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The crux of Belsebuub’s work was a process of inner change whereby a person increased their

consciousness and reintegrated with the higher parts of their personal Being. He wrote that this
process was the path to enlightenment eluded to in some of the most ancient and sacred texts in
the world.

Belsebuub appeared in over 70 media interviews around the world including on the BBC, and with
leading academics discussing the discovery of the controversial ancient text the Gospel of Judas on
national television in Cyprus and Greece.

Belsebuub’s work was highly plagiarized on the internet, with over 1600 cases appearing in only a
few years, due to the unique nature of his content which was based on his own personal spiritual

Some sample articles follow:

A Talk on Out-of-Body Experiences

A talk in Nicosia University, Cyprus in 2006.

Dreams can be an insight into something more than can be known in this dimension, we can have
premonitions and get information from our dreams, and yet science doesn’t understand why.

In religious texts there are prophecies, divine beings and visions and most of these originate from
the astral plane. As when we dream, we leave the body behind and go into the astral plane of the
fifth dimension.

If you’ve ever had a dream or begun to dream and then have fallen into your bed, or when falling
asleep have felt as though you’ve suddenly fallen from a height, it’s because as soon as we fall
asleep, we leave our bodies behind and go into the fifth dimension, into the astral plane. This is
very profound, and yet most people know so little about it.

This is a small part of a talk which is no longer online.

How awareness and peace can be felt in the present moment

To be physically somewhere does not mean to be aware of where one is, nor does it mean to be
aware of what’s going on inside, as it is likely to be lived through a daydream.

When aware, the most can be made out of the learning of life and each moment can be usefully
used, living it fully. Being aware is to come out of the death of sleep and into the current of life.

While not aware or in observation, the moment in terms of learning is minimized or lost.

To be receptive is to be in a position to learn inwardly. If you are really trying to be, then spiritual
forces will be drawn to you, and then more teachings can take place in dreams and in the astral
plane, but also through perception. That is perception within the present moment. Don’t think
that just because this is the physical world that you can’t learn and see new things that are beyond
what the five senses can perceive. You can, but you need to do the right things to do it.

This is a small part of an article which is no longer online.

How Spirituality is in Consciousness Not Emotion

Consciousness is the spiritual part of a human being and it’s fully active by being aware of the
present moment.

Human consciousness however is a small part of the greater spiritual consciousness that could
exist within the psyche.

When the greater spiritual consciousnesses of the Being and the Son merges with the basic human
consciousness the individual is transformed.

This is a small part of an article which is no longer online.

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