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---- According to Comprehension

Simple – it expresses only one conceptual note.


Truth – conformity between the intellect and the thing

Being – an existential thing

Falsity – non-conformity between the intellect and the thing

Compound – it expresses more than one conceptual note

Man may be expressed as – rational animal, Human being, Person, Supposit

God as – Infinite, Prime Mover, Intelligent Designer, Uncaused Cause

Concrete – it expresses something which has attributes that are capable of being perceived through the

Examples – ball, can, desk, shirt, stone, table

Abstract – it expresses something as separated from any single object. It denotes the general attributes
of many objects.

Examples – fear, happiness, heights, knowledge, perfection

According to Extension

Singular – it expresses a single object only

Universal – it represents not only a class as a whole but also each member of the class

Table, chair, stone, plat, glass, pen, girl

Particular – it represents only a part of the universal whether it is definite or indefinite

Many books, three kings, few guests, several trees

Collective – it represents a number of things constitution a unit-group or whole

Family, choir, band, fleet, team

---- According to Origin

Immediate – (intuitive) it is formed from the direct perception or things

Chair, cars, chirping of birds, falling rain, hot water

Mediate – (abstractive) it is formed through the mediation of other ideas

God, life of Gandhi, human soul, philosophy

According to Relation

Compatible – those that can co-exist in a subject

Wise and good rich and famous

Beauty and brain tall, dark, and handsome

Incompatible – those that cannot coexist in a subject. They exclude each other. There are four kinds of
incompatible ideas:

Contradictory – those that express a positive and negative concept. Contradictories are mutually
exclusive that the affirmation of one is the denial of the other. Between them, there is no third (middle)

Equal – unequal black – non-black

Good – not good life – death

Contrary – those that express extremes belonging to the same class. Between these ideas, there is a
third (middle) ground.

Rich – poor high - low

Hot – cold kind – cruel

Privative – two opposed ideas, one of which expresses a perfection, and the other its lack which ought to
be possessed.

Sight – blindness hearing – deafness good - evil

Truth – error wealth – poverty

Correlative – two opposed ideas that bear mutual relation to one another such that one cannot be
understood without the other. They imply each other because one depends on the other.

Cause – effect whole - part

Husband – wife parent – child

---- According to Meaning

Univocal – a term that carries the same meaning in its several uses.

Animal when predicated of a dog and a cat has exactly the same meaning

Polygon when predicated of a triangle and a square has exactly the same meaning

Equivocal – a term that carries a different meaning in its different uses. The term may be equivocal:

Only in pronunciation

Sweet – suite sun – son reign - rain

Weak – week deer – dear queue – cue

In pronunciation and spelling

Trunk of a tree, of a car, of an elephant

Bank where money is deposited or withdrawn, or the river

Analogous – a term that carries a meaning in some ways different, and in some ways the same

Good – good cement, good job, good medicine, good food

Head – head of the family, head of a man

According to Quality

Positive in form, positive in meaning

Life, justice, truth, freedom

Positive in form, negative in meaning

Death, evil, error, misery, cruelty

Negative in form, negative in meaning

Illegal, impolite, incompetent, dishonest

Negative in form, positive in meaning

Immortal, infinite, blameless

--- According to Object

Real – it expresses something that has existential actuality, whether positive or negative

Clarity, temperance, scandal, unemployment, chair, table

Logical – it is used as a conceptual device to facilitate learning

Subject, predicate, classifications, division, phyla, genera

Imaginary – it has no correspondence in reality but is merely a concoction of the mind

Spiderman - flying carpet

Darna - Talking tree

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