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NIRM : 1503035


/DESIGN=KP Waktu KP*Waktu.

2 Univariate Analysis of Variance


Output Created 22-DEC-2017 21:06:14

Input Active Dataset DataSet0
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data File 90
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as
Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with valid
data for all variables in the model.
Syntax UNIANOVA Suhu BY KP Waktu
/DESIGN=KP Waktu KP*Waktu.
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.08

Elapsed Time 00:00:00.25

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

KP 1 KBKS 12,5% 18

2 KBKS 25% 18

3 KBKS 50% 18

4 KONTROL (+) 18

5 KONTROL (-) 18
Waktu 1 M30 15

2 M60 15

3 M90 15

4 M120 15

5 M150 15

6 M180 15

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: Suhu

KP Waktu Mean Std. Deviation N

KBKS 12,5% M30 35.433 .7024 3

M60 35.267 .2082 3

M90 35.100 .1000 3

M120 34.767 .0577 3

M150 34.567 .0577 3

M180 34.400 .2000 3

Total 34.922 .4660 18

KBKS 25% M30 35.633 .3215 3
M60 34.900 .3000 3
M90 34.567 .2517 3
M120 34.367 .2887 3
M150 34.200 .4583 3
M180 34.200 .1000 3
Total 34.644 .5783 18
KBKS 50% M30 35.733 .1528 3
M60 35.333 .3786 3
M90 34.933 .2082 3
M120 34.200 .3000 3
M150 34.133 .0577 3
M180 34.000 .1732 3
Total 34.722 .7034 18
KONTROL (+) M30 35.100 .5568 3
M60 34.533 .3786 3
M90 34.400 .1732 3
M120 34.400 .2646 3
M150 33.667 .9866 3
M180 33.767 .1528 3
Total 34.311 .6552 18
KONTROL (-) M30 36.533 .6429 3
M60 35.267 .8021 3
M90 35.367 .3055 3
M120 35.233 .6429 3
M150 36.367 .5686 3
M180 35.033 .3055 3
Total 35.633 .7738 18
Total M30 35.687 .6589 15

M60 35.060 .5011 15

M90 34.873 .4079 15

M120 34.593 .4906 15

M150 34.587 1.0736 15

M180 34.280 .4769 15

Total 34.847 .7694 90

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa

Dependent Variable: Suhu

F df1 df2 Sig.

2.913 29 60 .000

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the

dependent variable is equal across groups.
a. Design: Intercept + KP + Waktu + KP * Waktu

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Suhu

Type III Sum of

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 42.651a 29 1.471 8.795 .000

Intercept 109286.116 1 109286.116 653538.235 .000
KP 17.420 4 4.355 26.043 .000
Waktu 18.071 5 3.614 21.613 .000
KP * Waktu 7.160 20 .358 2.141 .012
Error 10.033 60 .167
Total 109338.800 90
Corrected Total 52.684 89

a. R Squared = .810 (Adjusted R Squared = .718)

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Suhu

Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval

(I) Waktu (J) Waktu (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

Tukey HSD M30 M60 .627* .1493 .001 .187 1.066

M90 .813 .1493 .000 .374 1.253
M120 1.093* .1493 .000 .654 1.533
M150 1.100 .1493 .000 .660 1.540

M180 1.407* .1493 .000 .967 1.846

M60 M30 -.627 .1493 .001 -1.066 -.187

M90 .187 .1493 .810 -.253 .626

M120 .467 .1493 .031 .027 .906

M150 .473* .1493 .028 .034 .913

M180 .780 .1493 .000 .340 1.220

M90 M30 -.813* .1493 .000 -1.253 -.374

M60 -.187 .1493 .810 -.626 .253

M120 .280 .1493 .427 -.160 .720

M150 .287 .1493 .400 -.153 .726

M180 .593* .1493 .003 .154 1.033

M120 M30 -1.093 .1493 .000 -1.533 -.654

M60 -.467* .1493 .031 -.906 -.027

M90 -.280 .1493 .427 -.720 .160

M150 .007 .1493 1.000 -.433 .446

M180 .313 .1493 .302 -.126 .753

M150 M30 -1.100* .1493 .000 -1.540 -.660

M60 -.473 .1493 .028 -.913 -.034

M90 -.287 .1493 .400 -.726 .153

M120 -.007 .1493 1.000 -.446 .433

M180 .307 .1493 .325 -.133 .746

M180 M30 -1.407 .1493 .000 -1.846 -.967

M60 -.780* .1493 .000 -1.220 -.340

M90 -.593 .1493 .003 -1.033 -.154

M120 -.313 .1493 .302 -.753 .126

M150 -.307 .1493 .325 -.746 .133

Bonferroni M30 M60 .627 .1493 .001 .170 1.083

M90 .813* .1493 .000 .357 1.270

M120 1.093 .1493 .000 .637 1.550

M150 1.100* .1493 .000 .643 1.557

M180 1.407 .1493 .000 .950 1.863

M60 M30 -.627* .1493 .001 -1.083 -.170

M90 .187 .1493 1.000 -.270 .643

M120 .467* .1493 .041 .010 .923
M150 .473 .1493 .036 .017 .930

M180 .780* .1493 .000 .323 1.237

M90 M30 -.813 .1493 .000 -1.270 -.357

M60 -.187 .1493 1.000 -.643 .270

M120 .280 .1493 .985 -.177 .737

M150 .287 .1493 .895 -.170 .743

M180 .593 .1493 .003 .137 1.050

M120 M30 -1.093* .1493 .000 -1.550 -.637

M60 -.467 .1493 .041 -.923 -.010

M90 -.280 .1493 .985 -.737 .177

M150 .007 .1493 1.000 -.450 .463

M180 .313 .1493 .601 -.143 .770

M150 M30 -1.100 .1493 .000 -1.557 -.643

M60 -.473* .1493 .036 -.930 -.017

M90 -.287 .1493 .895 -.743 .170

M120 -.007 .1493 1.000 -.463 .450

M180 .307 .1493 .665 -.150 .763

M180 M30 -1.407* .1493 .000 -1.863 -.950

M60 -.780 .1493 .000 -1.237 -.323

M90 -.593* .1493 .003 -1.050 -.137

M120 -.313 .1493 .601 -.770 .143

M150 -.307 .1493 .665 -.763 .150

Based on observed means.

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .167.
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

Homogeneous Subsets


Waktu N 1 2 3 4
Tukey HSD M180 15 34.280

M150 15 34.587 34.587

M120 15 34.593 34.593

M90 15 34.873 34.873

M60 15 35.060
M30 15 35.687

Sig. .302 .400 .810 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .167.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 15.000.
b. Alpha = .05.

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Suhu

Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval

(I) KP (J) KP (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

Tukey HSD KBKS 12,5% KBKS 25% .278 .1363 .261 -.106 .661

KBKS 50% .200 .1363 .587 -.183 .583

KONTROL (+) .611 .1363 .000 .228 .994

KONTROL (-) -.711* .1363 .000 -1.094 -.328

KBKS 25% KBKS 12,5% -.278 .1363 .261 -.661 .106

KBKS 50% -.078 .1363 .979 -.461 .306

KONTROL (+) .333 .1363 .117 -.050 .717

KONTROL (-) -.989* .1363 .000 -1.372 -.606

KBKS 50% KBKS 12,5% -.200 .1363 .587 -.583 .183

KBKS 25% .078 .1363 .979 -.306 .461

KONTROL (+) .411 .1363 .030 .028 .794

KONTROL (-) -.911* .1363 .000 -1.294 -.528

KONTROL (+) KBKS 12,5% -.611 .1363 .000 -.994 -.228

KBKS 25% -.333 .1363 .117 -.717 .050

KBKS 50% -.411 .1363 .030 -.794 -.028

KONTROL (-) -1.322* .1363 .000 -1.706 -.939

KONTROL (-) KBKS 12,5% .711 .1363 .000 .328 1.094
KBKS 25% .989* .1363 .000 .606 1.372
KBKS 50% .911 .1363 .000 .528 1.294

KONTROL (+) 1.322* .1363 .000 .939 1.706

Bonferroni KBKS 12,5% KBKS 25% .278 .1363 .460 -.120 .675

KBKS 50% .200 .1363 1.000 -.197 .597

KONTROL (+) .611* .1363 .000 .214 1.008

KONTROL (-) -.711 .1363 .000 -1.108 -.314

KBKS 25% KBKS 12,5% -.278 .1363 .460 -.675 .120

KBKS 50% -.078 .1363 1.000 -.475 .320

KONTROL (+) .333 .1363 .174 -.064 .731

KONTROL (-) -.989 .1363 .000 -1.386 -.592

KBKS 50% KBKS 12,5% -.200 .1363 1.000 -.597 .197

KBKS 25% .078 .1363 1.000 -.320 .475

KONTROL (+) .411* .1363 .038 .014 .808

KONTROL (-) -.911 .1363 .000 -1.308 -.514

KONTROL (+) KBKS 12,5% -.611* .1363 .000 -1.008 -.214

KBKS 25% -.333 .1363 .174 -.731 .064

KBKS 50% -.411* .1363 .038 -.808 -.014

KONTROL (-) -1.322 .1363 .000 -1.720 -.925

KONTROL (-) KBKS 12,5% .711* .1363 .000 .314 1.108

KBKS 25% .989 .1363 .000 .592 1.386

KBKS 50% .911* .1363 .000 .514 1.308

KONTROL (+) 1.322 .1363 .000 .925 1.720

Based on observed means.

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .167.
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

Homogeneous Subsets


KP N 1 2 3

Tukey HSDa,b KONTROL (+) 18 34.311

KBKS 25% 18 34.644 34.644

KBKS 50% 18 34.722

KBKS 12,5% 18 34.922

KONTROL (-) 18 35.633

Sig. .117 .261 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .167.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 18.000.
b. Alpha = .05.


3. Dari hasil pengolahan data diatas yang di uji, didapatkan signifikansi sebesar 0,012. yang berarti berbeda signifiksn

Pengujian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada relasi atau hubungan antara kelompok perlakuan yakni Ekstrak KBBS dengan waktu (menit ke 60-180). Dengan hipotesis untuk
kasus ini adalah H0 = tidak ada hubungan antara kelompok perlakuan dan waktu, dan H1 = ada hubungan antara kelompok perlakuan dan waktu.

Jika pengujian ini probabilitasnya <0,05 maka H0 ditolak. Sedangkan jika probabilitas >0,05 maka H0 diterima.

dan di hasil pengujian ini terlihat bahwa F hitung adalah 2.141 dengan probabilitas 0,012. Karena probabilitas < 0,05 maka H¬0 ditolak,tidak ada interaksi atau ada hubungan antara
Kelompok perlakuan dan waktu.

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