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Love Languages Results

Group Share-Outs

Words of Affirmation
Feeling Love
● Tell me I’m doing a good job
● Pick me up texts+notes
● Remind me that I’m valid, vocally
● Engage with me and act/tell me you’re interested in things that I’m interested in
● Telling me that you love me but being honest
● Being honest (constructive criticism) with CARE
● Checking in
Giving Love
● Telling us we’re perfect and beautiful and we’re doing a good job
● A text

Quality Time
● Sharing meals
● Having meaningful 1:1 conversations
● Spending time at the desk
● Study jam together
● Chisme hehehe (?)
● Friend dates
● Engaging in each other’s favorite activities
● Doing errands/work together

Acts of Service
● Running errands with me
● Taking on a task to help me
● Taking care of me when I’m sick
● Study with me
● Cleaning with me
● Doing things I like that you usually don’t
Individual Results

1. Quality Time: 11
2. Acts of Service: 9
3. Words of Affirmation: 6
4. Receiving Gifts: 4
5. Physical Touch: 1

1. Words of Affirmation: 10
2. Acts of Service: 9
3. Quality Time: 6
4. Receiving Gifts: 3
5. Physical Touch: 2

1. Quality Time: 8
2. Acts of Service: 6 (Tied)
3. Physical Touch: 6 (Tied)
4. Words of Affirmation: 5
5. Receiving Gifts: 3

1. Quality Time: 12
2. Acts of Service: 6
3. Receiving Gifts: 5
4. Physical Touch: 4
5. Words of Affirmation: 3

1. Words of Affirmation: 10
2. Acts of Service: 9
3. Quality Time: 6
4. Receiving Gifts: 5
5. Physical Touch: 0

Christian V.
1. Acts of Service: 9
2. Physical Touch: 8 (Tied)
3. Quality Time: 8 (Tied)
4. Words of Affirmation: 3
5. Receiving Gifts: 2
1. Quality Time: 8 (Tied)
2. Acts of Service: 8 (Tied)
3. Physical Touch: 6
4. Words of Affirmation: 5
5. Receiving Gifts: 3

1. Words of Affirmation: 11
2. Quality Time: 10
3. Acts of Service: 6
4. Receiving Gifts: 3
5. Physical Touch: 0

1. Physical Touch: 11
2. Quality Time: 10
3. Words of Affirmation: 5
4. Acts of Service: 3
5. Receiving Gifts: 1

1. Quality Time: 10
2. Words of Affirmation: 9
3. Acts of Service: 5
4. Receiving Gifts: 4
5. Physical Touch: 2

1. Quality Time: 9
2. Words of Affirmation: 8 (Tied)
3. Physical Touch: 8 (Tied)
4. Receiving Gifts: 3
5. Acts of Service: 2

1. Quality Time: 11
2. Acts of Service: 9
3. Words of Affirmation: 5
4. Physical Touch: 3
5. Receiving Gifts: 2
Chris A.
1. Quality Time: 11
2. Words of Affirmation: 9
3. Acts of Service: 5
4. Receiving Gifts: 3
5. Physical Touch: 2

1. Quality Time: 10
2. Physical Touch: 8
3. Words of Affirmation: 7
4. Acts of Service: 3
5. Receiving Gifts: 1

1. Acts of Service: 10
2. Quality Time: 7
3. Physical Touch: 6 (Tied)
4. Words of Affirmation: 6 (Tied)
5. Receiving Gifts: 1

1. Acts of Service: 10
2. Words of Affirmation: 7
3. Quality Time: 6
4. Receiving Gifts: 3 (Tied)
5. Physical Touch: 3 (Tied)

1. Quality Time: 11
2. Acts of Service: 8
3. Words of Affirmation: 7
4. Receiving Gifts: 2
5. Physical Touch: 1

1. Quality Time: 11
2. Words of Affirmation: 8
3. Physical Touch: 6
4. Receiving Gifts: 4
5. Acts of Service: 1

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