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The Consilium


Del Webb
1 Title
The Consilium Magica
Second Edition

Compiled by: Del Webb

Additional Writing: Jasyn Jones
Commentary: Ks. Jim Ogle
Editing, Layout, & Graphic Design: Jasyn Jones

Copyright © 1995 by Del Webb. All rights reserved.

These are original rules, intended for use with TORG: Roleplaying the Possibility Wars.
The most recent version of these rules (and other TORG resources) can be found on the

TORG is ®, TM, & © 2007 by Purgatory Publishing, Inc. (See the copyright section for
more information.)

Updated: May 28, 2007

Of the four axioms of TORG, the Magic ax- sign rules in the Aysle Fantasy Sourcebook
iom is at once the most familiar and the and Pixaud’s Practical Grimoire is neces-
most obscure. Spells and magic have been sary.
part of roleplaying games since the The Consilium is intended for use as a
hobby’s creation. Similarly, much of folk- quick reference during spell design. As
lore and popular entertainment features you fill out the ovals on the spell design
magic of one form or another. worksheet, you can refer to this article for
Yet TORG’s magic system is unlike that a concise explanation of the mechanics
of any other roleplaying game. Its fluid involved.
design allows mages to learn- or design- a This article also incorporates clarifica-
variety of spells, each unique yet each tions published in the Infiniverse newslet-
sharing similar components to every other ter, where appropriate. One thing not in-
spell. cluded are any house rules- the rules here
This article deals not with specific are strictly canon TORG (within the limita-
spells, nor rules for their use, but with the tions of the editor’s knowledge). They
spell design system. It is not intended to should be acceptable for any TORG cam-
be an introduction or a primer on TORG paign.
spell design. Familiarity with the spell de-

1 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a
The Building Blocks

Magic Types
There are four types of magic in TORG: result of folk; it detects darkness in folk).
divination, alteration, apportation, and When used as a communication spell, the
conjuration. pattern is the source or medium of the in-
formation conveyed, and the result is the
Divination recipient of the information (Vorgal’s metal
tale is divination/metal with a result of
Used to produce a pattern which gives folk; it gives information to folk through
information. Divination is used for spells the metal).
of detection, clairvoyance, and telepathy; The divination component of a spell
spells which sense or communicate use (like that used in wards) can only be set up
divination. When used as a information to detect the full range of its pattern
spell, the pattern is the type of information knowledge. A spell can detect anger
you are discovering, and the result is the (darkness), or a dwarf (folk), but not angry
target of inquiry (The detect folk evil spell dwarves. In fact, these spells would detect
has a pattern of divination/darkness and a all darkness or folk, respectively. Note,

Storm Knights 2
however, that an entire spell to detect an- modification spell).
gry dwarves is possible (divination/ Modification spells cannot push the
darkness, with a result of folk, with an Ex- attributes of kindred past the larger of
clusion of dwarves). these two values:

Apportation A. The Ayslish cosm limit of that attrib-

ute (see Charts and Tables, pg. 23).
Used to produce a pattern which allows B. The attribute plus the maximum gain
the mage to move something. Spells in- possible from the Speed Push (+2) or
volving the attraction or repulsion of the Power Push (+6) table, whichever is ap-
target are also apportation. Any physical propriate.
mass or energy can be apported. Essences
may not be apported. Nature will con- A transformation spell changes the tar-
cede the apportation of physical mass. In get into a different kind of element, kin-
other words, any object moved by a spell dred, or knowledge. A transformation is
remains moved even after the duration ex- also necessary to increase or decrease an
pires, unless another force moves it. attribute beyond the range of a modifica-
Attributes moved by apportation magic tion. Transformations must have an Es-
return to their original object or kindred sence as the mechanism to produce real
once the spell’s duration expires. Other effects; otherwise they are illusory.
intangible properties, such as skill values, The final result points of a transforma-
also return if they cannot naturally be tion spell must equal or exceed the great-
gained or lost in a short period of time. est attribute difference between the origi-
Things such as spells and shock points, nal and the transform. For example, a
since they can be gained and lost quickly, spell to transform a giant (Toughness 19)
do not return if moved by an apportation into a frog (Toughness 1), would need at
spell. least 18 result points. If magic is the
mechanism, an Effect Value of 37 is neces-
Alteration sary (37 - 19 = 18), but this makes the
spell illusory. Any other mechanism re-
Used to produce a pattern which al- quires an Effect Value of 70 or more! (70 -
lows the mage to increase, decrease, or 19 = 51, read through the Power Push Ta-
change something. An alteration spell ble gives 18).
must begin its work on something which
already exists in the natural world. There Conjuration
are two types of alteration spells: modifica-
tion and transformation. Used to create or destroy a pattern.
Modification changes a target by de- The mage can either bring a supernatural
gree. Modifications may use any knowl- pattern into the natural world, or reduce a
edge as a mechanism and produce real part of the natural world to its supernatural
(not illusory) effects. A modification spell pattern, then undo the pattern. All conju-
may only affect a quality the target pos- rations are transformations, involving the
sesses naturally (i.e., all humans have a creation of something out of nothing.
Strength score, so that can be modified; Conjurations with real effects must have an
but no human is naturally transparent, so a Essence knowledge as the pattern or
spell to make someone transparent is not a mechanism; otherwise they are illusory.

3 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a
Arcane Knowledges
Essences honor, etc. Can transform one Kindred to
another. May be used to create real effects
True transformation requires Essences only for results consistent with its nature.
as either result or mechanism. Conjuring Result: Makes renewal or creation con-
or transforming something real requires tinual for duration. Can tell the nature of
Essences as pattern and/or mechanism. A Kindred, Living forces, Light or Magic on a
spell with an Essence pattern may have an Kindred.
Essence mechanism, but not an Essence
result. There are no Apportation/Essence Time: Change in being or nature, time,
spells known to exist. radical or random change
Pattern: Manipulation of change and
Death: Corruption, non-existence, time
death, the Void Conjuration: Bring element of change
Pattern: Manipulate the death knowl- or time
edge within a being or object or bring de- Alteration: Accelerate or decelerate
struction into existence. time
Conjuration: Create death to inflict on Apportation: None known
other knowledge Divination: Determine when an event
Alteration: Reanimate the dead occurred
Apportation: None known Mechanism: Transform one Inanimate
Divination: Find corruption or source Force into another. Make conjurations
of destruction with magic or inanimate forces real. Mak-
Mechanism: Allows a pattern to be al- ing effects real must be consistent with the
tered through death. Can corrupt, kill, or nature of time.
diminish its target. May be used to create Result: Fix a process in time. Gain in-
real effects only for results consistent with formation about nature of Magic or Inani-
its nature. mate Forces on an Element.
Result: Complete destruction of pattern
knowledge. Makes death, corruption, or True Knowledge: Knowledge of physi-
destruction continual. cal substances and their properties, loca-
tion, distance, mass
Life: Creation, renewal, life, honor, Pattern: Changing or creating an Ele-
growth, steady change, ideas ment, travel between and within dimen-
Pattern: Find life or the honorable; en- sions
hance life, honor, creativity; create living Conjuration: Extradimensional gates,
beings create Element
Conjuration: Create life Alteration: Change an Element, telepor-
Alteration: Accelerate healing or tation
growth Apportation: None known
Apportation: None known Divination: Seeing far away places or
Divination: Detect life, honor, one of other dimensions
Seven Kindred Mechanism: Allows an Element to be
Mechanism: Imbues the result with life, transformed into another. Make conjura-

Storm Knights 4
tions involving light, darkness, inanimate of good, illusions of Elements or Inanimate
forces real, if result is consistent with prin- Forces
ciples of true knowledge. Alteration: Increase/decrease light,
Result: Give information about nature convert light
of an Element; information may be gained Apportation: Moving light, moving
about Element, Light, Darkness, or Inani- good emotions
mate Forces. Divination: Detecting good will, posi-
tive feelings
Principles Mechanism: Detecting goodness in be-
ings. Cause positive emotions. Manipu-
The Principles are pure forces of a high late living energies to have positive effect.
order, derived from the Essences. All con- Result: Create physical light or emo-
jurations using Principles are illusory un- tional harmony.
less an Essence is used as the mechanism.
The most effective illusions use the Princi- Magic: Knowledge of change, the su-
ples as their patterns, requiring a Mind to- pernatural; the most ideal mechanism
tal of 15 to disbelieve. Pattern: Creation, detection, or ma-
nipulation of magical forces
Darkness: Physical darkness, spiritual Conjuration: Illusions of Inanimate
darkness, evil, confusion, doubt, negative Forces or Elements
emotions Alteration: The changing or dispelling
Pattern: Used to create, change, con- of magic
vert, detect, or move the aspects of Dark- Apportation: Removal of magic from an
ness area
Conjuration: Create darkness, illusion Divination: Detection of magical en-
of Kindred or Living Forces with an ele- ergy
ment of evil Mechanism: The most effective mecha-
Alteration: Increase/decrease darkness, nism, can be used for any pattern, espe-
convert darkness cially those of Element and Inanimate
Apportation: Moving darkness, moving Forces.
dark emotions Result: Controlling magic in a being,
Divination: Detecting hostility or nega- object, or area.
tive feelings
Mechanism: Detecting darkness in liv- Mixed Forces
ing beings. Cause negative emotions.
Manipulate living energies to have nega- There are only two Mixed Forces. They
tive effect. are combinations of the opposed Essences,
Result: Create physical darkness, emo- and thus are as difficult as Principles to
tional turmoil, confusion. control. Illusions using Mixed Forces as a
pattern are disbelieved with a Mind total
Light: Physical light, positive emotions, of 12.
insight, intellect
Pattern: Used to create, change, con- Inanimate Forces: Link to the Elements.
vert, detect, or move light Can affect Kindred, but not change them.
Conjuration: Create light, illusions of The forces which affect and are associated
Kindred or Living Forces with an element with Elements, such as heat, electricity,

5 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a
gravity, magnetism, atomic bonds, etc. transforms a Kindred.
Pattern: Converting one Inanimate
Force to another, or using Inanimate Forces Aquatic: Covers all creature which live
on objects. in the ocean or other water bodies; fish,
Conjuration: Creating a force whales, crabs, frogs, sea snakes, mollusks,
Alteration: Changing one force to an- even bacteria.
other, or changing the degree of a force Avian: All flying creatures; birds, in-
Apportation: Using forces to move ob- sects, bats, flying reptiles. Dragons are not
jects included.
Divination: Detection of objects or Earthly: All ground-based creatures
hidden forces which are still influenced primarily by in-
Mechanism: Used to apport any physi- stinct. Humans and other Folk are not in-
cal object (including Kindred). Used as cluded.
mechanism for results of Light, Magic, Elemental: Beings made directly of the
Mixed Forces, Elements. Elements.
Result: Creates any effect not covered Enchanted: Creatures which rely on
by another knowledge. Needed when re- magic for their existence, often the crea-
sult is to apply to all Elements equally. tures of myth and legend; dragons, manti-
cores, unicorns, fairies.
Living Forces: Link to the Kindred. Can Entity: Creatures which are alive un-
only apport Elements. Covers the attrib- naturally, which do not exist naturally in
utes of living things (Strength, Mind, etc.) the real world; demons, undead, golems,
as well as vitality. ghosts.
Pattern: Used for spells which will Folk: Intelligent beings who relate
work on any Kindred closer to their own kind than any Element
Conjuration: Create health, charm and or the supernatural; humans, elves,
persuasion spells dwarves, trolls, harpies.
Alteration: Change the attributes of a
being Elements
Apportation: Transfer health or attrib-
utes between creatures The Elements represent all unliving or
Divination: Detect presence and/or spiritless things. The Elements described
level of Living Forces here do not necessarily correspond to Core
Mechanism: Can be used for results of Earth definitions. Often an Element is de-
Mixed Forces, Kindred, Elements, Light, scribed as having an intellectual aspect.
and Darkness. Elements are used as patterns for spells
Result: Needed when result is to apply with results of Element, Inanimate Forces,
equally to all Kindred. Magic, or Light. Elements cannot be used
as mechanisms. Changing an Element re-
Seven Kindred quires a result of Element.

Covers all living things. Kindred can Air: All substances which are gases at
be used as a pattern if the result is a Kin- room temperature. Often a cooling influ-
dred, Living Forces, Darkness, or Light. ence. Intelligence is impatient and quick
Kindred cannot be mechanisms. A Kin- tempered.
dred must be the result if the spell alters or Earth: All materials made from earthen

Storm Knights 6
components. Intelligence is slow, patient, and water alone, or which is derived from
and thick-headed. such elements. Includes petroleum prod-
Fire: Any form of natural combustion. ucts. Intelligence is patient and pleasure
A nuclear blast is Inanimate Forces, not seeking.
Fire. Intelligence is destructive and hun- Water: Considered to be water only.
gry. All other liquids are either mixtures or
Metal: All earthly substances which are elements with a proclivity to Water. Intel-
pliable when flame is applied. Intelli- ligence is playful and gentle unless en-
gence is strong willed and loyal if well- raged, when it becomes violent and vin-
treated. dictive.
Plant: That which grows on earth, sun

7 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a
Step by Step Design

This section details the design of a spell Charts and Tables, pg. 23. In order to de-
from beginning to end. There will be sev- sign a spell, a mage must know all four
eral references to the Spell Laboratory magic skills, and have at least one add in
Sheet, as well as several other tables and the pattern knowledge he or she is using.
figures. All of these can be found in

1. Decide what spell you want to design. basic effect? For example, suppose a mage
This is an obvious step, yet many aspects was trying to design a spell to summon a
of it are overlooked by mages. There are demon. However, he wants the demon to
certain things to remember when you be loyal to him. This would require two
come up with an idea for a spell. First of spells; one to summon the demon and one
all, remember; one spell produces one ef- to make it loyal. A spell designed to sum-
fect. When you get an idea for a new mon a charmed demon would fail; since it
spell, ask yourself; are all of the effects of is possible to summon an unfriendly de-
this spell necessarily consequences of the mon, the charming is a secondary effect.

Storm Knights 8
At this point you should have a fairly Record the sum under “Result Knowl-
good idea which of the three available as- edge”.
pects (duration, Effect Value, or range) you 3. Decide upon a casting method for
will be adding the bonus number to. With the spell. There are four ways to cast a
damaging spells or enhancement spells, spell; direct, focused, impressed, and
effect is usually the best choice. For a dis- ward. Direct means that the spell is linked
guise spell (or most spells with an effect of to the caster, and is released as soon as it
zero) duration is a good choice. For most is cast. Choosing direct as a casting
divination spells, range will allow you to method adds nothing to the state path, so
view things further away while duration record a zero in the Casting Method box.
will allow you to view them longer. You Focused spells are linked to another object
can choose whichever you wish at no cost. or person; they add two to the state path.
2. Decide upon the state path of the Impressed spells are linked to the caster,
spell. The state path consists of the magic but can be held in the mind until released.
skill used, the pattern, the mechanism, and Impressing a spell adds three to the cost.
the result. The pattern knowledge is what A mage may impress a number of spells
you are starting with, the result knowledge equal to the sum of his adds in conjuration
is what you end up with, and the mecha- and the state knowledge. A spell can be
nism is what causes the pattern to become impressed and focused at the same time;
the result. this spell is held in the caster’s mind until
Use the information in The Building released, causing it to focus on the chosen
Blocks to decide which knowledges to use. object. Impressing a spell into another be-
There is often more than one way to build ing or an object is covered in Advanced
a state path; use the path you feel is most Spellcraft.
appropriate for the effect you want. Re- Wards are guardian spells, designed to
cord the skill and knowledges used on the activate when they detect a certain condi-
Spell Laboratory Sheet, at the upper left. tion. Wards are, in effect, impressed and
Once you have decided on a state focused spells that can release themselves
path, consult the Magic State Paths dia- without the caster being present. Casting a
gram. Find the pattern knowledge of the ward adds five to the cost of the spell, plus
spell and record the enclosed value on the an additional amount for the divination
Spell Laboratory Sheet under “Pattern component (discussed later).
Knowledge” (box at upper left). Trace the 4. Add together the costs for the
path from the pattern to the mechanism, knowledges and casting method. record
adding together the values on the arrows. this value under “State Total”. Record the
You do not add the values of the mecha- same value in the oval to the right, labeled
nism or any intermediary knowledges. If State. This is the cost of the State Path.
your path takes you against an arrow, the Take your skill value in conjuration magic,
cost is two. If you are looping back on the and add the number of adds you possess
same knowledge, however, you cannot go in the pattern knowledge. Generate a bo-
against the arrow. Record the sum in the nus number to this value (using the Bonus
box labeled “Mechanism Knowledge”. Chart). Record this under the box labeled
The use of the box labeled “Additional” Conjuration.
will be covered in a later section. Trace
the path from the mechanism to the result Example: a mage designing an
knowledge, using the same rules as before. alteration/water spell has a conjuration

9 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a
magic value of 17, and 3 adds in water. A Possibility may be used on this roll,
He generates a +2 on the Bonus Chart, but no card play is allowed. Subtract the
and records 22 in the appropriate box (17 Conjuration total from the State total; the
+ 3 + 2 = 22). difference is recorded in the oval to the
right of this row. If the difference is -5 or
less, record -5 in the oval.

5. Decide on the area and/or volume the Effect Value is 10, and the mage rolled a
spell will affect. The area value is the ra- bonus of +2 for a final Effect Value of 12.
dius for the two-dimensional area the spell If magic is the mechanism, the target adds
affects. An area may be horizontal or ver- 4 to his Strength (12 - 8 = 4). If another
tical. Consult the Value Chart to deter- mechanism is used, he adds 2 to his
mine the value. The area will be a circle, Strength (12 - 8 = 4, 4 on the Power Push
unless otherwise stated (in Aspects, be- table yields +2). Note that if the human’s
low). The volume is the radius of the third Strength was 13, no result points would be
dimension of the spell. If volume is pur- generated; the spell would have no effect.
chased, area must also be purchased. The
volume is assumed to be a sphere unless 7. A result modifier can be added to
changed in Aspects. The values of volume any spell which does not use magic as its
and area should be equal; if not, the area mechanism. The result modifier is added
affected equals the smaller of the two val- to the final result points of a spell. In the
ues (which wastes the extra points of the example of the second strength spell
larger value). above, if the mage had added a result
6. Decide on an Effect Value. This is modifier of 4 to the spell, the human
how powerful the spell will be. This value would have added 6 points to his Strength
is usually compared to some quality of the (2 points from the Effect Value, plus 4 from
target (its weight, Dexterity, Toughness, the result modifier). The maximum result
etc.). A spell’s Effect Value may have more modifier that can be bought is equal to the
than one game effect; the sum of these ef- Effect Value of the spell read through the
fects is the Effect Value. Power Push table (for the second strength
spell above, the maximum result modifier
Example: Floater lifts up to 100 kilos is 4).
(value 10) at a speed of four meters per 8. Add together area, volume, effect,
round (value 3). The Effect Value is 13. and result modifier. Record the value un-
der Pattern. Add together your value in the
If magic is used as the mechanism, the magic skill used for the spell, your adds in
Effect Value is translated directly into game the pattern knowledge, and a bonus num-
effects; if not, the Effect Value is read ber. Record these in the oval labeled Pat-
through the Power Push table. Note, how- tern Skill.
ever, that a spell using magic as a mecha-
nism is an illusion and can be disbelieved. Example: For the alteration/water spell
example used earlier, the mage has altera-
Example: A human (Strength 8) has a tion magic 15, water +3, and gets a -1 bo-
strength spell cast on him. The spell’s base nus. His value is 17 (15 + 3 - 1 = 17).

Storm Knights 10
this total to the right. If the difference is -5
A Possibility can be used, but no cards. or less, record -5 in the oval.
Subtract Pattern Skill from Pattern; record

9. There are two aspects to control: multi- rived effects. Note that if magic is not
attributes and multi-target. used as the mechanism, the result points
a. If the spell will affect the attributes will be filtered through the Power Push for
or skills of the target, the caster must in- the attributes, and Pushed again for the
clude multi-attributes. A spell will affect derived effects. Examples of both cases
one attribute for free; after that, they must are given below.
be purchased. Decide how many attrib-
utes or skills you wish to affect; this num- Example 1: The spell affecting the
ber is read on the Multi-Attributes and As- Strength, Dexterity, Toughness, dodge, and
pects chart (see the Appendix, below). fire combat skills of the target is designed
using magic as the mechanism. The target
Example: If the spell affects just Dexter- has Dexterity 9, Strength 10, Toughness 8,
ity, there is no cost; for Dexterity, Strength, dodge 10, and fire combat 11. The spell
and Toughness, the cost is 6; for those generates an Effect Value of 16; this gives 6
three attributes, plus the dodge and fire result points to all three attributes (Effect
combat skills, the cost is 8.) Values are compared to the largest attrib-
ute; in this case, Strength). The target now
If an attribute is affected, the attribute has Dexterity 15, Strength 16, Toughness
and all skills under it are raised or lowered 14, dodge 16, and fire combat 17. Now
by the result points. the result points are read on the Power
Push table; a 6 yields a +3. The 3 is added
Example: A woman with Dexterity 9 to the skill values, giving the target these
and fire combat 11 that has her Dexterity values: Dexterity 15, Strength 16, Tough-
raised by three will have a Dexterity of 12 ness 14, dodge 19, fire combat 20.
and a fire combat of 14).
Example 2: The same spell is designed
If an individual skill is purchased with using living forces as the mechanism. Cast
multi-attributes (called derived effects), on the same target, it also generates an Ef-
only that skill’s value is raised. Derived fect Value of 16. Read the result points (6)
effects are raised by the value of the Effect on the Power Push; this gives a +3. The
Value read through the Power Push. It is target now has Dexterity 12, Strength 13,
possible to raise both an attribute (for all Toughness 11, dodge 13, and fire combat
purposes) and a derived effect with the 14. Now the 3 result points are read
same spell; the spell that affects Dexterity, through the Power Push table again; this
Strength, Toughness and the dodge and gives a +2. This is added to the derived
fire combat skills is one such spell. First effects, for a final result of: Dexterity 12,
the attributes are raised (or lowered) by the Strength 13, Toughness 11, dodge 15, fire
result points of the spell; then the result combat 16.
points are read through the Power Push
table, and this value is added to the de- b. Multi-target may also be purchased

11 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a
under multi-attributes. The caster may de- c. Record all Multi-Attributes and
cide how many people to target in any Multi-Targets, add up their costs, and re-
area spell. cord it under “Multi-Attributes”.
Take the number of people you wish to 10. a. Decide on any Aspects you want
target, and read it through the Multi- to use. There are several Aspects that can
Attributes and Aspects chart (If the mage be built into a spell: Change Target, Effect,
chooses 5 people, the cost is 6; if he Form, Area, Volume, Apportation, Dura-
chooses 20, the cost is 12). If the number tion, Accuracy, and Divination. To deter-
of people in the area of the spell is equal mine the cost, read the number of Aspects
to or less than the multi-target number, the used through the Multi-Attribute and As-
caster may choose who is affected by the pects table. Unlike Multi-Attributes, the
spell. If the number in the area is greater, first Aspect is not free. Do not add in Ac-
all are affected. curacy or Divination if they are used; their
cost is figured separately. An explanation
Example: A mage designs a spell to de- of each Aspect follows.
liver an electric shock to anyone in a 10- Change Target: The spell’s effect can
meter radius circle. He wants to design it change targets. If a new target is chosen,
so he can shock only his enemies when the original target is no longer affected.
his Storm Knight team is also in the area. When designing the spell, decide who can
He builds in a Multi-Target of 13 (cost 12). change targets; the caster or the recipient.
As long as there are 13 or fewer beings in Effect: The effect of the spell can be
the affected area, the mage may choose turned on and off if the spell is permanent
who is affected by the spell. If more than (permanent magic is discussed in the next
13 are in the affected area, all are section). The effect can also be lessened in
shocked. any spell with this Aspect, but it cannot be
Note that a spell can have multi- Form, Area, Volume: These Aspects can
attributes and multi-target built in. In such only be used on elements, Mixed Forces,
cases, compute the value of each aspect or Principles. Controlling Form allows the
separately, then add them together. This caster to change the shape of the spell
can get expensive within the bounds of the spell’s area or
volume (a circle or sphere). Manipulating
Example: A mage designs a spell which Area allows a mage to shape the effect be-
raises the Spirit, Charisma, and faith skill of yond the confines of the original circle, as
all creatures in an area, where the mage long as the value of the area is maintained.
may select the targets when there are 10 or Volume lets the mage shape the effect out-
fewer beings in the area. The cost of af- side the bounds of the original sphere, as
fecting two attributes and one skill is four long as the value of the volume is pre-
(remember, the first multi-attribute is free) served.
and the cost for a multi-target of 10 is 10, The chart tells you what must be in-
for a total cost of 14. cluded in order to produce some common
In addition, any gate or teleport spells Included in the Appendix are equations
must have a Multi-Attribute for all seven for the areas and volumes of these shapes,
attributes built in; otherwise the attributes so that a mage will know how large a
are not carried across. shape will be.

Storm Knights 12
Apportation: If the apportation is not The divination component of a spell
controlled, the spell travels in a straight has limits; these are discussed in The
line to the target. If Apportation is pur- Building Blocks under “Divination”.
chased, the spell will travel in any path the b. Add up the costs for Aspects, and
caster wishes. record it in the oval marked “Aspects”.
Duration: The spell may be turned off 11. Transformations or conjurations
before the full duration. Otherwise, it con- which do not use an Essence as the pattern
tinues for the entire duration. or mechanism are illusory and can be dis-
Accuracy: Any spell which targets an believed. The difficulty of disbelieving is
unwilling creature (such as combat spells) based on the pattern knowledge; for Kin-
needs to hit to succeed. The mage casting dred and Elements, it is 8; for Mixed
a spell generates an apportation magic to- Forces, it is 12; for Principles, the difficulty
tal, which is compared to the relevant de- is 15. Buying a Disbelief modifier in-
fensive skill (dodge, Dexterity, etc.). Add- creases the difficulty of disbelieving the
ing Accuracy to the spell gives a bonus to spell. Record how many points you want
this roll. The cost of Accuracy equals the to increase the difficulty by in the oval la-
bonus given; a +3 to-hit modifier costs 3. beled “Disbelief”.
Divination: This Aspect is usually 12. Consult the table Pattern Skill Val-
added only to ward spells. A ward must ues under the heading “Control Cost”.
be able to detect something in order to set Find the value listed for the type of magic
it off; this is where that ability is built in. you are using in the spell, and record this
The cost of Divination is 8 (for the skill) number in the oval labeled “Pattern Skill
plus the number of adds the spell’s de- Cost”.
signer has in the knowledge to be de- 13. Add together Multi-Attributes, As-
tected. The spell will then have a value to pects, Disbelief, and Pattern Skill Cost. Put
detect the knowledge equal to the de- the sum in the oval labeled Control. In the
signer’s skill and knowledge total. oval labeled Divination, put your divina-
tion magic total, plus the adds you have in
Example: A mage designs a ward to set the pattern knowledge, plus a bonus num-
off in the presence of undead. He has ber (You can use a Possibility, but not
divination magic 16, entity +5. The cost of cards). Subtract Divination from Control,
the Aspect is 13 (8 + 5 = 13). The spell and put the difference in the oval to the
now has a divination/entity total of 21 to right. Again, if the difference is -5 or less,
detect undead. put -5 in the oval.

14. Decide on a speed for the spell. Use
the Value Chart to determine the value, Examples: A spell with a range of 1000
and record it in the oval marked “Speed”. meters (value 15) which lasts 15 seconds
The speed must be high enough so that the (value 6), must have a minimum speed of
spell can reach its maximum range within 14 (15 - 6 + 5), which translates to 600
the duration. The formula to use for this is: meters per round. A spell with a range of
40 meters (value 8) which lasts 2.5 min-
Minimum Speed = Range - Duration + 5 utes (value 11) has a minimum speed of 2

13 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a
(8 - 11 + 5), which is 2.5 meters per and record the sum in the oval labeled
round.) Apportation. In the oval to the right, also
15. Decide on the spell’s range. Use labeled Apportation, record your apporta-
the Value Chart to determine the value, tion magic skill, plus the adds in the pat-
and place it in the “Range” oval. Be care- tern knowledge and a bonus (Possibilities
ful when assigning the range. If a mage but no cards). Subtract the Apportation on
designs a fireball with a volume of 5 and a the right from the Apportation on the left;
range of 5, he will be blasted by the edge record the difference in the oval to the far
of his own fireball! right. As before, if the difference is -5 or
16. Add together Speed and Range, less, put -5 in the oval.

17. Decide on a duration for the spell, us- aura to end (a week), or the mage can at-
ing the Value Chart to get a value. Try and tempt to beat the Effect Value of the spell
select the lowest duration possible, for two (heal has a base Effect Value of 15; good
reasons: luck!).
a. A character cannot be affected by a
two spells of the same pattern knowledge b. A low duration can help offset a
at the same time. In order to affect some- high state total or Effect Value.
one with the second spell, the caster must 18. In the oval labeled Alteration, put
beat the Effect Value of the first spell. your alteration magic total, plus your adds
in the pattern knowledge and the bonus
Example: A character has enhanced number (As before, Possibilities but no
aura cast on himself, which is an cards). Subtract this from the duration.
alteration/living forces spell with a base Record the difference in the oval to the far
Effect Value of 21 and a duration of one right. But this time, if the difference is -5
week. The character is wounded in battle. or less, record the actual value (If the dif-
A mage has a heal spell, but cannot use it; ference is -8, write -8 in the oval). This is
heal is also alteration/living forces. The why a low duration can help offset the
character can either wait for the enhanced higher costs.

Basic Complexity
19. Consult Pattern Skill Values under the this sum in the oval marked “Spell Sum”.
heading “Complexity”. Find the value for If the Spell Sum is less than zero, write
the magic skill used in the spell, and re- zero in the oval.
cord it in the oval marked “Magic Type”. 22. Decide on a Cast Time for the spell.
20. Take the highest number from Some things to remember:
among these totals: State, Pattern, Control, a. Since an impressed spell is stored in
Apportation, and “Duration”. Record this the mind until released, mages often assign
number in the oval labeled “Process long cast times to impressed spells.
Maximum”. b. A combat round is 10 seconds
21. Add together all of the totals ob- (value 5). Therefore, any spell that has a
tained in the far right column (Conjuration cast time less than 5 will take effect in the
- State, Pattern Skill - Pattern, etc.). Record round the casting is begun; otherwise, the

Storm Knights 14
spell is released in the next round. on the fifth round.
23. Add together the Magic Type,
Example: A spell with a cast time of 4 Process Maximum, and Spell Sum. Sub-
seconds (value 3) will release in the same tract from this the Cast Time. Record this
round it is started; a cast time of 10 sec- number under “Basic Complexity”. The
onds (value 5) will release on the second time required to observe this much of the
round, requiring the mage to cast the spell spell is one hour; if less time is spent, the
for the entire round). Note that this ex- value of the time cut short is added to Pat-
tends to longer cast times as well; a spell tern. This becomes a factor in casting on
with a cast time of 40 seconds will take the fly, discussed later.
four full combat rounds to cast, releasing

Theorems are applied to make a spell eas- discussed in Advanced Spellcraft). There
ier to cast. Theorems are the most time- are six process theorems: Cast Time, Con-
consuming part of spell design; each theo- trol, Duration, Range, Speed, and State.
rem takes at least a week to observe. The The adds in these theorems are figured in
mage may apply as many or as few theo- with the value of weeks studied and the
rems as he or she wishes. The theorems bonus number to determine the theorem
are applied one at a time, and the mage total. Note that using a process theorem
may stop at any time (i.e., if the mage puts does not affect the part of the spell it is
six theorems into a spell, and stops apply- named after; using the Duration theorem
ing them after the third, the spell is fin- does not affect the duration of the spell in
ished with three theorems; the other three any way.
are lost).
When applying a theorem, the value is Pattern Theorems
determined as follows; the value of the
number of weeks the theorem is studied Pattern theorems can be applied to any
(on the Value Chart), plus the skill adds spell; they do not need to be learned. Pat-
(process theorems only), plus a bonus tern theorems not only reduce complexity,
number. When generating a bonus num- but also affect how the spell operates.
ber for theorems, no Possibilities or cards There are nine pattern theorems, and their
can be used to augment the roll. The to- effects are described below.
tal(s) are subtracted from the Basic Com-
plexity. Concentration: As the mage casts the
There are two types of theorems; proc- spell, his or her mind mirrors the pattern.
ess theorems and pattern theorems. Each If the mage continues to concentrate on
is detailed below. the pattern after it is cast, the pattern is
easier to maintain in the natural world. If
Process Theorems Concentration is applied, the mage must
concentrate on the spell, doing nothing
Process theorems are learned just like else until the effect is ended.
Arcane Knowledges. They are used for Contagion: A part is always linked with
two purposes; making a spell easier to cast its whole. Therefore, having a part of the
and manipulating a spell (manipulation is affected material will make it easier to af-

15 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a
fect the whole. If Contagion is applied, rally as fire that only burns dwarves.
the mage must have a physical object Uniqueness: Uniqueness may be ap-
which represents either the pattern knowl- plied when the spell affects only one par-
edge or the result knowledge. ticular individual. When Uniqueness is
Specific Contagion: This may be ap- applied, Exclusion may be applied as well.
plied when the object used comes from Uniqueness follows the same rules as Ex-
the target of the spell itself. Thus, a human clusion in its use.
hair can be used as a Contagion for a spell Similarity: Whenever the mage mimics
affecting folk, but if Specific Contagion is the process or result of a spell while cast-
used, the hair must come from the target of ing it, Similarity is applied. The mage
the spell. If Specific Contagion is applied, mimes what the spell will do when cast.
Contagion may be applied automatically. Touch: Direct contact between the
Exclusion: The less of a knowledge caster and the target of a spell makes the
which is necessary for a pattern or result, transfer of the result easier. Touch is ap-
the easier the spell. A spell which affects plied when the caster is required to touch
only a sub-group of a knowledge uses Ex- the recipient of the spell (which may re-
clusion. Exclusion can be applied only quire an unarmed combat total against an
once to the pattern and the result. unwilling target).
Thus, you can use Exclusion to affect Self: Since the observer of the pattern
only dwarves, but you can’t use it again to (the mage) is closest to the pattern of the
affect left-handed dwarves. However, if spell, he or she is most easily affected by
you had a spell that turned dwarves into it. Using Self means that the spell will
dragons, you can use Exclusion twice; only affect the caster. Since a being whose
once on the pattern of folk to Exclude spirit is in their physical form is touching
dwarves, and once on the result of en- their physical form, the theorem of Touch
chanted to Exclude dragons. can be applied, too. This also implies that
Emotional states are beyond the any spell using Self will end if a person’s
bounds of Exclusion. You cannot use Ex- spirit is separated from their body.
clusion to affect only friendly folk, or an- Voice: The path from supernatural pat-
gry entities, etc. tern to natural world is similar to the path
The Exclusion must be a sub-group that from thought to voice. Thus, if the caster
already exists naturally in the knowledge. speaks or vocalizes sounds while casting,
You cannot design a fireball that only Voice may be applied. The spoken part
burns dwarves; the pattern and result of must have some relation to the spell’s ef-
fireball is fire; there is no such thing natu- fect, and these spells cannot be cast while
under any form of silence.

Final Complexity
In the lower right-hand corner of the Spell and record it under “Final Complexity”.
Laboratory Sheet, record the Basic Com- Reference this number with the magic skill
plexity in the oval just below the oval with listed in Pattern Skill Values under “Final
the same label. Add up all totals from Complexity”. If the number in Pattern Skill
theorems, and place the total in the oval Values is greater than the Final Complexity
marked “Theorem Sum”. Subtract the determined, use the number from the table
Theorem Sum from the Basic Complexity, instead. This number will be divided be-

Storm Knights 16
tween the backlash and difficulty of the spell.

Recording the Spell

In the box at the top right of the Spell culty, the spell is cast. Whether or not the
Laboratory Sheet labeled “SPELL LOG”, difficulty is overcome, the mage also
record the following data: checks backlash. Compare the backlash to
Spell: The name of the spell. the character’s Mind or the spell total,
Axiom Level: The Magic axiom neces- whichever is higher. Read the result points
sary to produce the effect of the spell. This on the damage chart as mental stun dam-
is determined by referencing the Magic age (i.e., the first wound becomes a
axiom. A spell with an axiom higher than knockdown).
the region it is cast in and/or the caster will It is important to know when the char-
cause a contradiction. Impressed spells acter “knows” the spell, that is, has spent a
will have two axioms; the first is the axiom Possibility to learn it. It is possible for
level of the spell’s effect, the second is a characters to cast an “unknown” spell di-
parenthetical value of 17, the axiom level rectly from a grimoire, however, in this
at which impressing is possible. case backlash is compared to the spell to-
Skill: Record the magic skill used, the tal, never to the caster’s Mind.
pattern knowledge, and the sum of the de-
signer’s skill value and knowledge adds. Example: If a mage casts a “known”
In order to cast this spell, a mage must spell poorly and gets a spell total of 2, he
have a skill + knowledge total that equals will compare the backlash (16, let us sup-
or exceeds this number. pose) to his Mind (10), causing 6 result
points, or O 2 damage. If cast from a gri-
Example: A mage designs a divination/ moire, rather than comparing backlash to
metal spell. He has a divination magic his Mind, he must compare it to the spell
skill of 16, and 7 adds in metal. He re- total of 2, for 14 result points (2 Wnd K/O
cords the Skill as “divination/metal 23”. 5).
Another mage must have a total of 23 or
greater in divination/metal to cast this A mage must remain conscious after
spell. backlash for the spell to work. There are
exceptions to the rules on backlash, which
It is possible to design a spell without are noted.
using your full skill. This is covered in Ad- Effect Value: Record the Effect Value
vanced Spellcraft. here.
Backlash and Difficulty: Divide the Fi- Bonus Number To: A mage generates a
nal Complexity between these two values. bonus number when casting a spell. The
It does not have to be equally divided. bonus may be applied to one of three ar-
Difficulty is the number that a caster needs eas; effect, range, or duration. Write down
to beat to cast the spell; backlash is the where the bonus will go.
measure of the spell’s resistance to the Range: Write down the range of the
natural world. When a mage generates a spell. It is usually a good idea to write the
spell total (his skill plus a bonus), he or she range as a measurement and as a value,
checks it against both of these numbers. If like this: Range: 100 m (10).
the spell total equals or exceeds the diffi- Duration: Write down the spell’s dura-

17 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a
tion. Again, it is good to record it as a Once this information is recorded, the
measure and a value, such as: Duration: 5 spell is complete. On a blank paper, re-
min (4). cord all of the information in the Spell Log,
Cast Time: The Cast Time of the spell. and include a description of what the spell
Record it as a measure and a value: Cast does. Be sure to mention the casting
Time: 1 hour (18). method used, the effects of any pattern
Manipulation: Write down any process theorems used, whether or not the Power
theorems used in the spell. These are used Push table is used, any result, disbelief, or
to determine whether or not a mage can accuracy modifiers, Multi-Target numbers,
manipulate a spell (discussed in Advanced the divination skill of a ward, the effects of
Spellcraft). Aspects, and so on.

Storm Knights 18
Advanced Spellcraft

Permanent Magic
There are several ways in which a mage magic is that backlash is always compared
can make a spell permanent. In all cases, to the skill total, never the Mind of the
a permanent spell is cast with a -15 modi- caster.
fier to the spell total. The mage must beat
the difficulty with a -15 bonus modifier to In the example above, the backlash of
cause a spell to exist permanently. haste is 18; if the mage had only rolled a
17 (for a bonus of +4), he would have a
Example: A mage (alteration magic 16) skill total of 5 (16 + 4 - 15 = 5). Not only
wants to make haste permanent (difficulty does the spell fail, but the mage takes 13
15). The mage would have to roll at least a result points of mental stun damage.
51 to be successful (51 gives a bonus of
14; 16 + 14 - 15 = 15, the spell’s diffi- The -15 modifier is based on the fol-
culty). lowing formula: (Magic axiom of the
Cosm) - 33. Thus, for Aysle, the modifier is
One other disadvantage to permanent 18-33, or -15. Modifiers for other cosms

19 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a
do vary. spell are still necessary to use the spell.
Making the Process Permanent: Mak-
ing the process permanent causes the ef- Example: A mage has an altered fireball
fect of a spell to last forever (or until dis- spell. Normally, the spell would be cast,
pelled). A fireball will burn forever, a man and the mage would then light the ball of
will stay a frog, a mage will be forever pitch required by altered fireball to activate
hasted, etc. the spell. The spell would then have to be
Making the Pattern Permanent: Making recast. If the pattern were made perma-
the pattern permanent means that the po- nent and cast on a gem, the pattern of fire
tential of the spell is always there. Since would be in the gem forever; anyone with
the pattern exists, the spell can be cast an alteration magic skill could use the gem
without knowing the pattern knowledge to make fireballs. The burning pitch is still
(the magic skill is still necessary, however). necessary, however.
Any theorem restrictions required by the

Enchanted Items
There are four types of enchanted items: f. Result (the pattern knowledge of the
1. An item with a permanent focused spells to be impressed)
spell. The spell is cast at -15, and the The number of spells that may be im-
process is declared permanent. The effect pressed equals the result points of the spell
can be illustrated with the spell Command (through Power Push) plus any result
Obedience. If this impressed and focused modifier. For the duration of this spell, the
spell is cast with a permanent process, object will hold impressed spells of the
then the spell will affect the target forever specified knowledge (Note that these im-
(as long as it is within range of the focused pressed spells do not have to be designed
object; if the creature exits the range and to be impressed into an object; the spell
then returns, it will be under the command allows the object to hold normal im-
of the mage again). This type of enchant- pressed spells through the use of Life as a
ment would not be useful for a spell such mechanism). The preparation spell can be
as Withering Touch, which would keep the cast permanently; cast it at -15 and make
withering glove of darkness on the caster’s the process permanent. This creates an
hand forever; this makes shaking hands permanent item that holds the specified
uncomfortable, to say the least. number of impressed spells.
2. Placing a permanent pattern into an 4. A spell designed to be impressed
object. This is discussed above. into an object may be cast as permanent
3. An item that holds impressed spells magic. This requires two castings; one
to be released by the caster. The item must makes the process permanent, the other
be prepared with a spell, with a state path makes the pattern permanent. If either
like this: casting fails, the item is not enchanted.
a. Conjuration This causes the spell to cast itself over the
b. Pattern Knowledge (material of ob- cast time, then sit until released by the
ject) user of the item. The spell then recasts it-
c. Mechanism (life) self. A ward may be made permanent in
d. to living forces this way; the ward will sit until activated,
e. to folk (allows a folk to cast the spell) then recast itself.

Storm Knights 20
Options for Impressed Spells
A spell may be impressed into another be- complete, will be impressed into the mind
ing or object. Doing this requires the of the recipient, who can release it even if
mage to alter the state path to include the they have no magic skills.
being or object. To impress a spell into Impressing a spell into an object is
another creature, start at the pattern even more difficult. After determining the
knowledge as before. But before going to pattern knowledge, the mage traces a path
the mechanism, the mage traces a path to to living forces, then to folk (assuming that
the knowledge representing the recipient the caster is a folk), then to the Element
of the impressed spell (folk for humans, knowledge that best describes the object.
enchanted for dragons, etc.). The cost of Record this cost under “Additional”, and
this is recorded under “Additional” on the then follow the path to mechanism and
Spell Laboratory Sheet. The path proceeds result as normal. This spell can be im-
from this knowledge to the mechanism pressed into the specified object, and re-
and result, as normal. The spell, when leased from it by the caster.

Casting on the Fly

Casting on the fly is the term used to de- and backlash, and then must either cast
scribe the casting of spells a mage has not the spell the next round or lose the pattern.
learned for himself. Casting on the fly is The mage cannot be interrupted while ob-
dangerous, since backlash is always com- serving the pattern.
pared to the spell total, never the Mind of Invitation to Madness: When creating
the caster. The mage creates the spell as a spell on the fly, a mage can make use of
normal, using the Spell Laboratory Sheet. a dangerous option; the invitation to mad-
There are two differences; first, the mage ness. Using this option, a mage gets a bo-
must determine the time spent designing nus of +3 to all six generated totals (Conju-
the spell (as a time value), and subtract this ration, Pattern Skill, Divination, Apporta-
value from 18 (1 hour). The result is added tion, Alteration, and the spell skill total).
to the Pattern. Second, no theorems may The drawback is that the spell must be cast
be applied to the spell, so the basic com- regardless of the complexity, and the back-
plexity is the final complexity. The mage lash must be equal to or greater than the
divides the final complexity into difficulty difficulty.

Spell Manipulation
Under certain conditions, a mage can ma- not limited to altering the duration and
nipulate a spell to vary the effects. cast time only).
If a mage has at least one add in all of A mage can manipulate a spell in one
the process theorems listed under Manipu- of four ways:
lation, he or she can manipulate the spell. 1. They can re-allocate the final com-
The process theorems known do not affect plexity between difficulty and backlash, as
how the spell can be manipulated (i.e., if a long as the total is the same. This takes
mage knows Duration and Cast Time, he one round.
can still fully manipulate the spell; he is 2. They can re-allocate points from ef-

21 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a
fect to either range or duration, points or duration on a point-for-point basis, or
from range to either effect or duration, or decreasing two points of cast time for one
points from duration to effect or range. point of range. Each such manipulation
Effect and duration points are transferred takes one round.
on a point-for-point basis. Range has a 4. They may increase backlash in order
speed component, so one range point is to increase effect, range, or duration. They
worth two effect or duration points, and can also increase backlash to decrease
vice versa. Each such manipulation takes cast time. The backlash increase is read
one round. on the Power Push table, and the push
3. They can increase the cast time of a amount is added (to effect, range, or dura-
spell, adding these points on a one-for-one tion) or subtracted (from cast time) as ap-
basis to either effect or duration, or a two- propriate. This can be done as the spell is
for-one basis to range. They may also de- being cast, but before the die is rolled.
crease the cast time, decreasing the effect

Designing Simpler Spells

There are times when a mage may want to If he does so, he must also use this re-
design a spell without using their full skill, duced number for the Pattern, Conjuration,
such as when designing a spell intended Divination, Apportation, and Alteration
for students or lesser mages. This is espe- totals.
cially true if the designer’s skill in a par- 2. He may reduce the number of skill
ticular area is high; if a mage has a adds used in the Pattern Skill. He must use
conjuration/folk total of 37, it will be diffi- this reduced skill value for the Pattern total
cult for other mages to cast his and the other skill total (Conjuration, Divi-
conjuration/folk spells! nation, etc.)
A mage may reduce his skill in two One advantage the mage has in design-
ways: ing simple spells is that the theory knowl-
1. He may reduce the number of Ar- edges are applied at full adds. This is an-
cane Knowledge adds used in the Pattern other case in which process theorems are
Skill. useful.

Storm Knights 22
Charts and Tables
Skill Control Cost Complexity Final Complexity Casting Method
Divination 8 17 14 Direct: +0 to State Path
Focused: +2 to State Path
Apportation 10 19 16
Impressed: +3 to State Path
Alteration 13 22 19 Ward: +5 to State Path
Conjuration 16 25 22
Pattern Skill Values

Attribute Limit Aspects Cost Area and Volume

Dexterity 14 1 2 Circle (Area): A = !r2
Square (Area): A = s2
Strength 15 2 4
Rectangle (Area): A = lw
Toughness 15 3-4 6 Sphere (Volume): V = 4/3(!r3)
Perception 14 5-6 8 Cube (Volume): V = s3
Box (Volume): V = lwh
Mind 14 7-10 10 Cone (Volume): V = 1/3(!r2h)
Charisma 13 11-15 12 Cylinder (Volume): V = !r2h
Pyramid (Volume): V = 1/3 (lwh)
Spirit 13 16-20 14
Abbrev.: != pi (3.14) h = height l = length s =
Aysle Attribute Limits Multi-Attributes & Aspects side w = width r = radius

23 C o n s i l i um M ag i c a

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This electronic document is copyright © 1995 by Del Webb. All Rights Reserved.

All other content of the STORM KNIGHTS website is copyright © 2001-2007 by Jasyn
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These rules are based (in part) on material published in the following TORG rulebook(s):

TORG Boxed Set

Original Mythos and Game Design: Greg Gorden
Mythos/System Development: Douglas Kaufman, Bill Slavicek
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Editing: Gareth Michael Skarka and Steven Marsh

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