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There’s nothing I enjoy more than a glass of cold milk.

It really stimulates the senses…is what

people would normally say, right? Well, in truth, it just gives me a moment of feeling accomplished
when I finish a glass. It just makes me feel like I’m healthy and strong and ready to go for another round
of…whatever. There is, however many incorrect times to drink said glass of milk. In the shower, while
kissing a loved one, while holding a monkey dressed up like Michael Jackson. All of these are very bad
times to drink a glass of milk. However, when you drink it while in a fight, generally you are in the
deepest hole you will ever fall in. And at the end of it, normally your milk carton or bottle is spilled…and
you get really angry at someone. Yeah, that’s a bad time.

“Hey! Watch it you! If you try to kick me once more, I’d say you were looking for a fight!”
Oh...well that man was a genius, now that I look back at it. I swear, people these days have two marbles
rolling around in their head these days that occasionally meet and put forth a rational comment! The
fight started, and I watched the so called “strongest man underground” (a fancy term for “illegal group
that plays by their own rules and keeps their activities to themselves under the radar”) You can see why
it’s “underground” instead come to think of it. Anyway, I watched this man in hopes of maybe getting a
chance to remember being at full throttle in the power engine, and was severely disappointed. He was
strong all right, but clumsy and awkward. So of course I got bored! Then I got thirsty, so as he was trying
to wrench himself free from some er…iron bars…I took out a carton of milk from my recent store run,
and drank some of it.

Oh, he freed himself all right, and I was only paying attention to the smiling cow on the carton
when he came barreling at me, so I really had no choice in the matter. It was time to embrace my super
freaky awesome ability. Not to be modest or anything. In the next second, there was a sudden cow in
front of me that looked very real, and almost too much like the one on the milk carton. Well, that was
me. I brought drawn images alive in a thing that most represented what they were. Like cartoons would
appear as though they were real people, but it was also dangerous. If it represented any real person,
that person would be brought there. And objects. Like if there were guns or something on a paper, I
could make them come “alive” too.

So the man came rushing at me like Michael Jackson after a small chi- oh he’s dead. Okay, like an
Olympic athlete towards their goal. He came at me only to have his face thrust into the belly of a very
disgruntled cow. Now both animals were confused. I used that opportunity to run like the big bad wolf. a less furry way.

Later, that man woke up with a rather large headache, due to having passed out when he ran
full force into a cow that got angry at him. Needless to say he was not a happy person. However, he was
joined by men that were poking the cow, literally. I would like to say they all looked cool in expensive
suits, but in reality they were trying to “blend in.” Frankly they looked like damned fools. Anyway, each
of them carried their own weight into the world, but what they were carefully concealing was that this
weight was burdened on muscles. Their sluggish movement was concealing the swift, silent movements
they made, and the sunglasses? The eyes…almost hungry for prey.
I relaxed as I entered the small apartment I rented, and sat on the small bed, thinking as I sipped
the milk. It really was only a matter of time before I was found…what would be the best way to leave in
the middle of the night, to change my name, to hide myself once more? Would it be easier to be
caught? No…no I must not think that…but what could I do? That cow was the last straw; they would
have found it by now. It would be better to move quickly…oh. Right. You don’t know about the
“Government of very revolutionalizing nim-wits” (apparently they couldn’t find a word for n…get it? It’s
an acronym. They were being clever. Hah…I’m kidding, it is actually Nationals. Not as funny though.)

G.O.V.E.R.N. is the new government that has united the world. However, each world currently
runs their own things. G.O.V.E.R.N just makes sure that it’s run in the way they want it to be run. The
real reason they have been sent through the population however, is because they have a mission to find
people like me. The people they have found currently are definitely not as cool as me, but still, people
that can do weird things like my manifestation of objects. I know this mostly because they’d been after
me a very long time.

It was rather easy for me to make getaways in fancy sports cars and things; there were more
pictures of them. How often is it you see a picture of an old, unremarkable, slow car? So basically, I’ve
been able to see them (they don’t blend in well) and then just hijack a car. This wouldn’t be as easy for
another person that manifests objects, but for me at least, I can control what I materialize.

These things were coursing through my head, repeating escapes, images, different people
flashing through my mind. After debating, I just fell asleep on the bed, not bothering to change.

And when I woke up?

They had come.

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