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AQUARIUS WELLBEING (Lynn Boyle & Peter Clamp)

Animal Reading Cards – Card Meanings

1 Bear –Strength, independence, taking charge, future planning, management of emotional and/or financial
resources, protective, but also unpredictable, cranky & overbearing, dangerous if protecting self & kin.

2 Bee – Industry, work, productive, fertile, co-operation, teamwork, busy, order, harmonious living, regal, sweetness
of life, positive, optimism & the sun, accomplishing the impossible but also stinging or swarming.

3 Birds – Communications, messages, chatter, talking, discussions, meetings, pairing, multiples, coming & going but
also gossip, flighty, nervous or ungrounded.

4 Bull – Powerful, vital, driving force, earthy but also stubborn, narrow minded, hidden danger, hidden anger,
something unpredictable, clumsy, unwieldy, bull at a gate, bull in a china shop.

5 Butterfly – Transformation, metamorphosis, renewal, rejuvenation, breaking out of a cocoon, freedom,

alternatives, options, opportunities, things part-time, travelling for work, being light, flirty, sociable, beauty, resilience
but also ungrounded, uncommitted, going from one thing or person to another, playing the field.

6 Crocodile – Power, stealth, danger, caution, horror, death, false sentiments (crocodile tears), untameable, primal,
opportunist, being snapped up or being snappy, ruthless, something hidden or simmering below surface, eruption
imminent, stay away from the edge, don’t push your luck, warning against irresponsibility.

7 Crow – An omen or mystical message, foretelling, warning or spiritual blessing, ancient wisdom, use your sixth
sense, gut instincts or intuition, step into your authentic power, a change, the passing away of the old, death.

8 Dog – Loyal, faithful, friend, companion, steadfast, obedient, reliable, guard or guide but also someone doggedly
persistent or whining.

9 Dolphin – Having fun & joy in community, joy in the moment, teamwork, flexibility, going with the flow, high
intelligence, intuitive but also someone who is flippant, not taking things seriously, ungrounded, not committed.

10 Dove – Peace, forgiveness, reconciliation, love, harmony, counsel, opportunity, letting go, rise above the issue,
seeing it from a higher viewpoint.

11 Eagle – Strength, power, energy, self-confidence, freedom, flight, justice, regal but also a predator, sudden attack.

12 Elephant – Enduring, long memory, generosity, intelligence, removal of obstacles or barriers, strength, victory,
prosperity, family values but also someone protective, defensive, territorial, poor eyesight.

13 Fighting Fish – Fighting or struggling with self image, self-sabotage or self-destruction, need for self-reflection,
not seeing the other’s point of view, need to see both sides of the story, not seeing the situation clearly,
misinterpretation, conflict, aggression, volatile, argumentative.

14 Fox – Strategy, clever, shrewd, street-wise, lucky opportunist, investigator, quick, charming, dashing, nimble,
flexible but can also represent a trickster, liar, con-man, thief, cunning, mischievous, working according to their own
agenda, taking advantage of others.

15 Frog – The need for environmental cleanliness, need for a de-tox or de-clutter (physical, emotional & spiritual),
vulnerable, fragile, susceptible to emotional or physical pollution or negativity, allergies or sensitivities, letting go,
simplicity, making health choices, working out priorities.

16 Goat – Lust, sexual, vital, agile, a climber, sure-footed, tough, adaptable, earthy but also voracious, cantankerous,
moody, capricious.

17 Goldfish – Luck, money, exchange, trade, abundance, prosperity, happiness, plenty, flexibility, adaptability, going
with flow, multiples/many.

18 Hedgehog – Self-protective, prickly, hard to get close to, defensive, shrewd, a loner, shy, solitary.

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19 Hermit Crab – Solitude, contemplation, meditation, withdrawal, shy, self-protective, thinking time, head-space,
security, safety, having a tough outer shell but also side-stepping & avoiding, also being too insular & shielded.

20 Horse – Journey, movement, travel, freedom, endurance, stamina, speed, proud, competitive, a warrior.

21 Hyena – An opportunist, a user, feed off others’ success, disrespectful, vicious, aggressive, ruthless, unclean,
untrustworthy, thief, manipulative.

22 Lion – Man or the Masculine, boss, leader, power, dominion, strength, pride, valour but also big ego or a braggart.

23 Lioness – Woman or the Feminine, mother, provider, protector, nurture, family, clan.

24 Lion Cub – Child or children, the next generation, new, small, playful, willing to learn, taking new steps but also
naive, overwhelmed, childish, irresponsible.

25 Octopus – Grasping, slippery, flexible, adaptable, camouflage, disguise, smart, strategic, cunning, tenacious, sticky,
holding on too tight, shy, highly intelligent.

26 Owl – Wisdom, patience, knowledge, a teacher guide or mentor, furtive, can see the broader picture, an observer
but also a silent predator or spy, someone who knows when to strike, understanding a murky situation / can see in
the dark.

27 Peacock – Beauty, self-love, well-dressed & showy, flamboyant, extravagant, display, rising above it all but also
vanity, arrogance, strutting, prideful, haughty, a narcissist.

28 Penguin – Love, fidelity, marriage, strong relationship, long term commitment, monogamy, parenting, loyalty,
hardy, resilient.

29 Rabbit – Fertility, procreation, abundance, new life, new beginnings, freshness of Spring, shy, sensitive, cautious,
alert, agile, speedy, warmth & security, social & friendly but also represents nervousness, fear & the need to get over
your fear so you can be abundant, the fear is holding you back from abundance.

30 Rat – Theft, loss, hidden, undermining, petty pilfering, damage & destruction, dirty, disease, illness, worry,
treachery, constant gnawing, being ratted on (betrayed).

31 Sea Turtle – A vast journey, a long life, slow pace, patience, adaptable, inner wisdom, intuition, serendipity
(happy accidents), trust in the flow, divine timing.

32 Seahorse – Protection, generous, sharing the load at home, calm & patient, mild-mannered, content with where
they are, no hurry for advancement, anchored in turbulent waters, strength, good luck, perceptive, awareness of
others & situation, see things in perspective but also resistant to change, inflexible & stubborn.

33 Skunk – Non-violent defence, effective, self-assurance, desire for justice, passive or a pacifist, need for diplomacy,
holding your ground, hidden strength, willing to take action if necessary, but also something stinky or offensive. If
dealing with a skunk you need to show respect, be non-confrontational, back off.

34 Snail – Slow methodical progress, persistent, quiet, grounded, steady, sensitive & perceptive (antenna), small,
vulnerable, hard to find, self-protecting, self-reliant, independent, feeling at home.

35 Snake – Poison, difficult, complicated, long & winding road, side-stepping, slithering away, entangled, treachery,
betrayal, hidden danger, sudden attack, snake in the grass, seduction, temptation, defensive, path blocked but also
healing, shedding the old skin, transformation, wise knowledge, alternative medicine, Kundalini, yoga, spirituality.

36 Spider – Weaver of webs, entangled, sticky, poisonous, sting, setting traps / entrapment, controlling, patiently
waiting, suck dry but also a clever architect, designer or builder.

Concept Peter Clamp & Lynn Boyle Research, Design & Graphics: Lynn Boyle
Graphics Assistant: Mark Boyle Booklet Lynn Boyle & Peter Clamp
For more information: Lenormand Cards by Lynn Boyle (on facebook)
Facebook Discussion & Study Group – Prophecy Corner
To the best of my knowledge some of images used in this deck are in the public domain.
Copyright 2014 Lynn Boyle (Aquarius Wellbeing)

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