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I, the Lord, reveal myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams.

(Numbers 12:6)
While preparing for a Christian Educators Association International conference in Kenya in
the summer of 2014, a team of intercessors around the United States began to pray for this event.
Several of them got visions from the Lord which were later shared with the Kenyans at the
conference. These are two of those visions.

Whirlwinds Vision______________________
I saw five large destructive whirlwinds swirling all across the nation. Like tornados, they
sucked people and material possessions into their vortex, destroyed them, and then cast them off.
On the outside edge of one of these destructive whirlwinds a teacher sat down next to Jesus to spend time with Him, alone. As the
teacher did this, the winds in the destructive whirlwind began to subside. As the teacher spent more time alone with Jesus the winds in
the storm actually stopped and reversed direction.
The teacher became a whirlwind for Jesus, turning in the opposite direction of the destructive storms. The winds from this
teacher drew broken children, parents, and co-workers into a vortex which did not destroy them, but gave them life and gently set them
on their feet. In the midst of this Jesus-teacher whirlwind was great calm and peace, like in the eye of a hurricane. There was healing
in the center of this whirlwind and broken things were restored.
I saw this Jesus-teacher whirlwind holding his/her hand above the students, many who were small swirling destructive
whirlwinds, and these winds stopped and reversed direction. The students became whirlwinds for Jesus, just like the teacher, yet some
were much larger. The wind within these children grew and some became hurricanes of the Spirit, sucking in and bringing life to all they
encountered. Some of these giant whirlwinds of the Spirit traveled far beyond the boundaries of the nation, bringing life to many in
neighboring countries and across the world.
I asked the Lord, “What are these destructive whirlwinds?” and He replied, “They are what people seek first in education and
in this nation instead of me. They are the idolatry of knowledge, people (self and others), money, the law, and technology. These things
are gifts from me but they are not God and in them you cannot place your hope and trust. There will be no peace until those in
education seek me first and put their hope and trust in me. Only I can reverse the curse of these destructive winds. The healing
whirlwinds are those educators and students who seek me first and follow me in their schools.”

“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the
nations [schools]…”(Psalm 46:10)

Drowning Teachers Vision__________

I saw educators drowning and struggling in the current of a destructive river
they could not swim against with their own power and strength. They were exhausted
from struggling. Some kept fighting to stay afloat and others were being swept
downstream and had given up hope with no more strength to battle the destructive
currents in their profession.
I saw the hand of Jesus reaching out to save and lift out of the water those who stopped fighting, were still, and desired to
accept His hand. Jesus pulled these on shore to safety. Those who would not become still and thought they could save themselves by
their own efforts and refused Jesus’ hand, professionally drowned. The rescued teachers safe on shore began reaching out to the
struggling students, coworkers, and parents around them who were drowning. They became the hands of Jesus and many were saved
and brought on shore.
I heard the quiet still voice of the Lord saying concurrently with this vision, “You must be still before I can rescue you.”
Prayer: Lord, speak to us in dreams and visions and teach us to be still and know you are Lord of our professional lives.
Reflection: Has God ever spoken to you through dreams and visions? What is God telling you personally through these visions? How
often do you take time to be alone and still before the Lord?
Getting Real: Take time to be still and alone with God each day. Ask Him where and when He wants to meet with you. Make it the
highest priority of your life. Schedule other responsibilities and activities around this time. At school, be still before the Lord and just
listen for a few minutes before the day starts to quiet yourself in His presence. Before each class period or when transitioning from one
subject to another, have the students be perfectly still for one minute before you start teaching. In silent prayer ask God to lead and
direct the class and then be still and simply listen along with the students. Watch what God will do.

Images “hurricane” by Victor Habbick and “Sinking In To Water” by koratmember at

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