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Opt Out CP

Unfunded Mandate DA

1. Voting in affirmative means we have an unfunded mandate from the federal

government. State governments are hurting on funding which causes
bankruptcies when we force more proposals on them.
2. They said there is no uniqueness – we have yet to reach the brink, only
affirming leads to a brink issue. They also said they cause less unfunded
mandates, but they never show how adding another unfunded mandate will
solve the issues they advocate for.
3. Vote on the negative side to help the economy of the states – voting
affirmative gives the idea of economic decline, leading to war.
Reform Fatigue DA

1. Affirming causes a complete shift in curriculum – which kills education.

2. They said there is no reform fatigue – but they have to change the entire
3. Vote on the negative side to show that the only way to help education is
to vote on the negative side.

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