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EARS NOTES Name: Daphne,Rohana,Jakob


(Straight from the text) (“This means...”) Explain in your (What is the topic?) Which (Where did I get this?) Be
own words category would it go under? specific.

Think about Sacramento’s past and  Though the Gold Rush was a main  Gold Rush   
the Gold Rush comes to mind. But  part of Sacramento’s history.That is 
“Sacramento History Museum.” 
that’s only part of the story.  not all that happened.  Brand​, 

There will be hundreds of riders  The Pony Express carried mail all over  Pony Express   
and horses that will be carrying  the United States over 10 day course.    Sacramento, City of. “Pony Express 
mail over a ten day course on  It was the fastest way to    Gallops Again in Anniversary Ride across
mail/packages across.    the U.S.” C
​ ity Express​, 25 June 
the Pony Express National    2015,
Historic Trail.    nniversary-ride-across-the-u-s/#0. 

Sacramento is the capital of the  The capital of California is  Capital  “History.” C
​ ity of Sacramento Word 
State of California, the county seat  Sacramento. It is the central city for  Politics?  Treatment​,
for Sacramento County and the  the four-county Sacramento  How Sacramento is now.  ut/History. 
central city for the four-county  Metropolitian Area and the county 
Sacramento Metropolitan Area.  seat for Sacramento County 

In 1839 a Swiss immigrant named J​ ohn  A land grant was given to a Swiss  Sutters Fort  California State Parks, State of 
Sutter​ received a land grant in the  immigrant in 1839. He used this land  Sacramento History  California. “Sutter''s Fort SHP.” ​CA 
Sacramento Valley from the Mexican  State Parks​, 
to create an empire named New 
government. He used the land to create 
a flourishing agricultural empire and  Helvetia. This man was named John 
named it New Helvetia (New  Sutter. 
In 1862, the Pacific Railroad Act chartered  The Pacific Railroad Act invited the Central  Transcontinential railroad   
the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific  Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad  Building  
Railroad Companies, and tasked them  companies, they gave them a simple task: to Staff. “Transcontinenta
with building a transcontinental railroad  build a transcontinential railroad that would  Railroad.” H
​​, A&E 
that would link the United States from  connect the United States from east to west.  Television Networks, 2010, 
east to west.  This all happened in 1862.

Sam Brannan, from Representative  Sam Brannan was a very important  Sam Brannan   
and Leading Men of the Pacific Coast  man and shaped a lot of  “Latter-Day Scoundrel Sam 
(1870), edited by Oscar T. Shuck.  sacramento’s history.  Brannan.” H
​ istoryNet​, 19 Oct. 2016,

In 1853 a mammoth project was proposed  A big and expensive project was  Early Sacramento Waterfront   “More...” O
​ ld Sacramento | History​, 
to raise the city above the flood level. The  proposed for Sacramento. But it was 
ambitious and expensive proposal was not 
not accepted until another flood  .  
fully accepted until another devastating 
flood swept through the city in 1862.   destroyed the city.  

At one time the absolute ruler of what  One day a man named John Sutter  John Sutter    
amounted to a private kingdom along the  decided to buy a piece of land along  The start of the Gold Rush 
Sacramento River, John Sutter saw his  PBS​, Public Broadcasting Service, 
immense wealth and power overrun in the 
the Sacramento River. He believed
world's rush to pick California clean of  this river had what he needed to  _z/sutter.htm. 
gold.  become more powerful than ever 
Most people do not think of Slavery in Sacramento, is probably  Start of Slavery in  “Slavery In Sacramento.” ​Midtown 
Sacramento when discussing the something very unusual to hear  Sacramento  Monthly RSS​, 
history of slavery, but during the
Gold Rush, enslaved human beings
about in Sacramento. With it’s  Gold Rush  ery-in-sacramento/. 
worked for their owners here in happy,cuddly personality it’s 
California.  something that doesn’t really fit. 

Think about Sacramento’s past There are many things that shaped Gold rush “Sacramento History Museum.”
and the Gold Rush comes to the history of sacramento that Brand​,
mind. But that’s only part of the people do not know about other
story. than the gold rush

The California State Legislature Back in the gold rush times people Capital city “History.” ​City of Sacramento
officially moved to Sacramento in 1854 were unsure where to put the Word Treatment​,
and at the 1879 Constitutional
Convention, Sacramento was named
capital, but eventually decided out
the permanent State Capital. upon sacramento.

In 1850 Sacramento experienced its Early sacremento was experiencing Early floods “Sacramento History.” ​Sacramento
first devastating flood, and another one many severe floods, which raised Gold Rush Days - Labor Day
in 1852. ​It became apparent that Weekend​,
drastic measures would need to be
cause for architectural
taken if the city was to be saved. improvement to save the city. ramento-history/.

Gold Rush newcomers are unhappy about Eary Sacramento was in Early cities troubeled times Sacramento History Online​,
Sutter's land titles and the result are the
"Squatter's Riots. " The climax of these riots uncertainty during the chaotic flood
is a gun fight at the corner of 4th and J times during the beginning of the
Streets in Sacramento. Victims of these riots cities founding.
include both the city's sheriff and mayor.
The City’s waterfront location made it Due to the cities flooding, the Floods “History.” ​City of Sacramento
extremely vulnerable to flooding. After people rose the city A WHOLE Word Treatment​,
two seasons of severe flooding, an
ambitious project to raise the entire
STORY to prevent more flooding
downtown was proposed. A third destruction.
devastating flood made this proposal a
reality, and thousands of cubic yards of
dirt were brought in by wagon to raise
the entire city one story. The original
street level can still be seen throughout
Old Sacramento under boardwalks and
in some basements.

What was then called Sutter’s Early Sacramento was a trading Early city “More...” ​Old Sacramento |
Embarcadero was soon known as the post before a city History​,
City of Sacramento. The city rapidly
grew into a trading center for miners
outfitting themselves for the gold fields.

Between the 1920’s and 1940’s the Sacramento was a relatively small Early expansion in the city “History.” ​City of Sacramento
population of the city continued to grow; town for over 65 years, until it Word Treatment​,
however, the geographical area of the
city remained the same until the end of
began expanding during WW2
World War II when the city began
annexing surrounding areas in the

Adventurous ambition was truly The pony express really brang Pony Express “Sacramento History.” ​Sacramento
people together, not only from the Gold Rush Days - Labor Day
crystallized by the riders for the Pony Weekend​,
mail being delivered, but also the
Express. A monument stands in Old
community members who ramento-history/.
Sacramento honoring the dare-deviled volunteered to serve.
orphans who conquered the challenging
trip from St. Louis, Missouri, to its
western terminus in Sacramento

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