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Materials Check

Parents of 3 Blue,
To practice responsibility and organization, we will be doing
a materials check this week to assure the students are
prepared for class each day. Over the past few months, some
materials have been misplaced or broken. For the sake of
using our class time as efficiently as possible it is essential
that your child has each item on this list. If your child does
not have this item at school, please be sure to bring the
material by the end of the week. On the back of this page is a
list of the supplies we will be checking on Wednesday (Jan.
31). We will go through each item and check off what they
do and do not have.
Thanks for your support!
Ms. Wertz
Materials I have this item I do not have this item

3 pencils

1 black, 1 red & 1 blue pen


Whiteboard marker

1 highlighter


1 glue sticks

IPC portalistini

Reading/writing portalistini

Math portalistini

Math notebook
WTW noteboo

Reading/writing notebook

IPC notebook

Pencil case

Colored pencils

Homework journal

2 folders

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