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Name: _______________________________________

Water Cycle

1. List the four stages of the water cycle.

2. Label the water cycle.

3. Circle True or False: 97% of the Earth’s water is in our oceans.

4. Circle all the places water can collect.

a. Lakes

b. Atmosphere

c. Bathtubs

d. Ocean

e. Rivers

f. Rain
5. What changes water from a solid to a liquid?

a. Heat Energy

b. Sunlight

c. Warm air

d. Electricity

6. Tell me everything you know about the water cycle.

7. Where does Utah get its drinking water?

8. What is an example of evaporation?

9. What is an example of condensation?

10. What are the different types of precipitation?

11. What do you want to learn about the water cycle?

Learning Styles

12. Circle the things you like to do: Circle all that apply.

a. Read

b. Write

c. Act

d. Sing

e. Dance

f. Draw

g. Speak in front of group

13. I prefer to work ________.

a. Alone

b. With a partner

c. In a group

14. When I’m learning I need ______. Circle all that apply.

a. Quiet

b. To be able to move around

c. To be able to talk with others

15. When I do a project, I would rather ________.

a. Write a report with diagrams (Charts or pictures)

b. A skit or dance

c. Create a game

d. Make a presentation on the computer

16. Do you learn more from?

a. Listening

b. Talking

c. Reading

d. Writing

e. Working hands-on

17. Put an X by your favorite three subjects:

________ Reading

________ Writing


________ Math

________ Science

________ Social Studies (Maps, history, news)

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