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Nowadays, there is no doubt that everyone has different expectations and ways to develop his/her own career.

Some people claim

that frequently changing their job is good; some believe it is totally not. My essay will discuss both the pros and the cons of these

One of the main benefits of staying in one job is security. Changing employer often means a period of instability, where one may
have to think about moving their /the house, or temporarily losing a steady source of income. Staying in one job means these
problems are avoided.

Another benefit of not changing occupation is that one is able to gain a lot of experience and expertise in his specific profession,
thus enhancing job security. One’s company may recognize their loyalty and reward their service. On the other hand, those who
often change jobs may be seen as unreliable, lacking in experience and employers might be reluctant to hire and invest training in

However, there are arguments in favour of changing job frequently. One is that a worker improves his employability. Working in
several different jobs often means that the individual has more skills. Such people are seen as more dynamic and versatile.

Another benefit of changing jobs frequently is that one never gets stuck in a rut. From my own experience, I got bored when I spent
too long in a job. Following this, the quality of my work would suffer. I also believe that employers generally don’t tend to greatly
reward loyalty or commitment. Increased wages and promotion are often easier to attain by changing jobs.

To sum up,being loyal to one particular job or changing jobs frequently resemble a double-edged sword. My point of view is that,
people should stay in one company for a certain period of time, for example 3 to 5 years, to get expertise as well as significant
experiences in that job, then they can change jobs to have new motivations and, which is not less important, new salaries,which is
not less important.

Nowadays, jobs are is not only a simple tool to help people earn money but also a chance for who like to experience what they
wanted. Because of having different expectaions for jobs, two contrary attitudes are formed: Some people like to do the same job for
the same company, whereas others prefer to change jobs frequently. In my opinion, both ideas have good and bad points. Let me
analysis those before giving my viewpoint that I prefer.

Firstly, changing jobs frequently make you feel flexible and easily deal with many problems. Furthermore,you can be afraid of
stucking in a rut. While working for a long time in the same job get you bored, changing job cause the interests and it is suitable for
who work for their passion. On the other hand, it is so difficult to find a good job in the modern and competitive job-market. As you
know, the unemployment is rapidly increasing all over the world. This is a big problem that government and work force have to face
with- but until now, there is no proper solutions are found. Thus, if you change your jobs frequently, the worst circumstance is that
you become the victim of being jobless.
Secondly, doing the same job for the same company is the best evidence for your loyalty and reliability, which are considered as the
condition to help you be promoted in your own position. In addition, the more time you spend on your job, the more experiences you
get. When you become a professional worker, you do not waste you time solving the difficult problems. As a result, stress do barely
exist on your life.
In conclusion, I prefer doing the same job for the same company. In stead of changing frequently, I can find a part-time job when I
am free. I need a stable job so that I can earn enough money to cover my life and do what I like.

Gone are the days when people have to do same jobs for the entire life because of few job opportunities. Nowadays, when our
government is trying to integrate with the world, hundreds of foreign companies have been flocking into our country and creating
thousands of job vacancies. People have choices to change their jobs but some still prefer working in the same companies. In the
viewpoint of young generations, I choose to side with changing jobs frequently for some following reasons.
Firstly, I would like to expose myself to various working environment as every company has their own culture. For example,
American companies encourage their employees to raise their opinions and this practice makes them feel free to think and act.
Similarly, Japanese companies always establish entire processes before starting anything. Consequently, their staffs are well-
trained about process establishment as well as comprehensive knowledge about what they are doing. Passing different companies
will enrich my working experiences.
Secondly, I would like to confront with plethora of challenges to strengthen myself. Normally, when I have worked for a company
more than two years, I almost get to know everything related to that company from culture management styles, from customers to
colleagues. However, I am not a type of person who feel satisfied with my comfort zone but would like to step out of that zone only
because outside are both challenges and opportunities. The more new companies I work for, the more new obstacles I am possible
to face with. My pleasure is to conquer such mountains.
All in all, although I don’t object that being loyal with one company also has its positive sides, I still support the idea of changing job
after a certain period. This practice brings me opportunities to indulge myself into myriad of different cultures as well as deal with
multiple challenges which are my own pleasure.
The career expectations of each person are different. Some people believe that they love doing the same work for an organization,
whereas others prefer to switch their jobs frequently. I agree with the second point for the following reasons:
First of all, swapping jobs frequently, people have an opportunity to challenge themselves with the various positions to reveal their
potential. No sooner do people discover their potential than their careers will be bloomed. For instance, Big Gates and Steve Jobs
are the famous people in term of technology, although having not graduated, they experienced a lot of jobs in individual working
environments in order to satisfy their passion; finally, the world reveals their talent with Windows operation system and smartphone
Ipod which are the evolutions in information technology.
Moreover, when people are interested in perceiving social cultures or working styles, the frequent changing jobs gives them favor
conditions to accumulate these knowledge includes academic working methods, technical tools; especially, sharpen critical thinking
methods to capture opportunities. For example, Huyen chip, a very young girl, was born in 1990, has gone around the world with
more than 30 counties as I know, she has done many jobs to raise money to another journey. The wealth of civilizations in South
America and Europe and overall her feeling in every step were written in her autobiography with the title “Xách ba lô lên và đi”
("Take the backbag and Go" which is the inspiration for the young who have loved travelling around world.
Finally, I am convinced that people gain experience about human civilizations, lifestyles and modern technologies when they put
themselves in pressure with the changing jobs and working environments, once all these knowledge are accumulated and
synthesized, you will have enough capability to build your own company as the first strong steps with your all passion and heart.

In a modern society, people always face the dilemma to choose their jobs. Due to their expectations, some people like to do the
same job for the same company. In contrast, others prefer to change jobs frequently. In my viewpoint, I prefer changing jobs
frequently to staying at the same job through almost my life. I keep in my mind at least three reasons for holding this idea.

Firstly, as people have already worked work ( people nói chung chứ không phải người nào cụ thể nên bạn nên dùng thì hiện tại
đơn) at a number of companies, as the result, they have interacted with a lot of people. Expanding their social relations is necessary
to thrive in modern society because it helps people receive more and more contacts. For example, if you work at a company as a
salesman, you will easily expand your market when you know numerous strange people. Apparently, always changing is an actually
good decision and even it might helps people find the one for people’s lives.

Secondly, changing jobs frequently gives people chances to improve their knowledge. Working at numerous companies and
interacting with a lot of people make you (vì người đọc của 1 bài luận có thể là bất kỳ ai, thuộc bất kỳ lĩnh vực nào chứ không phải 1
nhóm người cụ thể, bạn nên tránh dùng ngôi you trong bài luận) understand more and more about social life. People not only face
virtually kinds of people but also experience diverse working environments. As the result, people know knowledge for thriving and
flourishing in such sophisticated modern society.

Last but not least, people usually receive a higher and higher salary when they are offered to join new company. It can be given by a
well known example that the super star soccer player known as Cristian Ronaldo, after accepting the offer for joining from the club
Real Madrid, the salary of Cristian Ronaldo received each weeks already increase approximately ten times than what he received
when he were still playing at the club Manchester United. Clearly, when people’s company does not evaluate exactly their abilities,
the best ways for them is moving to another company.

To sum up, based on the arguments explored above, Not staying in the same job for the same company brings benefits to people
such as expanding social relations, improving their abilities, and even receiving better salary. However, “a coin has two sides”,
changing frequently their jobs is really not good idea when people expect stability in their lives.

It is understandable that there is multiple of work with generous payment in our society. Consequently, vigorous employees have
their heart set on regular career modification. Still, it is my belief that the benefits of lasting one job at one company far outweigh
numerous job changes. Two of the primary rewards associated with this trend are as follow.
Firstly, one core advantage of maintenance maintaining the constant job is the sense of stability. My dad is a good example of this.
He who is a guardian, has been working for 25 years at a hospital, so at that point, he has monthly secure salary, social company’s
support and become a professional captain. In On the other hand, the group of people varying their favor in their occupations
commonly is required to seek a new apartment, new colleagues and the most potential thing that is they waste a certain time
adapting to their living place of life.
Yet, perhaps the strongest argument is in the favor of maintaining one career is that workers are possible to obtain promotion and
have good services. It is undoubted that should someone be energetic, sharp as a tack and experienced, that person would get
endorsement. Similarly, as several years working durably for at the office, he is likely to be saved by company’s insurance so as to
protect his him from by chance accidents.
Briefly, In spite of having known some benefits of altering job preferences. I once again restate my view that it would be better for
those who are close-knit to their occupations for a long time.
Most people would like to achieve great success in their jobs. However, they make the different ways to do that. In my opinion,
people should do the same job for the same company. The following are some reasons and examples to back up my idea.

Firstly, employees will understand clearly their working environment. Each workplace has its own features, if the employees change
jobs frequently, they have to acquaint themselves with the new workplace. It means they will start everything at the beginning.
However, if the workers stay with the same one, they are easy to find the ways to improve the workplace there.

Then, employees have good relationships if working with for the same company. No one can develop their working skills without the
help of their colleagues. Therefore, if the employees often change the companies, it is very hard for them to create essential
relationships. However, working with for the same company for a long time brings them many advantages.

Last but not least, working for the same company shows our attachment to it. I think that employers are interested in finding the
employees who stay with them for a long time. They don’t (tránh viết tắt) want to recruit and train the workers, however the
employees leave them for a short time. They will waste their money and time, besides it doesn't bring benefits to them.

To sum up, we should do the same job for the same company. We will understand clearly about the company and be easy to look
for the ways of improving it. The good relationships will be created, it is verys useful to support our daily routine. And it shows
our attactment attachment to the company.

Some people prefer to change their job, while others would not like to do that. In my essay I will explore benefits and drawbacks of
the above attitudes.

To begin with, one of the main benefits of staying in one job is security. Changing employer often means a period of instability,
where one may have to think about moving house , or temporarily losing a steady source of income. Staying in one job means these
problems are avoided.

Another benefit of not changing occupation is that one is able to gain a lot of experience and expertise in his specific profession,
thus enhancing job security. One’s company may recognize their loyalty and reward their service. On the other hand, those who
often change jobs may be seen as unreliable, lacking in experience and employers might be reluctant to hire and invest training in

Another benefit of changing jobs frequently is that one never gets stuck in a rut. From my own experience, I got bored when I spent
too long in a job. Following this, the quality of my work would suffer. I also believe that employers generally don’t tend to greatly
reward loyalty or commitment. Increased wages and promotion are often easier to attain by changing jobs.

Overall, it can be said that the disadvantages of changing jobs are the advantages of staying put, and vice versa... In my opinion, I
feel that changing jobs every once in a while is of more benefit.

When living in the fast changing world, people are very hard to find the job that suitable for them. Many people want to remain the
same job in the same firm while others prefer to do with different jobs. The following essay will examine these views mentioned
above in depth.

To begin with, working in the same company with a job for a long time may have many merits. To be more specific, people working
at the same job for a long time will have a professional manner, get a lot of experience and easy to handle difficulties in their job.
Hardly do people get a result for their job if they do not focus on them. On the other hand, they have more chance to be promoted
and receive many benefits from the company such as incentives, health insurance and pension. Take Vina company as an example
to illustrate for this point, the workers working over 5 years will be increased salary two times a year and receive double days off for
a year and many policies. Moreover, people working in the same company will have a more convenient environment to focus on
their job. Above all, in my opinion this option is justified and more effective.

As for the opposite view, people prefer to change jobs frequently. It seems that this trend is the part of the modern society and
especially happening in the young people. They want to try with many jobs and obtain more experience for themselves. On the other
words, they are able to getting more different knowledge or widen their social network. But this tendency is not totally from drawback
and workers as well as the company has to face many problems related to this trend. As to the workers, rarely do they get high
position in their job because they move the company frequently and it is very hard to make full use of their professional experience.
Besides, they are capable of wasting their time to adapt to new jobs as well as the environment. As the company, they will spend
many times in training new staff and they cannot enough workers with technical skill to develop their firms.

In conclusion, people must determine his ability to choose suitable jobs so as to get a good result. The thing is we should try to
balance between jobs and life, we should make renew the jobs so that our life has been best satisfied.

Jobs are is an important part of life, the similar jobs often bring the stable life, but there are many opportunities and reasons when
worker amend their jobs and they can find their real capacity in front of different fields.

Firstly, changing jobs can have liberty in work and people are not afraid of unemployment anymore. Besides, they can work their
favorite major, they do not have to work to please their boss although work is wrong. For instance, for accountant staff, they often
have relationship with directors, but sometime they must do some wrong datas because they are afraid of losing work. Hence, for
people are available to change work, they can be easy to quit the unsuitable job and dare to express their ideas in front of their
boss. One more thing is that when they feel unhappy with their job, they will change job right away.

Secondly, people have many experience years for working, so changing jobs for higher position is a good thing. For example, for
finance staff, when they have 5 years in this field, they can move into the vice director of finance. From that, they can discover the
capacity of leading the company and challenge with more difficult jobs. They will love this job because it is not boring. Esspecially,
their salary is more than before. Thirdly, workers also realize that they have the talent what they can not predict when they do
obvious job. For example, for sale staff, they quit sale work to become an investor in stock field, at that time, they will find their
capacity of investment and from that they will love this job because they like strong feelings in the investment.

In conclusion, the young people pass through challenges and difficulties for changing jobs, but they will reach the valueable
experiences and lessons from many different jobs before having the stable work. The decision of changing jobs can also affect on
our life therefore we shoThere are many kinds of jobs in the morden life so people can be more easy to choose a job and the ways
they work. Many people consider : doing the same job for the same company or changing jobs frequently.
Doing the same job for the same company gives you the safe and stable feelings. Moreover, when you are used to doing a job, you
can get many experiences and do it better. Your effectiveness of your work will increase and you will easily get a promotion. In
addition, doing the same job for the same company means you can get along with your colleagues. "The more the merrier" so you
can have fun when working with your friends and they can help you when you are in trouble in a professional way. Monthly salary
from your company and the wage will help your life stable.
I myself prefer changing the jobs frequently. As a youngster, I don't like something safe or stable. I prefer something challenging.
When you change your jobs, you can find some different feelings about working and try it execitedly. Changing job will increase your
skill to get used to your new job, help you more active in life and more confident. You can do your jobs without scaring anyone
especially your job because you dare to quit anytime you want. Changing job means you will work in different companies and you
can make aquaintance with many people from all walks of life. This will help you much in your life. However, changing job also
means you will not receive salary and your economy will become harder.
Chosing your ways to work based on may other aspects. You have the right to decide on the job you want . You can choose doing
the same job or change jobs frequently based on your demand, liking and condition. Both will be a perfect job if you really like it.uld
consider the change of job.

In the modern society there is no longer the attitude that “a job is for life” and we have many career choices. It is argued that some
people prefer to do the same job for the same company, while other people prefer not to. In my essay, I will explore the advantages
and disadvantages points of the above attitudes.
To begin with, one of the most advantages of staying in one job for the same company is stable salary and enhancing specialist
knowledge. Changing job often means a period of instability and we have to wait for an interview from the new company. In the
meantime, we don’t receive any source of income. Some people are used to working at company everyday and it’s too difficult for us
to wait for a new job. Staying in one job means these problems are avoided.
In addition, another benefit of not changing job is that we are able to gain a lot of experience, knowledge and expertise from elders
in company. Therefor our skills will be enhanced and improved very fast in a short time. If you have strong attachment with
company, the leader may recognize your loyalty and reward your contribution. Whereas, those who often prefer to change their jobs
may be seen as unreliable, lacking in experience and employers might be reluctant to hire and invest training for them.
However, there are arguments in favour of changing job frequently. One is that a worker improves his employ ability. Working in
several different jobs often means that the individual has more skills. Such people are seen as more active and versatile. Another
benefit of changing jobs frequently is that we never get stuck into a rut. We have chance to make friends with many people from the
new surrounding environments. In my point of view, I quite feel bored when I spent too long in a job. I strongly believe that
employers generally don’t tend to greatly reward loyalty or commitment.Hence, why don’t we change our job when we have good
knowledge and ability? Increased wages and promotion are often easier to obtain by changing jobs.

In conclusion, it can be said that the disadvantage of changing jobs are the advantages of staying put, and vice versa…For me, your
objective has to be specified before changing your jobs. We wonder why we have to change our job. Is it necessary at this time?
You have to think about changing jobs carefully. However, I feel that changing jobs every once in a while is of more benefit.

It is a true conception that possessing a stable occupation unceasingly is regarded as one of the most fundamental foundations that
contributes to one’s success. Therefore, some individuals still keep the opinion that it is more beneficial to do the same job for the
same company than to change jobs frequently. However, I think the old attitude that “a job for life” has quickly been changed by our
today’s modern generations because of some following reasons.
The primary but most important benefit of changing jobs frequently is that a worker is able to improve his or her working skills and
employability. Plainly, an employee will obtain more valuable experiences and a large relationship through different kinds of work
when he or she was used to work for some companies in a varied period of time. All of these people those who prefer staying in a
job cannot afford because of the limited range of encounter in work. Therefore, the employees will definitely be more skillful,
dynamic and versatile in work. As a result, this firm basis will contribute to achieving a solid position and great ability to be promoted
Another advantage of not staying in a job is that we will not get bored but more excited because of meeting several interesting
challenges and different kinds of partners. Like me, some people sometimes feel trite and depressed when they have to work a kind
of job day by day without any changes. Working in the same place, focusing the familiar kind of job, meeting the old acquaintances
and co-workers everyday will actually make them boring. As a result, the quality of work is getting worse and decreased as a rule.
Rather than being bored, they change jobs to broaden working relations , to get more knowledge and resourcefulness to be perfect
and even to earn a higher salary for life .
All things considered, although staying in a job is stable for a sustainable basis of a balanced life , I prefer changing job by moving
from this company to the other/ that company to look for a better job to doing the same work in the same company permanently . In
addition , experiencing some different kinds of work in unlike companies is seemingly promised to bring us priceless benefits that
those who prefer not changing jobs are not able to obtain.

Concerning the question whether people should do a permanent job or change jobs frequently,people hold different views.It is
undeniable that each kind of working has its own merits.However,for people's demand for experience,stability and so on,it may
indeed be true to claim that doing the same job is highly recommended.

First of all,doing the same job in a long period of time can also be definded as practicing continually.It is common knowledge that
people who have practiced for several years are more skillful than those who have not.This is because those who have kept their
positions steadily have already faced plenty of problems that are likely to occur in their jobs;thus,they have the naturally-coming
experiences to deal with these problems as well as chances to enhance their skills that those who have just taken the positions can
hardly possess.

In the second analysis,it is of crystal clear that people form stability in their positions during their working process.Employers tend to
appreciate experienced employees more than those who have fewer years practicing in the particular fields,which can bring a
considerable number of advantages to these employees.Moreover,not only employers who appreciate their efficiency but also their
partners,especially young partners who are not yet skillful,their clients and so on.For example,patients would definitely prefer
doctors who have worked in their certain schools for a long period of time.Obviously,there are growing evidences showing that
permanent jobs are beneficial.

However,there are number of people persisting in the idea that doing the same job can be extremely disadvantageous.They claim
that permanent jobs are somewhat boring and therefore tend to make people work less efficiently.Nevertheless,the fact remains that
even in an ongoing work in a sole field,there are changes,or in another way of saying,enhancements or improvements.It is these
enhancements and improvements that inspire people and make their works even more effectively,not the reverse.

In conclusion,as these above reasons,I would argue that in my personal opinion,a permanent job is highly recommended due to
their valuable merits.

Nowadays, there are more and more jobs for people to work. Therefore, they have more suitable choices for them. They can do the
same job or another job that they like. However, in my view, I enjoy doing the same job for the same company more than change
frequently because of some following reasons following.
Firstly, it is very convenient for them to do the same job. When they do this, they have more experiences and raise their skills in this
job. And this makes them become a good worker. So they will find more information from the Internet or books for their job and their
effects are higher than before. It is good for them. For example, if they are workers in a coffee shop, they will learn how to serve
their customers for this shop, and if they do this job long, they will do it better.
Secondly, this shows the love of job and their consistence in the job. If they do not love their jobs, they will not do it well and
sometimes they will feel bored when do it. Doing the same job will help them more patient. If they change their jobs frequently, they
will lose much more time to start with this job. It is very dificult for them to do more jobs frequently. For example, If they work in the
/a coffee shop about one month after that they chose to work in a shoe shop, they will lose a lot of time to find out the information
about this moment job. It is not convenient for them to do.
In conclusion, because of these reason, I still think that do the same job for the same company is more comfortable and feasible
than when they change it frequently.

Điểm: 8/10

Each person has a his own personality and ability so there are lots of expectations for jobs in our society. Many think that changing
jobs frequently is good, however, I prefer to do the same job for the same company.

Firstly, it may be true that changing the job frequently can increase the creativity and flexibility for all the line of work. In fact, the
people who are opponents of keeping on the same job don’t calculate the long-term productivity of not only their own but their
company as well. As we know, people often spend a certain time on adapting when embarking on a new field of work. They need
time to comprehend the essence of their job to apply what they know about this job in right way. Changing the job frequently seems
to not give them enough time to show their optimal ability in all jobs as they work for the same company for a long time.

Opponents also maintain that people can find more chance of being paid high salary when they change their jobs gradually. This
reason appears quite attractive. However, no one can be sure that we can earn better payment after moving to other companies,
even that we just can get lower payment than before is absolutely possible! What’s more, our life while we change our jobs can be a
little bit reversed. Whereas, if we persist in the only company, we can climb the career ladder after a long time devoting
all your our best capacity to it.

The final argument is that people can expand their relationship in the society. It may be reasonable but I think this aim is
unnecessary. Our real ability will show all, relationship is something that can’t support for us in many stages of our life. Not mention
to the fact that if we don’t ( tránh viết tắt trong bài) try our best to complete our work in the companies we joined in, we just can
make bad impression on our coworkers and our bosses; making a good relationship can’t be discussed in this case. Focusing in the
same job in the same company will create more opportunities for us to build nice relationship with all people in our company.

All in all, we can’t deny thoroughly the benefits of working for lots of company, however, loyalty to the same job in a company will
give us more advantages such as: improving our best, having stable salary and widenning relationship with people around, which is
the things anyone want to obtain in life.

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