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King Oedipus
The drama "Oedipus the Tyrant" was written by a Greek poet.
The Greek poet Sophocles elaborated the Oedipus myth.
However, it should be noted that the drama consists of various
prophecies. However, the most common prophecy always
moves around the following: Oedipus would kill his father and
have a child with his mother... In Sophocles myth, the main
point is how Oedipus deals with the prophecy and what his
feelings are about it.

Sophocles is considered one of the greatest tragedian poets of ancient

Greece. His most famous works are "Oedipus the King" and "Antigone." He
lived from about 497 B.C. to 406 B.C. Moreover, he was not only a
playwright, but also fought in several wars as a brave soldier. Years after
Sophocles death, a temple was built for him and even today he is known as
a demigod.

King Laois of Thebes visited his best friend, King Pelops. There he fell in
love with Chrysippos, son of Pelops and did a terrible deed. King Laois kidnapped
the son of Pelops. Of course, Pelops was not pleased at all and cursed King Laios
and all his descendants.
Many years later, the oracle foretold King Laios an unpleasant future. At that time,
the oracle of Delphi played an important role in ancient Greece. It was considered to
be the most important city of divination in ancient Greece. With its location, near the
city of Delphi, the indirectly paid oracle had much success. This oracle announced to
King Laois, if he would have a son, he would kill his own father, and the king and
impregnate the birth mother. King Laois was shaken by the prediction.

And some years later, the predicted happened, Lokaste was pregnant and has a son.
Since the couple was afraid of the prediction, they hired a shepherd friend to take the
child and abandon it far in the wilderness. The kind-hearted shepherd, however,
could not do the child harm and gave the child to a royal couple, the royal couple of
Corinth. Polybos and Merope adopt the child, whose identity was unknown, a little
later. The child is named Oedipus because of his injured foot, translated in English as
swell foot.



But as it is in life, everything will eventually come to light, and so it was with Oedipus.
He grew up in Corinth with the belief that Polybos and Merope were his biological
parents. But a little later Oedipus was made aware by a stranger that these were not
his biological parents. Oedipus thought for days about what he should do now, he
then decided to ask the world-famous oracle of Delphi. The oracle's ambiguous
statement, while telling him nothing about his origins, told him the same prophecy as
King Laius before: Oedipus would kill his own father, the king, and impregnate his
mother. In order to prevent the prophecy from becoming reality, he leaves his
supposedly biological parents.
On his way to escape his adoptive parents, Oedipus gets into an argument with
another man. In anger, Oedipus grabs a small stone and strikes the man full force in
the face, killing his "enemy". In fact, the stranger was Oedipus' biological father, King
Laius. The true identity of the opponent remains veiled to both of them, which is why
the first part of the prophecy thus comes true.

Knowing nothing, Oedipus continues on his journey and

encounters the Sphinx. The Sphinx was a monster with an animal-
like body but a human head. All travelers who want to go further
are greeted with a question, if they cannot answer it they are
devoured. Oedipus answers the question correctly and the sphinx
disappears. In the city of Thebes, Oedipus is admired for his deed
and becomes the new king of Thebes because he was able to
free the city from the eternal curse. The king marries the queen,
Lokaste. Both are unknowing and do not know that they are son
and mother. Lokaste becomes pregnant again and has twins and
two daughters, but this time by her biological son Oedipus.

A plague broke out in Thebes, and the oracle predicted that the murderer of Laius
must be found to end the plague. Teiresias, the blind seer urged by Oedipus,
revealed him as the murderer of Laius. He did not believe him, so after investigating
the old incidents himself, he concluded that he had killed Laios, that Laios was both
his father and mother, and that Iocaste was also his mother. Then Iokaste hung
herself by her veil. Sophocles' version of the legend describes Oedipus poking out
his eyes with two golden needles from Iocaste's robe.



Etocles and Polynices, the sons of Oedipus, now decided to divide the kingdom after
the death of their father/king. They decided to divide this into years, so that each
would take turns to King for a year. However, after Etokles actually relinquished the
throne, he refused. The biological brother Polynices raised an army to oust his
brother from the throne. This leads to a battle in which the two brothers kill each
other. Now Creon ascended the hotly contested throne.

A messenger entered the room and rumbled loudly: Where is Oedipus.

He told Jocasta that he had come from Corinth to tell Oedipus that his
father was dead. Now, he said, Corinth wanted to give Oedipus the
throne to Oedipus, so that he could rule in Corinth. Oedipus now thought
that the prophecy that he would kill his father was false. Nevertheless, he
feared that the prophecy that his mother would be impregnated by his son
would still come true. The messenger explained to him that he need not
fear, for the wife of Polybus was not really Oedipus' biological parent. The
messenger explained that many years ago he was a herdsman, but once
a baby was given to him. This baby was given to him by another
herdsman, the servant Laois.
Oedipus wanted to find Laois so that he could finally meet his true
One day the other shepherd came. It turned out to be the same as the one who had
witnessed Laois' murder. He told him the whole truth. When Oedipus realized what
his true identity was and who his biological parents were, he began to shout loudly so
that he would know the truth.


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