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Emmanuel Mallari and Jan Paula Rivera

The world today coexists with symbolism. These symbols are most of
the time associated with our faith. From ancient times until today,
peoples associate these signs to their rituals, mantra or religious
practices; thus, these symbols become an emblem and what’s more
interesting is that they become their identity.

One of the most famous and influential emblem-driven secret

organization today probably would be the illuminati. Illuminati is the
plural of the Latin word “illuminatus” which means “enlightened”. The
members of this organization call themselves as the “enlightened ones” for
they believe in the conspiracy theory which is called the “New World
Order”. The agenda of the New World Order is replacing the sovereignty of
the nations into a totalitarian one-world government and a secretive power
elite with a globalist agenda will eventually rule the world through
an authoritarian world government. Nowadays, they rule mostly over the
government, corporations, fashion, movies, music industry, etc. and they
bring with them their emblems which signify their identity.

These are some of the symbols that are rampant in the world market


This is one of the most far spread known Satanist symbol, can be observed
(according to some researches) in different songs, they are hidden but can be recognized
upon pondering on the gestures and words. This is the number of man, the mark of the


This all-seeing-eye symbol is believed to be one of

the symbols of Illuminati, the eye is believed to be the
eye of Lucifer and those who obtain and control it have
control of world finances. This symbol is also believed to
be a tool used in prophecies. Hexes, curses, psychic
control and all corruption are worked through this emblem.
This is actually one of the bases of the New World Order, as a proof is
the U.S currency e.g. bills.
Zodiac and Horoscopes

These fortune-telling instruments have a wide influence at

this present time and even in the past. They may be interesting,
entertaining and make a point and would sometimes hit truth
about our lives. But be careful for it is believed to have a
satanic origin. Furthermore, they are used in occult worship
which the practitioners call their god as Baal or Lucifer.


The udjat is a version of the all-seeing eye. It signifies the eye of Lucifer.
The diamond below the eye resembles a tear and that Lucifer mourns for those
who are not under their influence.

Goat Head

We often see goats as a means of livelihood or a means by which we can

get food, but in the satanic cults and the Illuminati organization this is regarded
as a mockery to Jesus Christ as the “Lamb of God” who died upon the cross


Many religious sects use the sign of the cross, but for many Satanists,
they use the upside down or the inverted cross that symbolizes not only
rejection but also rejection of Jesus Christ. This symbol is often used by Rock
stars as necklaces or even for their album covers.

The hexagram is used to signify the Star of David but
for the illuminati it is a totally different thing. This
symbol is used in working darkness and magic. It is one of
the most influential symbol of the illuminati.
Witch Sign or Moon Sign

This symbolizes the salute to the rising moon. This now, also used by surfers
and football teams. This is the sign that the outcry should be using to indicate the
"Hook Um" horns.


The ankh is claimed to have an Egyptian origin which is also called as the
long life seal. The illuminati believed that it signifies the spirit of Lust which is
working in the union of the male and female.

Peace sign or "The Dead Man Rune"

It is also called as the cross of Nero. It is a distorted

figure of the inverted cross which mocks Jesus. This symbol
could be seen encrypted on the tombs of Hitler’s
followers. It is also an influential symbol in the world of
fashion today which is either made an accessory or is
printed on garments.

Satanic "S"

This symbol is used to resemble their power of others. It divulges an

image of the lightning bolt of Zeus and used in pagan worship. The feared SS
or Schutzstaffel of Nazi Germany under Hitler’s influence wears this symbol.
This could also be seen in the album and single covers of some of the most

famous and potent artists today.


This symbol is unique to Satanism which represents a demonic deity or

Satan. This symbol could be seen in their buildings as an emblem and on their
vehicles as a mode of identification. You could see this pattern in some music videos as well.

Swastika or Sun Wheel

This symbol is existing long before most of us were born, because this is an
ancient religious symbol used before Hitler came to power, it was used in Buddhist
inscriptions, Celtic monuments and Greek coins, this supposed to represent the
sun’s course in the heavens.

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