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of the Potrero Boosters’ General Meeting

Held November 28, 2017

JR called the meeting to order with the monthly question:
“What are you thankful for?”

Request for voice vote to approve minutes from previous meetings ‐ passed

Announcement of upcoming Events

CARE & SF District Attorney’s office sponsoring a screening of the documentary:
The Work on Dec. 17th @ 4pm at the Nabe

Jack Sylvan of Forest City – thanked Boosters for their ultimate support

Agenda Items

*Parklet on 18th St
David Tullis, Co‐owner of Provender Coffee and David Fletcher from Fletcher Studio
presented their design concepts, looking for feedback from the public. JR asked for
another update in the early next year.

*SFMTA Bus and Rail Yards Capital Program (Building Progress Program) presentation
Need to upgrade the old, outdated facilities and vehicles.

*The Budget discussion re: increasing Boosters $ spent on the attorney used to work on
the UCSF and Pier 70 projects on the DNA & Boosters’ behalf. JR explained that money
that Boosters received from film crews, etc. would be used. A motion was passed to
increase our expenditure from $2K to $5K and that the money ($1,200) Boosters would
normally expend on a holiday party be allocated to our Advocacy fund.

*A motion was passed and seconded to ratify the Boosters’ acknowledgement and
acceptance that Associate Capital (Power Plant Developer) is paying for our joint DNA and
Boosters’ holiday party.

There being no further business before the Boosters, JR adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Jude Deckenbach, Member at Large

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