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Example 3, Pulse Modeling. Pure water flows ai v= 4 L/min through a vessel of volume V liter. At time ¢ = 0 and thereafter, blue ink at #2 = 1 g/min is fed to the entering fluid stream and its concentration in the exit stream is recorded, as shown in Fig. 3.16. m a concentration cd of ve nk 3168= Ct ext curve fie, min Fig, 3.16 Observed readings What isthe volume of the vessel? Solution, By material balance, (3.7) and (3.8) give: oleh a as8 vy 4Umin oy from the above graph Coax = ose 7=5 min, and Cay = ‘These do not match. More tracer leaves than enters. So something is wrong!! Redo the experiment, Example 4, Water Flow in the Columbia River. ‘A batch of radioactive material is dumped into the Columbia River near Richmond, ‘WA. At Bonneville Dam about 240 miles downstream, the flowing waters (6,000m'/s) ‘are monitored for a particular radioisotope (fy, > 10 years), and the following data Fig, 3.17 are obiained ©. unite of racicactwty / m® axtot radioactivity 20 35 ae, Poe Fig. 347 Flow of river at Bonneville Dam (a) How many units of this tracer were introduced into the river? (b) What is the volume of Columbia River waters between Bonneville dam and the point of introduction of tracer? Solution. (@) For a 10 year tracer half life and with a much smaller time for the experiment We can ignore tracer decay. So the mean of the tracer curve, from geometry or Fig. 3.17 is 7 LC _ 30(15 10°) +65(90 x 10°) _ re TOS x 10- neaye. ‘The area under the curve is 3.6 Two or More Streams Either Enter or Leave the Vessel B 4 = (125 ~20) (108) = 105 « 10-08 ‘From the material balance, (3.1), the amount of tracer introduced is (xo 8G) aot) so0 2) = 54,432 units of tracer. — (a) (b) Because 7 = //v, the volume of this section of the river is m? s Vm Fv (60 days) | (6,000) (3,600 x 24 5 im’. — (b) Example 5. Fraction of Gas and of Liquid in a Pipe, respectively, Pulse tracer tests on the fluids flowing through the pipe give results as shown below. What fraction of the pipe is occupied by gas and what fraction by liquid? Fig. 3.18). =3.11x 2 700 i ig, 318 Flow rate of Gand Lina pipeline Solution. Given the following flow rates and volumes 60,000 ems, 300 em*ys, Volume of pipe = Fa) = 3 (107,910) = 150,011 em’ Volume occupied by gas Vand by B.11) and 3.12), ‘= fe’, = 2(60,000) = 120,000 em’, Yai 100(300) = 30,000 cm’ Therefore, the fraction of gas and of liquid are Ve 120,000 ‘al 120,000 30, 000 Frac, Frac =

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