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Name : _________________________________________

Year: ________________________________

Addition and subtraction of decimal (Low Ability)

1. Tens Ones Tenths

2 4 . 5
+ 7 3 . 3

2. Tens Ones Tenths Hundredths

5 3 . 4 8
+ 1 6 . 3 1

3. Tens Ones Tenths Hundredths Thousandths

2 5 . 4 6 3
+ 7 3 . 3 1 2

4. Tens Ones Tenths

9 4 . 7
- 7 1 . 5

5. Tens Ones Tenths Hundredths

6 4 . 5 9
- 2 3 . 4 2

6. Tens Ones Tenths Hundredths Thousandths

9 7 . 5 7 4
- 6 4 . 4 2 3
Name : _________________________________________

Year: ________________________________

Addition and subtraction of decimal (Medium Ability)

1. 2 4 . 5
+ 7 3 . 4 9

2. 5 3 . 4 8 6
+ 1 6 . 3

3. 2 5 . 4
+ 4 . 3 9 5

4. 9 4 . 7
- 7 1 .

5. 6 4 . 5
- 2 3 . 4 2

6. 9 7 . 5
- 4 . 4 2 3
Name : _________________________________________

Year: ________________________________

Addition and subtraction of decimal (High ability)

1. 24.5 + 73.49 = ______________________

2. 53.486 + 16.3 =______________________

3. 25.4 + 4.395 = ______________________

4. 94.7 – 71 = ________________________

5. 64.5 – 23.42 = _____________________

6. 97.5 – 4.423 = _____________________

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