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Typhoid Fever is an infections disease caused by the bacteria

Salmonella typhi. It I also known as enteric fever, or commonly
just typhoid cause of typhoid fever

Typhoid fever is ultimate caused by the Salmonella typhi bacteria

Mode of Transmission:

Typhoid is most commonly transmitted through the fecal-oral route

that is patients with typhoid can contaminate the water supply with
their stool, where the bacteria floursh. The food supply can
become contaminated by infected stool and poor sanitation.

Signs and Symptoms of Typhoid fever

The sign and symptoms of typhoid fever include:

i. High fever that run as high as 103 degree celsius or 104

degree celsius
ii. Headaches
iii. Poor appetite
iv. Generalized aches and pains
v. Lethargy, weakness and fatigue
vi. Diarrhea
If untreated, a second stage of typhoid may result with a
continuation of a high fever, severe constipation or diarrhea that
resembles pea soup, extreme weight loss and an uncomfortable
distended abdomen.
The widal test is one method that may be used to help make a
presumptive diagnosis of enteric fever, also known a Typhoid
The method relies on a reaction on a glass slide or tile between
antibodies present in the infected person’s blood sample and
specific antigens of S. typhi, which produces clumping
(agglutination) that is visible to the naked eyes.
AIM: To check for the presence of Salmonella typhi in the blood of
a patient
MATERIAL: Widal kit (i.e Salmonella typhi O and H antigens),
blood serum/plasma, pasture pipette, clear white tile
 A drop of each widal antigen was applied on a white tile as
Salmonella typhi H A B C
Salmonella typhi O A B C
 A drop of blood serum/plasma was added to each antigen
 It was mixed thoroughly using an applicator stick
 The tile was carefully rocked for about 10 minutes
 If the agglutination of titre in S. typhi O and S. typhi it is ore
than 1:160, then the result is positive
1: 20-No agglutination
1:80- There is agglutination but not significant
1:160- There is agglutination
1:320- More agglutination

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