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Lexington and

•  April 19, 1775

•  Officially kicked off the American revolution

•  Massachusetts had been declared in pen rebellion in 1775

•  Colonists learned British would march on Concord to

seize weapons

•  Paul Revere and William Dawes rode to alert

Lexington of the News
The route
•  700 British Troops vs. 77 Militia
Men on Lexington town green

•  Militiamen ordered to disperse

•  Shot rings out
•  Who fired first?

•  8 militia men dead and 9


•  1 British Redcoat injured

•  British continue to Concord

•  Weapons had already been moved

•  Burn Concord
•  Militiamen think all of Concord is burning down

•  When British retreat about 2,000 minutemen were


•  Fighting begins and lasts through the city as

reinforcements continue to arrive from across
•  3,500 militiamen firing

•  18 miles of battle

•  250 Redcoats died/wounded

•  90 Colonists died/wounded

•  Word of battle spreads to London by May 28

•  Full war by next summer

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