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MOUNT ROYAL | Department of Education UNIVERSITY 1910 January 28, 2018, To Whom It May Concer: 1 am pleased to recommend Haillee Belfer to you. Although I was nother usual faculty supervisor had ‘the opportunity to cbserve Haille teach in Novernber 2016 during he hind-year practicum as pat oF the Bachelor of Education program at Mount Royal Univers In that division I seience lesson, the students crated a scatter plot showing the numberof wire wraps around a nail would inerease the numberof paper clips they could pick up. Halle then used Excel to replicate their graphs on the screen, She asked, “What happens as | increase my rumber of wraps? Can ‘se agree thatthe numberof paper lip we ea lit wil be called “strength?” She often repeated thei Fleas back to them without neecaserily indicating whether they were ight or wrong. This encouraged further thinking Because oer siudens weee then able verify or challenge the response. A lesson like this ‘depends upon the quality of the questioning and Haillee's questioning was exemplary. She helped to build ‘8 srong conceptual understanding by encouraging stodonsto recognize patterns in the data. She was ‘confident and commanded students respect; for example, Hill made eye contact and waited for several seconds atone point o ensure all students wee attentive na brief conversation with her mentor hheassured me that he was very impressed ith he teaching, Haile as a strong teaching foundation that wilallow herto become a great classroom teacher. Sincerely, Vey Jodi Nickel, PADD Chait, Department of Education

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