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Caalim, Isabel D.



REFLECTION: Common Interest vs. Fraternities

In San Beda College, fraternities are part of the culture. However, there are fraternities

that give brotherhood other meaning by conducting hazing, by forcefully doing things that are

bad for the person and the like. In my opinion, people tend to join fraternities because they think

that when you belong in a fraternity, you share common interest as your “brothers” or “sisters” in

case of sorority.

I think that fraternities should promote wellness for each and every member rather than

punishing the members through hazing to make them “stronger”. Wellness in the sense of

mentally, spiritually and physically betterment of our brothers and sisters.

Not all the time, sharing common interest with others is good for us. We should embrace

our difference and reflect if this difference will make us better. Like what St. Bede did, he

deferred to be just like everyone else. He stayed in a cave and found who he was. Sharing

common interest with others will not make us who we are because most of the time we tend to

go with what is the norm and forget our own. Even though we achieve the sense of

belongingness by joining these fraternities or hanging out with the people with our common

interest, we should still weigh if it will make us a better person.

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