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Swimming as a sport comes from the 19th century, the practice of this sport, the creation
of scenarios for his correct teaching has increased over the years, the interaction of man
with water dates back to many years ago, swimming through the years is of It as Olympic
sport and became part of military training and the daily life of millions of people.
Daily sports in general become part of each one of the world's people, passion, for health,
swimming is the sport, but the interaction with the water is part of our lives.
From the year 5000 BC, refers to swimming as a means of survival (Lewillie, 1983), after
the Greece appears in the history can see the inclusion of swimming in the education of
Greeks (Lewin, 1979;) Rodriguez, 1997), then appears at the Olympics in Athens 1980
and is also present in the recovery of the athletes. After many years of practice are the
styles of swimming.
1. the crawl.
Born with rudimentary swimming crawl, around Central magnificent from the year 1840,
characterized by swimming on the side, underwater swimming, is considered a shift in
water with the body in a similar position to the of the I crawl, alternate hands for water
entering also known as freestyle.
There is many evidence for style crawl 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, etc.
2. the back.
It begins with the swimming on the back of the body in 1912, appears the espalda-crol, is
considered displacement on the dorsal part of the body alternating the entry of arms into
the water.
There are different tests for the style back 50m, 100m, 200 m.
3. the breaststroke
Begins with the action of the thrust of the lower limbs fully extended and with much
clearance in 1924, introduced some variants, is the displacement of the body in position
upside down, with the arms to the front, opening by aligning them with shoulders and legs
There are different tests for the style back 50m, 100m, 200 m.
4. the butterfly
Begins as the variant of the breaststroke in 1953 separates the breaststroke butterfly, is
considered the shift in position mouth down carrying the arms to the front and back
together at the same time.
There are different tests for the style back 50m, 100m, 200 m.
At the level of health, swimming can practice to help people with low physical state or
those with injuries on knees or tips, since the impact into the water is minimal and helps
with the reduction of tension in the bones currently you can find activities such as aquatic
Swimming to porta cardiopulmonary resistance, stimulates circulation, helps to maintain
stable blood pressure, improves body posture, develops flexibility, relieves tension,
positive mood, anxiety, self-esteem improves.
Swimming to evolved since time BC and became an Olympic sport, creating competencies
and requirements to the athletes. Swimming is considered a sport of low impact to the
bones by the change of gravity upon entering the water. Support on the part of health lung,
blood, and to control the envelope weight.

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