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Stage Set-up

Number of risers 5
Placement on stage
On Stage piano- yes
Mics- choir hanging microphones
2 microphones on stands
1 microphone for piano monitor
Sound Monitors- yes. Amplifying piano for choir

Back drop/Skrim- Ursuline/ Jerry’s Choice

Props/scenery- None
Moves during show (including intermission)- chorus on and off in first half for small ensemble
pieces. Also one change of position for hail holy queen that I will cover with final “thank you

Band Set-up (onstage)

Number of Stands- 6
Number of Chairs- 6
Conductors box- yes.

Scrim and lighting*.
Chorus Lighting*
Where are you standing and when*

*I’m leaving all lighting things up to you

When and where does the curtain open and close- Definitely in the logical places.
Beginning/End, Intermission. It may close during the small ensemble transition for a curtain

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