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Here Are Your Results

You're test taker # 881,368. Thanks for taking the test and I know you'll find your results useful.

Your Top 5 Strengths Are:

Risk Taking (94%):

* Learn to recognize, act on, and leverage risks based on your own abilities.
* Look at risks that are uncomfortable and find ways to overcome them.
* Stay alert to all opportunities but focus on those currently available to you.
* Try something new each day without worrying about the journey or outcomes.
* Learn to overcome the instinctive responses to fear.

Curiosity (94%):

* Actively take on roles that require you to stay current in a fast moving field.
* Always stay hunting for a richer learning environment - the process keeps you energized.
* Track your learning progress and celebrate milestones along the way.
* Challenge yourself to be a resident expert or master of trade on a subject.
* Request to work beside someone who will continuously push you to learn more.
* Learn by teaching others - do discussion groups and presentations at work and in your
* Set aside money to support continued education, training, seminars, and e-learning.

Optimism (88%):

* Look for positions where you can be as close to customers as possible.

* Actively help plan events - like new product launches and user groups.
* Do use your humor and good attitude to excite people.
* Being positive does not mean you'll be in good mood - be aware and let others know, as
* Cynics quickly sap your energy and you dislike cheering negative people - minimize these
* You enjoy celebrating and should actively find ways to recognize achievements.

Salesmanship (88%):
* Make it a point to meet new people every day - strangers energize you.
* Be the initial point of contact for groups, organizations, and teams.
* Continually work on your system for remembering names and faces.
* You prefer to meet, win over, and move on - stick to broad relationships in work. Quantity not
* Be careful that your salesmanship doesn't cloud the vision of others - too much influence can
be dangerous.
* Consistently be a builder of goodwill for your groups, community, or organization.

Visionary (81%):

* Seek to share your visions of the future with others and hear others' ideas, too.
* Seek to share your perspectives on company news, meetings, and projects.
* Look for (and digest!) news and articles that cover the future plans of things.
* Work with or on a planning committee and keep up or review its progress.
* Look for roles where you will be pushed to see the future as vividly as possible.
* Actively help others to rise above the present and be excited about the future.

Your Remaining Results Are:

Purpose (81%):
Self Motivation (81%):
Strategic Thinking (81%):
Teamwork (81%):
Leadership (81%):
Communication (81%):
Determination (81%):
Innovation (81%):
Ambition (81%):
Integrity (81%):
Faith (81%):
Focus (75%):
Problem Solving (75%):
Resourcefulness (75%):
Adaptability (75%):

Your Bottom 1 Weakness Is:

Balance (69%):

* You bring structure to chaotic situations - you don't rest until order restored. Seek teams that
need your help.
* Clutter will greatly annoy you - make every effort to enhance your organizational and planning
* Always seek advance notice of deadlines, meetings, and project milestones.
* Surprises are distressing to you and can ruin your day - help others understand the way you
* Actively take time out to prioritize your tasks and goals.
* Offer to help with time management and department processes.
* Continually work out possible outcome paths ahead of time to prepare for the unknowns.

Now, Use Your Strengths to Grow - Click Here

Now, Use Your Strengths to Grow

Discover How to Boost Your Career, Enhance Relationships, & Gain More
Direction in Life

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to get more done? And what they do get done is
the stuff that matters most to them?

How do they do it?

How do they overcome that fear of change that comes with an unknown future?

Don’t these achievers get discouraged and lose confidence when they hit a snag in the path to
growth and success?

Yes. Yes they do.

But they do it Better.

These champions of action are no different than you or I, believe it or not. They’ve got a set of
tools that works better for them.

 Have you ever tried to unscrew something with a butter knife?

 How about using a clothes hanger for a TV antenna?

That’s us “looking-to-be-better” folks. That’s us using tools that weren’t made to do what we’ve
been using them for.

So stop living life harder than you have to…

Use Tools to Clarify Your Life
 Optimize daily living to always have time to do what matters
 Choose your own thoughts and stop letting the fear of change slow you down
 Finally understand that success is what you want it to be

Truth is, the achievers out there are just you a few weeks into the future. And I can see you
shaking your head now, but it’s a truth you’ll see soon.

The real key to finding clarity, guidance, and focus is finally figuring out how you tick.

Realize Your Strengths = Realize Your Dreams

“It’s remarkable how all my personal goals and dreams already encompassed so many of my
strengths, and I didn’t realize it. The more I grow in those strengths and my belief system, it just
keeps getting better and better. I have energy and focus to spend my time doing the right things.”
-Keri (USA)

Regain Control of Your Future

When you come to know, use, and make a habit out of your strengths, your future success is

 See and overcome roadblocks before they get in your way

 Learn to re-frame failures into stepping stones to future success
 Instead of just doing, ‘do’ with a purpose and be more fulfilled in life

And it doesn’t stop there.

When you learn to see what works for you, you begin to see what works for those around you.

 Bring clarity and understanding to working optimally with others

 Figure out what matters most to those that matter around you
 Stop guessing why people do what they do and start knowing what works

Don’t waste another precious minute on living life in the fog of unknowing. Drop the weight of
weaknesses and get in the flow of using your strengths to immediately refocus your life and
regain control over your future.

This isn’t another 8th grade Algebra class with stuff you’ll never use again in your life. This is to
give you tools you use for life.

Direction and Motivation for All Ages

“I teach high school civics and my seniors are VERY ready to graduate, but very
UNMOTIVATED for life. I’ve had them all take the strengths test, we’ve discussed it, and it’s
given us great direction for the rest of the year and (hopefully) as they begin their lives as young
adults. They’ve been astonished at the results. Thank you!!” -Dan (USA)

You can choose to set yourself up for success by making these tools into habits you do

What’s in the Strengths Toolkit

It’s time to get the tools needed to use your strengths to grow. The
Strengths Toolkits available will be a valuable resource to go back to over and over. Here’s
what’s inside:

 Unleash Your Strengths (PDF eBook – 169 pages)

 Unleash Your Strengths (Kindle eBook – 197 pages)

 1 Book on Learning Better

 7 Idea Brainstorming Tools
 3 Life Optimizing Cheat Sheets
 4 Life Optimizing Templates

 Dozens of diagrams, illustrations, and flowcharts

 …10 more bonus tools

There’s also an audio book version that includes:

 30 MP3 files @ over 4 hours and 20 minutes

 And everything listed above

No More “Self-Help” Mumbo Jumbo

“How interesting! Excellent insight into people’s strengths and development areas without
submitting to any ‘mumbo jumbo!’ Thank you.” -Jennifer (USA)

évaluer votre niveau est une étape très importante dans l'apprentissage des

Get Your Strengths Toolkit

Combo Toolkit Audio Toolkit

This is the Strengths book (in PDF and

Kindle formats), 25 bonus tools, templates,
and some bonus audio files.


Personal Strengths And Weaknesses Essay

850 words - 3 pages

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Identifying personal strengths and weaknesses are crucial part of the overall learning processes.
Just as understanding which methods and techniques help us to learn at a peak level,
understanding our strengths and weaknesses help us to become more self-aware and well-
rounded individuals.

In any situation, a person has attributes that will detract from the task and others that will prove
beneficial. I believe that weaknesses and struggles define a person more so than their strengths.

Our strengths, from throwing a baseball 95 miles an hour to analyzing complex software code to
compassion and patience with others, are usually easy to identify. Culturally, we celebrate the
strongest and best and strive to develop our own personal strengths. Consequently, identifying
my personal strengths was simple.

However, it is important to be aware of not only personal strengths, but also personal
weaknesses. The foundation for this belief is found in one of my strengths, my faith in God. In
Paul's second letter to the Corinthian church, he writes that he "boasts of his weaknesses." Paul's
intent was to focus Christians on God in situations where they were weak. By turning inward and
focusing on our weaknesses, whether we choose to give those weaknesses to God or not, we can
better recognize areas where we need to focus effort toward growth and change. I believe I am
fairly aware of my own weaknesses, and compiling that list was not difficult. Formulating a plan
of action to overcome those weaknesses was easy as well. Implementation of that plan is another

My strengths, which include strong writing skills, and excellent computer and technical skills,
are offset by my weaknesses, which are a well-honed ability to procrastinate, and a tendency to
become easily frustrated.

I believe one of my strongest talents is writing. I have always enjoyed writing. In fact, I keep an
online journal that has been well-received by the people who read it. In school, I have earned
consistently good marks on papers I have written. I believe good writing skill involves more than
just getting words on paper; the words need to flow well. There is a certain art in getting the right
words in the right order to get a point across or to paint a picture in a reader's mind. I believe I
possess this skill and I hope it will serve me well throughout my career.

Another of my strengths is my technical and computer skills. Since a young age I have enjoyed
wiring up

Personal Strengths And Weaknesses Essay

1331 words - 5 pages

Everyone is embedded with things that make them unique. As individuals we each bring
soemthing new, creative, and different to the table. This brings to to discuss personal strengths
and weaknessess within myself and my everyday living. Personal strengths are areas where we
tend to excel, and seem to express above average. Personal Weaknesses to me are areas where
we would like to excel but seem to still need improvement. If I can, let me share with you my
strengths and weaknesses and see how they effect my everyday being.
Lets begin with my personal strengths. To me these are areas where I think I excel and have
the most experience. Being an effective communicator is one of the best traits that I think a
person can carry. Effective communication consists of being able to speak clearly and
professionally, while being knowleadgeable at the same time. I also have to ensure that the
message that is being communicated is easy to understand and that my message covers all the
facts and pertinent information. Communication has become one of the key parts to being
successful in work life and in my personal life. Communication is key to my marriage and any
relationship that I build within a team, workplace, and even with my small child. Being an
effective communicator is definetely a strong point for me. Possessing the skills to be a leader is
also a bright area for me. I learned at an early age that I love to be in charge and that taking
initiative to get things done has a very positive outlook. Being that I have learned my limitations
and what is best for me, I do better as a leader and not a follower. Being a leader takes an
outgoing personality, and a person that loves to work an be around people. It also takes good
decision making skills and the ability to work well under pressure sometimes. I am truly a people
person and feel that I have the traits that it takes to lead a group to the moon if need be. Which
leads me into being a team player. I believe that team work is always a great asset to any work or
personal group and being a team player is one of my stronger attributes. Being a team player
means being able to work well with others, to offer assistance to others in need, and to be very
open to new ideas and other peoples opinions. Being a team player to me falls right into place
with being a people person and being able to work well with others. I am faced with being a team
player on my job everyday and I dont think that we would be as successful as we are without
team work and without each person being the best team player that they can be. Therefore, my
team player ability is truly a strong point for me as well. Lastly, time management has to also be
a strength for me. While being a full time wife, full time mother, full time employee, and full
time student something has to give! Time management is a skill that I learned by trial and error.
It is a strength that took a lot of time to acquire but I finally got it...

Personal Strengths And Weaknesses Essay

1153 words - 5 pages

I am going to write about my personal strengths and weaknesses. I would like to start out by
going over my personal strengths. Then I will go over some of my personal weaknesses. Finally I
will compose a plan of action to take to improve on my weaknesses.
I am an honest person. I tell people what I am thinking and how I feel. Even if they don't like
what I have to say. Being honest has helped me become closer to the people I care about most. It
has also helped me in my professional career. I will tell my boss what's on my mind. He
considers me a straight shooter and often asks my advice on work related topics. I also think
being honest with myself has helped me a great deal. I don't let negative thoughts control my
actions. I always try to be optimistic about everything I do.
I am also a very unselfish person. I take pride in staying loyal to everything I'm involved in. My
best friends are guys I went to grade school with. I believe we continue to be friends because we
share many of the same personal strengths. I am also loyal when it comes to my career. Over the
last 6 years I have with the same small company. I have helped build the company from nothing.
I feel I have an obligation to stick with them and keep plugging away.
I am a very unselfish person. I enjoy making the people around me happy. If I'm having a good
time I want the people around me to experience the same feelings. I also enjoy helping people. I
don't mind if a friend needs to borrow my car or something like that. If someone is moving or
lost a job I am concerned for them and usually I am the first one they call.
I consider my self a hard worker. My father taught me that through hard work and determination
I can accomplish anything I set my mind too. I apply my value of hard work to everything I do. I
like the satisfaction of completing a project that I've put my time into. I believe that life is 90
percent effort and 10 percent what you know. I know some people that are very smart but are too
lazy to live up to their true potential.
Discipline is very important to me. Without it I wouldn't be enjoying many of the things I have.
My discipline keeps me on track with work and school. Although I'm still adjusting to my new
schedule, the discipline I have allows me to do what needs to be done, and do it on time. I think
discipline is a very important strength to have when I'm working full time and going to school.
Integrity is having a steadfast adherence to a strict moral value. I was raised to know the
difference between right and wrong. I stick to these values I was taught when I was younger. I
believe I have strong moral values. I try to apply these moral values in everything I do. I believe
this helps me be a better person. I also think it helps me stay on the right track and be a better
Personal weaknesses
I find at times I have motivation issues. I usually have this problem if things aren't going the way
I've envisioned. I have been having a motivation...

I believe life is a learning experience and we all have certain personal strengths and weaknesses.
Knowing what we are good at and what we are weak in can help us to become better people.
Recognizing weaknesses along with having the desire to improve on them is a skill that I have.
For me, recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses is key to being a successful person. If I
realize I have a weakness in a certain area of my life, I will work to improve myself in that area.
I consider this personal attribute of mine a strength. I also use my personal strengths to improve
myself in the areas where I am weak. My greatest personal strength that permeates into other
areas of my life is persistence, persistence to be good at whatever I do. I believe in doing things
well in order to be successful with what I do and with the commitments I make. I have a very
well developed attention to detail which may actually be my greatest strength. A personal-
strength of mine at home is I am a dedicated Father. I first became a Father at the age of
eighteen, a week after my 20th birthday my second child was born. My third child was born in
January 2004, a week after my 25th birthday. All of my goals, hopes and dreams center around
providing a better situation for them, because I believe it is every generations responsibility to
improve upon what their parents did and to especially learn from their parents mistakes. My
strength as a father is not that I am a father, because that is easy, but rather in the fact that I want
to be an absolutely great father. I want to be the dad...

I believe life is a learning experience and we all have certain personal strengths and weaknesses.
Knowing what we are good at and what we are weak in can help us to become better people.
Recognizing weaknesses along with having the desire to improve on them is a skill that I have.
For me, recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses is key to being a successful person. If I
realize I have a weakness in a certain area of my life, I will work to improve myself in that area.
I consider this personal attribute of mine a strength. I also use my personal strengths to improve
myself in the areas where I am weak. My greatest personal strength that permeates into other
areas of my life is persistence, persistence to be good at whatever I do. I believe in doing things
well in order to be successful with what I do and with the commitments I make. I have a very
well developed attention to detail which may actually be my greatest strength. A personal-
strength of mine at home is I am a dedicated Father. I first became a Father at the age of
eighteen, a week after my 20th birthday my second child was born. My third child was born in
January 2004, a week after my 25th birthday. All of my goals, hopes and dreams center around
providing a better situation for them, because I believe it is every generations responsibility to
improve upon what their parents did and to especially learn from their parents mistakes. My
strength as a father is not that I am a father, because that is easy, but rather in the fact that I want
to be an absolutely great father. I want to be the dad...

Through the years I have learned that my experiences are what carry me through life. Through
these experiences I have developed strengths and weaknesses.

Let me start by naming my strengths and abilities. Anticipate Tasks, Problem Solving, Vigilant
while Sleeping, Resolving Conflicts, Open Minded, Decision Making, Follow and Lead, Work
Under Pressure, Team Player, and Handle Multiple Tasks.

My weaknesses are procrastinating, not listening well, contradicting myself, Selective Hearing,
and settling for the minimum.

The development of these abilities and skills are due to the Marine Corps. The ability to
anticipate tasks is part of being a Marine and a good leader. Anticipating what's next without
receiving the order to do it is a Marine Corps standard that is necessary to learn and grasp. When
you learn to anticipate tasks or see what the outcome is before hand is advantages when dealing
with everyday life. I tend to know what will happen next when my children are at playing and
are doing things they are not suppose to. When driving I can anticipate what other motorists can
do before they do it. In the beginning of the class I was anticipating all the requirements. This
week I ran into a block that slowed me down and I know is hurting my team. It is hard to take
control back when you loose and I did not anticipate that. It is difficult when there is no presence
of the team and we have to rely on the Internet to communicate with one another. This is a big
obstacle to overcome.

Problem solving and working under pressure operate together for me. I work better under
pressure. This I have learned while I was in High School. I managed to develop a second gear
when I was running out time and I had to juggle multiple things. I was doing dancing; soccer and
homework so it left me no time to attack the big homework assignments. I knew I was risking
my sports and my extra curriculum activities if I did not keep my grades up. I developed this
without thinking. It works for my advantage. At work I function well under pressure, not only it
is a requirement, but also to me there is no room for mistake. I am not trying to be a perfectionist
because some details maybe missed during the task process. Paying attention to detail and
knowing what you are facing in the heat of the moment helps to attack any task and finish on
time. In life I do procrastinate also. I put aside what my wife says and things that I need to do for
my kids. If it does not have to be done right now they I do it when it is time to do it. It is a bad
habit that is affecting me right now. This week I failed to interact more with my teammates not
only because of my busy week but because in my mind the thought of, "there is always
tomorrow," keeps making me push time. At work and in my personal life working under pressure
makes my...

The objective of this paper is to show you the personal strengths and weakness that I identified
by asking friends and family their opinion on the topic
regarding yours truly, and by examining myself for areas that I am really good at (also known as
strengths) and areas I need to improve (otherwise known as weaknesses). After I have identified
them, I will tell you how recognizing my strengths and weakness can help me to improve myself
to achieve a more peaceful and satisfying personal life.
I will start with the unflattering information first and list my most obvious weaknesses.

My weaknesses were hard for me to identify but with the help of friends I was suddenly very
informed on what they were! I was able to identify one weakness on my own and it is
impatience. There is an old saying that patience is a virtue. Any single one of my friends will
agree with me that patience has never been one of my virtues. I want everything done right now
and all the questions
answered immediately. Given the chance I would go straight from A to C and would skip the B
without a moments’ hesitation. My second weakness combined
with impatience makes the situation even more pronounced. I am very impulsive which can be a
good thing on occasion but usually ends up being a
bad thing. I do not think about what I am going to do or say next or moderate the tone I say it in.
I often sound very irritated and come across as being rude when that is not really true. In reality,
I am just frustrated because things aren’t happening as quickly as I want them to. The last major
weakness that I identified with the help of my loving husband was stubbornness. I inherited the
trait from my dad of course. Once I have made up my mind on an idea or action not many people
can easily persuade me to do or think something different. I often tenaciously stick to my guns,
even after I might realize that I am wrong and someone else may be right. When I do realize that
I am without a doubt and undeniably wrong, eventually the person in question gets a very
reluctant and somewhat surly admission that I might have been wrong. The fact that I will admit
that I am wrong brings me to the subject of my personal strengths.

Identifying my personal strengths was a lot easier for me than identifying my weakness. I
would rather look at myself and my actions and point out the good attributes that I have then
point out the bad ones. One of my greatest strengths is my ability to relate to people. I
Personal Strengths And Weaknesses Essay
1008 words - 4 pages

Strengths and weaknesses are important to us as individuals in order to make a difference in

correlation to personal growth. Our individuality is further intensified by each of us having
different goals, priorities and other special qualities. In writing this paper I plan to clearly define
and identify each of my strengths and weaknesses. I believe this class is definitely giving me a
greater understanding of the different techniques and methods that will allow me to improve my
learning process. I also believe realizing my strengths and weaknesses will help me to become a
more well-rounded and self-conscious individual.

My personal strengths are my communication, discipline, punctuality, and my ability to stay

focused among the many distractions. The first quality that enhances my personality is
communication. During unpredicted situations I have been able to provide strength and
confidence to my peers and team members. I attempt to remain calm, so I can provide direction.
A team needs a person he or she can look up to for guidance and support for work or school
issues. Throughout this program at the University of Phoenix, I will be working with teams
which will further strengthen this valuable asset.

Secondly, discipline is something we all develop throughout our lifetime; discipline equips us
with the tools necessary to succeed in life. Discipline has given me the ability to have a solid
self-esteem, a sense of humor and ability to stay focused on goals which have resulted in a
greater desire to learn. Having discipline is the ability to gain control by obedience. Punctuality
is very important to me. I make every effort never to be late and the majority of the time I arrive
early for my appointments and engagements. In my opinion punctuality gives employers as well
as others the idea that an individual is eager and ready to engage in work or the task at hand.
Lastly, staying focused has not been easy and at times staying focused has been quite challenging
not to go off in many different directions. At times I find myself detouring away from my goals
but, learning to stay focused has kept me on the roadmap to both reaching and achieving my
goals, on the, other hand we must also be able to recognize out weaknesses in order to be well
balanced individuals. Weaknesses that I possess are writing, time management, assertiveness and
organization. A negative factor in a person's character should not be weakness. Each of us has
numerous flaws that can be improved at some point in our lives.

Throughout my educational years one weak point that I have had is a fear of writing. A blank
page to me is very frustrating. I doubt my ability to write a first-rate paper. As a result of the
slang usage in everyday conversations of society the English language is very confusing. This...
strengths And Weaknesses Essay
975 words - 4 pages

Hello Class,

It is vital when looking for a new job or career that you know what skills and qualities you have.
Knowing what you can or cannot do will alter what employers and positions there are for you.
Throughout my higher education at Full Sail University, I have been able to overcome
weaknesses that I have and raised other strengths beyond what I thought I could. Matching what
you are good at and not so good at can help shape what your life path will be. Looking deeper
into my personal capabilities, I have discovered three strengths and three weaknesses that I have
and I’m working on eliminating or improving. If you are not good at something, improving even
slightly can have a nice positive impact on your overall quality of life at work and at home.

I have several attributes that I can bring to an employers table. Among the several strengths,
three skills in particular stand out when working with a team and they include: Empathetic,
Analytical and Visionary. I have a great ability to understand and share the feelings of another,
which is an excellent skill to have when working in a group setting. Knowing what other group
members are feeling can help the team work together better and have less problems overall.
When working on a group project I take a very logical course of thinking. Being analytical with
my thoughts helps keep the reasoning and logic of what the project is trying to accomplish into a
real possibility. My thought process is very grounded and I try to utilize all of the available
knowledge available to form the foundation of all group projects.

While I use logic and knowledge to form all thoughts, I have a great visionary mind that is
always thinking about or planning for the future. A great quality of a visionary leader is that I am
open to new information according to Travis Turner’s Creative Leader article. Having a
visionary mind is a solid strength in the group project setting. This visionary skill helps the group
projects stay on course with clear and precise direction towards a predetermined outcome of
group objectives. According to John Maxwell’s article, “Vision determines the direction of the
team”. These three strengths of empathy, analytics and vision have all helped in the leading of a
group of people through a project.

While I definitely have more strengths than weaknesses, I do consider myself to have three
weaknesses in my attributes. My weaknesses would include: Impatient, Shy and Reluctant.
When working on a project, I can become a little impatient if the other group members are not
pulling their weight properly or waiting till the last minute to do things. According to Melody
Fletcher’s How To Overcome Impatience article, “Impatience is a response to fear”. I have a
strong desire to control not only the outcome, but also...
The range of professional duties performed by teachers is wide and extensive. At the heart of a
teacher's role is the promotion of learning for all pupils. A teacher need to know how to employ
the most effective teaching and learning strategies to enable children and young people to make
progress and also know how to motivate their pupils - to do this, they need to be effective role
models for the pupils they teach. But still they have their own strength and weakness as teacher.

As a teacher I would like to think my strength knowing what the students need to learn and what
will be useful for them. I often ditch course books and make my own lessons geared towards the
weaknesses of mine. I don not have to follow a curriculum and that allows me the freedom I
need to skip the passive voice lesson and go back to quantifiers or the zero article, etc. By doing
this students will understand my lesson without any confusion. I can increase this strength by
gather various information from mass com such news paper, students magazines, e-learning, it
would help me to clear their doubt clearly without confusion.

My next strength is to understanding where students were coming from and really being able to
see things from their level by giving homework equally to their level. I also will not expect too
much from students. I will give individual attention those who really need it. Encourage
pupils to think, to make connections, to practice and reinforce, to learn from other learners and to
feel that if they make mistakes they will not be ridiculed or treated negatively. I will always
address the needs of the students by gather all the information my students require. I find as
many resources as I can to make sure they learn each activity the best I possibly can help them.
To increase this strength I will work effectively with students from culturally diverse

When I analyze myself as a student, I find that I have more strengths than weaknesses. However
I know that letting my weaknesses take control make me a bad student. As a student I have many
good qualities. I am a good student when I am focused and make good use of my time.
Overcoming my weaknesses make me a better student.
I have learned to distinguish my strengths as a student. The most important thing is that I
have a desire to improve with my studies. Also, I am very smart and have determination to reach
my goals. The biggest example is the accomplishment of my dream of attending college. Another
thing is that I acknowledge my mistakes and am willing to seek for help and change. To my
advantage, I have found good sources of help in my parents and teachers. Besides these qualities
of a good student, I also have enough time to study and also perform very good in several
When analyzing myself, I realize that I have more strengths than weaknesses. My
weaknesses make me a bad student. My biggest weakness is time management. Although I do
not work, I waste a lot of time at my house. I tend to spend a lot of time on my computer,
listening to music or watching TV. This causes me to loose lots of time and not do my school
work. Another weakness is that sometimes I talk too much in class. It is a big issue because I pay
less attention and am never focused. Even worse, I distract others and some teachers are annoyed
by this. Sometimes I feel bad, but I try to talk less in class.
For me to become a better student, I need to change. I need to build on my strengths to
overcome my weaknesses. I'm determined to change and am working towards that change. My
first goal is making better use of my time. My strategy is developing an agenda. Keeping me on
track and giving me time to study and waste less time. My second goal is talking less during
class. It is a little difficult because being a Latino also means that by culture I ta...

I believe that I can undertake the tasks of the course requirements and that I am well suited for a
teaching career because of my life experience, my previous work as an ESL teacher, my own experience
learning English as a second language when I was younger, and my ability to relate to the students’

However, especially when it comes to lesson planning, I feel that I need a more formal training to
become a better teacher. Furthermore, because I wish to take the Delta course in a few years, I believe
it will greatly benefit me to have completed the Celta beforehand. Meanwhile, having a Celta
certification will help me to pursue my career as an ESL Teacher in Japan, and give me access to better
jobs all around Asia.

Finally, beside the fact that I love teaching, I believe that my greatest asset to be a successful ESL
teacher is my enthusiasm to continue my own education and be an effective and committed English


I believe my strengths to be my class management skill, my grammar knowledge, and my capacity to get
on well with others. I am also hard working, and I manage my time efficiently.

On the other hand, I am aware of my lack of formal training when it comes to lesson planing, teaching
phonology, and student evaluation. However, I am eager to receive advice from my peers and tutor, and
keen to follow their recommendations.

Finally, I have a light French-Canadian accent that I try to change slightly to be more neutral and
standard, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

What do you feel your strengths and weaknesses in teaching are?

That’s a good question. In terms of strengths, I think I speak in a clear and comprehensible way.
Even with low-level classes, I rarely have any trouble being understood. Adapting your speech
according to the level you teach is more difficult than it may seem, but I think I’m quite good at
it. I also feel I have become much better at organizing and managing communicative activities,
and I always try to provide strong scaffolding for my students before they begin an activity.
As for my weaknesses, I feel my knowledge of language testing could be improved, as any
test I write is normally based on instinct rather than theoretical knowledge. I’m not sure if I test
each student according to a class standard or individual standard. When grades are important,
this is a potentially serious weakness that I need to rectify. I would also like to be a better
motivator of weaker students. Some would argue that this goes beyond the teacher, but I think I
could definitely improve in this area.

1. Before the course
A month is a very short time to learn something, but I really learnt a lot
from this course. At
beginning of this course, I thought it was enjoyable, because I was
learning new teaching
techniques. My major in university was English education. The
n system in
totally different from Western countries. During CELTA, I learnt a good
way to teach learners in a
student centered way. During this course, I have learned a lot from the
critiques and feedback of my
classmates and tutors, the observat
ion of peers and experienced teachers, and from self
When I had my class before, I seldom thought about self
reflection or gave some feedback after I
observed other’s classes. I think this part useful to help each other to
improve our teaching.
On that
note here are my
. Strengths
Classroom management
Though my tutor commented on March 5
, the first day of TP, that I established good classroom
management with the students, I really feel that I felt more comfortable
from the second lesson
I think I did well at class management from the beginning. I made sure
I kept all the
students working hard. The first week, when my tutor commented that
I managed my classes well,
since then, I think
my class management skills have only improved.
During my third TP (tea
ching practice) I focused on helping students improve their
My tutor almost gave me an above standard rating for that class, He
said my class was good but
there were some language errors. I agreed that it was my weak point
and that. I should
pay much
more attention to it.
My tutor suggested that I could
script difficult words phonemically using the dictionary at planning
and check
these with a peer
before class. I thought it was a good suggestion.
Maria do a phonemic tic tac toe of key words from an impending
listening was very useful as it
showed me how a warmer can
be intrinsic to the lesson content and not just a time filler.
. Weaknesses
.1 Teacher talking tim
I had a problem with excessive TTT from the very beginning. I think a
major reason for this is that
educational system tends to have very teacher
centered classrooms. My tutors and
classmates have
pointed out that I make the lessons more student
centered. I earnestly believe that
centered learning is far more effective. After each class, I asked the
learners what they
thought about the lesson, they told me they felt move confident to
e speaking in our lesson.
In observation of May, I noticed that she had put her plan on the board
with magnets. This meant
that she could return to check that she was
on track whilst monitoring and moving around and
’t panic like me when I couldn

t find my own plan and
started to
talk too much as a result.
Having a contingency plan to avoid teacher talk
around the room to remind he
r to



ask X to tell Y

, also seemed to help her reduce the quantity of her talk.
Lesson Planning
I had a terrible problem with my lesson planning. I always mixed up
stage skills and language. My
tutor helped to clarify the difference. Though I am doing better than
before, I still have a long way
to go.
Observing Liam do his present perfect continuous lesson was very
useful. He showed us his plan
and all his teacher talk had been clearly scripted and pruned to a
minimum. He had also clearly
lotted open ended questions, not just one word or Y/N questions, for
students to respond to. The
CCQS and semi
completed substitution table on a
handout was also very effective in
reducing his teacher talk. It just proved that with clearly foc
used planning and a procedure which
ensures that the learners are encouraged to discuss and share helps
teachers achieve aims. I will
certainly use
idea of using a different
for my scripted language in future!
4. Post
CELTA action plan
My goals for the future are to make my lessons more student
centered, to reduce TTT and
improve my language. These have been my most significant
weaknesses throughout the course. I
will work hard on my weakness. My purpose for studying CELTA is to
improve my teaching skills.
I think I know how the only thing left is to practice what I’ve
learned with real class. I also take
time for self
reflection about my classes. Finally, if I have opportunity I hope I could
go overseas to
teach English.
In order to address these issues over the coming months and develop
pr9ofessionally I have the
following action plan in mind:
Teacher talking tim
lf on my smart phone and take a dictation of random single minute
bursts of
TTT. Prune these down to convey only essential messages.
Script my language on my plan in a different font
Ask a colleague to observe me and feedback on this issue at least
three or four times over
the coming months
Have a word limit of 100 words per lesson for teacher talk and donate
£10 to charity if I
exceed the 100 words

Lesson Planning
At least once a week attempt to use a plan from an online teaching
site and write a log on
how it went in practice
Keep all my lesson plans and rewrite at least one a week to improve
on it for
ementation in a future
Swap plans with peers and colleagues via email
Observe a more
colleague teach at least three or four times over the year and try
to plan the lessons taught post observation and check this with t
he original plans at a later
987 words

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