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Thinking the Unthinkable

Cate Zamora

As humans, we are classified as social beings capable of rational and logical discussions.
It is said that a normal human being with the age of 18 and above is capable of being involve in
a discussion of for eight hours nonstop (excluding feeding time). In an intelligent exchange of
ideas, it is but normal to have arguments here and there of the simplest nature such as what to
order for lunch or who among Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry or Avril Lavigne is the best
female singer of this generation to complex topics involving philosophies; for instance the
possibility of alien existence plus advance technological equipments capable of robotic
assistance in everyday life and ideologies like the legality of guns for civilians as a means of
protection. As a result of these discussions, we either make friends or burn bridges through our
similarities and differences with respect to culture and beliefs.
It is true that there are relationships that lasts through thick or thin and strengthens in
time; there is also hatred that only deepens day by day – hatred that is rooted from revenge,
jealousy and other forms of negativity through a series of conflict of interests; a hatred that
breeds wars and unleashes hell on earth – all instigated by people who we refer to as Terrorists.
While it is true that religion is one of life’s biggest social glue, it is also through religious
differences and disputes that condescension amongst ourselves is born. In fact, the very first
terrorist attack marked in History was triggered by the Jews’ desire to wipe out their Roman
leaders from Judea due to their disagreement in godly preferences. Romans, by nature, are
polytheists while Jews believe in a one and absolute God. This Jewish group who launched a
genocide over the Romans is called Sicarii. The Sicarii movement lasted for decades until almost
all Romans either died or never set foot in Judea.
On the same note, it is said that the Islamic religion, Muslim, split into two large division
due to the people’s indecision in appointing the next Caliph or leader, after Prophet
Muhammad’s death. One faction, the Sunni, believes that Abu Bakr, Prophet Muhammad’s
father-in-law was Muhammad’s rightful successor. They claim that this is right as it is written in
the Quran that the Muslim community should vote for the next leader. The Shia faction
disagrees and firmly believes that his cousin and son-in-law, Ali, should be the next Caliph as he
was chosen by Prophet Mohammad himself. This conflict that started around 632 B.C. is the
root of one of world’s most remembered terrorist group called Hashshashin. The group made
its great conquest in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon during the 11 th to 13th century. This name is
so terrifying that its English translation is a term given only to the best covert affairs’ killer –
Assassin. With its ferocious leader, Hassan-i Sabbah, the Hashshashin was formed to protect
the Shias from the Sunnis and to pove to the world that their choice of leader is the one who
will lead them to the promise land, Jannah.
This fight from days of old has brought about the world’s most recent budding threat.
The ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. They were originally a part of another terrorist
group called Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) which shook the world in 2003 by starting the Iraqi
Insurgency and fought equivocally with the US Forces, opening the gates of war that lasts to
this day. However, last April 2013, ISIS (still ISIL during that time) grew out of Al Qaeda and
started working in secrecy and gaining force. Al Qaeda finally released a statement denying any
and all association to ISIS last February 2014 due to “brutality and notorious intractability”.
Through its pugnacious leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, they’ve successfully taken over most of
Syria and Iraq by June 2014. Al Baghdadi claims to have built ISIS for the protection of Sunni
Muslims from being exterminated by the Shias. This genocidal prediction rooted from a
Shianian belief that should a Shia take the life of a Sunni, may it be a man, woman, child, or
elderly, he obtains a one-person-only first class seat to heaven. Al Baghdadi further states
through his messages that this so-called brutality that people label is actually a form of mercy
as it lessens the sufferings in hell, for the sinners already suffered in the human realm as what is
stated in the Quran.
In another context, there are also national scale clashes that was not influenced by
religion. This another type of terror came from the desire to rule a state thereby labelled as
State terrorism. Disputably, one of world’s most influential and fearsome State terrorist is none
other than The Nazis who were led by the Australian-born political legend, the Fuhrer – Adolf
Hitler. In order to turn the tables from the Great Depression, an outcome of World War I, Hitler
ruled over Germany through dictatorship and order a slaughter on millions of people and claims
that it is all for the sake of improving the German economy. Despite the forever scarring pain in
history that The Nazi carved, until this very day however, the Germans still look up to him and
believe that he is a true patriot who loved his country more than anything in the world.
Similarly, a dictator rose in the Philippines. Late President Ferdinand Marcos is said to be
the best and worst President our country had ever seen. In his term, the Philippines was at par
with America in terms of economic stability. To the point of reaching $2.00 USD is to Php. 1.00
monetary exchange. It is said that his term alone built more hospitals, schools, bridges and
roads than all of the previous Presidents combined. Not to mention his prediction of the
benefits of having a Nuclear Power Plant in our country. This charismatic late President, not
only worked on improving the economic stability of our country, but also its relationship to
other countries in Asia and America.
The brutality of these events resulted to oceans of tears and mountains of cadavers that
could reach the moon by now. Their action robbed people of their right to live peacefully. Their
actions buried the utopian-like dream of friendship and love amongst all of us. Every single one
of them has brought out pain of colossal stature that the round world is unrecognizable due to
its deformity that displays scars and burns of war. Equivocally, every single one of them fought
hard to stand for their beliefs. A belief of faith and salvation. A belief of a stronger and lasting
motherland. We may not be able to comprehend their actions, but we can certainly visualize
their goals. Still, as humanitarians would argue – the ends doesn’t justify the means.
Every single one of these carnage started through one person’s vision, now, would it be
futile to ask that one person could rise up and stop it? It may be naïve to speak about it but,
now in modern and much more liberal times, couldn’t people’s words of forgiveness and
compassion rule over every one of us and strive for peace instead of shoving individual ideals to
someone else’s throat and pointing guns on their heads? Couldn’t fear be eradicated and terror
be put in shackles? Couldn’t we raise the white flag and let freedom and justice fly to envelop
the world and reconstruct it to its glory? Is it too late for us to think of the benefits, goals, and
aspirations of people apart from ourselves? Because one person’s vision could change a
country, shouldn’t it be possible to think that the vision of another smite destruction and plant
amity and harmony? After all, there could be no concept of darkness should we have not
discovered the concept of light.

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