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Ian Lopez’s May 2015 Hours

May was a much more settled month. Though I didn’t manage to reclaim any “carry
over” hours it was a much more even pace.
It became obvious that people in ministry needed to catch their breath. That makes
sense as we kept a hard pace from March 2014 – April of this year (whether dealing
with administrative transition issues or the search or the normal cycle of church
life). And we know the pace will pick up again once Bob arrives
I think it’s important to respect this and it’s allowed me to shift some of my focus to
more administrative projects, i.e. the church operation manual which includes items
such as rental policy and membership materials. Though not “exciting” it is
necessary and time-consuming. However, I think it’s important to tackle as much of
this as possible so that when Bob comes he can focus more on ministry rather than
The ongoing issue within worship ministry has continued but has improved. It
continues to take regular time. Ongoing pastoral care issues continue along with the
regular ins and outs of pastoral life (preaching/meetings).
It was tough to wrap up my working relationship with Gerry though the timing was
right for the church. I am grateful for his hard work and all that he gave to Port Kells
(and to me). Watching him and working with him has inspired me to carry on with
transitional ministry after my time concludes here at Port Kells.
It is my commitment to finish well here at Port Kells and make the hand off to Bob as
smooth as possible. It is my hope though, as well, that I will be able to reclaim as
much of my “carry over” hours as possible while making sure I do finish well.
Finishing well is a greater priority to me than reclaiming all those hours.
None of those hours hold any value dollars wise so they do not impact the church.
The only thing that impacts the church financially is the vacation hours I’ve accrued
as I only took 10 days of vacation since I’ve been here. (See hours below).
As for overlap time with Bob I am convinced that 8-12 hours would be enough time
to accomplish this. I would like a half-day with him for orientation and then the
remaining time would be as needed over the course of the first couple weeks. Of
course Bob is free to call me even after that!

Total hours for May

(including carry over): 224.25
Total hours required for May per agreement
(4 weeks X 40 hours): 160
Hours carried over into June 2015: 64.25
Vacation days used
(23 days given March 2014-May 2015): 10

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