) apples.

11. This restaurant had _____________________________ (Atlantic, delicious, some) crabs.

12. Aunt Lucy bought an ___________________________ (antique, rocking, wooden) chair.

13. Jason wrote a _______________________________________ (horror, long, new) novel.

14. Ansgar joined an _________________________________ (ambitious, rich, soccer) team.

15. Kim directed an __________________________ (acclaimed, modern, international) film.

16. Alex watched the ____________________________________ (blue, northern, pale) sky.

17. Tony survived a ___________________________________ (big, electric, violent) storm.

18. Mary fell in love with a _______________________ (good-looking, tall, strapping) man.

19. Sean owns an _________________________________(imported, orange, precious) carp.

20. Mel got a ______________________________________ (canopy, massive, square) bed.

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