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Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon

Heirloom Extravaganza

By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

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Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries Of Topanga Canyon

Heirloom Collection


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Topanga Canyon is filled with mysterious caves,

hidden parks difficult to get to, drastic mysteries

of what seems like sudden and horrible forest

fires and floods, as well as quaint little mysteries

of nature like old tortoises and skimmers and

other critters to be seen in their nooks and


Canyon life is wild and wonderful all at the

same time. It is the life for the brave and

adventuresome not the meek and weak hearted.

Laurel spent almost seven years in the canyon

with her older brother John, Mama, and Dad

along with their many dogs and cats.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel shares many of the mysteries she

experienced while living in one of the most

beautiful places on earth. Come away to Topanga

Canyon and share the joy and mysteries of this

mystical place as Laurel shares Topanga!

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

God who has given me everything exactly in the

order and events as He’s planned them to be

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries Of Topanga Canyon Heirloom













Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol







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Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries Of Topanga Canyon

Heirloom Collection
Extravaganza II


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Topanga Canyon is filled with mysterious caves,

hidden parks difficult to get to, drastic mysteries

of what seems like sudden and horrible forest

fires and floods, as well as quaint little mysteries

of nature like old tortoises and skimmers and

other critters to be seen in their nooks and


Canyon life is wild and wonderful all at the

same time. It is the life for the brave and

adventuresome not the meek and weak hearted.

Laurel spent almost seven years in the canyon

with her older brother John, Mama, and Dad

along with their many dogs and cats.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel shares many of the mysteries she

experienced while living in one of the most

beautiful places on earth. Come away to Topanga

Canyon and share the joy and mysteries of this

mystical place as Laurel shares Topanga!

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

God who has given me everything exactly in the

order and events as He’s planned them to be

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Chapter One


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Topanga Canyon sits nestled quietly in the

mountain range between the Pacific Ocean and

the San Fernando Valley in a most auspicious

area where one would least likely think they

would find numerous mysteries waiting for them


They even found a rare find of a rock maize

stone that they cherished for decades. This was

deeply appreciated by the family. Laurel would

not know how precious the find was until much

later, when she became adopted by James

Martin, the Great Great Grandson of Chief

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Topanga Canyon was home to Native Americans

for a long time before any other people came to

live there. They lived there and thrived for a long

time and their footprints and echoes are to be

found in subtle things and many mysteries in

Topanga Canyon.

Topanga as inconspicuous as it may appear to

new-comers, is captivating, thrilling, filled with

numerous mysteries, and interesting things

everywhere. From the high cliffs with sheer drops

of 100 plus feet, to the Santa Monica Mountain

Park high above, rising high above the canyon,

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Topanga’s glories reach beyond the fog and touch

the sun.

Topanga is broad, wide, deep and full of

surprises and adventures. Topanga will never

give up her mysteries completely and that is one

of her biggest secrets of all.

The frogs and tadpoles were lovely to hear

throughout the spring and into the autumn. They

seemed to put a musical pulse into the canyon life

where they lived.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

City life to country canyon life is a big change for

anybody. From cement sidewalks to dirt shoulder

roads, and nature everywhere the eye can see, is

quite a contrast. Even for a seven year old girl the

experience was extreme.

The dry and almost airless world of the city

streets and sidewalks compared to the fresh air of

the canyon was almost a shock. There was

adventure at every turn, and everywhere she

looked, and wherever she turned life was turning

out to be more spectacular than she had ever

imagined it would be.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The heat was so bad that Ma used to lie down in

front of the air conditioner to keep cool

throughout the day, yet there was still no cooling

down. Ma knew she’d have to change things in

life herself if she wanted a change.

Laurel loved the canyon right away and knew it

would be a fun and adventuresome place to live

with her family.

Even no Pa says, “I thought the house had more

than one bedroom! I never looked!”

That’s what the house had, one big bedroom

upstairs, and it belonged to the kids because Ma

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

and Pa gave it to them to have for their room to


At night the canyon took on a new look and feel,

and the owls took over their domain with the

coyotes. The canyon was a wild and dark place

where the wild animals ruled.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

inspected her new home with the many big

Daddy Longlegs in the house and the big stink

bugs around the yard outside.

That first month they moved into Topanga

Canyon there was a Strawberry Festival at the

Community Center high on a hill in the middle of

Topanga. Long tables were spread out with

strawberries, whip cream, and cake. Topanga

Canyon was an immediate hit in Laurel’s book!

The strawberries never tasted better anywhere

else in the world than right here in Topanga on

this hill with the incredible view of an open valley

to the canyon itself. Laurel downed another

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

strawberry with whip cream and cake, oh so

good, it was delicious.

Everyone loved their strawberries that day and

went home happy with big smiles and full

stomachs. The sun was warm and the coastal

breezes were picking up. Yes, life in Topanga

was going to be wonderful, just wonderful!

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

When Laurel and John first got to Topanga,

Dad took them on nice leisurely hikes along the

creek bed, and they would hike up along various

streams that fed into the main stream leading

towards the sea. It felt like they were real

explorers seeing the landscape and canyon for the

first time. It was a glorious experience with the

sun beaming down upon their brows and the

wind gently brushing their cheeks. Life was very

beautiful and wonderful during these times and

outings with Dad. Nature abounded and

beautified the land high and low.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Dad was careful to point out various dragonflies

and pretty birds and butterflies. He had an eye

for seeing things in nature that would soon lead

him to the art of photography.

This art of photography would in turn capture

the heart of Laurel, and she too would catch the

spirit of photography within her heart, and

become a professional photographer one day.

When she turned twelve there was only one

thing she wanted for her birthday and it was a


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

On Laurel’s birthday she opened her gift and

there it was, a Kodak 110 camera, and it would

become the window to a whole new world for her.

It’s funny how little things like that can turn out

to be so hit in someone’s life as it was for Laurel.

Topanga turned out to be the first place Laurel

got stung by a bee, had her first case of poison

oak, and fell in love with nature too…what a

combination! Now Laurel could take up close

and personal pictures of her loved animals.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Chapter Two


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel’s family just kind of melded into their

new lives in Topanga Canyon. They lived on a

street in Topanga Canyon that had previously

been called Sleepy Hollow, Pumpkin Hollow, and

now was called North Oakwood Drive.

The house was about 708 square feet and built

in 1928.

The family lived right next to, and beneath, a

high sandstone rock wall that rose up one

hundred feet high. A tiered concrete wall rose up

in the front of the house from the creek bed all

around the rest of the house except for the

driveway which merged into the little road in

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

front of the house. This wall was built to be a

safety barrier against floods in the winter. It

would also be useful as a fire barrier in case a fire

rose up on the other side of the road too. The

cement barrier was a very good idea of the

builder who built the home.

Mom’s name was Vivian, Dad’s name was John,

just like Laurel’s year and a half older brother.

Their new house in Topanga was a two story

house intended to be a summer home. It had one

bedroom upstairs and a very nice enclosed porch

with French windows which everybody called the

“L” shaped room. This room wrapped around

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

the upper story of the house, which happened to

be John and Laurel’s room and bathroom, not

the kitchen and dining room because it was just

flat with nothing built above it. Pa and Ma had

considered adding on a room there but the

expense always drove the thought away soon


The enclosed veranda around the second story

had wooden floor panels painted grey. This room

was used for storing lots of things. It was also a

work room, a studio, and a sort of ‘everything’


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The house was white with navy blue when they

moved in. Then Pa painted the trim bright lemon

yellow. He painted the giant mailbox the same

beautiful yellow. The stairway has a gentle curve

at the base and went straight up to the second

floor. Just to the left of the door in the bedroom

was a mini bathroom and window with a tiny

sink. There was a built in closet above the stairs

and a closet with a door in the bedroom. Then

another door led to the “L” shaped room from

the bedroom. The bedroom had two windows on

two of the walls that were not on side where the

stairs were.
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The “L” shaped room had windows too all

around it, and a door on the back of the house

side that led to nothing at all. It was permanently

locked so nobody could get in or out of that door

from the first time they saw it. The door was a

mystery. Why the door was there was a curiosity

in itself. Perhaps there had been a little bridge

leading to the upper bank next to the side of the


There was room to build another room on the

house above the kitchen, but it had never been

done while Laurel lived there, though it would

have been a nice addition to the house and made

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

it much nicer and bigger for them to all enjoy.

Ma and Pa would definitely have enjoyed having

their own room and privacy anyway.

Downstairs the living room had a wooden floor

and it was rather small, about 12”X12” or so,

maybe a little bigger. There was a gas furnace

that was almost never used that stood against the

back wall of the house along with the bookshelf

filled with about a hundred or more books that

belonged to Ma and Pa. The books Laurel liked

best were Life and National Geographic


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The house was comfortable and like a cottage

right out of Spain. Laurel loved to sit in the

covered veranda upstairs and peer at the trees

that surrounded her home. She loved the birds

that sang through the day and all year round.

She discovered how much she loved nature as

nature slowly nourished her every day with love

and peace.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

She never tired of looking at these books and

things. They were always interesting to her.

The living room had a fireplace that almost

never worked the entire time they lived in

Topanga. It smoked every time they tried to light

a fire in the fireplace. The fireplace was in need

of maintenance which nobody knew how to do or

who to call, so they didn’t, and the fireplace stood

all those years non-functioning when it could

have been such a comforting part of the canyon

mountain home. It was a loss that must be

forgotten because nothing could be done about it

then. It worked poorly until it was time for them

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

to leave the canyon, and then it worked, wow that

was interesting.

Ma and Pa were going their separate ways

slowly and painfully over the years…a

heartbreaking thing for John and Laurel to go

through. They knew things were not going well

for their Ma and Pa, but they always held hopes

that they would find a way to love each other and

could stay together as a family.

The living room had a Japanese style table Pa

made for Ma. It was made from the roughest

wood he could possibly have found. It was filled

with holes and splinters and there was not a

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

smooth surface anywhere on it. This is where

John and Laurel did much of their homework

while sitting on huge stuffed pillows Ma made.

Ma found wild African animal designs to use as

fabric on the pillows and it was very colorful.

Laurel and John were like monkeys the way

they could scale the concrete tiered wall rising up

from the creek bed up to their yard. It was like

rock climbing and they had to be careful, but

they seldom fell, and it was fun playing on it as

long as they were careful. John and Laurel were

also like a couple of mountain goats too, for some

reason living up in the canyon brought out the

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

wilderness within them and they learned to do

things they never imagined they could do when

they lived in the valley.

Zorba was their smaller dog who was a sheltie

that didn’t fit the criteria of quality breeding

stock but none of us cared how she looked.

Zorba was loved regardless because she was a

lovable and beautiful dog.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Licorice was the family prima donna cat who

batted her eyes and walked nonchalantly through

the woods seemingly at complete peace with

herself and her environment. She proceeded to

languish about at wherever she was in typical cat

fashion relaxed and comfortable.

John and Laurel always had set chores to do all

the time. John had to take out the garbage and

change the linings, feed the animals, and clean

the litter boxes. Laurel had to wash the dishes by

hand, put them away, sweep and mop the kitchen

and dining room floors, and vacuum the stairs.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John and Laurel had to keep their large

bedroom clean and tidy, and their beds made and

their toys kept neatly too.

Sometimes John helped with the vacuuming.

Laurel learned to bake in Topanga Canyon when

she was nine years old with the help of Mama.

She baked a breakfast cinnamon cake with white

frosting when she was twelve years old after she

had made one successfully in cooking class at

Parkman Junior High School.

It was pretty good she thought. Before long

Laurel was baking a lot, and then she was taking

classes in junior high school too, and at the end of

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

it all there was a lovely Mother and Daughter Tea

Party that she invited Mama to attend.

On that lovely late spring day, the outside

seating was all arranged in the most beautiful

way, and the tea party was perfect, everything

went as planned. All the cakes and tea were

perfect. Mama and Laurel beamed at one

another and the love they shared seemed to light

the entire setting and match the glow of the late

afternoon sun. It was a day they would always


There were always lots of animals at home for

John and Laurel to care for and look after over

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

the years as puppies and kittens came into their

lives. Laurel had thought she might want to

become a veterinarian because she loved animals

so much. Lassie had so many batches of puppies

that Laurel gave up trying to count them all.

The greatest time raising the kittens was when

they were little and John and Laurel would be in

their beds for the night. Each of them would try

to get the attention of the kittens to their side of

the room by patting the wooden floor with their

hands and drumming it with their fingers. Then

they would tease the kittens by moving their

hands swiftly back and forth across the floor

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

from side to side as though there was a string

attached, and sometimes they had a sock or

something of interest to get the kittens to come

over to them. These times were so fun, John and

Laurel would laugh and laugh, the kittens would

run from one end of the room to the other as fast

as they could. In their haste they would come to

a lurching stop and swing around in a circle to

stop themselves, before batting out with the soft

padding of their tiny little paws at John and

Laurel’s fingers, hands and arms. John and

Laurel took turns saying, “Owe, Oh, Ohhh!”

Those little kittens always did get the best of John

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

and Laurel in the end. Every kitten scratch was

well worth it on their hands and arms from their

beloved kittens. Laurel spent countless hours

loving the puppies, kittens, their bigger brothers

and sisters, and mothers too.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

She would help wean the pups and kittens from

their mothers when it was time to do so. Licorice

and Lassie were the only mamas in Topanga

Canyon at their house. Each mama knew when it

was time to stop nursing their young. The

nursing sessions would shorten until they were

not happening at all. Then the puppies especially

were mournful about their loss of nursing. At

this point John and Laurel would prepare instant

dry milk mix with warm water and give it to the

babies and help them learn to drink their milk

properly. Before long the kittens and pups would

know what to do, in order to get the milk into

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

their mouths, and into their tummies. Then it

was a free for all and they couldn’t get enough

milk because they were growing so fast. The

puppies were so cute to play with. They were

adorable, warm and fuzzy, and they smelled

perfectly lovely the way only puppies can smell

when they are a puppy. Nothing else in the world

smells like a puppy except a puppy, and nothing

ever will, because it is just meant to be that way.

Laurel would take her doll buggy and put several

puppies inside it to give them a ride down the

road where she lived. The puppies were so small

that they didn’t jump out of the buggy, and they

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

were well behaved because they were so young,

this made the trip fun and enjoyable. These

buggy rides didn’t last very long because the

puppies got big fast and would get frisky, before

long they would peek over the edge of the buggy,

and want to jump out. Then it was time for them

to stop going on buggy rides with Laurel. Those

were very special days for Laurel and the puppies

in Topanga. Laurel loved each puppy and kitten

as the treasure they were.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Pa drove Ma, John, and Laurel to their family

vacation in the Yosemite National Park the first

year they had moved to Topanga Canyon. Pa’s

younger twin brothers Uncle Tom and Uncle Ed

had come in their own car on vacation with them.

Ma and Laurel were going to camp out in the

VW bus in the Tuolumne Meadows campground

as the boys went backpacking from White Wolf

trail back to the campground where Ma and

Laurel were camping out. This was a big

adventure for Laurel even though she missed her

Pa and brother John.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mama and Laurel camped out in the 1969 VW

bus beneath a stand of tall pine trees beside a

crystal clear and icy cold stream. They had a

rustic campsite. Mama and Laurel had said

goodbye to the rest of the family when they left

for their full backpacking trip.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Then Ma took Laurel to the old little general

store nearby. Ma bought several items for

Laurel to make the camping more fun.

After looking around the store Ma choose some

books about bears and rabbits for Laurel to read,

a deck of cards for them to play later on that day,

and some other things.

Then they walked back to their campsite holding

hands all the way back and admired the sun

filtering through the tall pines in the late

afternoon sun.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The air was cool and crisp with the feel of

autumn that comes with places in higher

elevations, when it is actually summer

everywhere else. The tall ancient pines

whispered their sweet serenade throughout the

day, and their ever green foliage was radiant

green in the high country air.

At dusk it was time to go to sleep in the fold out

bed at the rear of the bus. Mama got the bed

ready for them. Before it was time to sleep she

read one of the comforting stories she bought at

the store.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Then she tucked us in her double zippered

sleeping bag designed with big brown bears on

the inside fabric of soft cotton.

All seemed right with the world as Laurel

drifted off into a sweet slumber.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Suddenly Laurel was awakened in the middle of

the night by the VW bus shaking and bouncing.

Laurel could tell something very large was on top

of the bus. Laurel reached over to Mama and

knew she was awake too. She said, “Shhh, maybe

it will go away!” Laurel froze in her spot and

didn’t say a word, then she began to sink lower

into the sleeping bag trying to hide! The noise on

the roof continued for about five minutes or


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel hoped whatever it was would go away

soon. Finally the thing on the VW bus climbed

off and wandered away.

For the rest of the night Laurel wondered if the

thing would return to bother them again and the

rest of the night was a very long one. As soon as

morning came Mama and Laurel went to venture

out of the bus to see if they could tell what had

happened during the wee hours of the night and


Then they saw giant bear paw prints scaling up

the front windshield of the bus to the roof! They

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

were surprised such a great big bear had climbed

up there and that the roof had not caved in under

it’s weight.

Mama and Laurel were pretty scared of bears

for the rest of their camping trip and found

themselves on the lookout for bears everywhere

they turned!

They fervently hoped that the bear or bears

would not come back to bother them again! They

must have had some goodies in the VW bus that

the bears thought smelled good and wanted to

eat. The bears were right, Ma and Laurel did

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

have some nice delicious things to eat in the VW

Bus. They would have to put the food in a better

container next time they came to the campground

to camp out.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Somehow things did not seem so scary in the day

with the light from the sun shining down and

filtering through the tall pine trees and reflecting

off the stream nearby.

Laurel could not wait to tell Papa and John

about it when they returned to their campsite

from their four day backpacking trip!

Laurel said, “We saved the prints on the

window to show you how big the bears were that

climbed up on top of the bus!”

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Dad and John looked at the enormous bear

prints that had muddied up the front windows of

the VW bus.

Papa and John were truly amazed and were

very glad that no harm had come to Ma and

Laurel. After a while it was time to pack things

up and head home to Topanga Canyon!

The bus slowly went down to Yosemite Valley

and they adored the beautiful Merced River

before heading home…

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel loved the sky, the trees, and the canyon

air. She loved the streams when they ran strong,

and the dry stream beds when they were perfect

dry trails to hike on with damp or old moss on

top of the crusty creek bottom. She knew that the

river always ran beneath the stream even when it

looked dry on top, steadily moving towards the

sea, always on the go where nobody could see it


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Dad didn’t take John and Laurel up to the

Topanga Mountain Park very often, and when he

did, it was usually in the mild spring when the

weather was pleasant and just right for hiking.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

It seemed like the trail branched off of Cheney

Avenue or somewhere near there and up, up, up

it went from there. Even though it was the same

trail, Laurel felt like it was always different every

time they went on it because of the time of day,

the throw of the shadows as they swept across the

landscape, and the different animal signs they

noted along the trail each time. Though at times

there was no hint of an animal either wild or

tame on the trail.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

It came to Laurel’s attention many years later,

that Pa had intentionally took them hiking to get

them conditioned to taking long trails in

Touloume Meadows where they went

backpacking almost every year.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

It just felt good to be out in the fresh air, smell

the old oak trees and grasses swaying in the

breezes. The air up in the park was clean and

fresh, pure and pristine, and there was not a

bunch of noise pollution going on around them at

the time. It was quiet and serene on the ridge of

the Topanga Mountains, and it felt peaceful, calm

and gentle up there.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Altogether it was invigorating and revitalizing

and Laurel always came down out of the park

feeling renewed and refreshed in her heart and


One time Dad thought it would be a good idea to

take his sister’s two girls up there with us. So

dad took Moira and Marina up to the park with

us on one of the hikes. Both of the cousins were a

little younger than Laurel and she was glad to

have them as company with her Dad and John on

the trail. Both cousins liked the trail a lot and

would remember it long afterwards.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The trail started out and meandered around

some old barns and houses with fields near them.

Then those disappeared as the trail rose into the

mountains and left them behind. Then old oaks

and shrubs prevailed the scenery with tall brown

and green grasses mingled together. A perfect

place for rabbits, coyotes, and squirrels to live.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel tried to always be mindful of the little

oak plants that could be poison oak or ivy which

she didn’t want to have any contact with. These

plants were very oily and caused very bad rashes

on the skin that didn’t go away very soon.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

To Laurel the poison oak was awful and

although it was pretty when it was red and

yellowish orange, it was also in its most oily form,

and the worst time a person could come in

contact with it if they were allergic to it.

Dad often pointed to beautiful things in the

woods and grasslands for Laurel and John to see.

John almost always got to see them. Dad would

say, “Look up over there kids, wow, did you see

that wonderful bird?”

John would almost always reply, “Yes Dad, it

was nice, I saw it!”

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel looked and looked in the direction Dad

had pointed to but almost always missed the

animals he had been trying to show them. Laurel

always tried to find the animals but rarely was

successful! She was determined to be more

vigilant about finding and seeing the wild animals

in the woodlands and not miss them.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The canyon held caves of many kinds, treasure

places where forests of ancient old oaks played

their songs into the winds and rustled their leaves

into the breeze singing softly of life, and living,

and other beautiful mysterious things.

Coming into the canyon to live is a new

adventure for Laurel and her family. The many

mysteries of the dry and arid country abound

everywhere and in every place. The ancient old

oaks rustling in the breeze hold their secrets and

murmur to one another about things from long

ago. The many caves found throughout the

canyon hold different mysteries and secrets of

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

their own. Dark, deep caves, with sandy bottoms

and dry dust everywhere within, with dank odors

permeated about the stagnant areas.

It was easily the home to many people for a long

time over the centuries, because it was a natural

place for protection from the harsh elements of

the canyon and wild animals.

Mama met a lady named Judith when we first

moved to Topanga. She was fun and

adventuresome and wanted to take Ma and

Laurel to see some of the beautiful caves that

were hidden away in Topanga. We all met her by

her jeep. She was already there waiting for us

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

standing in front of her open topped jeep. Mama

got in the front seat and Laurel got in the back

seat. Judith was chipper and excited about

taking a trip out to the caves that day. She was

young and tan, about thirty years old, with nice

long brown hair in a bun on her head, with long

loose strands hanging off to the sides. Laurel

couldn’t recall being in a jeep before, she liked

the experience of jolting along the long and

narrow old dusty road, bouncing happily in her

seat taking in the fresh morning air and scenery.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Judith was one of many people Laurel met when

she got to Topanga. She was keen, her eyes saw

well beyond the line of her vision, she looked deep

within. She was like part of the canyon and

sturdy like the thick canyon walls. She seemed

tough too, but gentle at the same time, managing

both with the perfect balance.

Her clothes were natural hues, and fabrics,

there didn’t seem to be anything but natural

elements surrounding Judith. Laurel thought

Judith was like a lovely canyon flower.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Judith drove them out to the caves for what

seemed like a very long time. It was an exciting

time in Laurel’s life, one filled with adventure

and excitement, and it was amazing to be living

the moment and being able to enjoy it to the

fullest just as she was doing now.

The old jeep was expertly maneuvered around

the dusty curves and dirt roads until they were

almost there.

The sun climbed higher into the sky as it does in

the heat of high summer in southern California.

The caves brightened and darkened all at once.

Sandstone entrances glanced off the sun rays, and

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

the caves looked deeper and darker than ever.

Upon arriving at the caves, they got out of the

jeep and walked up to the caves. The caves were

fairly big with large front openings and

somewhat deep hollows within.

The caves didn’t seem to go very far, and Laurel

didn’t want to see if they did, because she didn’t

want to explore the caves any more than she

already had. Nobody had brought any lanterns or

bright flash lights to light the way very well in the


The summer day was young, but it was still hot

even though it was still not noon, shadows were

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

still crisp and clean against the backdrop of the

wild canyon scenery.

The late morning light and shadows gave the

caves an extra shroud of mystery and intrigue

which piqued Laurel’s curiosity.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The caves were interesting in that they looked

like they may have been partially formed by

human help along with natural elements,

although they may have been made entirely by


It was just that the caves seemed so perfectly

rounded at the entrance as though they had been

manicured in some way or fashion.

The trio clambered out of the jeep and

meandered toward the cave entrance to look

around and get a closer look inside. The ground

was sandy in places and firmer ground in other

areas. The cave was about ten feet high or so and

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

about twice as wide at the entrance and well into

the depths of the cave. The path into the cave

was slightly curved and they couldn’t see beyond

the curves of the sandstone walls.

They didn’t have cave lights or safety hats to

wear into the caves, so they didn’t venture far,

mainly they enjoyed being there and peering into

the depths from outside the cave.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

An interesting thing about the caves is that

Laurel had never returned to those caves ever

again after that first visit. She could not tell

anybody where those caves were either if she

were asked where they were located. She had no

idea where they could be. The caves were

shrouded in mystery. Years later Laurel learned

that there was a real mystery about some other

caves in Topanga that went back to the time of

the gold miners. Laurel’s fifth grade teacher,

Mrs. Farley, told her class about some miners

who had discovered one on the caves along a

canyon wall. The miners came into some most

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

unusual experiences in their journey through the

cave. The cave was filled with ghosts and other

strange things that scared the miners, and after

leaving the cave, those that did, it changed their

lives it is said. Ms. Farley told the story in a very

convincing way, and Laurel as a child, thought

the way her teacher told the story there certainly

could be some credibility to the story.

The fact was it would always be a real mystery.

Surely these caves would make good houses from

the elements outside to people and animals living

in the elements like the Native American people

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

who lived and populated the area for so many

thousands and thousands of years.

Judith inquired, “Are you ready to head back


Ma and Laurel both said, “Yes we are. Thank

you for taking us out here and sharing this

beautiful site with us.”

Mama and Laurel hopped into the old jeep and

Judith began the trek towards home.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Licorice was a medium sized cat who could

make almost any place she was a comfortable

one. She loved to be petted and adored by her

family. Licorice lived beside an old and ancient

oak grove of trees about a hundred feet from our

home. These trees made a comfortable shade in

summer and a scary dark canopy in the dark of

night, even on a moonlit one, and it has been said

that the native people who lived there many years

ago, still lingered there yet in spirit forms because

this was still their ancestral home. A flash of light

here, another flash of light there, was that a spirit

of one long gone? Mother called the dots and

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

sprays of light Indian Spirits, and said, “They

needed to be acknowledged and respected or they

would feel bad and get perhaps resentful if they

were not noticed and appreciated.”

Laurel and John listened to their mother speak

about the Indian Spirits. Licorice just walked

among the ancient oaks and sniffed at the Indian

Spirits as though they were not even there. Her

bright green eyes flickered this way and that

seeming to illuminate the area around her.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

There was no question that the entire length of

the road beneath the ancient oak trees was filled

with a presence of mystery. Ancient spirits

seemed to watch intensely any who wandered

near the area. The black depth of the inner circle

of the oaks was almost murky with souls hovering

near and far. Not one person liked to linger there

for long alone or with others. Everyone walked

by quickly or ran.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Only when they cleared the area and could see

the sky and moon and stars did they feel at ease.

It could well have been a natural or un-natural

vortex too, considering all the electricity plasma

in the area.

Laurel was not in the least bit afraid of the

ghosts that tended to linger among the ancient

oak trees spread thickly about the canyon where

she lived.

The family pets helped offset any fear that may

have found it’s way into the family’s heart. All

their pets were like family to them, especially

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel, John and Ma. Licorice was the first cat

Laurel’s family had in Topanga Canyon. She

found her new canyon home and family to her

liking. She loved the quaint summer creek with

the little tadpoles and frogs to play with. In the

winter she loved to look out of the kitchen

window upon the raging river swollen from the

canyon rains, no longer a trickling stream, but a

river that had carried many houses, cars and

other things down its windy path to the sea.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Licorice had so many batches of kittens that

John and Laurel couldn’t keep count of them all.

But all of the kittens were loved and adored by

them and Licorice. Licorice was the best mother

cat in California. She loved each and every one

of them that came into the world.

Some of the kittens Laurel remembers more

than others. Charcola was her favorite one of all

who was black with white on her face and chest.

A bad name to call this kitty as time would tell.

One night Charcola was determined to go outside

no matter what, and she meant business about it,

so much so that she finally got her way. The

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

strange sounds outside that night were calling her

in a strange way, intending to do just that, and

she should have been prevented from ever leaving

the house under any circumstances regardless of

how much or how badly she cried to go out.

There was nothing but sadness for Charcola and

her family regarding her after that strange and

bizarre night of weird noises and strange events.

The noises sounded like coyotes trying to mimic

cats or other sounds mingled together. It was

altogether scary.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Such a night did not happen again and hopefully

never will. Charcola disappeared that night and

never was seen again.

Laurel and John searched the area high and low

near their home but she never came home. The

called and called her and brought out a can of

tuna to entice her back home. The can of tuna

was a never fail tool useful in bringing back cats

that got too far away from home. The tuna scent

drove them home very quickly. The next day

John and Laurel scoured the area and called and

called, “Charcola, Charcola, Charcola!”

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Charcola never came home and Laurel cried

and cried over losing her little kitten cat.

Charcola had grown into a teenager by now, no

longer a kitten, but Laurel still viewed her as a

kitten in lots of ways because she was still small

and little for her age.

The owls and coyotes were most loud that night

and it scared John and Laurel. They cried a long

time for their little Charcola, and wished with all

their hearts she had not wandered away from

their home that day.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Then there were twin grey tiger stripe kittens

born that were named Whiskers and Whiskey.

They were like identical twins and they were a

loving handful of fun and surprises. John and

Laurel loved these two cats very much and were

happy they could keep them as they grew up into

adults. Mother and Dad didn’t spay or neuter

the animals we had and that posed a few


Licorice had too many kittens for one cat to

have and it likely shortened her life by a few

years. Also, Ma and Pa didn’t regularly get the

pets their shots because we had so many pets and

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

it was costly for them to do it. Whiskey and

Whiskers were frisky and feisty and perked up

the lives of John, Laurel and the whole family.

But one day the two teenage cats were not feeling

so perky and then they got worse. Before long

they were very sick and Ma took them to the

veterinarian in Malibu. The vet tried to get them

better but it was too late to do any good for them

and their condition worsened quickly.

One day a week or so later John and Laurel

came home from school to find that Whiskey and

Whiskers had gone away to heaven and their

youthful hearts broke and they cried for a long

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

time over the loss of their beloved twin tiger

striped teenage cats whom they adored so much.

They thought how sad life could be and how sad

it was now for them with Whiskey and Whiskers

gone forever. They missed their cats more than

ever. They mourned for their Whiskey and

Whiskers and knew that Licorice was very sad

too. She knew that something was wrong and

that she had lost something very precious too.

Those were sad days in Topanga Canyon as

November came along and the cold days of

autumn set in.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Autumn was under way and the old oaks were

in full adornment and glory filled with golden

oak leaves as they changed from green to golden

yellow and oranges. The nights were getting

cooler and the shadows of night came sooner

since summer was over. The old oaks seemed to

whisper to one another in the delicate evening

breezes that came whistling up the canyon from

the Santa Monica coastline where the Pacific

Ocean is.

October was a special time of year because mom

loved to make hot chili with pineapple and

roasted chicken spiced to perfection. She liked to

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

leave out some of her delicious cooking in a small

bowl out beneath the old oak trees where happy

wild, and sometimes not so wild, animals could

eat to their hearts content. Mom loved to share

with nature.

Licorice loved to slink around among the old

oaks to find the bowl of still warm chili and other

delectable foods mom had purposefully left

outside. Life could be hard on a cat, especially if

you were black like her. This color of fur would

be a life saver in the dry dusty canyon where the

dark nights drove out the owl population in large

numbers. Being black had its advantages because

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

she blended in with the shadows and darkness

where the owls outnumbered her by vast


No doubt that Licorice helped John, Laurel, and

Ma to be calmer and more content with life with

whatever came their way.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John and Laurel were sound asleep upstairs in

their bedroom dreaming sweet dreams on

February 9, 1971. At 6:55 a.m. PST they were

suddenly wide awake when their room and house

began to shake in the canyon. The sudden

motion and noise was violent and awesome all at

once. John and Laurel didn’t have time to say a

word, they knew to get out of their room at once,

as soon as it was possible.

The noise was loud and the floor moved and

swayed around about them. John and Laurel

didn’t know what was happening,

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

They got out of bed quickly and ran down the

stairs trying to find shoes on the way. Rocks

from the sandstone wall behind their house were

falling behind the house and it was frightening to

hear them fall. John and Laurel knew they must

get downstairs to their Ma and Pa who were


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The rocks came down harder and harder

hitting the north wall with regularity that was

fearsome. It was a horrific experience to be in.

The only thought that went through Laurel’s

mind was to get out of the house, yet it seemed to

be forever to do exactly that, and for some reason

she was the last one to run down the stairs.

Ma and Pa were getting out of bed and leaving

the house in a hurry too. Pa and Ma had frantic

voices, along with John and Laurel, confusion

was everywhere, there was an emergency at hand

and nobody was prepared or trained for an exit

in an emergency like an earthquake.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Everyone scrambled out of the house practically

running over one another to leave the house for

the outdoors. Laurel was brushed and pushed as

family members rushed past her outside ahead of

her. Laurel was the last one out the door as

though she had been moving slow but she hadn’t,

they had just moved faster than her, and moved

swifter. It was a mad scramble for the front door

to get outside that dark, cold and foggy morning.

Everyone met outside by the VW bus and got

inside it quickly.

Pa drove everyone west to Topanga Center

where there was a grocery store, U.S. Post Office

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

and several small stores, restaurants and cafes.

The entire Shanahan family was in shock from

the earthquake and barely said a word after

going through the earthquake together. Laurel

felt happy to be alive, she felt sick inside about

having gone through the awful experience

because it had been so scary for her, and deep

inside she felt bad about being the last one out the

door as everyone lurched past her…That would

be something she’d have to get over later on in

life and adjust to, which she did, after a while.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Pa took them to a café that had already opened

for the day and he treated them to hot coco with

whip cream.

They sat together at a small dark wooden table

with four wooden chairs and they huddled

together waiting for their coco to arrive.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Everybody looked at everybody else around the

table taking stock of how they were doing. Pa

tried to grin at them all, but it was weak, and it

was hard for Laurel to try to smile back at him.

She felt sick to her stomach from the earthquake

experience she’d just been through with them.

The café was almost empty of people with dim

low lit lights here and there. At their small table

it was warm and bright because they were alive

and together with love in their hearts for one


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

They all had pallid faces and a look of shock too,

and Laurel was trembling all over inside from the

shock and it wasn’t going away. She tried to

breath slow but it wasn’t easy to do.

The hot coco with whip cream had a very

sedative quality to it at the time. It was the

perfect beverage to drink in the café with

everyone there safely together without so much as

a scratch on any of them from the earthquake.

They were all very fortunate and very lucky as


Pa looked handsome even this early in the

morning. He wore a relaxed style of cotton long

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

sleeve shirts with nice patterns of swirls of colors

against a soft gray background. Ma wore even

brighter garments that she made herself from

patterns she designed that were classic and chic

in any time period. Her most popular style of

garment was African of origin, with long sleeves

with triangular tips that nearly touched the

ground. These sleeves were open pockets that Ma

could put her change in when she went shopping.

They were very convenient for her and she

looked adorable in them. Ma was a beauty. She

was so beautiful that people often stopped her to

ask if they could take her picture because she was

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

that beautiful. Something about Ma and her

beauty was rare and not to be found in others.

She was more than a ‘cut above the rest’ because

she was a true beauty through and through.

Pa, Ma, John, and Laurel stayed in the café and

had more cocoa because they didn’t want to leave

the restaurant for a while yet. The earthquake

had been quite terrifying to them all. Nobody

wanted to go home too soon. Nobody wanted the

earthquake to happen again. Finally Pa said that

we must leave and return home. By that time the

sun had started to come up and it didn’t seem as

scary outside, and the earthquake seemed more

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

like a distant nightmare than a very recent event,

so Pa gathered them into the VW bus and drove

them back home.

Nothing in the house looked much different to

Laurel when she looked inside.

Their home had been spared by God…They felt

very grateful to God and thankful for their lives.

As the sun rose in the sky Laurel and John went

outside to look behind the house to see how big

the rocks and boulders were that had come down

from the mountain during the earthquake.

They had heard what sounded to them like big

rocks come down that morning, along with some

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

smaller ones, and they were curious to look

behind the house. They peeked around the

easiest corner of the house to look, which was

from the kitchenette corner of the house, and

here they stood together side by side.

They both took turns and looked, looked some

more, and continued to peer at what they saw.

There behind the house were some very good

sized rocks that had fallen down from the

sandstone wall. It was very fortunate that none

of the rocks and little boulders had made a hole

in the house because several of them had sure

come within a hair of doing so on that morning.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John and Laurel stepped back away from the

corner of the house and their eyes said a lot, their

eyes were large with wonder and curiosity, they

could hardly believe that such a large number of

rocks had fallen and not hit the house without

coming into it. They knew it was not a fluke.

They had been very lucky.

They found out later that the earthquake was

called the San Fernando earthquake and it had

struck the San Fernando Valley near Sylmar,

California with a magnitude of 6.6 on the Richter


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

There would not be another earthquake like this

one for them to have to experience in Topanga

Canyon. Maybe part of the reason was because

Ma prayed to God year round for them to all be

safe and happy and healthy, and for their home

to be protected from any danger that may strike

from anywhere. Ma was a good person, her heart

came from a good place, and she knew how to be

a good vessel for the Lord God.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel was glad that Dad was there with Mama

and John too, it made a big difference for her,

and the experience wasn’t so scary because they

were together as a family. It was a big comfort to

Laurel that they were all together even though

they had been through such a terrible and scary


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol





Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel and John were Mama’s big helpers when

it came time to making extra money for the

family. Mama was an artist and musician as well

as multi-talented in many other areas too. Her

younger brother says that whatever she put her

mind to she did well at.

Mama decided to make feather hairpieces and

jewelry to sell at the Renaissance Faire just north

of Topanga Canyon, she asked for help from

John and Laurel.

John and Laurel helped make hundreds and

hundreds of feather pieces.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

They worked for hours and hours on end with

very little breaks in between. Ma used quality

products in her feather masterpieces, copper wire

and real feathers from the best feather company

in California called Fancy Feathers.

Fancy Feathers was located downtown in Los

Angeles and both John and Laurel loved to go

there with Mama when she needed to resupply

her feathers. She usually took one of them or the

other because it worked out best that way for

them. John and Laurel got to spend the day with

Ma when they went downtown with her that day.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

They arrived at the old building, in the 1970’s at

their location then, and met the person who

operated the manual elevator. The metal

screened in box moved from floor to floor and

stopped at the proper level. Fancy Feathers was

a huge room filled with boxes and bags of

feathers galore. Feathers of every type, kind,

color, and style were available at Fancy Feathers.

The helpers there were always friendly and

helpful to Ma and the smell of mothballs was

everywhere to help protect the feathers from

damage of pests.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

This place was where Marilyn Monroe got her

boas and other feathers that she wore in several

of her movies. It is where many famous people

got their feathers for their movie outfits and

personal appearances as well.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Ma, John and Laurel worked with pheasant

feathers, peacock and ostrich feathers, and other

exotic feathers to be had at Fancy Feathers store.

Laurel and John tied the bouquets of feathers

together with strong shiny copper wire. The

copper wire had to be tied just right around the

feather shafts or they would bend and break, and

the feathers would be damaged, so the process

was actually quite delicate and strong at the same


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

There worked with feathers that resembled the

West African Crown bird feathers too. It was

fun to be creative and know that they would be

selling each and every one, except the ones Ma

kept for herself or gave to Laurel.

Laurel worked so much and so hard that the

wire actually made dents in her hands from the

wire, and the wire cut into her skin a lot of times

after long hours of working on the feathers, but it

was very important work to help her Ma so she

did it.

John worked about as hard as Laurel, or almost

as hard, and they each received a penny for every

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

feather bouquet they tied with copper after they

carefully arranged them in a beautiful

arrangement for sale.

Mama had other perks for John and Laurel too

when they helped her with the feathers. After

helping her set up the feather booth at the faire,

and help sell the feathers all day long throughout

the faire days, she would give them money to buy

their meals and special snacks when they wanted

them after she’d made enough sales that day.

John and Laurel traveled together at the faire

like a part of the festival itself, so adorable were

they, moving from event to event dressed in the

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

attire of the 1300’s garments. Ma also gave them

spending money to buy things they saw and

wanted at the vendors like adorable miniature

pouches with tiny fringe, puppets, and many

other things.

John and Laurel both loved the deep fried

goods, the buns with roast beef and clear beef

gravy on them. They traveled from play to play

and musical to musical and watched as Queen

Elizabeth made her grand entry up and down the

main isle of the faire.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel loved the giant stilted men and women

walking in the faire, they were huge and very

intimidating, as well as mesmerizing.

It was here that Laurel discovered the

wonderful and beautiful taste of pumpkin bread.

Pumpkin bread from here forth would be one of

her favorite breads and cakes because of it’s

nutrition, unique flavoring, and amazing texture

as well as the indefinable things in it like hidden

raisins to be found in it at times…

At the end of the faire every day John and

Laurel helped Ma close the sales area, and pack

the feathers all back to the VW bus, hiking about

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

a mile almost to get there. It was not an easy job

at the end of a busy and long day and everybody

was usually very tired and often cranky. Ma

lifted their moods by always suggesting that they

stop at a liquor store on the way home that had a

fantastic supply of candy for John and Laurel to

buy treats for themselves to eat on the way home

up the canyon roads leading to home.

While the money was not much for over three

years working at other festivals too, Ma earned

enough money to go to Jamaica for four years in

a row. Ma even offered to take Laurel with her

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

there once but Laurel didn’t want to go there at

the time because it was too far away for her.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The feather jewelry was a huge success with the

young and old alike. All the ladies adored the

feather earrings, necklaces, and hair pieces that

Ma and John and Laurel handmade. Ma had

them priced fairly, and they were beautifully

handcrafted with love. There was not a better

item sold at the Renaissance Faire.

One day Ma surprised John and Laurel very


Ma had an idea to pay John and Laurel for all

the years they had helped her with making and

selling feathers at the festivals. She said, “Let’s

take a train ride to San Francisco! We’ll take the

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

train from Grand Central Station in Los Angeles

and we’ll have a wonderful time!”

John and Laurel looked at Ma and then at each

other. They liked Ma’s idea a lot. The more they

thought about it the more they liked it. Then

they couldn’t wait to go on the train with Ma to

San Francisco!

The day came when it was time for them to

depart on the train for San Francisco! Pa drove

them all to the train station and dropped them off

and said, “Goodbye, have a nice time, I love


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John and Laurel said, “We love you too Dad, see

you soon!”

Then Ma, Laurel, and John boarded the train to

San Francisco on their very first train ride of

their life! They were so excited they could not

stop smiling. Once they were seated on the train

and Ma had given the conductor the tickets, John

and Laurel were allowed to explore the train at

their will, and so they did!

They checked out that train from front to back

and everywhere in between. They loved the

caboose very much, but even better that they

loved the café car!

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The train stopped in every city imaginable, it

stopped so much and so often, that John and

Laurel wondered how it ever got from one

destination to the next!

Finally, after about ten or more grueling long

hours, they pulled into San Francisco, or so it

seemed to take that long to them! It was so nice

to arrive there and get off the train and feel the

winds of the bay blow fresh air into their faces

and swish their hair about their heads! Ma got

some people to put us in the right direction of

where she wanted to go and off we went to our

hotel. It had been fun on the train, but after an

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

hour or so it was tiring, and after more than that

it was too long…so when they went to sleep that

night they slept like rocks.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Though John and Laurel didn’t know it at the

time, Ma was working on bringing home a new

husband from Jamaica. While John and Laurel

knew she had a friend there initially, they had no

idea how fond Ma was of Brook until she was

almost married to him in Jamaica one fateful


Regardless of this surprise, John and Laurel

would flourish through the times that lay ahead

of them because they were young and insightful

as well as durable as far as kids go…

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The opposite was true of the dry time of year in

Topanga. The beautiful time of year when

summer peaked and autumn neared was a

precious time in the mountains and canyons of

Topanga. The hills, trees, and the very earth

seemed to emit the very essence of earth scents all

around. Oaks and shrubs let out their beautiful

smells and colors and Topanga shined like a lit up

pumpkin ready for Halloween. All’s well that

goes well and when it doesn’t it seems to go to

bad fast. That’s what seemed to happen in the

years when fire struck Topanga and everyone

had to evacuate. Thinking back it seemed

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

inevitable that with such extreme heat and

temperatures something intense would happen in

the area. The heat would be so hot and intense in

John and Laurel’s room upstairs, in the

afternoon with the light off to help keep it cool,

the sweat just fell off their faces and down their

cheeks and chins. Sweat ran down their entire

back and kept on flowing from the intense heat.

The cool ocean breezes didn’t seem to come and

the heat was coming in waves that were making

Laurel sick. She didn’t like the water from sweat

dripping down her face like that, it didn’t feel

good, it was uncomfortable and she wanted to feel

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

cool and comfortable. She wanted to feel relief

from the sweltering and blazing heat that seemed

to settle on the canyon, settle on her home, and on

her very person. It was downright excruciatingly

hot! It was not right that it was so hot inside the

house, something was not right, and it wasn’t.

Something bad was coming upon the blazing hot

and dry canyon…and it wasn’t rain. Another

mystery in Topanga, a scary nature mystery, fire.

It came with little to no notice, and it came with a

vengeance roaring up and down the canyon, with

helicopters overhead and fire trucks with their

loud speakers slowly moving down every road

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

and highway telling people they had to evacuate

NOW. The mysterious feeling of fear and the

unknown filled the atmosphere was drastic and

scary. Mama was there thank God. Big brother

John was there too. Laurel had to help get Zorba,

Lassie, and the cats into the VW bus fast with

John and Mama’s help. Then they had to get only

a few of their belongings to take with them.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry, no time to lose!”

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

They must leave at once. Would they come back

to their home in tack? Would they have a home

to come back to? It was so scary and mysterious

that it filled Laurel with fear of the unknown. She

didn’t want to leave her home with everything in

it. She had to leave now and she closed her door

behind her as Mama started the VW bus and it

chugged up the steep road toward the main

highway filled with everything they had that

really meant anything to them. Except Dad, he

was somewhere else, Laurel couldn’t think of

where he was-but it was likely work in Malibu.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

She knew he was safe and fine though. At least

she didn’t have to worry about him.

Mama, good Mama she had a place to take her

kids and animals, and she did. Mama took us to

a good friend’s house in Woodland Hills. Anita

and her family let us stay with her until the fire

was contained or put out enough for us to move

back into our home in Topanga.

It was great to have our wonderful friend Anita,

to stay with during our family emergency, and be

so comfortable in her beautiful and spacious

home in Woodland hills overlooking the valley

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Anita Honor, a traditional Jewish lady, a

wonderful friend and person they could count on

in these rough times that they faced. Anita was

so friendly and nice to Laurel and her family over

numerous years that her very name would

remain special for the rest of Laurel’s life.

Laurel absolutely adored and loved Anita.

Anita’s two teenage children were friendly and

caring like her and Herb, Anita’s husband.

A place to evacuate with all of our pets and

everything meant a great deal to us. Anita had

opened her home and heart, along with her

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

family, to us several times altogether during the

years we lived in Topanga.

Fire evacuations were hard enough for our

family to endure because almost all of our

belongings had to be left behind, it wasn’t that

they cost a ton of money, it was that they were

our things, and they had sentimental value like

family albums and other things.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Ma, and John, and Laurel all prayed together to

God to ask him to spare their home from the

ravaging flames of the fire raging in the canyon.

They could not bring themselves to even think

that their home would not be there when they

could return to their canyon house.

Fires and floods were both devastating

conditions that ruined so many things and lives.

It was fortunate that we didn’t lose any family

members or pets in floods or fires.

Waiting for the fire to end was one of the hardest

things to do. It seemed to take forever for the

firemen to get the fire contained enough for them

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

to allow people to go back into their homes and

resume their lives. But once we did we were very

glad it was all over and everyone was happy to be

back home, especially the cats and dogs, because

they loved home as much as we did.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel and her family had many grateful

prayers to God for sparing their home, and all

the other homes and wilderness animals that did

not parish from the fire that summer. Going

back home was relieving and happy for them to

do. But the flames of fire damage did inflict

damage to trees and some wildlife, but it also

brought renewed seeds and a chance for new life

to take hold…

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Most of the time Topanga was dry and arid.

The little streambed that went past the front of

our home was mainly dry. Then in winter the

rains would come, the water would loosen from

the sky and fall upon the canyon, and the stream

would turn into a wall of brown muddy roaring

water so high that it looked like it would take the

entire house down river with them all in it too!

The cold set in with the rain as well. That’s

when John and Laurel took turns huddling in

front of the small space heater set in the front

middle of their room. One early school morning

John was sitting next to the heater with his

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

turquoise blue coat on, he was warming up before

the long walk to the bus stop, and he had his back

to the heater.

Laurel said, “John you’re sitting too close to the

heater, move back away from it so you don’t

catch fire!”

John ignored Laurel because he was so cold, the

heat wasn’t getting through his coat and he

wasn’t getting the warmth he needed, so he

stayed put, and his jacket got hotter and hotter.

Then his coat began to smoke and catch fire. He

took his coat off and put the fire out. The coat

had a small hole in it about the size of a silver

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

dollar. The coat was ruined and smelled bad

with stuffing coming out from the corners where

the burn hole was. He looked sad and felt bad

about his coat. Our bedroom was stinky with the

polyester odors of the burnt fibers from his coat.

They were both glad that nothing worse had

happened from the heater and they were both

extra careful with the heater after that incident.

They left for school with sober faces and John

was minus his only jacket.

It sat on the floor right in front of the TV Ma

bought when they had lived in Tarzana before

they moved to Topanga. Cold was everywhere, it

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

seemed to seep into their very bones, up through

the long and narrow wooden floor boards

beneath their shoes and socks and up their legs

and into their very blood. The cold was relentless

and winning the war on warmth. Dad wasn’t

around, he was at work or at a studio apartment

of his own by now, it didn’t matter because John

and Laurel were getting bigger now and they had

to face some things on their own. Life was always

going to be beautiful and lovely, but the real part

of life and hardship was a factor too, and part of

life that belonged too it seemed.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The rain fell in straight sheets, and thought one

would think the temperature would warm up

from the rains being present, it didn’t over all. It

got colder and rainier instead.

The gentle summer stream that had all but come

to a halt had become a fierce machine of battling

ravaging river walls coming out of every nook

and cranny, every seam in the canyon, and every

slope near and far.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Gone was all the delicate featured streams of

late spring and early summer, where the toads

and frogs took up their territorial positions and

crooned love songs through the night searching

for their mate. No, a new world unfolded in the

winter with the rains. A world of terror and fear

and great trepidation.

If one of the family was to leave when the river

was passable, they’d have to return and park on

the other side of the creek to be able to drive

during the raining season. It could have been

Africa or any country where the weather and

land was wild and precocious, but it was in

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

southern California, in the canyons that took in

the ocean rainy moisture in great heaps and

loads, that changed the canyon so much into a

ravaged land.

All the animals hunkered down, the squirrel,

deer, and coyote too. Owls and skunks hid in

their burrows to escape the wild winter rains.

Hardly a peep came from birds who hid from the

torrential rains and barreling down river flowing

to the sea.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John and Laurel took turns sitting in front of

the heater and traded off. Neither one liked

leaving the warmth of the heat to trade off with

the other, but it was necessary, if they were to

stay warm in the freezing cold house. The house

was meant to be a summer home, and it was a

perfect summer home, if it had a working ceiling

fan or air conditioner installed in it…which it did

not. When the ocean breezes came up the canyon

and filtered into the windows of the house it

cooled everyone down comfortably and the

temperature was as perfect as could be-but they

were not coming now.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Until then, the cold was something that must be

endured, because the heater downstairs wasn’t

working or fixed for one reason or another.

There was money to fix it and operate the heater.

It was a matter of nobody wanting to pay for the

expense of running the heater as to why it was

not being put to use to warm up the house.

The lack of insulation along with the cold could

easily have cost Ma and Pa a small fortune to

heat up the summer house in winter.

John and Laurel did not mind going to school in

winter because in school they could be warmer

than they were at home. Even though they loved

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

being at home much better than school because

that is where their hearts were, but school had

more heat and warmth, which was also necessary

to them.

When John and Laurel went to Topanga

Elementary School the bus stopped at the top of

their road and it was easy to get to school. When

they went to junior high school it was a different

story for John and Laurel because the bus stop

was a lot farther away from home.

On school days John and Laurel had to walk

about a mile to their bus stop in front of the

American Legion Hall. They walked as fast as

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

they could to the bus stop, sometimes taking the

back roads and skirting the creek bed and side

roads. At other times they walked along the

narrow shoulder of the highway to their bus stop.

If they missed the bus then Mom would drive

them to school in the forest green 1960’s model

VW bus with the white pop up top on it.

John was so embarrassed by Mom driving up to

the school in the VW bus that he asked her to

park a block down the road away from the

school. Laurel thought it was too bad he was so

egotistical about the bus. She didn’t care what

Mom drove up in, she loved her Mom and the bus
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

could have been a rainbow color, and it would

have made no difference to. Certain things

mattered in life and other things didn’t, this was

one of the things that absolutely did not matter,

and Laurel was absolutely sure about that.

Laurel may have been young but she was smart

even then about lots of things in life that really


On top of being cold and foggy, the rains set in,

and it rained. It rained and rained and rained


For a fact the river had taken houses down river,

with people in them or on them, as well as cars

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

and other things too. A wide wooden bridge

spanned the river so we never got stuck on the

wrong side of the river. Ma and Pa knew when to

park the cars on the other side of the river bed

when it had rained for any considerable length of

time. This prevented our family from being

stranded on the wrong side of the river when it

flooded every time.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The mystery that such a fun, laughing, trickling

little stream dancing along towards the ocean

could turn into such a raging wall of fierce

muddy river, was astonishing to Laurel. It all

happened so suddenly the transformation from

minimal to monumental movement of great

masses of raging flood waters. Mom always said,

“In the spring, summer and autumn I pray for no

flooding so our house doesn’t flood!” It must

have worked because there never was a flood that

reached the house and came inside the entire time

we lived in Topanga. We were always fine and

safe from the floods, though sometimes the

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

sandstone rock wall rising high above in back of

the house became so wet that rocks loosened and

fell below dangerously close to our home. When

earthquakes shook the canyon the rocks came

down too and scared John and Laurel. The last

winter they lived in Topanga a boulder came into

the kitchen where John and Laurel had been

preparing food. Minutes after they left the

kitchen and went outside to look at the flooded

river, the boulder dropped, and Mom screamed.

John and Laurel ran home to see what was


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mom said, “You were both just in the kitchen

and I knew you were still there. I heard the

boulder come down from the rock cliff wall and I

thought you were both underneath it. I was sick

with fear and worry as I thought you were gone.

Here you are! Oh my God, here you are, I am so

happy!” Mom reached out to hug both Laurel

and John at the same time in the longest bear hug

of their lives. She held on for a long, long, time

and she was so relieved her kids were alive that

she couldn’t stop saying it.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John and Laurel knew how fortunate they were

to be alive too when they walked into the tiny

kitchen and looked inside. A giant boulder

almost the size of the kitchen had come through

the wall making a shape of the boulder in the wall

left behind it. A big black hole gapped open and

that was all there was. John and Laurel’s eyes

were huge with astonishment. They knew how

lucky they were that day and Laurel thanked

God for saving their lives.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol


Country Days And Bliss II

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The mysteries of Topanga never ceased. Laurel

and John, along with Dad and Mom, were always

finding amazing things to do and see in the

canyon. Little surprises abounded at every turn

in beautiful Topanga Canyon.

One summer day a nonchalant tortoise showed

up in front of our house. The guy seemed friendly

enough and didn’t bite any of us. All the cats and

dogs gathered around the curious fella and gave

him due and proper respect. Then the tortoise

casually walked away and nobody ever saw it


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Tadpoles and frogs were part of the landscape

along the creek in the mid spring into early

summer. The creek meandered past our house

and made its way towards the ocean, winding

through high canyon cliff walls amid the narrows

and at other times gently through sloping

countryside hills and bluffs.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel and John poked around along the creek

bed looking at skimmers for long periods of time

with curious minds. The critters were

interesting and could walk on the surface of the

water without sinking. A most amazing feat for

any creature.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John and Laurel were very creative in Topanga.

Along a sandy side of the road near their

driveway they made a little city out of the semi-

soft sandstone rock. They made little caves as

houses for their city and their matchbox cars had

narrow roads to drive along that they made too.

For tools to carve the roads they fashioned

wooden popsicle sticks into sharp edged tools.

The roads needed continual maintenance just like

a real city. They played peaceably for hours

together side by side driving their miniature

metal cars around the little city streets back and

forth. It was a mellow time for John and Laurel.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

About twenty feet up on the hill there was a little

bit of a flat area on the hill. A nice tree with just

the right size tree limb made it possible for a

beautiful bamboo wicker swing to hang from.

The swing positioned there was perfect for

Laurel. She loved the swing because it was built

like an egg shape. Swinging in it was quite an

experience because of the height from the road

below. It was like swinging from her own nest in

a tree top. The swing and where it was located

made Laurel feel like she was flying forward

losing sight of the ground beneath her. It was

amazing and thrilling. Sometimes she fell asleep

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

in the big nest swing as gentle slumber came upon

her brow. So sweet was the soft sleep that the far

away call of a bird in her sleep could waken her

after a while and she would remember that she

was outside in the lovely swing.

Swings were popular with John and Laurel, so

Dad put one up on one of the biggest old oak trees

near the edge of the old oak grove. Dad’s first

swing for John and Laurel to play on was made

of a plain wooden plank of wood. It was really

funny watching Pa put the rope across the high

limb. He had to be ingenious about latching a

heavy object to the end of the rope and aim his

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

throw perfectly over the exact spot that he

wanted to hang the swing.

He attached some rope to it on both sides and

hung it high on a thick limb on the great big oak

tree. Laurel and John spent hours swinging on

the wonderful swing, making sure they didn’t tilt,

or else they’d have fallen off the swing. Then Dad

put an old worn out tire on the end of a rope that

hung from the tree instead of the board to sit on.

The tire swing had a lot of advantages over the

flat seat swing Dad made because John and

Laurel could wind up the tire swing round and

round then hop onto it fast and unravel the rope

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

while on the tire swing. They did this over and

over again until they were dizzy and nauseous

from swinging and twirling amid the ancient old

oak trees. The colorful leaves and tree branches

swirled overhead round and round, round and

round, again and again…

Frog and toad songs filtered through the nights

on gentle evening breezes singing as the children

were lulled to sleep into lovely dreams with their


Stars twinkled brightly high above the canyon

sky, twinkling like magic dust high up in the

heavens, then it was always as though the sky

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

shimmered back as the stars seemed to drop

gently down upon the canyon below with magical

star dust from heaven above.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel was a horse lover for as long as she could

remember. Some of her first books she ever

wrote and illustrated were of horses because she

loved them so much. She loved to read all about

them and couldn’t seem to get enough posters of

them up on her wall. She read all the Walter

Farley books about the Black Stallion, Black

Beauty, and every other horse and wild mustang

book she could get her hands on. She also liked

other animal stories too, especially wild animal

stories about bears, and mountain lions. TV

reception in Topanga was terrible where Laurel

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

and John lived, but a fuzzy picture was better

than none at all.

Ideally Laurel liked to see horses in fields in

their natural state, or as close to their natural

state that they were going to get, in the area

where she saw them.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel first became aware of the beauty of

horses when she lived in Tarzana. Ma took her

on long stroller rides to beautiful flowing fields

that still existed in the San Fernando Valley just

north of Tarzana, where some beautiful horses

lived. Mama told Laurel and John that one of

their names was Paco.

The horses were big and beautiful and it was

always exciting for Laurel to see them in the field,

they were the highlight of the walk, and if they

were not in view while they were on the walk then

the walk was slightly less exciting.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

When Laurel moved to Topanga with her family

she noticed that there was a horse stables that

was there too. Before long she would ask Dad,

“When can we go ride a horse Dad? I want to go

horseback riding Dad, so much, oh please let’s go


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel would ask Dad several times and he

would take her and John up to the horse stables

and they would take nice long horse trails in

Topanga. These were some of the nicest times

Laurel could remember with her Pa. Laurel was

a lucky little girl in those days.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Every time she got to go out horseback riding

the sun looked brighter, the fields gleamed with

more gold, and the sky was fresher and sparkly

blue. Life was perfect right there and then. Her

Pa was definitely a good Pa.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

In the spring during the Renaissance Faire

preparations, Laurel often saw newborn colts and

fillies with their mama’s in the fields, prancing

around on long spindly legs that looked like they

could barely hold them up. Laurel was always

amazed at the beauty and gracefulness of these


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

They always brought the same response within

her of spring, beauty and life, and something

intangible that she had no words to explain that

made her heart swell with happiness every time

she saw them.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Zorba was named after a famous person named

Zorba the Greek who was known for his

liveliness. Zorba lived up to her namesake and

then some, considering she was a dog, and what a

dog she was.

On this special night Licorice smelled the food

out beneath the oak trees and decided it smelled

extra nice, so she meandered over to the food

bowl out there following the scent with her nose.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The fallen leaves from the oak trees overhead

crunched and crinkled beneath her soft padded

feet and little twigs and branches moved under

the pressure too. Licorice had to keep her senses

on full alert in case one of the surrounding owls

decided it wanted to eat her for supper. She

cautiously made her way closer to the delicious

food which was almost within range of her teeth

and tummy.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

She paused to listen once more before taking a

bite of food. The air above and around her

swooshed with the sound of wind, but she knew

that it had to be the birds of prey mostly so she

paused again to make sure they didn’t come any

closer to her.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Was that a flash of light or lots of flashes? It was

a lot of lights dancing about her too, these must

be the old ghost Indian spirits she was seeing, ah

but they would not bother her she thought.

Licorice looked up to see the owl shadows playing

with the lights in the air flying with them. Were

they possibly playing hide and seek, could that be

possible, well if it got the old birds out of her fur

then she wouldn’t give a hoot about any of their

business! Yikes, what was that thing that just

brushed by her shoulder? John and Laurel bent

down further to pet Liquorish gently on her back

and sides. They had been looking for her because

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

they didn’t want her to get eaten by the owls or

coyotes that roamed these parts of the canyon.

Licorice felt a wave of relief sweep over her as she

let herself be lovingly picked up by John. He

drew her close to his heart and carried her into

the house with Laurel right beside him. Licorice

blinked her eyes as the bright light of the house

met her eyes. John kept her in his arms and

brought her upstairs to his room. He put her

gently down on the hard wooden floor beneath

his feet and she padded off toward a patch of

cuddly stuffed animals on the end of his bed

where she jumped up gracefully and tucked her

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

head near her tummy in a little ball of fur. Then

she purred and eventually fell into sweet slumber.

The next day was cool and before the sun went

completely down John and Laurel went into the

“L” shaped room outside of the bedroom

upstairs. The room was a fully covered indoor

balcony with two sets of French windows that

opened inwards. Other smaller windows

surrounded the two main walls and on a small

part of the third wall. Here is where John and

Laurel sat with Licorish between them peering

out into the approaching dusk of night.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

They looked like a curious bunch up there in the

middle of the room with the French door

windows opened fully.

They were listening to the sounds of the woods

around them, the birds saying their goodnight

songs, and a car or two passing by on the

highway that passed Oakwood Drive.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

All became very quiet and still as the group

listened to the sounds around them and kept to

themselves their thoughts and ideas. Then they

heard a sound they had never heard before in

real life. It was a sound of a cart rolling along the

little road that winded past their house upstream,

crossed the stream, and continued up and around

past several old pines and a luscious ripe

pomegranate tree bursting forth with fruit. The

old creaky wheels were turning slowly as the cart

moved westward along the little one lane partially

paved road.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel and John looked at each other in

wonderment. Laurel asked John, “Do you hear

that, what is it?”

John looked toward where the sound had come

from and without turning his head answered so

softly Laurel could barely hear, “I hear it but I

don’t know where it is or what it is either!”

Licorice paid no attention at all to the sounds

and wasn’t amused in the least by the unusual

sounds, as she flicked her ears one way and then

the other to prove it. The wheels of the cart

rumbled on, but still nothing was to be seen,

nothing in sight that we could see.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John and Laurel peered into the dim light and

couldn’t see a thing beyond a misty fog along the

roadway as chills ran up Laurel’s spine.

Laurel wondered what in the world was going

go. Such sounds were not of the modern era, at

least that she’d ever heard in her life, and it irked

her that she couldn’t see anything outside at all.

Of course Topanga was a very old country, with

a rich history of culture, people and events.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John was a big comfort to Laurel, she would

have been much more afraid without him beside

her. It helped to have their pets too, they were

also a huge comfort, and always offered their love

and kindness to John and Laurel. John and

Laurel never mistreated their pets, they always

loved them, fed them on time, and cared for their

needs the best they could.

Lassie and Zorba were girl dogs who were good

guard dogs too. They kept an eye on John and

Laurel to make sure strangers didn’t happen by

without their knowing about it.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Many generations of people had come and gone

in Topanga Canyon since it was so lovely and like

a refuge from the valley heat to the east , and

stormy seas to the west. It was understandably a

place of refuge for many people and animals for

many reasons and during many times.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

When Ma got home John and Laurel

told her about the cart rolling down the

road in shroud of mystery and how it

scared them so much. Nothing was very

scary once Ma got home, they rested

easy, but they never forgot the creeping

gravel sound of the old ghost cart that

slowly came down the road in another


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

It was high summer now, Laurel was about ten

years old, and living in the canyon with all its

mysteries was still revealing themselves to her

every day.

Dad had a Honda motorcycle he bought when

they lived in Tarzana which he brought up to

Topanga when we moved there and sold soon


He took the bike out at times and found little side

roads to roam on along old dirt roads west of the

valley, skirting the mountains dividing the valley

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

homes and the ocean beaches, which were the

Santa Monica Mountains.

One time Laurel got to go riding with Dad and

Laurel had a lot of fun riding on the back of his

blue motorcycle.

One pleasant summer morning Laurel was at

home with John and having a nice time. The

morning was still crisp and clean with dew still in

the air. Heat of the summer day was not yet

heavy upon the canyon.

The leaves were bursting with vibrant rainbows

of various colors of greens in all sorts of hues.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

From the sunniest of lime yellow greens to the

darkest of almost black greens, and all tones in

between, the colors of summer were bursting at

the seams in beautiful Topanga Canyon. The

intake of cool canyon air filled Laurel’s lungs

with pure country scents of oaks, pines, mountain

laurel, the wild wilderness tang of the native

animals, and other intangible scents of the land.

As Laurel was puttering about the house doing

absolutely nothing in particular, other than

enjoying the beautiful crystal clear summer

morning, she had a most pleasant surprise that

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The noises from the highway near by continued

on and Laurel ignored the sounds for the most

part. Then she heard a motorcycle slow down and

turn down Oakwood Drive. Vroom…vroom.

Vroom! The motorcycle came right down the

steep road, to the creek bed, crossed it, and

started to climb up the road passing Laurel’s


Laurel looked out the window of her house at the

person and the motorcycle and thought that there

was something about him that looked familiar to


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

She peered closer at the cyclist time and again.

The cyclist was a man, not very tall, he looked

youthful, and

energetic, and full of life. Laurel wondered if this

was her Uncle Tom.

She got a closer look at the cyclist to be certain

she knew him, and after that extra look she was

absolutely sure it was her Uncle Tom!

Uncle Tom was her twin uncle on her Dad’s side

who was only eleven years older than Laurel.

Uncle Tom was on the shorter side and his twin

brother Uncle Eddie was on the taller side.

Laurel was very excited to see Uncle Tom on his

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

motorcycle come visiting on this fine summer

morning. He had a surprise for Laurel which

she was totally not expecting on top of his visit.

Laurel popped her head out the front door of the

two story summer house and said, “Hi Uncle

Tommie how are you?”

Laurel proceeded to rush out the door shutting

it behind her in her haste to run up to see Uncle

Tom. Tom took off his motorcycle helmet and

gave one of his classical chagrin looks at Laurel.

His Irish hazel eyes twinkled in amusement and

expectation as he had a surprise he had up his

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

sleeve that he hadn’t yet revealed to Laurel.

Laurel knew Uncle Tom had driven from L.A.,

near Fairfax Blvd., all the way to Topanga

Canyon via the Santa Monica ocean beach route.

The exact route Pa drove the family to see Nana

every Friday for dinner and visiting, in reverse.

His wild and unruly Irish reddish afro

hair looked like a lion’s mane. His smart looking

sunglasses made him look even more ‘with it,’

making him fit into the 60’s ‘in crowd’ movement

perfectly, even though it was the early 1970’s.

“Hi Laurel, how are you, how’d you like to go for

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

a ride with me on my motorcycle?” Tom casually

asked Laurel.

Laurel was excited and eager to go for a ride

with her Uncle Tommie on his Honda motorcycle

on this incredibly beautiful morning. Laurel said,

“Yes, I’d love to go for a ride with you Tommie!”

The next thing Laurel knew Uncle Tom was

handing her his extra motorcycle helmet and

helping Laurel adjust the straps under her chin.

Tom had to get his motor cycle started before

Laurel could hop onto the back and get a hold of

his waist with her arms around him so she

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

wouldn’t fall off the bike during the motorcycle


Uncle Tom got his motorcycle started, he revved

up the engine a few times, and kicked up the kick

stand. Then he said hurriedly, “Hop on now

Laurel, hurry, okay! Now let’s go!”

Away they went down to the creek, through it,

past it and up the steep and narrow road to the

main highway.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Uncle Tom paused long enough to make sure the

traffic was clear before he entered the roadway

and way they went zooming down the road with

huge grins of happiness on their sun lit faces!

Uncle Tom went east and west, up and down the

canyon road, winding along sharp curves and

byways. He found roads which led to other roads

and the sun and wind followed them everywhere

they went blowing their hair in every direction


The sun and wind blew in their faces and the

smiles were pasted there like a permanent

fixtures, they were a happy crew.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Their hair blew out behind their helmets and

fanned out behind them. Uncle Tom’s afro waved

in the wind as Laurel’s long hair trailed around

and behind her. She loved this motorcycle ride

with Uncle Tom and she was as happy as a lark.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

There seemed to be nothing but summer and

them everywhere they went. The motorcycle with

them on it gave Laurel the feeling that she was

flying through the air much like a bird would fly.

There were no obstacles in their way, nothing to

block their view, just nature everywhere…it was

sheer delight to be on the motorcycle with Uncle


Then Uncle Tom needed to take a rest break so

he stopped and when they did, they almost fell

over together because the bike was so big, bulky

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

and high. Laurel had to hop off fast when Tom

stopped so he could manage the bike better

and keep it from falling over on its side.

When they were rested, Uncle Tom and Laurel

repeated the process of starting the motorcycle

just like they did at Laurel’s house, and

everything went fine.

They were cruising down the road once more,

wind flying through their hair and blowing into

their faces, happy as two larks flying on a

summer breeze. It seemed like the wonderful

motorcycle ride would last forever but it didn’t,

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

only in their hearts as long as they remembered


Uncle Tom was great that summer, he came and

took Laurel for several motorcycle rides that

summer, and it would be a lifetime memory she

would share of him that would always bring a

great big smile to her face. Laurel would later tell

her family all about it, time after time, through

the years. Uncle Tom was just getting started in

his motorcycle enthusiasm years. He began

racing his motorcycle on the racetrack with other

racers on the weekends.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Dad would take Laurel and John to almost all

of the races Uncle Tom was in.

The glory of the motorcycle took on a new and

serious meaning for Uncle Tom. Uncle Eddie also

came to many of the races to lend support to

Uncle Tom’s racing endeavors and sport.

To us it was wild, the crowds in the stands, the

pit crews, the sodas and hotdogs, blazing sun

pouring through the very fiber of us was intense,

and the noise levels of gads of racing

motorcycles blasting to the heavens!

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

There’s nothing like motorcycle racing unless it

is compared to car racing.

Cars probably make much more noise, but the

motorcycles sure can put some high level decibels

into the air!

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Everyone was always proud of Uncle Tommie

for his racing ventures, he may not have won a

race, though he may have, Laurel does not

remember him coming in last.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Even when he wreaked his bike once and got

hurt, he was okay, and went on to race some

more after that for a while before he stopped

racing his motorcycle altogether.

Regardless of all the motorcycle racing fanfare

the fine summer days, when the sun was still cool

upon Laurel’s brow and the wind was blowing

through her hair, those were the days she enjoyed

Uncle Tommie and his motorcycle the most!

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John and Laurel had not always been best

friends. They had started out in life as good

friends, and then they argued often, and dissent

and jealousy followed and marred their natural

friendship. After several years of living in

Topanga Canyon, and having their family go

through many changes, John and Laurel grew

closer together in a bond that would forge a life-

long friendship.

As Ma and Pa drew apart in Topanga Canyon,

John and Laurel drew together and they both

gained strength from one another to be stronger

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

in their spirits and hearts as they faced the world

side by side during the turbulent times ahead for

them yet to come.

Ma took John and Laurel to a special park in

Santa Monica that had a garden so lovely it

seemed to belong in a different country or

something. It had swans and a lovely garden

setting that was quite stunning.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel and John had several friends while they

lived in Topanga Canyon. Some were their

neighbors and classmates and others were from

Tarzana and other places.

Things were pretty exciting in Topanga when

Laurel’s good friend Theresa Stone’s mother,

Cathy, became friends with Laurel’s Ma. Cathy

Stone had been a runner up in a recent Miss

Universe contest and she was a very lovely and

kind lady. Her children were nice and Laurel

spent a lot of time with Theresa. When Cathy’s

son out grew his mini motorcycle she sold it to Pa

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

and Ma for John. The mini motorcycle was

John’s favorite color purple and he loved riding

on his cycle tremendously.

He roared up and down our street back and

forth time after time until the neighbors all went

bananas. Then he drove it some more! That

summer he got the mini cycle he must have put

several hundreds of miles on it…and drove the

thing into the ground. He had a white helmet and

all Laurel could see of him was the white part

zipping up and down the road because the helmet

stood out against all the dark shadows beneath

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

the old oak tree groves. He was really cute

speeding along in his short sleeve shirts with his

blue jeans. His concentration so high he didn’t

make any mistakes and tip over.

The high pitch of the mini bike was loud though

and Laurel preferred the quiet of the canyon to

the roar and whine of John’s bike. Laurel knew

how much fun John was having so she didn’t

complain much.

Then Laurel got invited to go with Theresa to

the San Diego area with her grandmother who

worked at a university there. They had a great

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

time staying at a nice motel a few nights right by

some warm ocean waters that Laurel had not had

the change to explore until then. It was her lucky

day with Theresa because they found a pop in the

soda machine when they got to the motel too.

Laurel loved the warm water off the San Diego

seas as they came ashore into little inlets.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Then they stayed for several more days on

campus, and roared around the grounds on bikes,

and had a blast together the whole time. They

looked a lot alike, so much so that some people

must have thought they were twins!

Once back home John and Laurel got back into

the routine of things. They had to explore their

pomegranate tree often to make sure it didn’t

bloom and fruit before they could harvest the

jewels within to eat and enjoy. Topanga Canyon

pomegranates are the world’s best! John and

Laurel’s pomegranate tree was right next to the

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

road where they lived on the other side of the


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Just past the pomegranate tree was a stand of

pines that the county wanted to take down

because they had some plans with some utility

lines. Ma loved the stand of pines and she made

up her mind to take a stand for those pines and

try to save them from getting cut down, which

was on the agenda for them, according to the

county. Ma took her ideas and plans to the right

department and stated her case about why the

pines ought to be spared and she won the case.

The stand of pines were spared from being cut

down and Ma was very proud of her

accomplishment in helping save the beautiful

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

trees. Laurel and John were proud of their Ma


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John and laurel spent hours together playing

cards, football and games. They were buddies as

well as brother and sister. Only the later teenage

years would separate them and find them going

in different directions, but they’d remain close

for the rest of their lives.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries Of Topanga
Canyon~ Camping Out II

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Ma was an adventuresome lady just like her

daughter Laurel. Every couple of summers Ma

asked Pa if he would set up the big blue family

tent across the creek for her to camp out in. Pa

would set up the big tent for Ma. Then for about

a week the turquoise blue tent would be set up

and Ma and Laurel would camp out in it at night.

Ma would bring a flashlight and candles to have

light in the tent and it would always be a big

adventure to camp out in the tent with Ma.

Laurel was always brave in the tent as long as her

Ma was with her there. The tent was not located

very far from the main road, and the noises from
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

the cars were pretty loud a good part of the night.

The night would get very dark outside and Ma

would light some candles so we could see.

The candle light flickered off the ceiling and

walls of the tent and made the shadows dance. It

was fun and exciting as long as Ma was there.

John and Pa didn’t like to camp out in the tent

with Ma and Laurel so they didn’t much if at all.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel and Ma camped out there most. Ma

always had plenty of candles to last the night.

Sometimes an owl would hoot and Licorice or

another family cat would come by for a visit

before meandering along back home. They likely

wondered what Ma and Laurel were doing in the

big blue tent when they could be at home in the

nice white two story house across the creek.

But they always managed to get a good night of

sleep. In the morning the sun would be bright

and the grasses all around the tent still had a lot

of dew on them.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

It was an interesting feeling getting up and

leaving the tent and going across the long bridge

made out of two long telephone poles with pitch

on them and covered with slabs of pine boards to

walk across. Or going down the road and across

the creek, which usually still had some running

water at this time of year, and then going home

from this route.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Ma wanted the tent up a good part of the hot

summer nights. The tent at up at night was nice

to stay in because it made them feel like they

were extra close to nature and the frogs and

crickets that made noises through the night.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The warm nights felt comfortable, and the arid

heat of late summer and fire season were far

away. So were the torrential rains that flooded

the canyon every year. All the troubles of the

year seemed to fade away in a magical wafting

moment of time as they relaxed in the big blue


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Come morning time, Ma and Laurel packed

their things to the house until night came and it

was time to camp out again.

In any case it was interesting coming home from

a night of sleeping out in the tent across the

creek. It would have been a lot more fun if Pa

had camped out there with them.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel loved her Ma tremendously for a whole

bunch of reasons. Ma was talented and smart as

well as very pretty and friendly too.

Ma was a great artist and jewelry maker too. She

was a good business woman as well. She knew

how to put John and Laurel to work for very little

money. But that was mainly because they loved

her and wanted to help out the family the best

they could, and they did. Ma was Laurel’s shining

beautiful rose.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Ma saw beauty in many things in nature and

people. She was kind and loving and good as well.

She had to be these things or James Martin would

never have found her, or her him, years later in


James Martin was the Great Great Grandson

of Chief Joseph. James Martin would adopt Ma

and Laurel into the Nez Perce, Nimiipuu tribe in

the 1980’s in Wimer, Oregon at his quarter horse

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

It was Ma who taught Laurel to love nature even

more than her Pa. Ma adored nature profoundly

and her saving the pine trees near their home in

Topanga was a big growing place in Laurel’s heart

Because she began to gather how important trees

were on earth and for people.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

It would be a day in history the world would

never forget. Certainly Laurel and Ma never

forgot, and they tell the story to the generations as

they come into the world.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

In Topanga Canyon the summer was one of the

loveliest places on the planet. The temperature

was perfect in every way. The canyon glowed with

the animals and trees that lived and breathed

there. It was alive with energy from these things

and God was everywhere to make it so beautiful

and fruitful.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Ma and Laurel would always love one another

throughout their lives. Not even death could

separate their love.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Chapter Seventeen

Backpacking Tuolumne
Meadows to Yosemite Valley

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The very idea of getting out in nature was an

exciting one for the backpackers in Laurel’s

backpacking party of five. The party consisted of

ten year old Laurel, her year and a half older

brother John, their Pa who will lead the

expedition, along with his two younger twin

brothers Tom and Eddie. Uncle Eddie and Tom

are in their early twenties. The twins are not like

each other much at all. Uncle Eddie is tall and

slim while Uncle Tom is short and stout. It’s

spring and Pa has an excited look in his eyes as he

searches for his maps to bring over to Nana’s and

Pop’s house to go over the preliminaries with his

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

brothers regarding the trip. Uncle Ed and Uncle

Tom live at Nana and Pop’s house with them.

Almost every Friday afternoon Pa takes Laurel

and John to Nana and Pop’s house for a nice

dinner and visit. Ma had come for almost ten

years before she stopped going there. Everyone

knew why Ma had stopped coming to dinner at

Nana’s house on Fridays once a week. It was

because Nana made rude jokes towards her and

Mama had enough of them to last a lifetime.

Mama put her foot down one day and said,

“John, I’m not going to Nana’s anymore.” That

was that. After that she might drive out to

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Fairfax Blvd. where Nana lived but she didn’t

visit, she’d drive out to visit her friends in

another area. Then she’d come back to Nana’s

and Pa would drive us all home. Then she

stopped doing that too. Life was changing in lots

of ways slowly but surely. Laurel wished

sometimes that things wouldn’t change because

she liked things just the way they were. She

missed her Ma at dinner with Nana.

There is a lot of thinking and planning that

needs to be done before a backpacking trip into

the high mountains of the Pacific Crest (Rim)

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Trail. Laurel and John went with Pa to North

Hollywood to a sporting goods store and spent

hours over the course of several weeks selecting

items and food that they will need to take on the

trip with them. Laurel sees rows and rows of

packaged dry goods for backpackers and

campers. The foods just need to have water

added to them before they are edible.

It was very important to bring the right amount

of food, not too little, not too much. Everything

that was brought and packed had to be carried

on their backs like pack horses so they had to be

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

wise about what to bring along on their three to

five day hike from the Pacific Rim Trail to the

Yosemite Valley floor.

The packaged foods come in a large variety. Pa

sticks to familiar foods we have eaten in past

backpacking trips in Tuolumne Meadows. Pa

liked the foods and so did the rest of the

backpacking party. Uncle Ed was the smart guy

on the trip because he always brought along

small cans of Deviled Ham which was the hit of

the food parade for main meals. Needless to say

there wasn’t much of one of those dinky cans to

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

go around and later on the trail the best that the

rest of us could do was get a good whiff of the

spicy ham and be contented with that.

Laurel felt that she’d spent enough time in the

sporting goods shop looking at the last item and

canteen for long enough. It already seemed like

they had spent the better part of the day there

already although they probably had not. The

metal and plastic packaged foods were lined up

assembly style like one might imagine the

shopping pantry to look like at the earth based

space pantry.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Pa looked at all the foods over and over again

like he’d see something he had not seen the

minute before when he had just looked there. Pa

stayed with the noodle soup with chicken

bouillon, beef swill, dried apricots and hot cocoa

mix. Pa had recently bought his VW Bug and it

was bright yellow. This is the car we would take

up to the Pacific Rim Trail to begin our

backpacking trip. Laurel called it the Lemon

Drop car because it was exactly that color.

Laurel loved Pa’s VW and loved to ride around

in it. She didn’t mind Pa lighting up his brand

name cigarettes and smoking as they drove along

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

everywhere. Laurel was so used to his smokes

that she associated the smoke with Pa and vice

versa. Laurel didn’t know that smoking was not

only bad for the smoker but bad for the people

around the smoker like her. Laurel and John

were secondhand smokers even though they

didn’t smoke because they breathed in the smoke

from Pa’s cigarettes. Pa tried to not smoke more

than half a pack a day and was proud of this

amount he restricted himself to.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Today had been especially long and eventful

because Pa seemed extra content with his

purchases at the sports store.

There was a smug look of happiness about

having all he needed now for the success of the

trip. Hopefully the backpackers wouldn’t get

rained out by a powerful thunderstorm with

lightning packed, and or with hail. This

happened to them once and the weather was so

severe they had to leave Yosemite National Park

and return to Topanga Canyon without

backpacking for more than an hour or two.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Specialty items on the trip included M&M’s

plain chocolate candies in the biggest package

they made.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Sometimes Pa brought along lemon drops on the

trip to spice up the backpacking adventure.

Laurel always loved it when Pa asked if everyone

was ready for a stop break. When everyone was

ready to take a break everyone took off their

backpacks slowly and laid them down. Laurel

and John each had a bright neon orange

backpack that looked bigger than them because

the packs were so full and the frames were huge.

Pa looked around at the group and inquired,

“Would anyone like some M&M’s?” He had

already begun to unstrap his backpack to look

for the package of candy which he kept near the

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

top of his backpack so he could access them


Laurel piped up, “I want some Dad!” Pa slowly

opened the bag to get Laurel some candy as his

ears perked listening for other people in the party

who might also want some. Sometimes someone

would want some, but Laurel always did, and Pa

usually did too. Laurel waited for the M&M

breaks expectantly and considered them an

essential component of backpacking in the Sierra


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel liked the lemonade and icy river and

high mountain lake water that was found in the

glacier mountainous areas they were in. The

water was pure and priceless. It poured forth

from her camping cup into her soul, that’s how

pure it was. The water refreshed body and soul.

The air was crisp and clean. The trail ahead

seemed to lead into forever. Life backpacking on

the Pacific Crest Trail was like walking in heaven


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The party of five seldom met other people along

the trail. A person here and there in groups of

one or two people was all they saw. Our group

waited to reach the store which was supposed to

be open for backpackers half way to Yosemite

Valley Falls Trail.

At no time was anybody ever manning that store

that Laurel ever saw. The excitement and talk

about the store was a conversation piece for them

that did not seem to exhaust itself until they

reached the store all boarded up from the winter

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

before. With brave faces the party moved forth

enjoying the trail the best they could.

There were many things to enjoy on the trail.

There were not many trees at the elevation they

were backpacking in and on along the Pacific

Rim Trail and vicinity. Trees were short and

squat for the most part. There were often large

expanses of beautiful meadows blowing golden in

the summer breezes. White glacier rocks and

ancient land met them at every glance in every

direction. The meadows and mountains danced

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

and became united. The meadows moved into the

depths of the forests and back again.

Laurel started off with her group in the

meadows and trekked forever in one day. Pa was

very good at keeping the group from drifting

away from one another. About a week or two

before every backpacking trip Pa would tell

terrible and horrible true account stories about

brutal and often fatal bear and human

encounters where the bear always won. Then at

night nobody drifted too far off from camp for a

private moment no matter what because of the

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

‘Toilet Creepers!’ Toilet Creepers were hideous

grotesque monsters that lived in nature and

grabbed you if you went too far away from the

campsite at night.

The trail moved through switchbacks up and

down steep mountain trails. The idea of the

switchback was that it basically consisted of

repeated Z patterns. These trails were usually

along trails shaded with tall pines that blew the

lake air below and stirred it all up and outward

cooling everybody and everything. It was fun for

Laurel to go on the switchbacks because they

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

were interesting and out of the norm for trail life.

On the second night of the trip everybody was

still sitting by the fire after their meal of beef

swill and water. They built a campfire and sat

around it enjoying the light of the flames fanning

out warmth to them all and illuminating their

faces from the shadows. There had to be enough

water to cook with and drink. They had to make

sure their water bottles were filled up at various

streams and lakes so they’d always have enough

water for their needs while backpacking.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Then Uncle Ed or Tom would tell a story

around the campfire. Pa was careful to not tell

another of his bear stories because he had done so

already at home. Then they cleaned up after the

meal was eaten. The cookware was cleaned and

put away, along with the eating utensils, tin

plates, cups and bowls. Laurel had hiked all day

with several breaks including breakfast and

lunch which were extended ones.

That night after dinner everybody spread out

their tarps before laying out their sleeping bags

on top of them. The night was cool, a perfect

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

cool, to sleep like an angle in the heavens. Wasn’t

that what was happening, were they not in

heaven here at the top of the world? Laurel

climbed into her sleeping bag and looked up at

the dark night sky. Her mind was open wide with

the expanse of what spread across the vast sky

above and beyond and everywhere she looked.

The stars were more brilliant and sparkly than

she had remembered them to ever be. The stars

were like a blanket filling the vast of everything

everywhere. What was that? What was that

sound? What oh what could it be? The sound of

QUIET abounded in Laurel’s ears like pearls

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

from heaven. There were no jets with smog and

noise pollution rattling the Pacific Crest and Rim

Trail! No jerking out of a peaceful sleep as jets

broke the peace, solitude, and heavenliness of this

most precious place on earth. The pollution from

their jet exhaust didn’t rain down on the jewel of

the sierras Nevada.

The refreshed sleep that they derived up in

those mountains was beautiful and replenishing.

In the morning Pa and Uncle Tom and Ed got

breakfast together. Laurel loved drinking her

instant cocoa to the last drop. She couldn’t wait

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

for the boiling water to finish boiling for her

instant oatmeal and cocoa. It was her cocoa that

she relished most. After breakfast Laurel helped

put breakfast things away and rolled up her

sleeping bag with the help of Dad. Everything

was compacted into the backpacks carefully.

Their party was a responsible one. They packed

out everything they packed in and like good

scouts they made their campsite better than they

had found it. They never left garbage or

anything behind and never tried to attract the

bear population to themselves. Though the

M&M’s were probably tempting to the bears and

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

they probably thought of getting to the sweets.

Laurel hoped with all her heart that these

mountains on the Pacific Rim and Crest Trail

would always remain precious to Americans and

people around the world.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

She hoped that jets would never be allowed to

cross over these precious gems in numbers

greater than the stars above with their jet poison

plumes dusting the pure mountain air, lakes, and

streams. Laurel hoped that the precious

mountains in the world would be loved,

protected, and appreciated by people everywhere

around the earth forever, then that would be

heavenly, and people would only stand to gain

from it in the long run.

The next morning broke just like the other two

had. They had camped beneath a stand of tall

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

slim pines and put their food up in tree limbs not

far from where they slept that night. It was fun

watching Uncle Tom and Uncle Ed toss the 1”

hemp rope high into the air trying to get it over a

branch big enough to hold our food. Finally they

thought of making one end of the rope a little

heavier than the rest of it and tossed it once more

into the tree and voila! The rope caught hold of a

perfect branch and both uncles went to work

tying the backpacks up to them and proceeded to

hoist them up the tree.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel was not so sure about things now. She

hadn’t thought much about the bears yet until


With the food up in the first trees big enough to

carry food on, she had time to think about it, and

she was concerned about the bears. She tried

taking her mind off the bears and got to thinking

about other things. Finally sleep set in and

Laurel fell into a deep sleep. Morning light

filtered gently through the stand of pines with

white light through Laurel’s eyelids. She peeked

out of her eyes to see snow everywhere! Snow on

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

her, covering John, Pa, Uncle Ed and Uncle Tom

and everywhere she could see! Cold, it was

freezing cold, she didn’t want to get out of her

sleeping bag, no way!

Dad said, “It snowed and we need to try to

shake of the bedding and dry it some before we

get going today.” He was getting out of his

sleeping bag gingerly. He put on his thick leather

high top hiking boots and new clean socks and

grabbed his sweater and jacket putting them on

in record breaking speed. In one swoop he

whisked off the tarp he had laid over us before

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

we went to bed. The snow fell off it like fine

white dust. Pa said, “See? Shake off the snow

from everything and let’s try to dry everything

we can!” Everyone did as Pa bid them to do.

Then the sleeping bags were laid on some of the

lower parts of tree limbs and bushes beneath the

trees. The backpacks were taken down from the

tall pines by Uncle Ed and Uncle Tom. They had

grim looks on their usually cheery faces. They

didn’t like the snow any better than anyone else

did. Breakfast preparations were underway and

they ate quickly with a sense of urgency. Nobody

knew where the trail resumed toward Yosemite

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Valley. Pa asked, “Can anyone see where the

trail is? Let’s try to find it before we get going.”

Laurel had her tennis shoes on and so did John.

The adults all had nice leather hiking boots.

Laurel went out into the surrounding area with

Pa and John and her uncles trying to find the

trail. Dad, “How will we find the trail? I can’t

see it anywhere!” Pa just looked at Laurel with a

look that said ‘just try.’

The further from their campsite they went

looking for the trail the deeper the snow became.

The snow was up to laurels ankles, then to her

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

knees, and finally it came all the way to the top of

her legs. She could not walk in this snow. She

did not know what Pa would decide to do and she

was scared. John looked as worried as Laurel

and he didn’t say anything.

The group made their way back to their

campsite. They hunkered down by the remains

of their campfire. The heat was waning. The

cold was winning. It looked like there was no

hope for them now. They were in the middle of

heaven and they were caught in a snowstorm far

away from the safety of human comforts like

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

warmth and protection from the elements of


The air around the group was that of deep and

grave concern. The wrong choice here would

mean possible death. The right path was

important, the way to their destination, their final

to their vacation extravaganza. The three

brothers sat together talking little with serious

faces. Talking was low and thoughtful, nobody

wanted to make a bad decision, they were taking

their time and trying to make the best choice.

They began reviewing the path they had taken

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

the day before coming into camp for the night.

They made a mental trail of where they had


They talked about where they thought the trail

was and why. Trails are often marked with rocks

stacked one on top of the other sometimes up to

ten high. If a hiker sees a rock has fallen from its

perch, they often put it back on the stack as a

courtesy to the next hiker, so they can find the

trail and know they are on it.

Laurel never knew for sure but she thought that

one of her uncles or Dad had seen a snow covered

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

trail marker along the snow laden trail. After

seeing that he thought that it must me the right

way to go and that is one of the reasons they

found the right trail. Laurel thought it had to be

the grace of God too that helped out their little

party of five to find the trail once more after such

a big snow storm.

How Laurel got through all that snow with John

in their only pair of tennis shoes each remains a

mystery today. Somehow with the endurance

that only the young have they found a way and

made it through the snow and the snowstorm

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

together. Wet feet, cold feet and limbs, wouldn’t

daunt Laurel and John. Later that day the trail

emerged and they were so happy their grins must

have radiated the glow from the sun itself!

Who’d think finding a trail was fun or thrilling

or exhilarating? We all felt that way, especially

Laurel, she never loved a trail more than on that

day on the Pacific Crest Trail.

The emergency and immediate urgency of their

situation was very impactful in Laurel’s life. It

changed the way she saw things and she knew

that it was one of the first miracles she

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

experienced in her life. The day got increasingly

nicer and nicer. It was summer again. Winter in

the morning and summer in the evening! That’s

the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range.

The next night was uneventful and they hoped

that they would reach Yosemite Valley by the

next day. They went to bed thinking of what

restaurant they wanted to eat at as soon as they

got to a big city. Sleep came softly to them that

night and Laurel said an extra prayer of

thankfulness to God for helping them get out of

the snowstorm and safely to the trail again. Sleep

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

came and then it was dawn and the birds were

softly singing their morning greeting songs. A

sure sign that they were definitely coming down

in elevation by considerable amounts.

Laurel helped get breakfast ready and ate with

her family. They cleaned up and rolled up their

sleeping bags and took to the trail once more.

They almost thought they would reach Yosemite

the day before but they were running a day

behind for some unknown reason.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The sun was shining brightly this morning and

Laurel’s heart was trilling with the excitement of

the long trip thus far, the snowstorm, and the

advent of getting to the valley today!

The trail was nice, more trees than ever now,

and loveliness everywhere she looked. The day

got nicer, the bird songs got sweeter and more

plentiful, and other chipmunk and squirrels were

joining in the happy nature chorus. This is life

and it is so great thought Laurel as she breathed

in the pine scented air all around her.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The wind gently brushed her cheeks and tossed

her wavy hair that looked like a cloud on her

head and all about her.

There were more people now, she could see

them coming along the trail towards her, in

greater numbers. They surely were getting closer

to the valley. Pa didn’t want to stop and make

lunch. Everyone wanted to eat in the valley at the

restaurant there. Something new was happening

now. The trail was narrowing so that it ran up

against a rock and sandstone like wall to the left

of the trail. To the right was a sheer cliff where

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

the Yosemite Falls fell down to the Yosemite

Valley floor below! The sun was glancing

through the pines and mist of the falls. It was

beautiful and cool here on the trail but there were

too many people on the trail and Laurel didn’t

know what to do. She had the huge orange

backpack strapped onto her back and nothing to

hold onto. She was very scared. Did Pa just take

her backpack? She didn’t know or care because

she was so frightened.

Laurel said, “Dad, what do I do, I can’t do

this?” Laurel’s face drooped and her eyes looked

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

directly into her Pa’s eyes. Pa said, “It will be

alright Laurel, just hold my hand, and don’t let


People came, more and more of them, and then

yet more. Laurel saw them all coming and

ducked her head and hugged the rock wall so

tight she had to force herself to let go to step

further along the trail.

She looked at the wall in front of her that she

was clinging to while holding Pa’s hand. She held

so tightly to the wall that it felt like she was part

of the wall. Pa somehow got Laurel down the

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

trail past all those people and it was one of the

hardest things Laurel had done. Laurel had

expected many things on her backpacking trip

with her Pa, brother John, Uncle Tom and Uncle

Ed, but she never ever expected that she’d have

to walk along a trail like this one.

The snow and sheer cliff trail had taken a toll on

Laurel’s love of backpacking. She knew that it

was a wonderful thing to go backpacking but that

there were also some things in nature that were

big concerns like unexpected snowstorms and

other weather.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Yosemite Valley never looked so good to Laurel.

She went to the restaurant and ate a nice

cafeteria lunch with her family. She was back in

civilization eating at a restaurant. Laurel wrote a

poem about her backpacking trip on the Pacific

Rim Trail. This was also one of the last times

Laurel, Pa, and brother John would vacation

together while Laurel was a youth.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Tuolumne Meadows to Yosemite

Valley Poetry

Golden and vibrant green grasses rise up from

the rich soil blowing in the wind

They move and sway in a harmonic way rippling

the grass in waves

The sun comes out to fill the sky and warms the

soul as it should
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Long shadows fall from distant places on the

crest and rim of the world

It is different here a place set apart where

pristine skies abound

Where fresh water is everywhere and crystal

clear and cold

The lakes are icy fresh and clean, blue and green,

with fish who roam within

The bears are there, coyote, along with deer and

squirrels too
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The night sky is filled with velvet white stars that

light a path to happy dreams and visions

Take a star and jump upon it and follow this star

like a flying carpet and see where it will lead…If

you are lucky and catch a falling star then you

can take it anywhere…anywhere forever and


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Chapter Seventeen


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

aurel was about ten years old when she

walked into a beautiful African themed

store in Los Angeles with her Mama

Vivian. Laurel was immediately

impressed with this big shop, boutique, in Los


Shiny giant loop gold earrings, jewelry that was

beautiful and new as well as fashionable.

Laurel and Mama met the store keeper and

owner whose name was Ebony.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Ebony was a dark skinned beautiful young

woman. She was a mother of two boys, one a baby,

and married too.

Ebony was a classic beauty, tall and slender,

fashionable with African American style. She

usually wore her hair lightly held back with an

animal print headband in a soft black cloud

swirling about her head.

Ebony was symbolic for many more reasons than

ones mentioned by Laurel. Ebony was like a

Phoenix Rising in Los Angeles after all the turmoil

and trouble in Watts. Her very presence and shop

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

stood out in the city like a beautiful light beacon to

all those who would have eyes to see, sharing a

story of success for a young woman who made life

wonderful, and lived her life sharing who she was

in living vivid color for all to see and appreciate.

When in Ebony’s presence Laurel felt at ease

and comfortable. Laurel liked and trusted Ebony.

Laurel watched Ebony as she combined

motherhood, being a good wife, and being a suave

business woman all in one. She had to juggle it all

to make it happen and Laurel marveled at how

Ebony did it all.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Without knowing it, Laurel had been put smack

in the middle of Ebony’s life, just as normally as

the sun beams on one’s brow.

Ebony had so many things in her store for sale

that it was like being in a museum to Laurel.

There were several rooms in Ebony’s African shop

and a person could quite comfortably stay there

and melt into the environment.

Laurel loved the room with the giant animal

print stuffed pillows that were about as big as she

was. There were zebra, leopard and giraffe

animal prints on the huge pillows. Laurel would

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

come to the store with her Mama time and again

as they became better acquainted friends with


Ebony was a warm and genial lady. When

Laurel first met her she had no idea what kind of

private life Ebony led. But this changed over time

and Laurel became a part of Ebony’s life too.

Ebony had big steel drums that were musical

instruments. Ma bought a few from Ebony and

took up playing them at home. They had a

resounding beat that was beautiful and surprising

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

at the same time. Nobody would guess that these

drums could sound so good.

Ma took Laurel and John to the beach to hear

steel drum bands playing at sunset in Venice many

times. The people would gather on the sand in a

huge circle and play island beats on the giant


Laurel’s home became designed with many of the

things Ma loved at Ebony’s store. Ma had several

giant multi-printed pillows on the floor in the

living room spread around a roughhewn table Pa

had made for Ma. These pillows were comfortable

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

and firm. They didn’t sink to the floor when sat


After quite some time Laurel and Mama were

visiting Ebony at her home.

It was a long drive from Topanga Canyon deep

into Los Angeles where she lived. Sometimes

Laurel’s older brother John came along, he was a

year and a half older, and it was quite a deal to go


Mama often stopped at Thrifty Drug store to buy

John and Laurel a treat to help offset the long trip

to see Ebony.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

After an hour or so they would drive up to

Ebony’s house. Ebony lived on the upper floor of

a two story apartment building in a nice part of the


Ebony introduced her baby and older child to

Laurel’s family. Laurel didn’t meet Ebony’s

husband often because he was often away.

Laurel liked Ebony’s family a lot, and especially

her baby whose name was Cowa.

Cowa was adorable, with beautiful black tiny curls

all over his head. He was a good baby, rarely

fussy, and sweet.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Ebony’s husband and older son were very quiet

and didn’t talk a lot with John or Laurel, likely

because he was shy like they were. He was friendly

and helped his mother with Cowa when she asked

him to.

Ebony’s husband was young, slim, and stylish

like Ebony. His name was Warren and he was not

home very often when Laurel’s family went

visiting Ebony.

Because it took so long to get to Ebony’s home,

she often invited Ma, John, and Laurel to stay

overnight with her.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

In the morning Ebony would prepare cereal for

her sons and welcomed John and Laurel to cereal

as well. She was generous and shared her bread

better than most hostesses would.

At the time, Laurel didn’t notice, but later she

did, which was the fact that maybe Ebony shared

with Laurel and her family even though it may not

have been easy for her to do so.

Laurel appreciated Ebony’s generosity and being

embraced by her into it as naturally as silk is soft.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

It was nice to stay with Ebony and not have to

drive all the way back home. So the summer went

by and the seasons changed.

Getting to know Ebony was a rare opportunity

for Laurel and her family. The rarity of the event

and the special unique qualities around the

friendship of Ebony’s family and Laurel’s family

was not entirely lost on Laurel during the time

when the friendship was in full swing.

Laurel was deep into the life she led, and felt life

as a child on the cusp of becoming a young lady, at

about ten years old. She was beginning to

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

understand friendships and value them more from

those who offered friendship in her life and

pertaining to her family.

Laurel had the ability to appreciate how Ebony

lived her life, in her world with her family, on her

turf. This experience opened doors and windows

on the lives of everyone involved.

Laurel saw that Ebony loved and cared for her

family tremendously. She loved her husband, she

loved her sons, she loved her business and she

loved life. Ebony was a beautiful person because

she had a kind and loyal loving heart.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

After working hard all week, working at her

store, she went home to be a full-time mommy and

wife. This took a lot of time and energy and love

most of all.

She put long hours into her shop, and carefully

bought every item in it, with the utmost thought

and consideration.

There was not a giant clientele that went to

Ebony’s shop, and if they had it would have

changed things in her life, and changed things


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel wasn’t quick to notice that tons of people

were not knocking down the door trying to buy

things at Ebony’s store. There were plenty of

people who shopped there, but certainly it takes a

constant, flow of customers to be in the buying

mode for any business to keep it’s door open.

Laurel found herself hoping that Ebony would

get more customers coming into her store, and

after time, she realized that it was important for

these people to pop in more times than not.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Ebony’s family had a great need for her, and her

sons needed their mother more than they got to be

with her, and so did her husband.

Eventually Ebony was able to spend more time

with her immediate family and baby son.

The seasons changed some more, and Laurel

spent more time at home, and in school. She was

doing her studies and busy with her life in

Topanga. The trips to visit Ebony’s store came to

an end as Ebony decided it took too much money

to keep her store open and it was draining her

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

pocket and time without paying back proper dues

for all the time involved.

Then there were no more visits to see Ebony or

visit her family deep in Los Angeles. However

Laurel did get an opportunity rarely extended to

other’s with the rich experience of meeting Ebony

and exploring her store, her life, and sharing it

with her in the many days, weeks, hours, and

nights she spent with her.

Long after Laurel had last seen Ebony, she

remained in Laurel’s heart, as a kind and

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

generous lady who stepped out into the business

world to make a success of herself and family.

Though she may not have made a fortune, she did

make lasting friends of the heart, and shared life’s

walk together with Laurel’s family. Both families

were better for the experience of knowing each


Laurel loves to talk about Ebony and her shop

and family whenever they come to her mind,

which is plenty of times now and again, and always

will be cherished memories.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Chapter Nineteen


Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mama was on an errand and she took Laurel

with her. Laurel and John were Mama’s

children. Laurel was ten and John was twelve.

Laurel and John loved to go places with Mama

because they loved her very much, but John

began to like staying home because he was older,

and this day he stayed home. Laurel was like a

wisp next to her bigger than life Mama. Laurel

just went where Mama went because she loved

her Mama very much. Laurel’s Mama was also

her friend and together they did many fun things

together. Mama began to talk to Laurel like she

would if Laurel had been much older. Laurel

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

knew how nice it was to be treated with love and

respect by her Mama. Mama was always Mama,

but she let Laurel mother her too, and Laurel felt

that it was her job to protect her Mama from

anything that should not be good for her. Laurel

was a little mother already.

Mama and Laurel got into the late model VW

Bus with forest green color and a white pop-up

top, buckled up their seatbelts, and took off out of

Oakwood Drive (also known as Pumpkin

Hollow). Mama drove towards the coast then

headed into the Venice area just south of Santa

Monica in southern California. Mama found

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

where she was looking for, a government office,

with a nondescript front window. Laurel wasn’t

sure what Mama was about to do, so Laurel was

often surprised by her experiences she met, as

Mama led the way. At first things seemed

unusual to Laurel and she didn’t know what to

think about the adults mulling about at their

various jobs in the office. There did not seem to

be as much as a glimmer of a smile on any of the

faces Laurel looked at, everyone seemed to be

strictly business around here, this was not

Laurel’s cup of tea. Laurel was getting

uninterested rapidly in this stuffy old office

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

where people were so solemn everywhere she

glanced. Suddenly all Laurel wanted to do was to

leave this place far behind with her Mama.

Laurel did not like this place one bit.

Mama led Laurel past groups of people as she

inquired after a particular form of assistance.

Laurel wasn’t sure what Mama was after here,

she just followed her Mama, and with questions

in her eyes she wondered what was going on and

what would be happening here today.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel could tell that Mama was not having the

greatest time in the world here either, yet Mama

continued on, patiently waiting for further

direction before she moved to another person’s

desk and yet another person too. Had an hour

gone by already as they moved from desk to desk

waiting to meet the right person whom Mama

was trying to meet? Then we turned a corner, we

were tired and fatigued by the late afternoon

dreariness of the day, and the sun was filtering in

through the long windows as though it was tired

too…then we saw her before us. She was a

powerhouse of a woman, the only person in the

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

whole place who seemed to know what was going

on. From this day forth Laurel would only know

this person by the only name she ever called her,

“Mamasita!” Mamasita means ‘little mama’ and

she had a powerful presence lit from within with

the light of God; she was lit up like a candle and

she burned as brightly as any haloed angel in

heaven right in front of our eyes. Her sweet dark

chocolate and light chocolate tones seemed to

shimmer off her like rays of light. She looked

well beyond her clear spectacles into the very

heart and soul of a body. She was beautiful and

wise, and she knew she was needed very much by

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

this mother and child that stood before her. God

bless her heart, saint that she was, for showing

them love and friendship and help.

Mamasita was ageless when Laurel met her with

Mama. Mamasita was not young but she wasn’t

old either. Mama inquired of Mamasita if she

was the right person to talk to today about the

matters Mama had at hand to discuss with her.

Mamasita was warm and friendly, just what

Mama and Laurel needed, a friendly face in a

mass of humanity. Mamasita helped Mama and

Laurel in numerous ways and made sure they left

the office in a better state than they had arrived.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

She sent them home with aid and hope that life

was going to be a bit brighter for them, and her

warm, friendly, genuine and loving smile

confirmed that her words and actions were

sincere and heartfelt. Mama and Laurel went

home feeling the love and compassion of this lone,

single, woman with a very big heart and wisdom

in her eyes.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel loved the fact that Mamasita was now a

fixture of her life, Mamasita had become a friend

to Mama and Laurel and their family. Mamasita

in Laurel’s life made it more bearable since her

Mama and Papa did not live with or love one

another as they once had. Little by little Laurel’s

family life had fallen to pieces, impending divorce

and a new life for her and John, seemed

inevitable. Mamasita was there, she loved Mama

and her children John and Laurel, and Mamasita

wanted to make a positive difference in their

lives, and she did.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

It seemed that all that spring, summer, and

autumn, were filled with a life that included

Mamasita. As the seasons changed and blended

and moved like a kaleidoscope the relationship of

Mamasita, Mama and Laurel, changed as well.

For one thing, Mama and Laurel became multi-

weekly visitors at Mamasita’s home, and they

stayed for hours at a time. Mama would take

Mamasita out on her errands and help her do her

errands. Mama and Laurel would sit with

Mamasita and sip tea and share stories about

their lives from their hearts. Mamasita would

introduce various children of hers that would

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

come and go during the visits, always so proud of

her kids, Laurel could actually see Mamasita’s

chest puff up with pride when she spoke about or

introduced one of her many children. Mamasita

had birthed at least 19 children. She never saw

enough of them though because they were so busy

living their lives. Laurel could swear she saw a

tear or two slip out from beneath Mamasita’s

eyes once when she was missing her children.

Mama and Laurel made sure that Mamasita was

not lonely the best ways they could. Time went

on and it was already Thanksgiving. The golden

orange, yellow, and brilliant red foliage of

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

autumn blew away in the Santa Ana winds and

the rest of the leaves turned brown and dropped

restlessly to the ground.

John and Laurel played outside for a while on

this cold, foggy, and drizzly day and waited to see

if their Papa would come home and spend

Thanksgiving dinner with them. They looked

into the warm fogged out windows of the kitchen

where Mama was making Thanksgiving dinner

with turkey and fixings of stuffing with raisins

and spices. John and Laurel got tired of waiting

outside so they went indoors and up to their room

where some wonderful holiday shows were on.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

They watched ‘My Fair Lady’ and ‘Alice in

Wonderland.’ Then they went downstairs into

the kitchen to see how dinner was coming along.

Mama had waited for Papa to come but he

didn’t, so she ladled the hot freshly baked turkey

and stuffing onto everyone’s plate, along with

some sugar oozing yams that were steaming hot.

They said a prayer and began to eat, but they

didn’t talk a whole lot, Papa hadn’t come and

nobody wanted to mention it because it meant

different things to the kids and their mother.

Then the day went on quietly as John and

Laurel did their chores before they got ready for

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

bed. Papa was coming around less and less, but

John and Laurel still got to see him on Fridays,

when he’d come by after school and take them to

his mother’s house. Laurel and John called

Papa’s mother Nana. Nana had not done much

to help make Papa and Mama’s marriage endure,

she didn’t think anyone was good enough for her

son John M. Finally after enduring years of

Italian jokes at her expense, Mama had said to all

the relatives gathered on Friday at dinner, that

she’d had enough of the Jokes. Enough meant

enough, and that was the end of Mama going to

dinner on Friday nights at Nana and Pop’s house.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mamasita was busy working little miracles

everywhere she went, and she gathered this and

that and different things here and there until she

was completely satisfied with her work.

Mamasita called Mama to come and get the

special things she had gotten for Mama’s

children. The bags Mamasita gave to Mama

were very large and filled with nice things to

make Christmas special and beautiful. Mama

proudly brought in the bags of good things when

John and Laurel were not paying any attention to

what she was about. She was very successful, and

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

nobody saw her put the things away quietly until

Christmas morning.

Christmas was always lovely at home, the

Christmas tree was a real pine tree, decorated by

Mama, John and Laurel. They made it as

beautiful as possible and even though there

hadn’t been almost anything under the tree, it

had looked as lovely as could be with brightly

colored lights on every branch and loops of

construction paper decorations John and Laurel

had made lacing the edges with bright colors of

red, green, blue, yellow and purple.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Christmas morning finally came and there

beneath the beautiful Christmas tree were

Christmas presents that were for John and

Laurel, lots and lots and lots of beautiful lovingly

wrapped gifts…and they instinctively knew that

these presents had come from their Mamasita!

Sure enough they had. Mamasita left no one

disappointed, no sir, not John and Laurel

anyway. Was John or Laurel’s eyes wider in

surprise, who could tell, because they were both

astonished that Mamasita had done so much and

thought out so well her wondrous Christmas

ideas. Laurel had a very big present that took

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

her a while to unwrap, and it was a beautiful

bright red, thick and warm corduroy jacket, with

white faux fur trim around the collar and long

cuffs. Laurel didn’t see what John got because

she was wrapping herself up in her new warm

cuddly coat. Then there were some jars filled

with hard Christmas candy, raspberry filled

candy and rainbow ribbon candy too. Laurel was

so happy all she could do was look at her family

with glowing eyes filled with joy.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel had no idea that she would be so

fortunate this Christmas or that anybody had

thought about her as Mamasita had. In the rush

of the happy time at hand Laurel was all the

happier for every hour she had spent at

Mamasita’s house as Mama, Mamasita and

Laurel, shared the many long and languid hours

as the spring days became summer and turned

into autumn and now winter.

Laurel knew when she first saw Mamasita that

she was no ordinary person, not by any means,

and all her words and actions proved Laurel to

be right about her. Laurel knew this woman had

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

a good and beautiful heart, soul and mind, yes

she was a beauty through and through. Laurel

lost sight of Mamasita’s color as soon as

Mamasita smiled her first smile at Laurel, and as

time went by, and the months moved along there

was no color to Mamasita other than the warm

color of love Laurel felt for her.

The new year came quickly and time went by.

Mamasita was not doing too well and nobody

could say why. Mama and Laurel continued to

go visiting with Mamasita, and they did their best

to help her tidy up around her home. Things

began to move faster and faster and there

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

appeared no way to stop the clock and reverse the

approach of hardship looming upon them all.

Mamasita, bursting with life and love and

vitality, was tiring too quickly and in much too

much pain. Mama did what she could, she went

to the store and bought whatever Mamasita

needed to make her feel better. Mamasita was

very glad for the love and support Mama and

Laurel showed in their words and their actions to


Mamasita was not getting better, she was not

mending as she ought to be, no she was not.

Mama was getting desperate to ease the pains

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

going through Mamasita. Mamasita went from

looking ageless to looking very old beyond her

years. Her family was busy, she let them stay

busy, but she needed help too and wasn’t sure

how to ask for it or how to get it if she did…so

she said little or nothing. Then Mamasita was

not able to leave her bed and Mama and Laurel

went to see her every afternoon and stayed late

into the night for a very long time as they reached

out to comfort her and make her suffering less.

Mama asked Mamasita, “What would you like

me to do for you Mamasita? How can I ease your

pain filled body?” Then Mamasita would look at

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

us with her eyes still filled with stars and she’d

say, “Honey, please rub this alcohol into my pain

filled feet and legs.” Mama got the alcohol and

began to rub it into her feet to comfort them.

Mama got some Vaseline and rubbed it into her

feet and legs too. Mamasita was comforted and

felt the loving warm hands of Mama massage her

ever so gently and sweetly hour after hour.

Mama and Laurel didn’t talk about Mamasita’s

bad health, they just did what they could to help

her. Then one day Mama got a telephone call

from one of Mamasita’s children who told her

that Mamasita had died. Mama told Laurel and

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

John about her death, and they were all shocked,

because even though they knew she had been ill

and in pain, they had not anticipated that she

would die. Mama asked Mamasita’s family if she

could go to the funeral to show her respects to

Mamasita. Mamasita’s family said she could

come to the funeral. Mama went to the florist

shop before she went to the funeral, and she

purchased a white gardenia flower that she

brought to the funeral. Mama left Laurel and

John in the VW bus outside as she went into the

funeral parlor for a last visit with Mamasita.

Mama was the only olive toned person in the

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

whole gathering¸ but Mama was undaunted, she

moved with the group of mourners saying their

last good-byes to their beloved Mamasita. Mama

got up to where Mamasita was and she gently

held Mamasita’s hand in hers, and she stood

stock still and couldn’t move because when she

held Mamasita’s hand it was warm to her touch.

Mama gently put the white gardenia on the heart

of Mamasita and left when the service was over.

Mama came back to the VW bus where John and

Laurel had waited patiently for her and they

couldn’t believe their eyes when they say Mama.

Mama had a heavenly glow about her personage

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

as she told her children about Mamasita’s warm

hand when she touched it.

Laurel and John knew their Mama was given a

gift that day that helped ease the pain of losing

Mamasita. Mamasita has always been thought of

throughout the decades with loving memorable

thoughts of the good things Mamasita had done

while they knew her. Mamasita had created a

legend in her own time by people who might least

guess the multitude of various reasons.

A year never goes by that Laurel doesn’t tell her

husband and children about her dear and loving

Mamasita, and how all of her kind works and

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

words would forever be a part of the tapestry of

all of their lives. For that is how love is passed

along, with love, and that is all there is to it.

Mamasita, Mama, both of you are in heaven, and

we love you both.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol





Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

The mysteries of Topanga continue to grow from

long ago to days right now

To know the life and ways of the canyon is only the

beginning in mystery solving within the

Mighty Canyon

The old oaks, pines, shrubs and other greenery are

important to this place of serenity

Ocean breezes that flow seamlessly up into the

canyon from the sea

This is one of the lovely little mysteries

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Little things like hopping frogs and tadpoles

Bright butterflies that flutter by

Water skimmers that walk on shallow pools

Little things all around up and down everywhere you


These are only some of the millions of mysteries in


Everywhere you look

Mysteries Abound!

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Return to the Valley

Dad drove John and Laurel home and it was very quiet
all the way back up to Topanga Canyon. Dad waited for
John and Laurel to gather their belongings for a long stay
at their long time friend’s home in the San Fernando
John was about to be fourteen years old and Laurel was
twelve and a half. Both kids had rich brown hair, almost
a chestnut color, with waves in it. John and Laurel had
blue green eyes as well. Laurel had seldom cut her hair
except for once when she was around six years old.
Laurel generally wore her hair in a ponytail or two
Pony tails, and when she was younger she wore satin or
yarn ribbons with bright colors in her hair.
Dad waited in his lemon drop yellow VW bug outside
their home while John and Laurel packed. They were
busy with school and homework, and had just seen
Mama off again. They were feeling very sad inside their
hearts, they loved their mother very much, and did not
like to see her leave the country for long periods of time.
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Saying goodbye should have been easy for John and

Laurel, but it wasn’t. A new chapter was unfolding in
front of them, one that would change their lives forever.
This time mom left, it was for the third or fourth time,
and even though it was usual, they never got really used
to having her go away for such long periods of time.
Laurel knew she would be resolute about what was
happening in her life now because this was her life. She
couldn’t tell the grownups how to behave and what to
do, because she was still a kid.
Dad dropped John and Laurel off at their friend’s home,
he didn’t come to the door, or talk to Molly, the mother
of the home either. Laurel and John waved goodbye to
their Dad and watched him drive off.
Molly Pfeiffer’s home in Tarzana was on Sugarman
Street. She was their old neighbor who lived across the
street and south about seven or eight houses down.
Molly lived just before the street curved east towards
Nestle Avenue Elementary School.
Molly had two children who were about John and
Laurel’s ages, and they had been playmates since they
were practically old enough to walk. John liked to play
with Eric and Laurel liked to play with Elise. Eric was a
few years younger than John and Elise was a few years
younger than Laurel. Together they had all spent hours
and days playing Star Trek, and many other games,
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

having great times together and enjoying the company of

one another. Long spring and summer days were spent
in the giant aspen tree in their backyard which became
the fleet star gate bridge from which they commanded
the USS Enterprise among the stars high above earth’s
surface and well into the solar system visiting other
planets and meeting other beings from that domain.
John and Laurel were glad they were going to stay with
people they liked as well as these people. Still, being at
home was best, especially with their family there. It was
hard enough saying goodbye to mom, then they had to
say goodbye to dad. Being down and sad, they didn’t
even ask dad when they would be able to go back home.
Things were so strange that John and Laurel just tried to
feel okay and not like blown around leaves in the wind.
It was well into autumn now, and well into spring where
Mama was in Jamaica. John and Laurel were attending
Parkman Junior High School in Woodland Hills.
It was rather late in autumn, and the Pfeiffer’s were
getting ready for the holidays in their own way. Eric
came up to John and Laurel as they approached the front
door of the house and extended a small silver tin of
sardines out toward John and Laurel, “Hi John! Hi Laurel!
Want to have some sardines?”
John and Laurel looked at Eric and the box of raw
sardines and declined quickly. Eric said, “These are relly
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

good, you should try some, I love them!”

John and Laurel replied, “Hi Eric, how are you? No
thank you on the sardine offer though.”
Eric opened up his sardines on the way into his home
and dived into the tin. John and Laurel trudged into the
living room of Eric’s home loaded down with their
clothes, school books, and miscellaneous things they
thought they might need on their visit with the Pfeiffers.
Molly came out of the kitchen into the living room to
say hello to John and Laurel and gave them a big smile.
She said, “Hi John, hi Laurel, how are you? You kids will
be staying in this room to sleep in while you stay here. I
hope you will be comfortable while you’re visiting us.”
Then Elise came into the living from her bedroom
that she shared with her brother Eric. It was a nice, small
room with bunk beds.
Molly let them settle in and left them to do that while
she went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for five
people. Elise helped set the table, then dinner was done,
they sat down to eat after Molly said a short prayer to
God, the father of Jesus. Dinner was good and nutritious,
and consisted of a French Omelet, made with eggs and
noodles. John and Laurel had eaten this French food
made by Molly before, and they enjoyed it very much.
After dinner Laurel helped to clear the table with Elise
while Eric took out the garbage and fed the cat named
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Tao. Tao was a friendly fluffy gray cat that was about five
years old. Molly had found him and rescued him from a
grocery store nearby. Tao had obviously been
abandoned as a very young cat. Now Tao had the best
loving home he could have dreamed for, all his very own.
Molly loved tropical island things from Hawaii. She had
visited the island when she was younger with her
husband early on in her marriage prior to getting
divorced. Her husband’s name was Ken.
John and Laurel had met Ken one time in their lives, and
would never meet him again.
After dinner John, Eric, Elise, and Laurel had time to visit
and get caught up from where they had left off the last
time they had visited each other. Then it was time for
bed. School was the next day.
To get to school each day while living with the Pfeiffers,
John and Laurel had to get up early, and Molly would
drive them to school after she drove her children to their
schools first. She was a good mother who cared greatly
for her family. Mollie was a single mother who divorced
her husband Ken before Laurel and John had met her.
Laurel got used to the daily pattern of life at Molly’s
home. She got to drive up front with Molly when she
drove John and Laurel to school each morning.
The days melted away, and seemed to go all the same
with cold mornings that made her shiver with cold.
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Often the late afternoon sun would peek through the fog
if they were lucky. But the cold did not stop. Fortunately
Molly kept her home heated just right, John and Laurel
never had a complaint of her home being too cold or too
Laurel and John tried to be as polite and sincere to their
host and her children as possible. Every morning Laurel
and John would try to be as thankful and graciously
accept the ride offered to them by Molly.
Laurel made sure to turn and peek into the VW beetle
with a grateful smile, “Thank you very much Molly for the
ride. I hope you have a wonderful day.”
Molly looked back up towards Laurel with a big happy
grin that made her look like she was twenty something
all over again as she replied, “Thank you very much
Laurel. I hope you kids have a wonderful day too.
Away she drove in her little blue cloud of a car away
towards her day. Molly was a part time teacher at local
colleges and taught art there. Molly was quite
impressive, smart, and very friendly. Molly is just what
John and Laurel needed right now in their lives. Even
though she wasn’t their mom, she was just about as nice.
This was Laurel’s first year in junior high school and it
was off to a nice but rocky start. The cold fall days were
set in and school was quite miserable with winter not far
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

off. It felt like it may as well be winter now because of

the severe cold and low icy fogs that appeared to never
Junior high was much different than Topanga
Elementary School from where she graduated last spring.
The little canyon school was nice and surrounded by
countryside. Laurel loved the scenery around her old
school. Parkman was all concrete and brick buildings,
with some classes inside indoor halls, but mostly open to
the outside cold.
After Molly drove away, Laurel trudged up the little
flight of concrete stairs towards the entrance of the
school. She entered the school and made her way to the
warmest and most comfy part of the school, the library
with it’s warm lights and abundance of available chairs.
Laurel mechanically moved towards her favorite books
in the library, US History and Laura Ingalls Wilder book
series, which she had already read about five times each.
Laurel read the books for a good reason. Laurel adored
Laura and the family life she had in the places she lived in
the old west of American history.
The bell always rang just when she was happily
ensconced in a good chapter. Laurel put her book away
and made her way towards her homeroom class. Every
day began pretty much like this one. Laurel never hung
out with her brother John in junior high school, she never
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

bumped into him on the school grounds, but she never

really thought much about it.
The days blended into one another, one cold day after
the other, icy fog and freezing mornings. Molly was nice
to John and Laurel and the winter didn’t seem so bad
because they had nice company to spend it with.
Then the holidays were upon them and Molly made
several batches of Christmas sugar cookies, which she
shared out to everyone a few times each day. The
cookies were some of Laurel’s favorite cookies, they
tasted fantastic, and they never lasted very long.
It did not seem strange to Laurel that she was not
getting to visit her dad, but it was a little unusual. John
and Laurel didn’t get to see much of their Dad anyway
these last few years. It really didn’t matter all that much.
John and Laurel were getting stronger inside, as they got
older they didn’t mind so much if Dad wasn’t around all
the time.
Eventually time that moved further and further into the
future could not be denied any longer. It was without
doubt more than two months now that their mother
Vivian had been in Jamaica. But why didn’t they get a
visit from their dad was hard to tell. It began to feel like
John and Laurel had to grow up faster than they had
wanted to. They tried not to think of Dad or Mama,
because if they did, they would begin to miss them and
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

might cry…which would never do, not when they were in

junior high school. They were too old and big to be
fretting about things they could do nothing about, so
they didn’t.
The opportunity to go out to the movies presented itself
and Molly took them all to the matinee at a theatre on a
nice late afternoon. The next day Molly asked John and
Laurel, “Did your parents give you any money to help
me take care of you?”
The floor suddenly dropped under Laurel and John as
they looked at one another miserably, because they both
knew that neither parent had given them a cent to share
or give to Molly to help her feed and care for them.
Molly’s next words were, “I’m going to have to call John
up and ask him for some money to help feed you kids.”
She picked up the phone and dialed Dad. John and
Laurel listened to her speak from the room next to the
little French kitchen. John and Laurel had not thought of
money at all, they had kept their hearts brave and their
minds off of their Mama and Papa, the best way they
could. Now they felt awkward and it did not feel good to
feel this way.
Molly got off the phone and seemed mollified about her
conversation with John, Laurel and John’s Dad. She came
into the living room and was much happier and relieved
because she was going to get some reimbursement for
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

caring for John and Laurel from their Dad soon. Dad
came by with money for Molly and left without so much
as a hug for John or Laurel, and he was gone once again
into his mysterious life he led without them all.
Dad came to Molly’s home and gave her some money to
help her take care of John and Laurel. Dad did not stay
around, he had to get back to his job, he sped away
quickly. John and Laurel went back into Molly’s house
missing their Dad and Mama.
Christmas was getting closer and holiday decorations
were put up on the street lamps and poles around the
valley, making it look beautiful and festive. Christmas
was one of Laurel’s favorite times of the year. She loved
the holiday very much, all the celebrations, baking,
cookies, turkey, and of course presents that she gave and
received from her family and loved ones.
School went on same old routine day in and day out.
Then Christmas break was upon them and they had
several weeks off from middle school. Then Molly
announced that Vivian was coming home and it was time
to pack up and drive up to Topanga Canyon to bring John
and Laurel back home.
It had now been about two months, or so it seemed to
John and Laurel, who had spent the time away from
home all that time! Mama had never in her entire life, in
all the times she left John and Laurel, been away from
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

them this long.

Molly drove John and Laurel home, leaving Eric and Elise
at home because there was not enough room in the
small pale blue VW bug to carry them all along together.
Molly kept the conversation going in happy chipper
small talk all the way up into the canyon until she
reached their street on Oakwood Drive. She dropped
Laurel and John off at their home and was off to Los
Angeles Airport to get Vivian from the airport to bring
her home in Topanga too.
Laurel and John were glad to get back home in the
canyon they loved so much. They got into their home
and brought their belongings upstairs into their room
and set them down. They wondered when their mother
was going to be home and they were feeling happy about
seeing her soon.
It was not much longer when John and Laurel heard
noises from Molly’s car outside their home. They raced
down the stairs to see Ma. The front door opened as
John and Laurel came to the last steps on the stairs.
Ma’s head peered into the house and her face was
happy and youthful looking. She was only thirty three
years old and beautiful beyond measure. Mama had
brought many presents with her from Jamaica, including
a new stepfather named Brook.
John and Laurel were shocked into silence as they raced
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

back up the stairs full speed and shut the door firmly
behind them. Nobody had told them they were going to
have a new person living with them, and certainly not a
new husband for their mother!
Brook had married Mama in Jamaica, and it took a little
bit longer than she had thought to return to the states
with him because of paperwork and things of that
nature. He was young and strong. Brook was nice and
friendly, cheerful and tried to please John and Laurel. He
worked hard on trying to make a good first impression on
John and Laurel. Brook tried to be friendly by giving John
and Laurel some small transistor radios, straw baskets,
and nice things from Jamaica that he had brought back to
America with Vivian, his new wife. More than anything
they were glad to have their mother back home and life
resuming to a new normal.
John and Laurel were thankful for the gifts given to
them by Brook and mom. They liked the radio and pretty
woven baskets sold for tourists to buy from local crafts
people on the island.
Christmas was upon them and mother and Brook went
to get a tree from the forest and brought it home to
Brook had brought small boxes of his beloved but
Christmas ornaments from Jamaica to America with him,
which he cherished. He wanted the Christmas tree to be
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

spectacular, and he did not want any help putting the

tree decorations on the tree whatsoever. He wanted the
tree to remind him of his island Christmas times, and no
decorations other than ones he brought with him were
on the tree. He had already missed his family and life in
Jamaica. Life in America was good but he missed his
family of several brothers and sisters, about eight in all.
Life in Topanga at Christmas time was very special,
everything in the canyon was festive and great for the
holidays. The Christmas tree never had many gifts under
it before Christmas, because Mama said John and Laurel
peeked too often in the past. Mama didn’t chance
ruining the surprise of Christmas ever again after that,
she always hid her presents well away from John and
Laurel, and she did a great job of it too.
Christmas morning arrived, and under the tree were
many beautiful packages wrapped in white tissue paper
with red ribbons. John opened his presents and liked
what he got. He got a boom box and Laurel got a some
beautiful Holly Hobby pillows and craft gifts that she
adored very much.
John and Laurel watched some holiday shows and
helped Mama make Christmas dinner. Mama said a
prayer before they ate. The turkey dinner with cranberry
sauce was delicious. Mama had baked some yams to go
with the potatoes and they were cooked until they were
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

sweet as could be.

Everyone helped tidy up, Laurel washed the dishes and
cleared the table. John fed the cats and dogs and the
chores related to them. John took out the garbage and
changed out the cat litter box.
Christmas was over before they knew it. They had
visited with Dad a few days prior to Christmas, they were
not going to see him today.
The rains began to set in hard and steady on the little
house and against the window panes. The warmth from
the kitchen and indoors made the windows fog up so
that viewing was not easy.
Then it was time for school to resume. John and Laurel
had to get up for school about two hours before school
started so that they could walk the distance of nearly a
mile from home to the bus stop at the American Legion
Hall every day. Come rain or shine the walk was long and
cumbersome with backpacks loaded with books from
Sometimes Mama would drive them to school, and on
the rainy days they loved to get a ride from her. She
would stop at a restaurant called Hobo Joes along
Ventura Boulevard near Taft High School. John, Mama,
and Laurel would share English muffins, hot cocoa, or
toast and pancakes before school. It was nice to sit down
next to Mama and talk to her about life, school, and new
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

things in their lives. Mama was short, she stood about

five feet tall, not much over that, and she was full of love
and energy. The energy Mama had was quite staggering,
she could keep up with John and Laurel at most things
without any trouble at all.
Mama had worked at selling feather jewelry, bead
jewelry, homemade pillows and crafts with much
thoughtfulness and talent. She had incorporated the
help of John and Laurel and together Mama had been
able to travel to Jamaica as often as she did. Mama was
quite a business woman. She was highly admired by her
family and those she met.
Then it was off to school, a long day, and then hop the
school bus and head up the canyon back home. The ride
home was longer and more grueling than ever because
the bus had to drive out to Old Topanga Canyon Road,
then move east toward the valley. The ride home
involved many curves, and gases from the bus that got
into the bus making it easy to get car sick to some degree
or another.
By the time their bus stopped at the American Legion
Hall, and they walked the mile home, the day was all but
over. There was simply not much day left by the time
they got home.
They barely had time to do their homework, chores, eat
dinner, and watch a TV show before it was time to call it
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

a day.
Dad came by every Friday to gather John and Laurel into
his VW bug and drive them out to Los Angeles to visit
Nana, Grandpa, Uncle Eddie, Uncle Tommie, Aunt
Elizabeth, and their cousins Moira and Marina.
Moira and Marina were Aunt Elizabeth and Michael
Kirk’s children who were a few years younger than
Laurel. Both Marina and Moira were nice kids, and John
and Laurel liked playing with them hide and seek, ball in
the backyard, and basketball against the back net on
Nana’s garage door.
Mostly it seemed that all the kids talked and watched
TV after Nana made a roast beef dinner, with mashed
potatoes, gravy, and green peas.
Nana never changed the dinner menu on Fridays unless
it was Christmas or Easter. On Christmas she baked a
turkey with Grandpa’s help, and on Easter she baked a
ham. Nana and Pop’s menu was as predictable as Friday,
or so it seemed that way to Laurel. Laurel loved
grandma’s cooking, every meal, and looked forward to
dinner and company at Nana’s every week.
Laurel had gone to a private school in Malibu called
Cardin Malibu School, and met many new people. The
school was operated by Virginia Armstrong, and Mama
had arranged for Laurel to attend for a full year. Laurel
adored this school, and everything about it, and
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

especially the country setting in the canyon where it sat.

The building was an old fire house with lots of windows.
Laurel could study anything she wanted, with very few
regulations. She could read and do her studies at her
own pace, and it was fantastic for her do live life this
way. Laurel met some remarkable people, including the
one and only daughter of Cary Grant, Jennifer Grant.
Jennifer Grant was very nice and was in Laurel’s class.
The grades were kept together to keep things simpler.
On Jennifer Grant’s tenth birthday, her party was at
school, and Cary Grant showed up with a surprise party
for Jennifer. Cary was driven up to the school in his
Chauffeur driven limousine. Cary got out of the
limousine with his sunglasses on and asked the chauffeur
to help him get the ten or so boxes of different kinds of
pizzas, soft drinks, and birthday cake out of the car and
onto a big table set for the party.
The party was a success, Jennifer was all smiles and
happy that her daddy had come to celebrate her birthday
party that day.
Every student in class thanked Cary Grant and Jennifer
for the surprise party, and then said goodbye to Cary
before he sat back down inside the back of the limousine
and was driven away towards the coast.
Laurel was excited to relay the story to her Mama, Papa,
and brother John about Jennifer’s lovely party, and how
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

nice it was to meet Cary Grant. Cary Grant had been one
of Laurel’s favorite actors, so meeting him that day
meant an extra lot to Laurel.
Laurel got to study and tutor other children in the lower
grades before it was the end of the school year and time
to graduate from the eighth grade at Cardin Elementary
Graduation was fun. There was an evening graduation
ceremony, and party that followed it. Nice music played
and party foods served. It was time to grow forward and
move on to the next stages of life.
Summer came and it was as sweet and nice as ever.
The canyon was always healing. It did get hot, it did get
soaked in heavy rains, and it also got cold as can be
imagined, but it was Laurel’s canyon nevertheless
wherever she was and whatever she did…it belonged to
Laurel to hold dear always.
John and Laurel played more catch and football tossing
almost every day, into the night, with almost no light to
play ball with. They played like the ball was an
instrument of music to be played, back and forth, they
became excellent at the game of throwing the ball. They
liked each other’s company more than ever. But
would not last, the long summer nights with frogs
croaking the whole night through came to an end as the
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

cold of September drew near.

Then school started again. Now John and Laurel were in
school, John in high school and Laurel in her last year of
junior high at Parkman Junior High, where she returned
to school for one last year before she’d graduate in the
spring as a ninth grader.
John and Laurel moved in with Dad, and visited Mama
regularly. Dad and Kristi bought a condominium and
they all moved there. The pool there was nice and Laurel
could invite her friends to the pool now and then.
Laurel’s friend from Vietnam, her name was Hien, loved
to visit at Laurel’s home to visit. Hien had shoulder
length black hair and dark brown eyes. She smiled
quickly and was very nice.
Laurel’s other friends were Erica and Donna, and other
kids as well.
The school year zoomed bye and before long it was
spring, and the play Bye Bye Birdie was in progress.
Laurel was a singer and actor in the play, portraying a
teenager in the production. Laurel’s Dad, brother John,
and Kristi came to see the evening play. The play went
well and it was fun to be at school enjoying herself so
much. It was good to be at the top of her class, a ninth
grader, and not a freshman. Plus it was wonderful to be
graduating from middle school as well, which was coming
up very soon.
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Dad, Kristi, and John came to Laurel’s graduation at

Parkman Junior High School in the late morning of a very
warm spring day. The ceremony was almost over before
it started, but it was nice, and Laurel graduated with
honors from Sachems because she had done well in her
Summer was ahead of Laurel and her family. She was
going to attend William Howard Taft High School in the
summer for school, and took biology. She didn’t know
how tough summer school was, but she learned soon
enough. She got a good grade and continued on in her
studies in the fall.
Laurel’s friend Erica came to the same high school, and
they got to visit sometimes, not always. Erica was short
and sturdy, a NAVY girl who fell in love with a ROTC NAVY
boy in no time. She was a serious student and became
even busier than Laurel in her studies. Erica wanted to
study nursing, and since her mother was a nurse already,
it seemed to come natural for her to want to follow in
her mother’s footsteps.
Laurel’s other friend was a year younger than her,
Donna was tall, she was friendly, and quite smart.
Laurel liked all her friends, and they liked each other
too, which made being friends easy and great too.
While Laurel attended her first year of high school, her
Mama got the family home in Topanga ready to sell on
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

the market. Mama and Brook made the canyon home

look beautiful and magnificent beyond imagination.
The pine floors were glowing with polish, and gleamed,
the little home never looked lovelier at any other time
than now when it was for sale.
Mama sold the house soon after it went on the market.
Mama had to look for another home quickly, and she
wanted to live in Oregon. Mama drove up to Oregon
with all of the family pets, two dogs and three young
The journey was not easy for the pets, and when
they arrived to Gold Beach, one of Laurel’s favorite cats
named Love got lost and was never seen again. Lassie
the collie and Zorba the Sheltie, Papillion and Bigger the
cats made the journey just fine. The entire time Mama
lived in Gold Beach, she would keep an eye out for Love
in case he showed up in some way.
Mama was off searching for the perfect place to settle
with Brook. They were gone for weeks looking for the
right place that they would live.
After Christmas holidays of Laurel’s first year in high
school, Mama and Brook moved to Nesika Beach in
Oregon. They would be busy there making their home
nice, decorate it with new furniture, and improve the
land on the property that sat on a bluff above the great
Pacific Ocean. Now Mama’s living room view was
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

forever until the horizon of the sky where it met the sea.
Mama wrote to John and Laurel and told them how
beautiful her new home was, how wonderful the
property was with the million dollar view…Mama was
very happy at her new home. She wanted one thing, she
wanted to visit her kids who were very far away in
southern California.
Laurel continued with her first year of ninth grade, and
finished up the school year doing as well as she had
hoped to do. Summer was now upon them and Laurel
worked as a voluntary worker at a veterinarian clinic in
Reseda Boulevard, every weekend.
The work was not light, she had to help with the
animals, cats and dogs.
Laurel had thought she might want to be a veterinarian
because she loved animals so much. Veterinary work
was strenuous and a lot of work when there were lots of
animals. After this summer job, Laurel still loved animals,
she just didn’t want to be a veterinarian.
The Fourth of July came and all of Laurel’s family met to
celebrate at Aunt Elizabeth’s house in Hermosa Beach.
Nana and Pop did not come, but all of Laurel’s uncles did
make it to the celebration. Aunt Elizabeth made hot
dogs and hamburgers on an outside grill. It was a nice
get together for the family.
This would be the last family event for Laurel because
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

soon after this, Mama invited her to come for a visit in

Oregon, and Laurel decided to fly up to Oregon to visit
her Mama. John stayed in California, he liked the friends
he had and was busy with them and his new job too.
Laurel flew up to Oregon and stayed there. Oregon has
been Laurel’s home since high school, and Oregon has
been a good home for Laurel. The trees, the sea, the
Cascades are all beautiful jewels of nature that are
Laurel and her Mama became even better friends from
this point on. Laurel came to be extra loving and
protective of her Mama, as was a natural thing for Laurel
to do regarding her mother.
Many stories would be told of life in Oregon after Laurel
moved in with her Mama on the Oregon coast in the
summer of 1978. Oregon had worked it’s wonders to
restore, renew, and replenish as only Oregon can.

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Two Wandering Albatrosses Make a Difference in

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extinction primarily from human activities, read this
incredible story, fly with these iconic birds and learn
why they have become on the edge of glory

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon~ nonfiction

California natural history and biography;

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol, kindle e-book ASIN: B005IURDCU

This book is filled with wonderful stories that touch
the heart, fill the soul, and let creativity soar!

Two Polar Bears Travel the World in Global

1466252065 / 9781466252066
216 Pages, 8”x 9” Full Color

Two Polar Bears Travel the World in Global

Warming Kindle e-book

laurelsobol youtube channel is filled with fine art

museums and animations for all genres

Sleepy Time in the Big Woods~ Fiction Fantasy

about a young fawn who finds it difficult to fall

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

asleep in the beauty of day, so his mother weaves

several creative stories to help her fall asleep.



Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol


Laurel has dedicated her life to making the

world a better place and has chosen the gifts God
has given her to share with the world. Her love of
God, family, and God’s creation have been upper
most in her thoughts for decades. She creates
every painting and work of literature with the
same passion filled spirit of one someone would
expect who walks close with the Lord. This is
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

Laurel’ story, It is that simple. Laurel paints with

whirling, vibrant, changing rainbows of color on
her canvas and through her words in books and
She brings all of her artistic knowledge base and
excellence into each and every single piece, be it a
painting or a book, and she flies with the wind of
the Lord guiding her path. Laurel has studied the
most famous artists of all time and is
appropriately thankful for those people who have
come forth and said to her that, “Your paintings
look like a Van Gogh or Monet!” Laurel
appreciates what these critics see and say about
her art.
Laurel takes no shortcuts to minimalize any
painting or book she’s written. These are the
things that separate Laurel from some other
artists. Though Laurel hopes many artists who
already do share many of the elements she
incorporates in her arts will be increasingly
generated in other artists globally.
Laurel recognizes that ‘Art Talks,’ is a very real
universal language touching hearts and souls of
Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol

creation worldwide. ‘Art Talks’ is art primarily

painted or written art forms that inspire humans
to love God, Mother Earth, God’s creation, and
humanity~ bringing all to the table to talk about
peace and love among mankind for one another
and the earth. A peaceful, loving world, can’t
refuse to care for the earth and it’s wellness,
productivity, sustainability, and leaving much of
worlds glorious and wonderful places in their
natural beauty way always\ No GMO,

Mysteries of Topanga Canyon Heirloom Extravaganza By Laurel Marie Sobol


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