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APRIL 27 2016
Written by pelangi and from Overblog
The Bell Rang

By: Siti Zulmaidita Aulia (1430911011)

In one night as the generally night, which the clock showed at 11 pm. The time when most of
people rest of their body from all activity during a day. Including my family. They all have
moved dimension to dreamland. Unexpectedly, the sound of bell ringing.

“Ting Tong”

My home was design near with dad’s grocery store. My dad deliberate put the bell to facilitate
guests who want to visit our home or maybe to visit his store. Dad put it right beside the store
door. But it’s 11 pm. Who would come at this hour? Don’t give a damn, we didn’t respond to
the sound of the bell.

“Ting Tong”

The bell rang again. This time my mom woke up and woke my dad too. Mom was angry, why
the fence has not been closed and locked, so there were still people who came to Dad’s store
in the middle of the night. Wait, now the clock showed at half of 12 pm!

Then dad moved from his bed. He went to the front to see who want to shop in the dead of
night like this. Don’t forget to close the fence so that no more disturb in the piece of our sleep.
Soon, dad came back with a rush. He swore already closed the fence so it’s unlikely someone
ringing the bell. Mom didn’t believe. But dad already swore and saw with his own eyes if the
fence was already locked.

“ No one outside. Where there imposible to people rang the bell from the outside of the fence.”
He said.

“ Unless someone inside ofthe fence…..” add him.

So that night my mom and dad can’t sleep. They concluded that rang of the bell it was a thief
or a robber. They then waited in the living room. It was easier for them to catch those person
who rang the bell.

“Ting Tong - Ting Tong”

Immediately mom and dad peered from the window of the living room. But there was no one
there. Eventually, they decided to turn off the buzzer by breaking the connecting cable between
the doorbell and speakers.
On subsequent nights bell incident never happens again. Though the connecting cable was
connected again. But unlike last night, the bell rang again at midnight.

“Ting Tong”

As on previous occasions, the fence was closed and locked. There can’t be people coming in
and rang the bell. My father returned check to see if they indeed exist thieves who target our
house. But nothing, there was no one there.

Finally, as on previous occasions, dad returned to turn off the buzzer by breaking the
connecting cable between the doorbell and speakers. But he also realized that his store was not
locked. After checking around the outside and inside the store, he still didn’t find a creature
that allows rang the bell. Soon he lock the store and went back into the house.

A week later the bell incident never happens again. Dad also never forget to lock the fence but
also the store. If we forget to lock one of them again, would there happen third bell incident?.

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