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Makeba Noble

SOC 200
Dr. Sinkowsky
September 27, 2016
Culture and Honor Killing

Honor killing is a term used to describe the killing of a relative, particularly women or girls, who
have seemingly brought dishonor to their family. The topic of honor killing has become a hot subjecting
recent years due to mass media and the advent of social media. What most people fail to realize about
honor killing is that it is not a part of any specific religion, it is a part of a culture, which in many cases is
radical culture. Honor killing has become synonymous with Islamic culture, as many countries that have
had honor killing cases are governed either under Sharia Law or an Islamic state. While most cases do
come from an Islamic state, this does not mean that only Islamic countries commit honor killings. It is
stated in the Qu’ran that committing female infanticide or any killing of a women or daughter is a sin.
Daughters are a gift from Allah, and to kill them or humiliate them is a sign of ignorance and forbidden in
Islam. Prophet Muhammad brought this reform to Arabia, because he thought that killing one’s daughter
is like killing mankind.
The majority of honor killings have been done outside the US, but in recent years honor killing
cases have arisen across various states. Homicide and murder are both serious offenses in the US, and
honor killing is an act of murder. Bringing these radicalized cultural practices hurt not only the family,
but the image of the culture as well. Islamic culture is very peaceful and giving, but is often tainted by the
thousands of honor killing that happen not only in the Middle East, but in other countries where Islam is a
dominant religion. Because culture is interpreted differently, some people in the same culture view honor
killing as a good thing and also as a horrible thing to do to one’s daughter.
A major issue to many people who first here about honor killing is thinking that it only happens
in Islamic culture. In Hindu culture, some families commit honor killings when their daughter’s marry
outside their caste. In Chrisitan culture, adultery often led to honor killings and even shame, like in the
book The Scarlett Letter. The burning of Joanne the Arc is another form honor killing due to the Church
accusing her of being a heretic, when she actually predicted the next incoming war for the church. Also,
crimes of passion is also considered a type of honor killing, where a significant other, usually a wife, is
killed by her spouse because she committed adultery or was suspected of committing adultery.

Honor Killing by Region/Country

I. India
A. Honor killings occur mostly in Hindu communities both in India and Pakistan.
B. Due to their poorly developed justice system in rural areas, often times when women report honor
based violence and/or other other types of domestic violence, the tribal jirga or caste panchayat
may order honor based violence against the women.
C. This legal system can order death upon women for honor based crimes, and force young girls to
marry older men to restore honor and equilibrium to the family.
II. Afghanistan
A. While there are “laws” that are put in place to “protect” women from honor killing, when brought
to court, customary law is usually used in courts that review cases of violence against women.
B. The use of customary law by judges in Afghanistan is prevalent despite the movement for reform
due to the fact that most judges do not have a proper law degree, or even a high school degree.
C. The use of customary law trumps Sharia law and even civl law, because the judges are allowed to
interpret and dish out the law the way they see fit.
III. Middle East and North Africa
A. Countries such as Syria and Palestine have laws and minimum sentences for individuals who
have committed honor killings and other honor-based violence.
B. The sanctions for these laws are not governed by Sharia law, but by Napoleonic code which
allowed such honor killings to occur in the first place.
C. The minimum sentence law is often overlooked by individuals who have money and/or status,
which is why most of the time the amount of minimum sentencing is attributed to the “honor” of
a person or family.
IV. United States
A. Crimes of passion are the more prevalent type of honor-based violence, which is usually seen
among individuals of non-Islamic faith. However, some do commit honor killings.
B. Honor killings have been spotted around the US, not because of Islam but because of the
radicalized Islamic culture.
C. Since honor killing is murder, those who charged with the crime are sentenced to jail time, unlike
in other countries where if the women survives she is sentenced to jail. The justice system of the
US sometimes caters to the victims.

Works Cited
Nordland, Rod. "In Spite of the Law, Afghan ‘Honor Killings’ of Women Continue." The New York
Times. The New York Times, 03 May 2014. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

Region, By. "Honour Killings By Region." International Honour Based Violence Resource Centre RSS.
Fuuse, n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

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