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Name: Stanciu Irina-Oana

Class: 6th
Level: intermediate
No of students: 10
School: Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Viile, Firtanesti
Lesson: Books and Libraries - revision
Textbook: English Factlife, Oxford University Press
Time: 50 min

2.3 Participarea la interactiuni orale pe subiecte familiar
3.1Extragerea unor informaţii generale si specifice dintr-un text citit în gând
4.3 Redactarea unor texte scurte pe teme familiare.
By the end of the lesson the S will be able to:
-Identify the main idea from a short text
-recognise different types of books
-use new words in sentences of their own
-write a brief sum up of a book students have read
-make the difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple
TEACHING TECHNIQUES: - question- answer, brainstorming, discussion, explanation
SKILLS: reading, listening, writing, speaking
INTERACTION: T – S; S-T; S – S, group work
MATERIALS: textbook ,grammar book, board, worksheets, flip-chart, markers, dictionaries
- some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and they may
also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
-some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they may need
more encouragement.
Warm Up /Activity 1: Lead-in
-to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere
Procedure: T greets the students verifies the absentees
- correcting the Homework
- T. announces the lesson i.e. Revision On Unit 5 Books And Libraries
Timing:3 min

Activity 2: Presentation & Practice

Aim: -developing speaking skills
–recognise different types of books
Procedure: T asks S to say the first words that come to their mind while thinking about books


T leads a discussion about books and reading:

-Do you read?
- Do you like books?
- What’s your favourite book?
- Why do you read?
- Why is reading important?
S answer the questions. T writes down the best answers
-we read for : information
pleasure/ enjoyment
homework/ schoolwork
- reading is important because:
we learn new/ interesting things
it develops our imagination and creativity
it develops our language skills
Timing:10 min
Interaction: T-S, S-T

Activity 3: Practice
-to develop S’ listening skills & to monitor understanding of the text
Procedure: - T gives S worksheets with exercises and they have to complete the first exercise
with the missing words they recognize while the teacher reads aloud the poem
- a student reads again the poem and the answers
S read silently ex2 from the worksheet and match the definitions with the words. S read the
answers and T corrects them if necessary. T asks the students to translate some words ex 4
worksheet and to make sentences with them thus showing they recognize their meaning
Timing:10 min
Interaction: T-S, pair work

Activity 4: Practice
Aim: -use new words in sentences of their own
-write a brief sum up of a book students have read
Procedure- -the students are asked to read the interview from ex.1/48 and to identify the most
important information in it, the idea is written down
-the students are asked to put down a few important ideas from a book they have read and to try
to make a brief sum-up of it- no more than ten sentences ; they can use dictionaries
- the group leaders read their sum-up
-the teacher corrects the mistakes if necessary
: Timing: 15 min
Interaction: T-S, S-T, individual work

Activity 5: Production
Aim: -make the difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple
Procedure: --the students are asked to explain the use of PRESENT PERFECT and PAST
SIMPLE in their own words
- the students are asked to form two groups (each group receives an envelope in which they’ll
have jumbled words that must be ordered to explain the two tenses; one group has THE
format sheet of paper the students glue together the words and after that they present it to the
class; the group that gets the words right gets bonus points for the activity)
- the students do exercise 3 on the worksheet

- at the end of the lesson every student receives a bookmark on which the words : “IF

Timing: 10 min
Interaction: T-S, group work

Homework assignment: 2 min T announces the homework- writing the sum-up for Charlie and
the chocolate factory-49using the past simple tense

1. complete the missing words

But ……………… inside you can………

a camel or a………..
visit Rome, Siam or Nome
feel a ………….
meet a ………. learn to…..
how to………..a pie
go to … plant a ………….
……… airplanes ……….

2. Match the following columns:

-a manual -describes journeys
-a dictionary -describes exciting/ dangerous experiences
-a novel -gives instructions
-a ghost story - describes events in the future/ in space
-a fairytale -describes people and events; it is long
-a travel book -frightening story with ghosts
-an adventure book -describes imaginary creatures and events
-a science- fiction book -gives definitions

3.Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or Past Simple Tense:
• I ………………….……….(BUY) a great novel yesterday.
• She……………already…………...(BEGIN) the lesson.
• We………………….….(READ) a fairytale last week.
• They…………….just……………(PLAY) football.
• I……………………………(NOT SPEAK) to him yet.
• They……………………..(NOT ARRIVE) two hours ago.
• She…………………….(LEARN) a lot yesterday.
• He…………………………(NOT WRITE) the homework yet.

4.translate the following words and make sentences using them

Librarie autor coperta spate coperta fata cuprins

titlul biblioteca client editura capitole

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