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he was right está en lo cierto

patchouli=herb used in perfume el pachulí
fearsome, redoubtable=formidable temible
el caparazón shell
to answer, look after atender
a fuss aspavientos
newborn, sucking child niño de pecho
damper, disappointment, trick chasco
stew of meat and shellfish curanto (in Chile)
amphibology=ambiguous phrase
to cling to, stick to, tighten ceñir
printing proofs pruebas de imprenta
to settle in, sink, sprawl arrellanarse
on the spot, instantly, in the act en el acto
cap, top, hood capuchón
whore, tramp furcia
booklet, brief treatise opúsculo
to shudder retemblar
to go on a spending spree, squander despilfarrar
notary, court clerk escribano
innocuous=harmless inofensivo
aggressive truculento
Conspire, plot confabular
nasturtium flower capuchina
the collection, gathering acopio
to attack, throw one's self abalanzarse
joke chiste
musings, ponderings cavilaciones
dejection, discouragement, despondency abatimiento
cornezuelo ergot=fungus grows on rye reduces bleeding, constricts vessels
sorrel=type of herb, chestnut colored alazán
manor house solariega
rough tracks, twists and turns, intricacies vericuetos
hood(car), soft top capota
incur, fall into, commit incurrir
livery=uniform of servant or official librea
to fill with something atochar
Cachito: puede ser un trocito de algo o un momento muy breve.
Palmeritas: galleta o pastelito con forma de espiral.
to joke, chat, confess chotear
to freak out flipar en colores:
dar la barrila Decir o pedir algo con tanta insistencia que resulte molesto o impertinent
slut guarra
bluff, lantern un farol
barracks cuartelillo
Mega-Bluff un farol que te cagas
headlight, light house faro
the look, appearance la pinta
the bragging chulería
to resemble asemejar
squeemishness, prudery el Melindre
cape, cloak Esclavina
exanthema=rash accompanying fever La exantema
dishevel(hair) desgreñar
for a long time, largamente
shallow, single headed drum timbale
rum made from low-grade molasses taffia

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a blow/hit, holy wafer, host(of guest) hostia

lantern farolillo
whore, slut golfa
to be out of place, out of tune desentonar
damn!, pussy Coño
sidekick, sloppy second segundón
Athos, Count de la Fère, is a fictional character in the novels The Three Musketeers
herrete Stud, aiglet/aglet=platic tube at end of shoelace
to scan, glimpse otear
dour, grim adusto
fierceness, fury saña
as though/as if cual si
the lawfirm La razón comercial
the deal was theirs esa operación la tenían ellos comprometida
they should have gotten up early Pues que hubieran madrugado,
footnote, comment glosa
Moroccan leather tafilete.
joke, banter guasa
joke like guasona.
flirtatious coqueto
Peek, to watch, discern atisbar
with many full stops mucho punto y seguido
as your friend A título de amigo
clay bottle caneco
traditional, authentic castizo
to sign, endorse rubricar
unaccompanied by other food or drink a palo seco
a better apostador
temper, spirit, mould temple
scavenger carroñera
crow's sailor gaviero
were going to keep her there la fuesen a tener allí
decoy, claim, complaint reclamo
to scrap, break up desguazar
put some distance b/w, leave poner tierra de por medio
to pull aces out of his sleeve (do tricks) A sacarse ases de la manga
that was shooting from him que se le disparaba
regarding en lo tocante a propiedad de
to fumble, rummage hurgar
very superficially, vaguely Muy por encima
scribbles, scrawls garabatos
they must have heard the printer scream A quien tuvo que oírse gritar fue al impresor.
on the way De paso
chuckle risita
expertise, inspection peritaje
to turn down, send him on his way lo mandar a paseo
that touched a nerve me tocó la fibra
Aclaración ociosa unnecessary explanation, you don't need to explain
idle, useless ocioso
scathing, biting mordaz
caps Cachuchas
gastar bromas divertirse a costa de alguien
potbellied panzón Present Preterite
Belly panza embisto
chocar con fuerza embestir: embistes
thinness delgadez embiste
oscuro sombrío/a embestimos

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“baheena” vagina. embestísís

to make up stories, fantasize fabular embisten
one of the main leaders of the Mexican ReVenustiano Carranza
casa señorial antigua casona
outburst arrebato
stinging, piercing punzante
piquetito herida hecha con un instrumento punzante como un cuchillo
to splash, paddle chapotear
to draft, write, draw up redactar
to strengthen, enhance afianzar
“sufreemee entos ecoloheecos” sufrimientos psicológicos
entertainment/show magazines revistas de espectáculo
business name Razón Social
stage escenario
casa de campo en Cataluña. masía
empresa de mensajería privada. Seur:
no tanto... cuanto not so much __, as
I do not know whether to talk no sé si hablar
Neo-fascist misino
Amateur aficionada
these days no more can be expected los tiempos no dan para más
they don't give more than that no dan para más
heritage patrimonio
had become so much a part of her life se le había hecho demasiado acostumbrado
coastal costeña
riot motín
guard, custodian custodio
hospital nosocomio
fence barda
removal remoción
to drain desagotar
quick raudo
buying and selling compraventas
strop=leather for sharpening knife, strickle=whetting stone
strickle, strop suavizador
honeymoon el viaje de novios
to spear, sink hincar
to threaten, amagar
fragment selected by an author analecta
“ah bah dee ah” Abadía-abbey
otherwise, moreover, por lo demás
“he or hee ana” Georgian
talks pláticas
campus plantel
indisposed=unwell indispuesta
elapsed, passed transcurrido
to stumble trastabillar
grasp, seizure asimiento
to meet with quedar con
the walk, gait El andar, los andares
to seize incautar
nonsense desatino
shrimp and manta ray soup Cahuamanta
snapper fish pargo
grilled fish where grill is moved around zarandeado
shake, sift, sieve zarandear
tomatoes, jalapenos, onions, cilantro SALSA BANDERA (salsa is color of mexican flag)

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franchise franquicia
late middle ages baja edad media
centuries old plurisecular
recasting, adaptation refundicion
note (expl. In text) escolio
to stick to, abide by atener a
to chant salmodiar
stamp, signal signáculos
ineffable=too big to describable inefable
record, evidence, constancy constancia
prayer plegaria
pigtail, ponytail coleta
triunvirato Triumvirate-a group of/one of three powerful ancient roman rulers in coallition in 60B
how much they show up on the screen lo que cantan en pantalla
to sleep pegar ojo
to refuse, be planted, make a stand plantarse
a mess mamarracho
counterclaim reconvención
sharing, distribution reparto
to snatch, take away arrebatar
Set short song of bells played in tower carillón
quotation marks comillas
designs designios
“een fahmeh” Infame-infamous
simoníaco Simoniac-buyer or seller of ecclesiastical offices or indulgences
heresiarca Heresiarch-founder of heretical sect
“eem peeos” Impíos-impious
brothel lupanar
“een mooneh” Inmune-immune
delinquent, criminal facineroso
prevaricate=speak or act evasively prevaricar
“head of the world(lat.)”=Rome Caput Mundi
tad pelín
a bed(sleeping), riverbed lecho
ragged, poor desarrapado
ranger, wild montaraz
pan, pot paila
wood plank(goes under boxes) estiba
portable stove anafes
iron bar fierro
disorderly desbandada
to scatter, spread Desparramarse
unrestrained desaforada
unravel desentrañar
partida Cantidad o porción de un género de comercio(consignment)
rubble cascote
calabacín zucchini
gourd calabazo
abnegation=dauntless, dedication abnegación
whip, scourge=s.t. That causes trouble el azote
to train adiestrar
yam=looks like sweet potato ñame
squash ahuyama
tuber that looks like yucca/potato malanga
a bunch, string(series) sartal/sarta
to ravage, spoil estragar
Pellagra-disease from B-3 deficiency pelagra (spanish)

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scurvy escorbuto
Thiamine deficiency beriberi
sublimate=a gas from solid solimán
Cinnabar=red mercury sulfide HgS cinabrio
retort=distiller retorta
alembic=distiller alambique
Magisterium=school teaching Magisterio
mercury azogue, mercurio
“se deeoh” cedió
orpiment=orange crystal oropimente,
sulfer azufre
castor oil aceite de ricino
random azarosos
airtight hermético
vitriol=sulfuric acid, bitter criticism vitriolo
cyprus Chipre,
Copper(II) sulfate CuSO4 vitriolo de Chipre
“flaxeedas” Fláccidas-flaccid
to set(embed) engastar
petticoat=underskirt enagua
Volante o tira de tela plegada olán
jays turpiales
robins petirrojos
bluebird, tile azulejo
drowsiness, torpor sopor
enthusiasm, avidity ansia
a spell, enchantment, sorcery sortilegio
assistance, contest concurso
venture, undertaking, company empresa
Cetaceans=dolphins, whales, porpoises cetáceos
reckless, foolhardy temeraria
musk=perfume base from plant/animal almizcle.
shouts from group/person bullaranga
overwhelmed abrumados
lilly, iris lirio
scraps piltrafas
Galleon-multidecked sailing vessel galeón
spars, rigging arboladura
sail velamen
shell, armor coraza
sucker fish rémora
to forbid, prevent, foreclose vedado
naughty travieso
ribs costillar
Propitious/auspicious=favorable propicio
ruminate=chew cud rumiar
to fight, raffle rifarse
inauspicious=not conducive to success inausente
inked entintado,
rummage sale, dime store baratillo
crazy alocadas
shaggy hirsuto
corn fungus huitlacoche
bushy herb plant guazontle
clover shaped leaf size of jar top papalo quelite
threads/net shaped plant from bulb hinojo
marjoram=type of oregano, leafy mejorana

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chamomile=looks like daisy manzanilla

Rosemary-vine w/ douglas fir like pins romero
green round ball plant cuatomate
Purslane=1.5 ft oval leafed plant verdolaga
rue=scented plant, leaf bigger than fern ruda
label, tag marbete
to do sums sacar cuentas
Aria-elaborate song for solo voice romanza
“eh hee oh” el mar Egeo-Aegean Sea
Poultice-cloth and clay for wound emplasto
crowded multitudinaria
sandal wood sándalo
Armenian armenio
amber ambarina,
dune, sandbank médano
corn choclo
iceberg témpano
delirious delirante
barnacle lapa, percebe
alarm rebato
refute rebatir
ringing of alarm bells toque de rebato
singe, scorching (n.) chamusquina
foothills estribaciones
get bent out of shape, get ruffled salírse de sus casillas
bled to death murió desangrado
toilet brush escobilla
Hatchet hachuela
to butcher, cut up destazar
consummate the marriage consumar el matrimonio
“eh beeyah” hebilla
a frame bastidor
primed, baited cebada
to brandish, wave blandir
frolick, romp retozar
crying llanto
jar tinaja
needle grass used for weaving esparto
to block up, blind cegar
to excite embullar
monkey mico
varicose veins varices
extend, expand explayar
host hueste
latch, knocker aldaba
fuzz, down, halter bozo
Foul-mouthed deslenguada
trickle, trail reguero
to get out of trouble, to muddle through por salir del paso
bolted atrancada
hinges goznes
cord (for hammock etc...) hicos
sack, costal costal
bottomless, unfathomable insondable
fearlessness Arrojo
to have determination to do s.t. Tener arresto
talkative, witty dicharachera

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“perseh ber anteh” perseverantes

to squeeze apretujar
crucible crisol
lump, clod mazacote
arnica arnica=yellow flowered plant put on bruises for swelling
uncontrolled, outrageous desaforado
hiding places escondrijos
Adventures, fortunes peripecias
mat estera
embers brasas
stunned, dazed zurumbático
wormseed tea herb epazote, paico
chamber pot(for toilet), bedpan bacinilla
herald, harbinger heraldo
peddlers mercachifles
flying mat estera voladora
Fast-paced, exciting trepidante
bedspread sobrecama
bead, trinket abalorio
bodice=neck to waiste, bra corpiño
incipient=in beginning stage incipiente
show business farándula
to thwart desbaratar
seraph=angel like being seráfica
water pipe atanor
basket canastilla
enrarecido rarefied (of air=thin like altitude)
to entrust encomendar
lustfulness concupiscencia
ancient, millenary milenaria
globe trotters, wanderers trotamundos
chords acordes
“ee un aneemeh” y unánime
skewered, threaded ensartada
balsa(wood) balso
armhole, dart=fold sewn in fabric sisa
A hem, pleat alforza
agua regia aqua regia=mix of nitric acid and Hcl
to grow second teeth mudar los dientes
to make a stand, to stand s.o. up(dating) plantarse
nor stand us up ni te nos plantes
sight, mess mamarracho:
to match hacer juego con
protruding, bulging saltón
hooked ganchuda
childish aniñado
licorice regaliz
“ee ah see ah” y hacía
to feel ashamed, cut self cortarse
simplicity, naivety ingenuidad
lines of coke rayas.
etamine=lightweight cotton fabric etamina
to chip, flake desconchar
scaly desconchado
saints, calendar of saint's days santoral
clucking cloqueante
cackle cacareo

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broody clueca
lime cal
reprimand reprender
Rhubarb=red stemmed lettuce ruibarbo
bile hiel
raquitismo rickets=weak bones in children (vit D def.
tie front of animal to pull to ground barbear
tantrums pataletas
to supply surtir
beatings tollinas
to distress, trouble atribular
brooch, pin prendedor
brew brebaje
wolf's bane flower aconito
scourge, disaster flagelo
Type of tuber root malanga/taro
banana guineo
brunette trigueña
bulging stomach ventrudo
bizarre, weirdo estrafalario
swamp, quagmire tremedal
gentle, mellow apacible
daguerreotype=early photo method daguerrotipia
dazzling, glaring deslumbrante
to capture, reflect, take shape plasmar
litmus, sunflower tornasol
“dee Ah fanah” diáfana
resentment resquemor
marrow tuétano
bold, exagerated aparatosa
goldsmith, silversmith orfebre
and he was right y hacía bien
smarty pants tía lista
try to get back at me (punish) intentar devolvérmela
aftertaste resabio

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0BC and 43BC

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Muchas mujeres actuaban como si los hijos no existieran (aunque los tuvieran esperándolas en casa). (no todas las mujeres
Even if they had them waiting at home

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eres tenían hijos)

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