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His full name was Grigori Yefinovich Rasputin and he was born in January, 1869 in a small

village in Siberia, in northern Russia.

His family was not rich, they were peasants, but they were very hard-working.

He had two siblings, his sister Maria who was younger than him and Dimitri, who was older
than him.

The first tragedy in his life was when Rasputin and his sister Maria were swimming in the river
and she drowned. Because she was alone with Rasputin, he was the only responsible for her

Another day, Rasputin was playing with his brother in the river when he drowned. He asked for
help, he was saved but a few days later he died of pneumonia. He was also responsible for that

Everybody said that he had special powers. It was very common that people in that village got
together at different family’s houses. One day, there were visitors at Rasputin’s house and he
was sick in bed. He suddenly started to listen to his dad telling the story of his stolen house. Of
course, Rasputin knew who the stealer of the horse was, one of the men who was sitting
there. He pointed at him and told the truth. Everybody was surprised, and they decided to go
to that man’s house the following day to see if that was true. And it was true, they say the
stolen horse there. Rasputin felt confused and scared when people talked about his special

Many years passed and he grew up, he became a cart driver like his dad. He got married and
had three children. He named two of them after his dead siblings, Maria and Dimitri.

One day, he was driving a “very special mal” when his life changed. This man was a priest from
a monastery. He told Rasputin about his religious teachings. Rasputin was fascinated by this
and he decided to stay at the monastery for three months. As a result, he became very

He was convinced that he had to leave his family because God called him. So that’s what he
did. He abandoned his family without asking them.

He travelled for many years and he cured sick people and spoke about his religion. He became
very popular in the area because of his acts of miracle.

One of his special powers was hypnotizing. One day, when he returned to his town village, his
family visited him. He hypnotized his family and they began praying.

He had special powers but he also had enemies in the religion. One priest went to visit
Rasputin one day and had an argument with him about their religious beliefs. He also
hypnotized him and the priest run away. The Church believed he was evil.

One day, a very special woman visited him, it was a czarina’s friend. He wanted Rasputin to
help them. The czarina’s son was very ill, he had a blood disease and he was the heir to the
throne. Rasputin had to save him.

So, he went to the palace and began praying every single day to cure Alexei. Alexei began to
feel better until he finally recovered from the illness. The Romanov family was very happy
because Rasputin was also helpful in the court. All the family trusted him. They helped the czar
and czarina to make decisions. He definitely had powers in the palace. He had some enemies
in the court but he convinced the czar and czarina to fire them.

The nobles hated him and wanted him to leave the palace. They tried to convince the czar but
he didn’t believe them. That’s why they decided to plan Rasputin’s death.

During that

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