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1. Describe a band you enjoy listening to

o How did you find them
o What kind of music do they play
o When do you listen to them
o And say why you like them so much
1) Do you like the same music as your parents?
2) Is it better to go to a live concert or to listen to a CD/music player?
3) Where do you think people enjoy listening to music the most?
4) Do you think music is getting better as time goes on?

2. Describe a tourist attraction you once visited.

o When you visited it
o Where is it situated
o Who you went with
o and say what about it you like the most
1) Why do you think tourism is so developed now?
2) How people choose their destination?
3) Do you prefer travelling alone or in tour groups? Why?

3. Describe your friend.

 Who is he/she
 When did you meet
 Why is he/she so close to you
 what do you like about your friend the most

1) Do you think friendship is important nowadays?

2) What do you think is the best time to get new friends?
3) Is it important to stay in touch with your friends throughout the years?
4. Describe a place you like to eat at.

o Where is it
o What kind of food it serves
o Why do like its food
o and how often do you eat there

1) How can we make people eat healthier food?
2) Do you think people enjoy what they eat on a regular?
3) Do you think that cooking is a pleasure/burden for most people?

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