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 Improve oral-motor function.

 Improve independence in functional activities.
 Improve muscle strength, posture and balance.
 Improve confidence and socialization with peers through improved motor skills.

Oral-motor exercise and Pre speech training

1. Cheek circles (gently move cheeks in circular motion, and inward to make
“fishy lips”. Repeat x20
2. Over the ears and under the jaw. (With both hands, stroke from each cheek to
the temples, then around the ears and under the jaw. Repeat x20 )
3. Trace top lips and bottom lips with finger x20.
4. Trace down from nose to lip to chin. Use finger or knuckle to (slowly) gently
stroke from bridge of nose down to top lip, bottom lip and chin, gently rolling
bottom lip out (only if baby allows) and gently press chin down as if opening
mouth (only if baby allows).
5. Encourage mouthing/chewing on teethes
6. Praise baby for mimicking the motion; lip closure, tongue retraction, tongue
elevation, tongue lateralization, jaw grading.
7. Use straw when drink water and try to blow bubble or candle.
8. Opening the jaw for various speech sounds, lifting the tip of the tongue to
pronounce l/t/n/d/s/z sounds

Note: Do each movement several times, with gentle pressure, slowly and
deliberately. The entire “routine” should take less than 30 seconds.

Improving the fine motor skills

 Open/close hands slowly and rapidly

 Shake hands and rub them together
 Tap thumbs to each fingertip in turn
 Stress ball or small squashy ball – the child can count the seconds before it
regains its shape.
 Tearing paper for collages or papier-mâché.
 Finger puppets.
 Wind up and squeaky squeeze toys.
 Pop-together beads, Lego and Multi-link.
 Small items such as macaroni to pick up and put into bowls or small cups.
 Bulldog clips and colored clothes pegs; the child can clip them onto the side of a
box ortin.
 Sponges or cloths to wring out.
 Tiddlywinks.
 Hammering pegs.
 Stacking cups, Russian dolls.
 Small bits off plasticize/play dough to roll into balls or snakes.

Gross motor skills and movement

 Back extension training
 Walking on uneven surfaces, and around or over obstacles
 Fast stepping and running
 Walking up and down inclined surfaces
 Kicking a ball
 Walking up and down curbs
 Walking up and down stairs
 Jumping
 Pedaling and steering a tricycle
 Walking across a balance beam

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