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Greek Sphinx

One day the king of Thebes went to the Oracle of Delphi for advice on the future and he received a
message. In it the Oracle said he was to be murdered by his own son Oedipus. Something had to be
done. The teary king put his baby son up by the mountains and left him to die. But a shepherd took
pity on the child and presented it to the King of Corinth. The king was happy and adopted Oedipus
but as a man when he went to the Oracle he was told that he was destined to kill his father and
marry his mother. So, he swore never to go back to Corinth; instead he went to Thebes. Oedipus
walked into a bar and bumped a man, the man got furious at him and they started fighting in it, the
man was killed. Next, he found a bounty for a creature called the Sphinx whose parents were
Echidna and Typhon, the true monsters. He went to the cave where the Sphinx lived. Inside the
creature trapped Oedipus between his talons and asked him a riddle: What is that which in the
morning goeth upon four feet; upon two feet in the afternoon; and in the Evening upon three.
Oedipus answered correctly* and the Sphinx ran off a cliff. As a reward for killing the Sphinx,
Oedipus is given the Queen of Thebes’s hand in marriage. The queen and Oedipus had 4 children.
Then they both heard the news. His mother was his wife and he’d killed his father. Upon hearing this
his mother committed suicide and Oedipus blinded himself and took himself to the same mountain
that his parents had left him. But this time make sure it works.
*The answer was Man who crawls on all four as a baby, two feet in most of life, and has a walking stick in old age.

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