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4 Macmillan English 4

Unit 1 worksheet
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1 Read the text and write the words.
In many countries, bread is cooked in nouns adjectives
a mud oven. A fire heats a mud oven,
Example Example
not gas or electricity. When using a
new oven, the first fire should be small b read m ud

because a big fire could crack and break o n

the oven walls. The best fires are made
f s
with dry wood. Light the fire inside the
oven and wait for about an hour until h h
it is very hot. When the oven is at the
right temperature, put out the fire. Put t d
the bread directly onto the bottom of
the oven to cook.

2 Write the sentences in the simple past.

Example: Ahmed and Maisa catch some Ïish.

Ahmed and Maisa caught some Ïish.

1 Maisa makes a fire with some dry wood.

2 Ahmed lights the fire.

3 Maisa puts the fish on the hot wood.

4 The fish goes black.

5 Ahmed takes the fish off the fire.

6 The fish is delicious!

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