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CASBA User Manual

This screen is used to enter Announcement details for a chitty. This screen can be invoked from the
menu path <Product/Services>/<Temp.Chitty>/<Announcement>.

This screen helps to create new Announcement for a chitty. On selecting the menu, Branch Name and
temp. Chitty number would be automatically populated. User can select the frequency for the chitty
(available options are Monthly,daily, weekly, fortnightly, bi-monthly, quarterly and pooval). Details like
no. Of instalments, date of announcement and proposed date of commencement can be entered. For
class/division details Subscriber amount and No.of divisions need to entered. Using Add button user
can add more than one record to class/division details. Remove image helps to remove that record from
the list. Total Sala would be automatically calculated and displayed based on no. Of instalments and
subscription amount.
Temp. Chitty Register
This screen is used to display the details regarding Temp. Chitty. This screen also helps to redirect to
pages like Subscriber Enrolment, Temporary Chittal Withdrawal etc. This screen can be invoked from
the menu path <Product/Services>/<Temp. Chitty>/<Temp. Chitty Register>.

This screen helps to serve many purposes. Temp. Chitty list is populated by selecting branch, frequency
and instalment no. All details regarding temp chitty like chitty no, class, division, subscription amount,
sala, remitted count, status of chitty etc are listed.
On clicking temp. chitty no, details like unsubscribed chittal (if any) for that particular temp chitty, list
of chittals who doesn’t remitted their instalment(Waiting for Cash/Cheque collection), and list of
chittals who remitted their payment (Remitted Subscription Details) are listed. Clicking select under
Reschedule heading helps user to re-direct to Temp.chitty Reschedule page.
User is able to group or tag more than one temp chitty to a group with the help of Group button. This
helps to register more than one temp chitty in a single shot
If chittals are not enrolled for a temporary chitty it would be listed under Unsubscribed Chittal list and
by clicking Add link under subscription, it redirects to Enrolment screen. Collection Pending

Subscriptions of Chitty shows the list of subscribers whose collection is pending and Cheque

Collection Pending Subscriptions of Chitty shows the list of subscribers whose Cheque realization is
pending. Remitted Subscription Details list shows the list of chittals who have remitted the instalment
for the selected temp.chitty. On clicking select link under Withdrawal heading helps user to re-direct to
Temporary Chittal withdrawal screen.

Chitty Registration
This screen helps to register a temp. Chitty. This screen can be invoked from the menu path

This screen is used to save/update a temp. Chitty or tem. Chitty group. All details of Group, temp
chitty- included in group or individual are listed. User can see all details for the temp chitty by clicking
Generate link. On clicking Register link Registration details section is shown with Total Sala and No of
instalments for the temp chitty. Details like registration date, etc are entered. Details for Chitty
security deposit is also shown.

Subscriber Enrolment
This screen helps for Subscriber enrolment. This screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Product/Services>/<Temp. Chitty>/<Subscriber Enrollment>.
This screen helps to save enrolment details for subscriber. Details like branch, chitty no, chittal no,
customer details, nominee details are entered and clicking on SAVE button subscriber enrolment details
are saved. If any chittal number is booked, this number (slot) is not available for enrolment. After un-
booking the chittal no, enrolment can be done for this slot.
Enrolment Verification
This screen helps to do Enrollment verification. This screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Product/Services>/<Temp.Chitty>/<Enrollment Verification>.

This screen is used for finalizing the mode of subscriber enrolment. All temp. Chitty with subscriber
enrollment has completed is listed the chitty drop down. Based on select status chitty details are listed.
On clicking select link details of subscriber are listed in Subscriber Details list. Clicking on update
button updated details are saved modifying 'Verified' status to yes .

Chittal Withdrawal
This screen helps for chittal withdrawal. This screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Product/Services>/<Temp.Chitty>/<Chittal Withdrawal
This screen helps for chittal withdrawal. On selecting the Branch and Temp chitty no, all subscribers
for the chitty is listed. On selecting ‘select’ link, all details are listed in Chittal details section. Allow
interest checkbox helps to automatically populate interest amount and total amount accordingly.
Clicking on Save button user automatically re-directed to Multimode payment screen and payment
details can be entered. While withdrawing last chittal for a temporary chitty a dialogue box is showing
– for Cancellation for the particular temp. Chitty. If user selects Yes temp chitty cancellation is
automatically done.

Temp. Chitty Cancellation

This screen helps for chittal cancellation. This screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Product/Services>/<Temp.Chitty>/<Chittal Cancellation>.
After selecting the branch and temp chitty to be cancelled, clicking show button helps to populate the
chittal details who is not yet removed in the temp chitty. Listed chittals can be either withdraw or
transfer to another chitty. On clicking Cancel Chitty button helps to cancel the selected temp chitty.

Temp. Chitty Reschedule

This screen helps for a temporary chitty reschedule. This screen can be invoked from the menu path
This screen helps to reschedule the temp chitty. Based on branch and temp chitty number details like
subscriber amount, duration and sala are populated in existing chitty details section. For rescheduling
the selected temp chitty the reserved chittal should not be greater than or equal to new tenure for the
proposed one.

Subscriber Transfer
This screen helps for subscriber transfer. This screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Product/Services>/<Temp.Chitty>/<Subscriber Transfer>.
Transfer of subscriber is possible to a temp chitty with less or equal subscription amount. Based on this
criteria Select the From chitty and To chitty. Then From Chitty Subscriber List and To Chitty
Subscriber List is populated. Select the chital from the list .On clicking > button another confirmation
screen is displayed showing details for the selected chittal no. ticket and the selected chittal from 'From
list' is added to 'To list'. On clicking Save button Subscriber transfer is completed.

Enrollment Booking
This screen helps for enrollment booking. This screen can be invoked from the menu
This screen helps to book/un book enrolment for a temp chitty. If a particular chittal no is booked,
enrollment of subscriber should not be done for this particular chittal no. Based on Branch, temp
chitty no and status (Booked/ Not Booked/All) list of chittals would be populated (other than Forman)
with a provision to check/uncheck the chittal for booking. After entering details like purpose of
Booking, contact details, Reason/Remark clicking Book button would save details for the enrolment

Misc. Chitty Transactions

This screen helps for payment collection from enrolled, Substituted subscribers,Misc.Charges and RSC
suspense collection. This screen can be invoked from the menu path <Product/Services>/<Chitty
Misc>/< Misc. Chitty Collection >.
While Clicking ‘Enrollment’ option we can populate the chital details who haven’t paid their
subscription amount . On selection a temp chitty from chitty no drop down, a list is populated with
subscribers who haven’t paid the initial amount. For collecting payment- user can select the check box
for the subscriber and total due amount is automatically populated. On clicking save, enrollment
payment details are saved. We can also collect the payment of substituted Subscribers by clicking the
Substitution option. The substituted subscribers of selected chitty will be listed. Selected chital details
will be populated in the detail section with substitution fee, interest and total amount to collect. On
clicking remit button, details will be saved. We can collect other charges like appraiser fee etc using
Misc. Charges option.
Subscriber Register
This screen helps for viewing subscriber Registration details and personal ledger details.

This screen helps to view and update register details for subscriber. There is a provision to view
Address register, PL Report, it allows to make a print out of contact address or permanent address.Add
/View security link helps user to add/view security details for the subscriber.

Chitty Register
This screen is used for view/update a selected registered chitty. This screen can be invoked from the
menu path <Product/Services>/<Chitty>/<Chitty Register>.
This screen helps user to view all the details including settings for the chitty. Facility to update settings
details like Stamp duty, Gazette notification fee, Registration fee, Document details, Security deposit
details and Balance sheet details- Balance sheet details like due date, audited date etc can be entered on
Balance sheet details. Clicking control parameters helps to list control parameter setting for the chitty.

Auction Participant List

This screen is used for selecting eligible subscribers for Auction. This screen can be invoked from the
menu path <Product/Services>/<Chitty>/< Auction Participant List >.

This screen is used to help user to add subscribers for Auction by selecting each subscriber/Clicking of
‘All’ option from the eligible list. Then click on ‘Add To participants List’ to add the subscribers to the
participants list. In order to add Defaulted subscriber to eligible list, Click on 'add' link in defaulters list
and enter the reason. Subscription amount should be collected before Auction Participant List. Auction
Finalization is be possible only after creating Auction Participant List.

Auction Finalization
This screen helps user for doing Auction for a chitty. This screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Product/Services>/<Chitty>/<Auction Finalization>
After selecting Branch and chitty number, user can click on 'show participants’ button for listing all
participants entitled for the auction. View Upper limit checkbox helps user to decide whether upper
limit for bidding needs to be listed in the list or not. After selecting Chittal no and entering bid amount,
subscribers can be added to Bidding list with Add button. Remove Last Entry button helps user to
remove the last entered record. After entering Chittal for bidding details, clicking Finalise button helps
to finalise the details for the Auction. Clicking Save button helps user to Save Auction finalization

Auction History
This screen helps user viewing Auction details for a chitty. There is also provision for cancelling an
auction if it is with the reverting date. This screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Product/Services>/<Chitty>/<Auction History>

This screen helps user to view/cancel/generate reports for selected auction for selected chitty. After
selecting Branch and chitty no, on clicking Search Auctions button would list the auction details for the
selected chitty. On clicking view link Auction Proceeding/Dividend Register and Re-Auction section is
shown. Clicking Re-Auction link after selecting chitty no, the latest auction is cancelled. Auction
Proceedings or Dividend Register can be viewed by selecting appropriate class and chitty and clicking
View link.

Substitution Assignment
This screen helps to do substitution/assignment for a chittal.

This screen helps user to Substitution and Assignment. A subscriber can be substituted/assigned with
some other subscriber by selecting branch, chitty and status. The list of chittal with details are listed
and clicking on the subscriber record, assignment or substitution details section is displayed (Statutory
and company substituted tickets are not shown in the list) and user can select the subscriber as
substitute. For assignment, user needs to provide reason for the assignment for the chittal. Total amount
including substitution fee is displayed and after filling nominee, user can click Save for saving details.

Proxy Registration
This screen helps user for registering Proxy for a chitty. This screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Product/Services>/<Chitty>/<Proxy Registration>
This screen helps user to view/verify/validate proxy settings. Previously registered proxy details are
listed in Proxy list section. New proxy details can be entered in Proxy detail section for saving proxy
details. Based on Branch, chitty no and chittal no – instalment from and to is automatically populated
(according to Proxy settings) and user can save the proxy data. Authorized person can verify the proxy
so that proxy can be included in the auction proceedings. Authorized person can invalidate the proxy so
that the proxy can be nullified.

Chitty Payment
This screen is used for doing payments for a chitty. This screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Product/Services>/<Chitty>/<Chitty Payment>
This screen helps for Payment for paying prize money or RSC/APSTC amount or NPDSC or Excess
Payment . After selecting chitty no and chittal no., details for Auction and other payment details are
displayed. User is able to enter charges fields like direct charge, postal charge, service tax etc. After
putting all data Net amount is automatically calculated. Clicking Add/View Security link re-direct to
Securities register page with details populated for security ( user can add security for the payment
before payment also). Clicking Pay button helps to save payment details.
For RSC/APSTC or NPDSC payment, user need to select chitty no and chittal no. All details are listed
in RSC list and clicking the record will list the details for payment. Clicking Pay button would save all
payment details.
For Excess payment, after selecting Chitty No and Chittal no, details would be listed on the list and
after entering amount, clicking Pay button helps to save data

Chitty Cash Collection(77)

Chitty cash collections can be done through this page.
Chitty instalment collection is done with the help of this screen. User need to select Branch, chitty no
and chittal no and based on that subscriber details like name, address and payment details are listed.
This details would be available while selecting the chittal no. After entering amount clicking Add
button, the details are saved to the 'Summary' grid. Clicking Finalize button helps to finalise and save
payment details.

Chitty Payment Register

This screen is used for shown different type of chitty payment details . This screen can be invoked
from the menu path<Products/Services>/<Chitty>/
All Chitty payment details shown with the help of this screen. And we can cancel prize money payment
amount with the help of this screens. We can shown payment details and print vouchers With the help
of this screen.
CASBA User Manual

Loan Application
This screen/function is used for creating a loan application. The loan application is the first process of a
Loan. This screen can be invoked from the menu path <Products / Services>/<Loan>/<Loan

In the loan application page, click the search button and enter the customer name in the popup search
window and click the Search button. Select the customer. The matching records of the customer are
displayed in the text fields of the loan application.

Loan Application of different loan status can also be selected using the general search icon. The
selected loan applications can be updated or rejected from the loan application screen.

Select the menu item <Products/Services>/<Loan>/<Loan Application> to invoke Loan Application

screen/function. After selecting the Customer, enter Application No, Request Amount, Tenure. Select
Loan Category, Loan Type and Loan Scheme. Based on Loan Category selected, corresponding fields
are displayed. Enter the details . When the Security Button is clicked the security details can be
attached. Select the documents needed to submit by the customer. Click Elig. Amt button to get the
Eligible Amount and by clicking the Details Button, eligible amount details are displayed. Click Loan
Schedule Button to display the loan schedule details. Click on Save Button to save the details of loan

Process Loan Application

This screen/function is used for processing a loan application. This screen can be invoked from the
menu path <Products/Services>/<Loan>/<Process Loan Application>.

Process Loan Application

In the loan process popped up screen, select the Branch. Select the Loan Application. Select the Loan
Status as APPLICATION_SUBMITTED and select the loan category. Click the Search button. . The
matching records of the customer are displayed in the text fields of the loan application.
In the Process Loan Application screen, on clicking the Process Button to process the loan application,
various rules are executed and loan process status is shown as ‘FAIL’ or ‘PASS’ along with criteria
messages. If a Criteria Status is ‘FAIL’, we can override the status by checking the ‘Override’ check
box and enter the remarks in Remarks field. Click Accept Button. The rule messages are updated. Click
Close Button. The processed loan will be removed from the submitted applications.


Select the menu item <Products/Services>/<Loan>/<Process Loan Application> to invoke Process

Loan Application screen/function. When the Select button is clicked for the submitted loan
applications. The selected loan application details are displayed in Application Details field set. On
clicking the Process Button, various rules are executed and loan process status is shown as ‘FAIL’ or
‘PASS’ along with criteria messages. If a Criteria Status is ‘FAIL’, we can override the status by
checking the ‘Override’ checkbox and enter the remarks in Remarks field. Click Accept Button. The
rule messages are updated. Click Close Button. The processed loan will be removed from the submitted

Loan Sanction
This screen/function is used for processing a loan application. This screen can be invoked from the
menu path<Products/Services>/<Loan>/<Loan Sanction>.

In the popped up screen, select the branch, select Search By as Loan Application and Loan Status
should be selected as APPLICATION SUBMITTED. Click on the Search button. Select the Loan
Application to be sanctioned. The matching records are displayed in the text fields. Enter the Sanction
details. Click on the Attach Security button, security register screen gets popped up.
In the Loan Sanction screen, click on the Search Icon button of Account No and select Search By as
Loan Application and Loan Status should be selected as APPLICATION ACCEPTED. Then click on
the Search button, select the Loan Application to be sanctioned. The matching records are displayed
in the text fields. Enter the Sanction details. Click the Loan Process button.
In the Loan Sanction screen, enter the Sanction details. Click the Sanction button. Loan Sanctioned

Successfully message is displayed.


Select the menu item <Products/Services>/<Loan>/<Loan Sanction> to invoke Loan Sanction screen.
Click on the Search Icon button of Account No and , select Search By as Loan Application and Loan
Status should be selected as APPLICATION ACEPTED. Then click on the Search button, select the
Loan Application to be sanctioned. The matching records are displayed in the text fields. Enter the
Sanction details. Click on the Attach Security button, security register screen gets popped up. After
entering the security register details. Click the Add Security button. Then click on the Save button.
Security Register screen gets loaded with the attached security details displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Click the Save button. Click on the Send for Approval button, Approval Process Completed Successfully
message is displayed. Select the menu item Home > Products/Services > Loan > Loan Sanction again to invoke Loan
Sanction screen. Click the Search Icon button of Account No , select Search By as Loan Application
and Loan Status should be selected as APPLICATION ACEPTED. Then click on the Search button,
select the Loan Application to be sanctioned. The matching records are displayed in the text fields.
Enter the Sanction details. Click the Sanction button. Loan Sanctioned Successfully message is displayed.

Loan Disbursement

This screen/function is used to disburse a loan. The sanctioned loans are listed in this screen. From this
list user can select a loan for disbursement purpose. Then, the details of selected loan will be displayed.
In the loan disbursement screen, click the Search Icon. Screen to choose the loan application is popped
In the popped up screen, select Search By as Loan Application and Loan Status should be selected as
SANCTIONED. Click on the Search button. Select the Loan Application to be disbursed. The
matching records are displayed in the text fields of the loan disbursement screen.

In the loan disbursement screen, enter the disbursement details. Enter the Payment details. Click the

In the loan disbursement screen, select the Search Icon in the loan disbursement screen. Select 'Search
By' as 'Loan Application' and Loan Status should be selected as DISBUREMENT_APPROVED. Click
on the Search button. Select the Loan Application to be disbursed.. The corresponding data are
displayed in the text fields. Click the Disburse button. Click the Loan Schedule button to view the


Select the menu item <Products/Services>/<Loan>/<Loan Disbursement> to invoke Loan

Disbursement screen. Click on the Search Icon button of Account No , select Search By as Loan
Application and Loan Status should be selected as SANCTIONED. Then click on the Search button,
select the Loan Application to be disbursed. The values are displayed in the text fields. Enter the
disbursement details. Enter the payment details. After adding the payment details, click on the Add
Payment Details button. Click on the Request button. Then take the Loan Disbursement screen and
select the Disburse button to disburse the loan . If the View Schedule button is clicked, then the
schedule screen is popped up. If the Reject button is clicked, then the loan application gets rejected.

Loan Closure
This screen / function used to close a loan account. After the completion of repayment loan is ready for
closing. Using Loan Application number or loan account number, user can fetch the loan details. And
this screen is also used for return the loan security documents back to the customer. This screen can be
invoked from the menu path Loan <Products/Services>/<Loan>/< Loan Closure>.

View Personal Ledger

This screen/function is used for viewing the transaction details of a particular loan. The Authorised
persons of KSFE can get the complete loan status of a particular customer through this screen. This
screen can be invoked from <Products/Services>/<Loan>/< Personal Ledger>.
In the pop up screen, select the branch, select Search By as Loan Application and Loan Status should
be selected as DISBURSED. Click on the Search button. Select the Loan Application whose personal
ledger is to be displayed. The matching records are displayed in the text fields of the loan disbursement


Select the menu item Home > Products/Services > Loan > Personal Ledger to invoke Personal ledger
screen / function. Enter the loan details listed in table above. Click the Search Icon button of Loan A/C
No or Customer name. The matching records are displayed in the text fields. Security, Document and
Transaction details of the fetched Loan A/C No or Customer id are displayed in the grid. Click on the
View Schedule button to view the loan schedule details in a pop up window.

The loan schedule can be invoked from various screens:

The loan schedule screen can be invoked from the menu path
Home > Products/Services > Loan > Loan Application
Home > Products/Services > Loan > Loan Sanction
Home > Products/Services > Loan > Loan Disbursement
Lump sum Payment
This screen can be invoked from the <Products/Services>/<Loan>/<Lumpsum Payment>. When excess amount
repayment is made towards loan i.e. the excess amount is more than 10% of loan amount then there is an option
of schedule refixing by which the tenure or EMI of the loan may be changed as per the amount paid. This menu
is also used for removing the refixation, if the customer may not want to refix the account and wants to adjust
the amount in the future instalments. For housing and personal loan schemes lumpsum payment can be seen.

In the Lumps sum payment screen, select the Search Icon. Loan application Selection screen is popped up.
In the popped up screen, select Search By as Loan Application and Loan Status should be selected as
DISBURSED. Click on the Search button. Select the Loan Application to be disbursed. The matching records
are displayed in the text fields of the loan disbursement screen.

In the Lumpsum Payment screen, click the Adjust EMI button. Click the Finalize/ Send for Approval button to
refix the schedule. Click the View Schedule button to view the loan schedule

Appraiser Payment

This Screen is used for giving the payment of the Temporary Appraiser. This Screen can
be invoked from the path <Products/Services>/<Loan>/ < Appraiser Payment>
This screen is used for doing the payment of Temporary Appraiser. This can be accessed from the path
<Products/Services>/<Loan>/ <Appraiser Payment>. Take this screen and select the Temporary appraiser
from the Combo, Select the date to which the Appraiser fee to be paid. Click on Load Details button, now
the payment details are listing inside the screen. Select the Payment Mode from the Combo List. Different
Modes available in payment modes are Cheque, Cash, Fund Transfer Do the payment to the appraiser by
clicking the Payment button.

NHFS-Capturing Of Utilization/Completion Certificate

In the NHFS-capturing of Utilization/Completion Certificate, click on the Search button. Loan account
selection screen pops up.

Before NHFS loan top up, Utilization/Completion Certificate needs to be submitted. Select
<Products/Services>/<Loan>/<NHFS-Capturing of Utilization/Completion Certificate>to invoke the
In the NHFS-capturing of Utilization/Completion Certificate, Click on Search button, select the
Branch, select Search By Loan Account, select loan status and loan category. Click on Search button.
Select the loan account, Enter the certificate Date, Reference NO and Remark. Click the Save button.

Gold Loan
The Gold loan screen is used to create gold loan application and do the sanction of the gold loan.
Select <Products/Services>/<Gold Loan>/Gold Loans(201)>to invoke the Screen.
Either the customer can be added or a new customer can be created in the new customer window or
by selecting an already existing customer. For adding a new customer, select the new customer button
>Enter all the mandatory fields and select the Save button.

Select the menu item <Products/Services>/<Gold Loan> to invoke the gold loan creation screen. Click
the new customer button to add a new customer or select an already existing customer by using the
search icon. Enter the gold loan application details .Click on the Save and continue button. Click on
the Add Ornaments button. Enter the security details and add the security. Click on the loan process
button to process the loan .Click on the sanction button to sanction the loan or the reject button to
reject the loan. The rest of the procedure for loan disbursement is the same as all the other loans. After
sanctioning the loan Select the menu item <Products/Services>/<Loan>/<Loan Disbursement> and
disburse the loan.
CASBA User Manual

1.1.1 Sugama Register

This screen helps to create a sugama account under a particular sugama product and
the user can search an existing sugama account and view details. The particular screen
can be invoked from the menu path <Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Sugama

To create a sugama account, select product from product name combo box. Then click
FIND CUSTOMER button and click on “Search” button fetch the customer details and
click on “Add account holder” button. Then enter nominee details and click on “Add
Nominee” button. On return grid will be listed with the account holder details and
nominee details. Click the SAVE button and a sugama account will be created.
The account will be in Inactive status initially, after first collection, status will be
changed to Active. While searching existing account a checkbox ‘SSA’ will be enabled if
the account is SSA (Sugama Security Account). For SSA accounts, first collection should
be collected by fund transfer of Chitty prize money. For these types of accounts a
standing instruction is automatically created and Chitty subscription amount will be
transferred accordingly.
When we search the Customer, All details are automatically filled to the fields. Also the
user can navigate to other screens by using the Buttons available on the screen.
Note: User can use the search Button to Fetch the details of an existing Sugama account
and navigate to different screens with the help of these Buttons
 Collection

 Personal Ledger

 Sugama Payment –Only available after the account becomes Active

 Money Transfer – Only available after the account becomes Active

 Standing Instruction - Only available after the account becomes Active

 Schedule report
 Transaction report

 Transaction Failure Log

 Closure – Only available after the account becomes Active

 Accrual History Schedule Report

This screen can be used to find the schedule status of standing Instruction of a
Sugama Account. The particular screen can be invoked from the menu path.
<Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Sugama Register>/<Schedule Report>

It is possible to find the various status of the standing instruction created by clicking
the schedule report button shown in the sugama register page. Search the account in
sugama register page and click on the Schedule report button. The customer account
details are populated in the screen. Select the date range to find the status of standing
instruction. Select any schedule status option available. The status may be ALL,
Scheduled, Executed, Marked_For_Re_Exec, Failed, Cancelled and Postponed. The
standing instruction with the status selected is listed in the screen while click on the
search button. Transaction Report
This screen can be used to view the details of transactions of Sugama account. The
particular screen can be invoked from the menu
path<Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Sugama Register>/<Transaction Report>
The sugama Account to view the transactions can be selected using the Search
Account Button. The user has to specify, the date range of the transactions. From is the
starting date and To date is the end date of the transaction. There are options to sort
the transactions based on value date. On clicking the SEARCH button the Transactions in
the given date range will be shown in a grid. Transaction Failure Log

This screen can be used to view the details of transaction failures of a sugama
account. The particular screen can be invoked from the menu path.
<Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Sugama Register>/<Transaction Failure Log>
The Sugama Account can be selected using the Search Account button, the user
has to specify, the date range of the transactions. 'From' is the starting date and 'To' is
the end date range. The User should also specify the type of the schedule in the
SCHEDULE TYPE. The schedule type may be Sugama Non-operative Check, Sugama
interest transfer, Sugama interest accrual, and Sugama standing instruction. On Clicking
the Search button the details of transaction failures for the selected schedule type, if any
in the given date range will be shown in a grid. The grid will display the reason of the
failures happened. Accrual History

By Clicking the Accrual History Button from Sugama Register User can view the
Interest accrual Details of an existing account. This screen can be invoked from the path
<Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Sugama Register>/<Accrual History> Personal Ledger
This screen/function is used for viewing the transaction details of a sugama account.
The Authorised persons of KSFE can get the complete sugama status of a particular
customer through this screen. This screen can be invoked from the path
<Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Sugama Register>/<Personal Ledger>
The Sugama Account can be selected using the Search Account button, the user has
to specify, the date range of the transactions. From is the starting date and To is the
end date range. On Clicking the Search button for viewing the transaction details of a
sugama account, if any in the given date range will be shown in a grid. The grid will
display the Nominee details.

1.1.2 Money Transfer

This screen facilitates transfer of fund from sugama account to other type of accounts
like Chitty, Loan OD and other Sugama. The particular screen can be invoked from the
menu path <Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Money Transfer>
The source sugama account can be selected by clicking Search Account icon. A
popup will be displayed and user can select the account. On selecting the account, the
Account details will be populated. Fill in the transfer amount and other details and click
MULTIMODE PAYMENT Button. The control then goes to that particular page.
When coming from money transfer screen, the Payment for details will be filled
automatically. In multimode page user can select the target account to which money is
to be transferred. User can choose the mode of payment Fund Transfer and GT. One can
also select multiple target accounts. Each payment is added to the grid by clicking ADD
button. On clicking Save, the payment will take place. On checking is Backdate, the
money transfer will take place in effect from an earlier date. The date should be
specified in the corresponding date field.

5.5.6 Sugama Payment

Sugama payment screen facilitates the payment of amount to the customer. The
particular screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Sugama Payment>
The source sugama account can be selected by clicking Search Account icon. A
popup will be appeared and user can select the account. On selecting the account, the
Account detail part of the screen will be filled. If there are slips given for that particular
account, then those will be listed in a select box, otherwise if it is a single slip, then type
in a slip number to the text field. Enter the payment amount and other details and click
The control then goes to that particular page in multimode page. User can select the
target account to which money is to be transferred. User can choose the mode of
payment “cash or cheque”. Each payment is added to the grid by clicking ADD button.
On clicking SAVE, the payment will take place.

5.5.7 Withdrawal Slip Issue

This screen facilitates the issue of Withdrawal Slips to the customers. The particular
screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Withdrawal Slip Issue>
The source sugama account can be selected by clicking Search Account icon. A popup
will be sprung and user can select the account. On selecting the account, the Customer
Name and Sugama Account No Fields will be filled. Then fill the Starting Slip No: and the
End Slip No and click the SAVE button. On clicking the Save button, the details will be
added to a grid and will be saved.

5.5.8 Withdrawal Slip Cancel

This screen facilitates the updating of Withdrawal Slips to the customers. The particular
screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Withdrawal Slip Cancel>
The source sugama account can be selected by clicking Search Account icon. A popup
will be displayed and user can select the account. On selecting the account, the
Customer Name and Sugama Account No Fields will be filled. The details of slip issued
will also be shown in a grid. Enter the starting slip no and the end slip no and choose the
slip status form Status combo box .On clicking the SAVE button , the status of the slips
chosen will be updated and will be shown in the grid.

5.5.9 Standing Instruction

This screen is used for creating standing instructions for a given Sugama Account.
The particular screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Standing Instruction>
The source SUGAMA account can be selected by clicking Search Account icon. A popup
will be displayed and user can select the account. On selecting the account, the Branch
and Customer Account Number fields will be filled.
Using the “Find Destination Account” the Customer and the account number to which
transaction is to be made can be obtained. The user should specify the Instruction Start
Date and End Date, the Amount to be transferred, whether it’s a varying amount. The
Frequency of Execution should also be specified.
Multiple number of standing instructions can also added for an account. Standing
instruction can be configured to Chitty, OD, Loan and sugama accounts.
A Standing instruction will fail if there is insufficient balance in the account. Failed
Transactions and its reason can be monitored from the Transaction failure report. On
clicking the Add Instruction Button all the details will be shown in a grid. On Clicking the
Save button all the details will be saved.

5.5.10 Stop Payment Recording

This screen is used for blocking or unblocking a Sugama Account. The particular screen
can be invoked from the menu path <Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Stop payment
Recording >

The source sugama account can be selected by clicking Search Account icon. A popup
will be displayed and user can select the account. On selecting the account, all the basic
details regarding the account will be filled. The User should select the STATUS and
should specify the START and END Date. If the Option is ‘Partially Blocked’, and then the
Minimum Balance field should be filled. On clicking the ‘Create Schedule’ button, all the
details will be saved, and schedules will be created. Then all the details will be added in
the Payment recordings details grid.

5.5.11 Account Closure

This screen is used for closing of a Sugama Account. The particular screen can be
invoked from the menu path <Products/Services>/<Sugama>/<Account Closure >
All the basic details will be filled automatically after fetching the customer account.
Close Account Button will initiate account Closure process and will redirect to the
“Multimode Payment Screen” where the Payment can be performed. Allowable amount is
to be entered from the Multimode Payment screen, User can choose the mode of
payment cash, cheque, DD, and Fund Transfer etc. after selecting the payment mode
click on save Button. The Sugama account will be closed immediately after Payment.

5.5.13 Re-Opening Non Operative Account

This screen can be used to reopen a Non-Operative Sugama Account. The particular
screen can be invoked from the menu path <Products/Services>/<Sugama>/< Re-
Opening Non Operative Account >.
The Non-Operative Sugama Account can be selected using the Search Account
button. On Selecting the Account, the fields will be automatically populated. The ‘To
Sugama Account’ will be populated if, the Customer has another active sugama account.
On Clicking Save, the account will be re-opened as a new Account. The Balance in
previous account will be transferred to the new account.

5.5.14 Re-Execute Standing Instruction

This screen can be used to re-execute failed standing instructions in sugama. The
particular screen can be invoked from the menu path
<Products/Services>/<Sugama>/< Re-Execute Sugama Standing Instruction >.
Failed standing instruction will be listed when clicking on “Show failed standing
Instruction” button. Failed log grid shows source account number, destination account
number, and product type and failure reason. We have to re-execute the schedule by
selecting (tick check box) and click on “Run”.

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