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“We are what we wear.” Discus, with examples from your own way of dressing.

Tell about a funny experience that happened to you during your holidays. You can speak
about a recent experience or something from your childhood.

Speak about a wedding you’ve been to. Who was getting married? What was the
ceremony like? The reception?

Write an essay discussing the pros and cons of using new technologies. You can speak
about, for example, mobile phones, internet, computers, etc.

“Immigrants should have the same rights as Italian citizens.” Write an essay in which you
take a side (either should or shouldn’t).

Write an essay describing what your ideal day would be or, if you’ve already had it, what
it was like.

“Students should be required to do some type of civil service before they graduate from
university.” Comment.

“All school children in Italy should study two foreign languages from a very early age.”

Speak about your own experience learning a foreign language or foreign languages. You
may speak about a specific experience at home or abroad, what you find/found the most
difficult or the easiest in learning the language, etc.

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