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1. Flower is zygomorphic in Ans: C

a) Lilium b) Hibiscus
c) Ocimum d) solanum
2. If a plant bears unisexual , bisexual and even neutral flowers, it is called Ans : B
a) bisexual b) Polygamous
c) bigamous c) monoecious
3. Ascending imbricate aestivation is characteristic of Ans : A
a) caesalpiniaceae b) papilionaceae
c) compositae d) cucurbitaceae
4. Sepal or petal meeting by edges without any overlapping, constitute aestivation Ans : A
a) valvate b) quincuncial
c) twistd d) imbricate
5. A flower which can bed divided into equal vertical halves by more than one plane of division is
a) actinomorphic b) zygomophic Ans: B
c) heteromorphic d) cyclic
6. Reproductive unit of angiosperms Ans: D
a) Root b) Stem
c) Leaf d) Flower
7. Accessory organs ( Non – essential organs ) of flower are Ans: C
a) Calyx, Androecium b) corolla, Gynoecium
c) Calyx, Corolla d) Androecium, gynoecium
8. Undifferentiated Calyx and corolla is called Ans : B

a) thalamus b) Pedicel
b) Perianth d) Actinomorphic
9. Asysmetircal flowers are present in Ans: B

a) cassia b) Canna
c) pea d) Datura
10. the position of ovary in china rose Ans: B

a) superior b) Inferior
c) Half – inferior d) Half – superior
11. Identify the A, B,C, D in a typical pistil

a) A- Stigma, B- Thalamus C- Ovary D- Style Ans: D

b) A- Style, B- Stigma C- Thalamus D- ovary
c) A- Style, B- Stigma C- Ovary D- Thalamus
d) A- Stigma, B- Style C- Ovary D- Thalamus
12. A typical flower of floral leaves are arranged in how many whorls Ans: A
A) flour b) Five
c) Two c) Three
13. Flower is Ans: A
a) Modified shoot b) modified leaves
c) modified roots d) None of above
14. A flower is hypogynous condition mean Ans: A
a) Is a superior b) Is a half superior
c) Both A & B d) Is a inferior
15. Which flower are shows inferior ovary ( epigynous) Ans: A
a) Tridax b) Hibiscus
c) Tephrosia d) dolichos
16. Valvate aestivation present in Ans: D
a) corolla of Datura b) Corolla of Fabaceae
c) Ipomoea D) calyx of Hibiscus
17. monochalamydeous flowers show in
Ans : C

a) allium b) cyathium inflorescence

c) Croton & Amaranthusd) Datura
When a typical flower cut into two equal halves is Ans: C
a) Hibiscus b) canna
c) Osimum d) Brasica

18. Identify the following A, B, C, D label parts of a typical flower Ans : A


a) A- Anther, B- Stigma C – Sepals D- Ovary

b) A- Ovary, B- Stigma C – Sepals D- Anther
c) A- Sepals, B- Stigma C – Anther D- Ovary
d) A- Anther, B- Sepals C – Stigma s D- Ovary
19. Which one is shown zygomorphic flower Ans A
a) dolichos b) hibiscus
c) Canna indica d) All the above
20. The majority of animals exhibits the following type of nutrition
a) holozoic nutrition b) parasitic nutrition
c) saprozoin nutrition d) autotropic nution
21. The bilateral symmetry is principle symmetry in following animal groups
a) Coeleneterata b) Annelida
c) Arthropoda d) Echinodermata
22. The major type of symmetry exhibited by triploblastic animals
a) Radial symmetry
b) bilateral symmetry
c) pentamerous symmetry
d) Biradial symmetry
23. The following animal phyla with schizocoelom
a) Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca
b) Protozoa, Echinoderamata, Chordata
c) Coelenterta, ctenophore, platyhelmenthes
d) Aschelminthes, Hemichordata, Chordata
24. The cellular level organisation is found in following animals
a) Porifera b) Protozoa
c) Echinodermata d) Mollusca
25. The eucoelomates in which blast pore develops into anus
a) deuterostomes b) Protostomes
c) cyclostomes d) None of these
26. All the animals have commonly shared one of these character
a) Multicellularity b) coelom
c) segmentation d) Primary germ layers
27. The following animals without symmetry
a) hydra c) sponges
d) amoeba d) Both A & B

28. The following animals grouped under parazoa subkingdom

a) coelenterate b) Protozoa
c) Annelida d) Arthropoda
29. The animals with false coelom is known as
a) Eucoelomata b) Schizocoelamata
c) Enterocoelomata d) Psuedocoelomata
31. Identify the given A, B,C diagrams in a correct manner

a) A- Schizocoelom, B- acoelom, C- psuedocoelom

b) A- Schizocoelom, B- acoelom, C- enterocoelom
c) A- Schizocoelom, B- pseudocoelom, C- acoelom
d) A- enterocoelom, B- acoelom, C- psuedocoelom

1. A group of cells to form
a) Tissues b) Organ
c) Organs systems d) All the above
2. Protoplast is
a) Protoplasm + Plasma membrane
b) Only protoplasm
c) Only plasma membrane
d) All the above
3. Which one is act as semi permeable membrane
a) cell wall b) Protoplast
c) Plasma membrane d) All the above
4.The complete cell wall is
a) Middle lamella + Primary cell wall + secondary cell wall
b) Only middle lamella
c) Middle lamella + Primary cellwall
d) Non of these
5. All organisms developed form
a) A single cell
b) Organs
c) Tissue
d) None of the above
6. Outer most layer of cell wall
a) Middle lamella b) Plasma membrane
c) Secondary cell wall d) primary cell wall
7. nuclear membrane absence in
a) Eukaryotes b) prokaryotes
c) both A & B
d) None of the above
8. Bacteria is a
a) Prokaryotic b) Eukaryotic
c) Multicellular d) All the above
9. The major function of chloroplast
a) respiration b) Photosynthesis
c) Protein synthesis D) Osmosis
10. Which membrane is involved in osmoregulation
a) Cell wall b) Primary cell wall
b) Plasma membrane d) secondary cell wall
11. The power houses of cell is
a) Chloroplast b) Mitochondria
c) Ribosome d) Nucleus
12. The main function of cell wall
a) protection b) protein synthesis
c) Osmosis d) All the above
13. Plasma membrane is
a) Living membrane b) Non living membrane
c) both A & B d) None of the above
14. The primary cell wall present
a) Beneath of middle lamella
b) In between middle lamella
c) both A& B
d) Beneath of secondary cell wall
15. The cell is discovered by
a) Robert hook b) Robert Brown
c) Linnaeus d) Aristotle

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