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Astral Travel or Soul Travel Taoist

TIN JEE | 07 MAY, 2019 ← Previous | Next →
As many have asked, “Is astral travel real? And can anyone do that with Taoist
meditation?” What is astral travel in your definition? Are you talking about soul
travel? Maybe there got to be a solid and precise definition for this in order to
explain all these things about soul-travel in Taoist magic. Let us dig into this
subject in this article and explain the difference between a sleeping “astral travel”
as most are referring to versus the Taoist magictype of soul traveling.

In our article of “what is Taoism” we already talked about the most basic concept
of Taoism, which most people already failed to realize all the time. It’s so easy, so
simple, but too simple that you might have overlooked. Most people get it as the
theory of yin and yang, or what the western people call it as the theory of opposite.
Anything in nature must have to have two extremes in order to exist. Dark versus
light, high versus low, hot versus cold, there is always two extremes and that is
why things in the middle can exist. Only a male or female won’t give birth to a new
being, there got to be a male and a female, yin and yang, very simple, but what’s
the ”secret” that people don’t understand yet?

Starting from Yin and Yang

In a physical world of solid matter that absorbs light, we are a living being, living
with a bunch of other beings, and we all are contained inside a planet together.
Our space is black and the main source of power is the sun which gives off light.

Then the opposite end of the universe is:

In a spiritual world of light matter that outputs light, we are a planet, living with a
bunch of other planets, and we all contains the living beings inside ourselves. The
space is white, and the main source of power there is a swirl which sucks in things
with wind.

How do we know about this and believe this is true? Those who achieved to
connect back to the “pre-heaven dimension” can witness it and see it themselves,
and that is why some people come back to tell you about their experience. On the
other side, it’s very logical, isn’t it? The theory of opposition means, everything is
opposite, including the space, the form, the color, and everything. If someone tells
you their astral projection brought them to a place that is totally black like space,
they are probably still dreaming in the middle of the path, which is not yet to
where we call it the Pre-Heaven dimension yet.
With this theory of opposite and knowing how there is another side of the universe
with another form of ourselves existing in this dimension is not enough because
most people are still stuck to the concept of “distance and time”. We think that it
takes a long time to travel to the other side of the universe, just like traveling with
rockets and spacecraft, because you are not yet looking into the theory clearly
enough to understand nature. You have to look beyond this galaxy, beyond

Here in this world, distance increases as you move forward from a point. In short,
the more you move, the further things are apart.

In the other world, distance decrease as you stay still from a point. In short, the
more still you are, the more things pull together.

In order for us to touch the Pre-Heaven dimensions, you need to get into a very
“still” and non-moving state in your unconsciousness level and you will start to be
pulled and synchronized with the other side of you instantly or simultaneously.
Check up on the sub-atomic matter theory of quantum physics when they start to
analyze light particles and how they diagnosis what light does, that is about the
same theory with our Pre-Heaven body. However, just saying that you can connect
back to your pre-heaven body is not enough, because there is not only one of them

Astral Travel Versus Soul Travel

First of all, in our article on “what are souls and spirits” we have explained the
concept of a soul and what is a soul in an exact definition. If you want to know
more about it, please read up the article. In short, the soul is in the form of
energies or “chi” in what we call the dimension 6 in our “secret” article.

When we sleep, we get into a “still” condition and our souls will start to move.
When physical stops, spiritual moves. When spiritual start to move, the physical
will start to slow down and be still. Therefore, the soul then starts to move and
beam energies around to the different parts of yourself in what we call the
dimension 6. In this dimension, it’s all energy beaming around that creates the
visuals which “represents” things, and you cannot really understand your dream,
because they are all a reflection of “patterns” that is being depicted from things
you used to know or see in this physical world, like a metaphoric language. That is
why dreams cannot be decoded directly, because things you see there are all just
energy patterns being depicted into visuals, and it makes no sense when you try to
see them as your physical world’s matter directly.

For example, you can be seeing yourself having a baby with someone you know,
and that does not mean you should be or you will be having a baby soon. A baby in
nature is a pattern, that means something new is born, there is a potential of “life”
there between you and “someone”. The potential can be anything, it is not a baby
like a human being baby, but a baby of anything. For example, you can have a baby
business, a baby relationship (boyfriend and girlfriend), it can be anything,
because things in dimension 6 are all just a bunch of patterns shaping up the
energies. When you wake up, these energies push you to do things differently and
you will utilize the patterns subconsciously to do things in life and the “baby” will
come out as something you don’t even realize or notice.
When you see poop in the dream, it’s actually a good sign. Why so? Poop in nature
means the processed things that went through a system and out. When the soul in
dimension 6 pooped out, then your dimension 8 physical body can “get” your
soul’s shit, 6 pushes out 7 and goes to 8. Soul poops then the physical body gets it.
As you can see, it can be decoded as some “wealth” is coming your way, something
good there, which can be anything. You can be having money, or success, or even
knowledge, because wealth can be anything depending on what kinds of wealth
you are working on or looking for.

When you get into a super deep sleep, things can get very “real”, and it will get so
real that you feel like you are total in the dream world, exactly like a real one here,
but the things just get very wild and crazy, like you have no gravity in the dream,
everything is like a movie, but you can feel, sense, and it just feels like you are
really living inside there. This is when you are really in a “deep” state of dreaming,
and its because you are “very still” and so you went into this state touching over
the dimension 6 and went back to dimension 1 during the dream and saw it
happening at the same time.

Keep in mind that your soul fragments will bring things to this place every day
when you sleep too, but you just cannot see it all the time. When you can witness it
happening in a dream, it means you have a lot of soul fragments doing it at the
same time, and so you are sensing more of what is happening.

What you are seeing in this deep dream world, is your dimension 1, the pre-
heaven dimension, or what we call the spiritual planetary body, the Yuen Sun
(Yuan Shen). This planetary body of yours is very far away from our physical body,
but the soul connects it to you instantly when you sleep, because you are in a very
quiet and still state, which flipped the switch and instantly snapped you back to
your planet. Due to the fact that your soul is not fully grouped or trained, you can
only partially go into this planet and so everything you see is not really the truth
yet, but you will at least know how it feels like in the super real dream that feels
like reality with super powers.

Astral travel or soul travel itself can mean something like the dream in the two
different dimensions, but it is definitely NOT what Taoist magic talks about. We
do not go into a dream state or go to sleep and then call that magic, not at all.

A lot of people thinks that you can just get yourself into a deep sleep state or
meditate to a state where you forgot about everything, then you will see this
condition starts to snap in and there goes your “enlightenment” stage, and you got
your soul travel or astral travel power. While you are partially at that stage, it is
definitely not what qualifies to be a “complete” soul travel in the Taoist magic
dictionary. This kind of soul travel is only a partial soul travel and you are not even
in control of what is happening and you are not flipping over the controller’s
power yet.

As you can see, what most astral or soul travel seekers do are to get as “still” as
possible, and let things happen on its own, just like how we sleep and just let the
dream go on and play like a movie on its own. This kind of astral or soul travel is
basically rendered useless in magic because you are going to be completely taken
over by other junks in space if you aren’t even able to control or protect yourself.

This is exactly why many people who got into mental illness, or seeing weird
illusions after this kind of “cultivations” such as the meditating or hypnosis style of
“letting go of yourself”, and the unfortunate ones even got possessed by other
spirits and their life is basically “game over”. You won’t die instantly from a
spiritual possession, but at least your life is going to be on a big snowballing action
of craziness. It will bring you into tons of problems, troubles, and there will be
endless numbers of hectic things to come. One of our sifu in the lineage came from
a family with a sister and some relative in this problem, being possessed, and it
definitely shattered the whole family into pieces with tons of crazy problems.

Real Taoist Magic Soul Travel and Astral

In Taoist magic, we do not get into a soul travel or astral travel that will turn you
into a movie-watching state. In another word, you must have full control over
things while you can soul travel or astral travel to the dimension 6 or dimension 1
depending on where you are going and seeing.

The reason for why we are going “backward” to touch the soul and pre-heaven
bodies (the Yuen Sun) is because we are staying “still” and relaxing our mind. Just
like as if you and the other side is bonded by a spring. When you relax, the two
sides will pull toward each other. That is why you can see the soul or the planet
world when you start to sleep or meditate or relax to a certain state. However, you
also lost control power and you are on the danger-zone because you are not alone
in this world and that is exactly why many people went crazy doing those

In order to reach your dimension 1, you do not have to go backward from 8 to 6 to

1. What we do in Sun Gung magic, is to use our dimension 9 energies to go back to

In Chineese, this is said as 練精化氣,練氣化神,練神還虛 - meaning we cultivate

our essence to form energy, and cultivate energy to focus into power, and the
power then projects back to the pre-heaven zones, which is exaclty what we are
doing in Taoist magic mentioned above. If you go the reverse order, the relax and
let go route, then you are having no "energy build up" and hence there is no power,
then whar you get is just a depeleting force that draws you backward.

Dimension 9 is the reverse of what you do in sleep. In sleep you let go of your
focus, in dimension 9, we concentrate our focus and beam the energies through
this dimension and there goes back to dimension 1 again. There are 9 dimensions
in nature, and its all a cycle from 1 to 9 and 9 will flip back to 1 and restart.

In Taoist magic, or what we call Sun Gung magic, we utilize the dimension 9
energy and building up more of it by using our magic altar, then there goes our
mega-powerhouse that allows us to have more of this dimension 9 energy than
what a normal person can hold. Just like we said in the article of “what is Taoism”,
you can’t hold much water with your hands, and that is why we have buckets and a
storage area.

The altar is our storage for this type of dimension 9 energy, and we accumulate it,
condense it, cultivate it, then use it to control our dimension 1 elements backward.
We control the pre-heaven instead of being controlled by pre-heaven, and that is
what magic is about.

Taking a step further, soul-travel in Taoist magic is pushing through the

dimension 1 and go from the dimension 1 to your dimension 6 and beam upward
to witness other things high above, such as the “Yuen Sun”, the “Great Dimension
Galaxy” or even other higher dimensions. Advanced cultivation in Taoist magic
can allow the disciples to reach these dimensions high above and witness the other
places themselves, but it is not easy to do and the foundation must be solid, or else
everything you see can be just a bunch of illusions.

However, you will never get into a dream or sleeping state, then see something,
and call that a soul travel magic. That is not magic, that is dreaming, and it’s
nothing magical. This uncontrolled state of astral travel or soul travel is pretty
dangerous too. You let yourself go and be served with whatever is out there, what
if you got some space-punks waiting to punch you in the face? You just let it
happen and enjoy the beatings? You don’t even know you got punched, because
you cannot understand what is happening, then how to protect yourself from all
the dangerous pollutions and threats out there?

Our magic version of soul travel is not dangerous and is definitely 100% in a
controlled state.

What makes it magic? The magic is when you can reverse the controlling
authority in nature, meaning that you can be the player instead of the viewer. In a
dream or “meditation” where most people get their “visuals”, they are only a
viewer and cannot control anything. In magic, we are doing about the same, but
we are the player, and we have full control, full consciousness, and can interact by
using the physical body as a remote and interact with things in the pre-heaven
world too. It might feel crazy awesome and wild to you at the moment, but at least
we have explained the difference between soul travel magic and what most people
are looking at.
Benefit of Soul Travel Magic
Soul travel magic in Taoist magic is an advanced form of magic which allows the
disciple to work on their Yuen Sun (Yuan Shen)remotely from this physical world.
In our Yuen Sun article, you can see that it is where that shapes up the patterns for
our life and gives us the potentials of life. If you can fix up your Yuen Sun and
make it better, then life can be better too. Another thing is, after we die, just like
we said in the “Taoism and death” article, we go back to this planet of ours for the
“immortal” life. Fixing up the planet is just preparing our future living space, why
not get a preview and renovate it before we move in?

Jee Sifu, Gum Sifu and even others who had made it in the lineage already got
their experience in soul travel, and the advanced ones even witnessed things in the
Great Dimension Galaxythat are higher than where their Yuen Sun is located. Jee
Sifu and Gum Sifu traveled out to “Dai Law Tin (Great Dimension Galaxy)” with
their “spiritual embryo”. Everything just keeps on opening them up to more and
more pre-heaven wisdom and that is why it is so fun to cultivate the Taoist magic
of Saam Law Sun Gung.

If you want to learn Taoist magic and touch some real soul travel magic in the
future, feel free to ordain and start learning today. It takes the time to cultivate
and learn, and life is short, we need to start when we have the energy before the
clock start ticking!


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