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State of the Art in Clinical and Anatomic Pathology

Immunoglobulin E
Importance in Parasitic Infections and Hypersensitivity Responses
William E. Winter, MD; Nancy S. Hardt, MD; Susan Fuhrman, MD

I mmunoglobulin E (IgE) is one of the body’s 5 classes

(isotypes) of immunoglobulins (antibodies). Like other
immunoglobulins, IgE is produced by B cells and plasma
actions serve to expel pathogens from the body. Such
pathogens include metazoan parasites. Parasites are clas-
sified as protozoans (single-cell parasites) or metazoans
cells.1,2 In contrast to other immunoglobulins, the concen- (multicell parasites). Parasitic infection can involve the
tration of IgE in the circulation is very low. Immunoglob- gastrointestinal tract, lungs, blood stream, or solid organs.
ulin E in cord blood usually measures less than 1 U/mL Metazoans are called helminths (worms). Elevated IgE lev-
(1 U 5 2.4 ng). Generally, adult IgE levels are achieved by els occur in several helminthic infections. The helminths
5 to 7 years of age. Between the ages of 10 and 14 years, are divided into the flatworms (Platyhelminthes) and the
IgE levels may be higher than those in adults. After age roundworms (nematodes [Nemathelminthes]). The medi-
70 years, IgE levels may decline slightly and be lower than cally important flatworms are further divided into the
the levels observed in adults younger than 40 years. flukes (Trematoda) and tapeworms (Cestoda). Tapeworms
Circulating IgE concentrations are very low because live in the gut but also can infect solid organs. Flukes live
mast cells have a very high affinity for IgE (1010 mol/L21) in the blood vessels, lungs, or liver. Examples of the con-
via their e-heavy-chain Fc receptors (FceR). The synthetic sequences of parasitism include anemia, development of
rate for IgE is also very low. Immunoglobulin E attaches space-occupying lesions or granulomas in solid organs,
to mast cells and to basophils and activated eosinophils. allergic reactions, obstruction of blood vessels or lym-
Immunoglobulin E on mast cells has a half-life (T½) of phatics, induction of cancer, blindness, and diarrhea.
more than 10 days. Immunoglobulin E also can induce an antibody-depen-
In contrast to other immunoglobulins that bind to im- dent, cell-mediated cytotoxic response against helminthic
munoglobulin Fc receptors only when antigen has been parasites. Immunoglobulin E that binds to such parasites
bound by an antibody, IgE will bind to FceR in the absence focuses eosinophil targeting against the parasites. Once
of antibody. Immunoglobulin E binding to mast cells IgE is bound to the helminthic parasite and eosinophils
‘‘sensitizes’’ the mast cells to degranulate when multiva- bind to IgE, the eosinophil can degranulate against the
lent antigens cross-link FceR-bound IgE (Figure). Intrin- parasite. Helminthic parasites are too large to be phago-
sically innocuous antigens that produce hypersensitivity cytized. The toxic products of the eosinophil granules can
responses are termed allergens. either kill, damage, or dislodge the parasite as a protective
host mechanism. Therefore, it is common to observe both
MAST CELL FUNCTION AND THE PROTECTIVE elevated IgE levels and eosinophilia in many helminthic
EFFECTS OF IgE parasitic infections (see ‘‘Differential Diagnosis of Elevat-
Mast cells play several roles in host defense. As the or- ed IgE Concentrations’’). In summary, (1) IgE binds to the
igin of many proinflammatory substances, mast cell de- target parasite antigen, (2) the eosinophil FcRe receptor
granulation–mediated inflammation allows circulating binds to Fce of IgE, (3) the eosinophil degranulates toward
cells and plasma proteins increased access to interstitial the parasite, and (4) toxic products of the released eosin-
spaces to combat infection. When antigens (or in the case ophil granules damage, destroy, or dislodge the parasite.
of allergies, allergens) cross-link IgE on mast cell surfaces
(eg, cause aggregation of IgE and FceR because the anti- PATHOLOGIC EFFECTS OF IgE
gen is polyvalent, ie, expresses multiple identical epi-
In industrialized populations in which the frequency of
topes), mast cell degranulation is triggered. Degranulation
helminthic parasitic infection is low, the adverse actions of
releases histamine and other biologic substances that can
IgE are manifested as a high frequency of type I hyper-
induce coughing, sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea. These
sensitivity.3,4 While allergy (hypersensitivity) was unusual
at the turn of the century, allergies now affect up to 20%
Accepted for publication March 31, 2000. of adults. Approximately 5% of children have asthma, 15%
From the Department of Pathology, Immunology, and Laboratory of children have allergic rhinitis, 5% have eczema, and
Medicine, University of Florida, College of Medicine, Gainesville, Fla possibly up to 40% of all children are affected by minor
(Drs Winter and Hardt), and the Department of Pathology, Grant Riv-
allergic conditions. Experts hypothesize that the decreas-
ersides Methodist Hospital, Columbus, Ohio (Dr Fuhrman).
Reprints: William E. Winter, MD, Department of Pathology, Labora- ing frequency of parasitism, which has occurred as a con-
tory Medicine, and Immunology, University of Florida, College of Med- sequence of improved sanitation and hygiene, has left the
icine, Box 100275, Gainesville, FL 32610-0275. immune system ‘‘unoccupied,’’ thereby fostering immune
1382 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 124, September 2000 Immunoglobulin E—Winter et al
Type I hypersensitivity.

responses to benign antigens (eg, allergens) that produce that contains a specific allergen over the abrasion. If the
allergic responses. Examples of type I hypersensitivity re- individual has mast cells under their skin sensitized with
actions are listed in Table 1. IgE specific for the allergen, an immediate hypersensitiv-
ity wheal and flare (eg, hive) response will develop within
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF ELEVATED 15 to 20 minutes. Using skin testing, allergists can test for
IgE CONCENTRATIONS IgE antibody to 50 or more allergens simultaneously by
Circulating IgE levels are predominantly elevated in hel- applying multiple solutions to individual sites over the
minthic parasitic and allergic conditions. Table 2 provides patient’s back.
a list of conditions in which elevated IgE levels may be The advantage of RAST testing is that it can be per-
found. As noted, in industrialized countries, allergy is the formed simply by taking a blood specimen. However, in
most common cause of elevated IgE concentrations, performing RAST testing for a large battery of allergens,
whereas in lesser developed, predominantly agrarian the overall cost becomes substantial. Advantages of skin
countries, parasitic infection is the most common cause of testing are that (1) skin testing more closely relates to clin-
elevated IgE levels. Elevated IgE levels can be detected in ical disease than RAST testing and (2) since an allergist
some individuals before the expression of clinical allergy. performs the testing in a clinic, the results are available
However, the usefulness of such testing is unclear because immediately.
no prophylactic immunotherapy exists to prevent the de-
velopment of allergy. IgE DEFICIENCY
While elevated IgE levels can be consistent with various It is difficult to define IgE deficiency because IgE levels
allergic conditions, to determine the precise allergen to are normally very low. Immunoglobulin E deficiency can
which an individual is sensitive, either radioallergosorbent be defined as IgE levels less than 2 U/mL in children and
testing (RAST) or skin testing should be carried out. Ra- less than 4 U/mL in adults. Low IgE levels have been
dioallergosorbent testing detects the presence of IgE sen- reported in various forms of severe combined immuno-
sitivity to specific allergens. Skin testing is performed by deficiency, hyper-IgM syndrome, ataxia telangiectasia, X-
scratching or pricking the skin and applying a solution linked recessive Bruton agammaglobulinemia, common
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 124, September 2000 Immunoglobulin E—Winter et al 1383
Table 1. Clinical Examples of Type I Hypersensitivity Disorders
Route of
Disorder Clinical Manifestations Allergens Exposure
Systemic anaphylaxis Edema, vasodilation, tracheal mucosal swell- Drugs, serum, venoms Intravenous
ing with occlusion, circulatory collapse,
Wheal and flare responses Local vasodilation and edema Insect bites, allergy testing Subcutaneous
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) Edema and irritation of nasal mucosa Pollens (ragweed, timothy, birch), mite feces Inhalation
Bronchial asthma Bronchial constriction, mucosal edema from Pollens, dust mite feces Inhalation
inflammation, excessive mucus production
Food allergy Vomiting, diarrhea; pruritus, urticaria (hives: Shellfish, milk, fish, wheat, legumes, corn, Oral
allergen travels to skin) citrus fruit, eggs, tomatoes

Table 2. Differential Diagnosis of Elevated Table 3. Clinial Use of Immunoglobulin E (IgE)

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Measurements
Category Examples Measurement of IgE always indicated in patients with suspected
Allergic disease Atopic dermatitis (eczema) IgE monoclonal gammopathy
Allergic rhinitis Hyper-IgE syndrome
Allergic asthma Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis Immunodeficiency syndromes
Drug allergies Measurement of IgE sometimes indicated in patients with
Allergic urticaria suspected
Parasitic disease Allergic disease
Cestodes Echinococcus granulosus Helminthic parasitism
Echinococcus multiocularis Measurement of IgE usually not indicated in patients with
Trematodes Schistosoma mansoni suspected
Schistosoma japonicum Inflammatory diseases
Schistosoma haematobium Nonparasitic infectious diseases
Nematodes Ascaris lumbricoides
Ancylostoma caninum
Ancylostoma braziliense
Capillaria philippinensis mean. The maximum total error (fixed limit goal) accord-
Toxocara canis ing to CLIA ’88 is 63 SD of the mean.
Toxocara cati
Immunologic disorders
Monoclonal gammopathy IgE monoclonal gammopathy The suggested clinical application of IgE measurements
Immune deficiency states Hyper-IgE syndrome is outlined in Table 3. An elevated IgE concentration is not
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome diagnostic of any single condition. However, there are at
DiGeorge syndrome least 3 conditions (IgE monoclonal gammopathy, hyper-
Nezelof syndrome
IgE syndrome, and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergil-
Graft versus host disease
Acquired immunodeficiency losis) in which elevated IgE levels are universally ob-
syndrome served. A normal IgE level excludes an IgE monoclonal
Cystic fibrosis gammopathy, hyper-IgE syndrome, and allergic broncho-
Inflammatory diseases Kawasaki disease pulmonary aspergillosis. Depressed or elevated IgE levels
Periarteritis nodosa are sought frequently in suspected immunodeficiency dis-
Infectious diseases Leprosy orders.
Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis An elevated IgE concentration frequently is found in
Aspergilloma various allergic and helminthic parasitic diseases, as out-
lined in Table 2. An elevated IgE level would support the
diagnosis of an allergic or helminthic parasitic disorder,
variable immunodeficiency, transient hypogammaglobu- but a normal IgE concentration would not exclude the spe-
linemia of infancy, and isolated IgE deficiency whose clin- cific diagnosis under consideration. If the diagnosis of al-
ical significance is unclear. Some experts in immunodefi- lergy or helminthic parasitism is unclear, an otherwise un-
ciency diseases recommend that IgE be measured if an explained elevated IgE value may be helpful in suggesting
antibody deficiency state is being considered. allergy or parasitism. However, if the diagnosis of allergic
or helminthic parasitic disease is likely, measurement of
ANALYTICAL ISSUES IN THE MEASUREMENT OF IgE IgE is not likely to provide substantial additional infor-
Solid-phase displacement radioimmunoassays, double- mation.
antibody radioimmunoassays, solid-phase sandwich ra- In infants, IgE levels greater than 20 U/mL support the
dioimmunoassays, and nephelometry are all used to mea- diagnosis of allergic rhinitis; however, a normal IgE value
sure IgE. In most assays, the lower limit of detection is 0.5 does not rule out allergic conditions. Immunoglobulin E
U/mL (1.2 ng/mL). According to the Clinical Laboratory levels in adults are less helpful in establishing an allergic
Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA ’88), acceptable etiology for symptoms. In patients with suspected allergic
control ranges are within 63 SD of the mean control val- conditions, IgE levels greater than 11 SD above the mean
ue. The overall precision goal should be 60.75 SD of the ‘‘suggest’’ allergic disease, while values greater than 12
1384 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 124, September 2000 Immunoglobulin E—Winter et al
SD above the mean ‘‘strongly suggest’’ allergic disease. munoassay procedures are necessary to measure the low
Measuring the total IgE concentration is not usually help- circulating concentrations of IgE, IgE proficiency testing is
ful once the diagnosis of allergic disease has been estab- included in the general ligand surveys of the College of
lished clinically, whereas an elevated IgE value has only American Pathologists (K, KN [K with SI unit reporting],
limited power in predicting allergic tendencies. Therefore, and KK [K with a duplicate set of vials]). This review of
measuring IgE in the latter 2 situations is not recommend- IgE focused on the biology of IgE, the differential diag-
ed. nosis of elevated IgE concentrations, the measurement of
Finally, elevated IgE levels are observed in many inflam- IgE, and the clinical indications for the measurement of
matory and infectious diseases. Immunoglobulin E mea- IgE.
surements are usually not helpful in such conditions, and References
IgE measurements are rarely indicated. 1. Leung DYM. Immunologic basis of chronic allergic disease: clinical mes-
sages from the laboratory bench. Pediatr Res. 1997;42:559–568.
2. Leung DYM. Molecular basis of allergic disease. Mol Genet Metab. 1998;
SUMMARY 63:157–167.
3. Homburger HA. Allergic diseases. In: Henry JB, ed. Clinical Diagnosis and
Compared with the major circulating immunoglobulins Management by Laboratory Methods. 19th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders;
(IgG, IgA, and IgM), IgE normally occurs in very low con- 1996:1051–1063.
4. Allergy and hypersensitivity. In: Janeway CA, Travers P, Walport M, Capra
centrations in the circulation. The normal concentration of JD, eds. Immunobiology, the Immune System in Health and Disease. 4th ed. New
IgE is only 0.05% of the IgG concentration. Because im- York, NY: Current Biology Publications; 1999:461–488.

Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 124, September 2000 Immunoglobulin E—Winter et al 1385

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