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A recognition of and appreciation for the interconnectedness

of all things and phenomena. Systems thinking.

look for
seemingly unrelated
holistic thinking

Do you experience wholeness?

When do you feel connected?
Contemplate Wholeness
Do you experience conflicts with parts of yourself?
record impressions in notebook

What roles each person play? How to Think like Leonardo Da Vinci: Sev en
Steps to Genius Ev ery Day
How are the roles independent?
Michael J. Gelb
What happens to the dynamics under stress?
(many other questions, page 231)
Who is the head? Family Dynamics 321 pages

Who is the heart? book Buy it at

How's the circulation? Are our arteries sclerotic? the body metaphor (1 = w orst / 5 = best)
How effective do we process waste?
(many other questions, page 232) About Review
Delivery Style
find ways to link random concepts
a bullfrog and the Internet
Luciano Passuello
oak leaf and human hand
a laugh and a knot Connect the Unconnected 2008
examples mind map Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0
Mathematics and T he Last Supper
Juggling and your career Everaldo Coelho
Crystal Clear
A giraffe and coleslaw images

role models
"anti-role models" An insatiably curious approach to life and an
unrelenting quest for continuous learning.
Michelangelo and Margaret Thatcher
between Imaginary Dialogues not on answers
Christ and Buddha focus on questions!
other people
Muhammad Ali and Mona Lisa
at all times
any combination :)
jot down observations
think about origins of things Keep a Journal or "Notebook"
everything that pops in your mind!
before eating
where did it come from food j ust record!
don't worry about order and logical flow
where did it pass
Origin-All T hinking questions important to you
books examples
follow the rules
clothes List of 100
100 Questions one sitting
watch in the end highlight themes

choose from 100 Questions
society rank them
macrocosm no need to answer them
copy in your notebook for
universe Microcosm/Macrocosm Contemplation contemplation
how do you fit
When am I naturally myself?
cells T op 10 Questions
microcosm What is my greatest talent?
breathing 7. Connessione
How can I get paid for doing what I love?
power questions Who are my most inspiring role models?
Meditation How am I perceived by: my closest friend,
all significant events my worst enemy, my boss, my children,
do a time line Application and Exercises
my co-workers, etc.

metaphor (more in the book, page 60)

What are the whirls? focus your curiosità

Waterfalls? T ime Line of Life simple
life as a river
How pure? accurate
observation only
Does it ever freeze? judge
1. Curiosità don't
Where is it heading to? draw conclusions

goals T heme Observation emotions

Application and Exercises
priorities put together seeing
values themes listening

check for connessione in your life touch

overcome discoordinations life transforming create your own

energize creative vision compare with a friend's

1h each day focus on a single question

"Impresa" sustain it in your mind 10 minutes minimum

create own logo
central image of mind map "meditation"
Contemplation Exercise
career write question in paper
health examples day 1 helper keep in front you
life's major areas
learning branch out quiet place

ask "what do I want?" for each unedited journal

single topic
explore your goals
day 2 keep pen moving at all times!
map your goals in the life area branches Stream of Consciousness
go back and read aloud
highlight words and phrases
top 10 core v alues
rank them look for themes, more questions
day 3 Make a Master Mind Map
instead of "What do I want?" brainstorm
"Why do I want it?" of Your Life
for each goal Realize your ideal hobby make a plan
pursue it now!
contemplate your purpose
keep that question alive Learn a New Language
"What is my purpose?" 7-day program to do it
Build Your Own Lexicon
day 4
stream of consciousness
complements introspection
25 words or less helper
"statement of purpose" continuously
look at it every month Nurture Your Emotional
"What are my weaknesses, blind spots,
Intelligence ask for feedback
assess current reality and areas of improvement?"
objectively day 5 "What are my strengths, my best qualities?"
each life are
how are you in relation to your goals? observe others
look for connections
repeating words? A commitment to test know ledge through experience,
day 6 persistence, and a w illingness to learn from mistakes.
themes? look at whole mind map
at least 7
is it all balanced?
what you learned from each one-sentence summary
strategize for change "What are the most influential
experiences of my life?"
5-year plan how do you apply this experience today
Examine Experience
1-year plan backtrack day 7 "Can I rethink some of the conclusions
drawn at the time?"
weekly plan
update plans regularly! assumptions
The cultivation of grace,
ambidexterity, fitness, and poise. "How did I form this idea?"
"How firmly do I believe it?"
not the usual notion of 'genius' for each, ask "Why do I maintain it?"
Check Your Beliefs and Sources
"What would make me change my belief?"
mind/body coordination health
"Which of my beliefs inspire the strongest emotions?"
well-being media
consider sources in
its formation people
aerobic conditioning
own experience
strength training Develop a Fitness Program
flexibility exercises take a belief or assumption
2. Dimostrazione
get different opinions
"missing link" in fitness programs T hree Points of View
Application and Exercises What if I was from another country?
weight look with 'different eyes'
What if I was older/younger?
position sense
kinesthesia Analyze ad tactics.
Note which ads affect you most strongly and why.
relaxed or tense
tells you Practice Internal Anti commercial Martial Arts How did advertising affect you when you were a child?
awkward or graceful
Make a list of the best ads you know.
naked, if you're brave What's good about them?
objectively observe reflection record reflections on notebook
Mirror Observation What did you learn at school about
Does your head tilt to one side or another? making mistakes?
What parts appear to be overly tense? record in notebook Learn from Mistakes and Adversity
What is the biggest mistake you ever made?
Is one shoulder higher than the other? What mistakes do you repeat?
five-minute rendering (more at book, page 87)
red tension and stress positive

Make a Drawing of Your Body 6.Corporalitá present tense

black energy seems blocked Create Affirmations
highlight parts "I am..."

green (many, many examples in the book, page 89)

energy flows freely
learn from others' mistakes
Learn from "Anti-Role Models"
Explore your body map Application and Exercises
Know your spine Develop Body Awareness
Upright Posture The continual refinement of the senses, especially
head weights 15 lbs! Relearn Poise sight, as the means to enliven experience.
balance it!
"The five senses are the ministers of the soul" -Leonardo
Alexander Technique
T he Eye-palming Exercise
How to Think like
Leonardo da Vinci alternate focus
legs Focus Near and Far
few seconds each
fingers Reverse crossing
"Soft Eyes"
both sides roll your tongue
Describe a Sunrise or Sunset
brush teeth Study the Lives and Work of Your immerse yourself in their work
Favorite Painters and Artists
eat breakfast use your non dominant hand hang their art everywhere
record in journal Cultivate Ambidexterity suspend judgement
sign name look with "fresh, innocent eyes"
experiment with writing
do "stream of consciousness" Make the Most of Museums exchange with friends
make notes
don't look at the artist's name before
circles write and draw with both hands
Vision sports
mentally rehearse public speaking
mirror writing
Learn to Juggle
Practice Visualization be relaxed
(book, page 200) T he da Vinci Diet make it positive
multi sensorial
make it as v iv id as possible!

Picture Your Favorite Scene

recreate favorite art in your mind
immerse yourself in it
Create Your Own Internal Masterpiece T heater
every day
5 minutes
for a week

Learn to Draw Draw ing course for begginers in the book

pause for a few moments

Layered Listening "layers"
keep listen to increasingly subtler sounds

focus on the pauses

make silence a theme for the day
Listen for Silence
find a super-quiet place how does it feel?

Practice Silence just listen for a full day

Study the Lives and Work of Your

Hearing Favorite Composers and Musical Artists

The development of the balance betw een science Make Your Own "T op 10" Hit Parade List
and art, logic and imagination. "Whole-brain" thinking. patterns of tension and release
Creative / Analytic musical characteristics pitch
pursuit of beauty balance speed
indivisible look for specifics
pursuit of truth Develop Active Listening genre characteristics

balanced thinker emotions

Learn the rules of Mind Mapping (see URL) 5. Arte/Scienza cultural imprints
best tool to train

your next day off "it smells good"

your dream vacation instead of
Application and Exercises "it stinks"
a perfect evening with a friend mind map
Practice Your Mind Mapping Skills floral (roses)
a 'mind mapping' mind map
minty (peppermint)
a 'memory' mind map
Expand smell categorization musky (musk)
go for ethereal (pears)
(literally "Going up in Smoke"). A w illingness to resinous (camphor)
embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty. foul (rotten eggs)
"The painter w ho has no doubts w ill achieve little." -Leonardo acrid (vinegar)
3. Sensazione Smell right now
paradoxes Describe a smell
as vividly as you can
puns wordplay Application and Exercises with friends
contemplation of
illusions blindfolded
Olfactory Cornucopia
riddles and mysteries take items and let them hold near your nose
puzzles describe smell and reaction

return to '10 Questions' from 'Curiosità' chapter Make "Smells" a theme for the day
Curiosità Equal Uncertainty
watch for sense of uncertainly and ambivalence I can feel the jokes coming :)
Make Your Own Perfume
Where in you body do you experience it?
Describe Ambiguity Study Aromatherapy
What is ambiguity's shape/smell or taste?
smell each one 30 sec
good and bad
T hings that are both
anticipated and feared Record ambiguous situations in your life describe aromas
Develop Comparative T asting take 3 types/brands of same product
past experiences taste each one
describe taste
usually ambiguity manif ests itself through anxiety T aste
learn to know when you're anxious
an art
be conscious of it Observe Anxiety
Explore Wine T asting many specialized magazines
describe the feeling a vast subject!
hundreds of words to describe wine tastes!
make 'anxiety' a theme for the day
as it was the first time
'always' touch
T ouch Like an Angel pay close attention to sensations
'certainly' minimize 'absolutes' rubber
'must' Monitor Intolerance for Ambiguity 4. Sfumato silk scarf
'never' take objects ceramic

statement? velcro
How do you usually close conversations? etc.
question? Blindfold T ouch

practice contemplation of paradoxes textures

T ouching and Feeling
humility/pride weight
Application and Exercises describe
change/constancy temperature
Cultivate Confusion Endurance
goals/process examples other sensations

intimacy/independence tress
(other examples and explanations in the book, pp 155) grass
T ouch Nature
Mona Lisa is so popular that it's rarely seen anymore earth

Look at it (or other common things) with fresh new eyes Meditate on Mona etc.

investigate Make "T ouch" a T heme for the Day

let ideas rest merging of senses

forget about them Incubate ideas
Draw music draw as you listen
come back later

lies in resting Make sounds of color

secret to great work Mix freely
Work less Shape the invisible

when you get your best ideas "If Michelangelo were a musician who would he be?"
Synesthesia "If Bach were an artist who would he be?"
walk in nature T ake time for solitude and relaxation Make T ranspositions
listen to music explain choices
share with friends
for 10 minutes break every 1h
Adopt regular mini-breaks a color
improves memory
give a problem a shape
Engage in Synesthetic Problem-Solving
notebook a texture
record your intuitions
check later for accuracy T rust Your Gut

Create Your Own Equivalent to the
Maestro's Studio aesthetics
Feng Shui
(for many specific tips, check book page 141)

how-to-think-like-leonardo-da-vinci.mmap - 9/8/2008 - Luciano Passuello

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