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Om! Gam! Ganapathaye! Namaha!

Om! Sri Raghavendraya Namaha!

Om! Namo! Bhagavathe! Vaasudevaaya!
Om! Ham! Hanumathe! Sri Rama Doothaaya Namaha!

Akshaya Thrutheeya
(The meritorious day)

Vaisaakha Sukla Trutheeya is celebrated as Akshaya Thrutheeya one of the most

auspicious days in Hindu calendar. Akshaya means the one that is not perishable;
ever lasting; the one that makes every thing in life abundant. Trutheeya is the 3rd day
in Hindu Lunar calendar known as Jaya thithi. According to sacred scripts it is said
that, Tretha Yuga had commenced on 3rd day of the bright fortnight (sukla
Thrutheeya) in the Hindu lunar month Vaisakha Masam; Krutha Yuga on the 9th day
of the bright fortnight (sukla Navami) in Kaartheeka Masam; Kali Yuga on 13th day of
the dark fortnight (Trayodasi) in Bhaadrapada Masam and Dwaapara Yuga on the
New Moon day (Bahula Amaavaasya) in Maagha Masam.

As per the above Time schedule Akshaya Thrutheeya can be assumed as the day
when Tretha Yuga had commenced known as Tretha Yugaadi. It is also believed to
be the day when one of the Kalpas’ had begun. Akshaya Thrutheeya is the sacred day
Lord Parashuraama (Lord Vishnu’s Avathara) was born celebrated as Sri
Parashuraama Jayanthi. According Simhachala Kshethra Mahatmya, Akshaya
Trutheeya is the sacred and auspicious day; Lord Vishnu manifested in dual form
(Varaaha + Naarasimha) at Simhachala Kshethra during Krutha Yuga.

In Mahabhaaratha, Lord Sri Krishna is said to have enlightened Dharmaraja about
the significance of Akshaya Thrutheeya. Sacred scripts like Vishnu Purana;
Bhavishyottara Purana are said to have described the prominence of Akshaya
Thrutheeya. Special celebrations are held at all Vishnu related temples on this sacred
day of Akshaya Thrutheeya, also known as Maadhava Trutheeya occurring in the
holy and meritorious month Vaisaakha maasam during Vasantha Ruthu. Vaisaakha
maasam is also known as Maadhava maasam in the name of Lord Vishnu who is also
known as Maadhava.

Astrologically Akshaya Thrutheeya is the day the royal planets (luminaries) Sun and
Moon will be in their signs of exaltation; Sun in Aries (Mesha Raasi) and Moon in
Vrushabha Raasi (Taurus). If the day is also coinciding with Wednesday and Rohini
constellation it is considered to be highly meritorious.

Simhachala Kshethra…
(A rare and unique temple of Lord Vishnu)

The Deity at this temple known as Lord Varaaha Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy, a rare
form of Lord Vishnu in a unique combination of three figures depicting Varaaha in
the face; Naarasimha on the rear side of the head and in tail that of a lion; and
Manushya (human form) in the body. With only two hands and without Sudarshana
Chakra and Kounch, the 2½ ft crystal clear idol of the Lord appears in a rare
standing posture. According to Kshethra Mahaatmya of this temple; it is believed to
be in existence since the days of Krutha Yuga. It is said that, this unique and
combined form of Lord Vishnu’s two incarnations’ viz. Varaaha and Naarasimha
(both belonging to Krutha Yuga) got manifested at this place as per the prayers and
request (wanted to have darshan of Lord Vishnu’s dual avatharas) of Prahlada (son
of Hiranyakasipa) for whose sake Lord Vishnu incarnated as Lord Naarasimha. That
day of Lord’s manifestation was incidentally (Akshaya Thrutheeya) Vaisaakha Sukla

According to Sthalapuraana, Prahlada was the first person to construct a temple for
the Deity and conduct the rituals. In subsequent ages the Lord got manifested (as
discovered by King Puruurava) again at this place during the days of King Puruurava
(Lunar dynasty) and it was again incidentally on the day of Akshaya Thrutheeya.

It is a custom and tradition since time immemorial to worship Lord Sri Varaaha and
Lord Sri Naarasimha on this sacred day of Akshaya Thrutheeya. At Simhachalam Sri
Varaaha Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple, special celebrations are held on this
sacred day when a unique ritual called Chandanotsavam will be held. This ritual is
said to have been conducted first by the King Puruurava during whose period
renaissance of the temple took place. It is only on this particular day in the year, the
Lord gives darshan in Nija roopa without any decoration which is otherwise always
fully covered with Chandana (sandalwood paste).

Once in a year on the day of Akshaya Thrutheeya, old Chandana covering on the idol
will be peeled off early in the morning and in the evening it will be again covered
fully with fresh Chandana. In between time devotees gets an opportunity (for about
12 hours) to witness the Nija Roopa darshana of the Lord. When the idol is fully
covered with Chandana it appears in a Lingaakaara form. Chandana paste will be
extracted by grinding the sandalwood (Chandana) sticks and it is said that the
quantity of Chandana used for this ritual would be approx 500 kgs. Peeled off
Chandana would be distributed to the devotees as Lord’s divine Prasaada.

Apart from the day of Akshaya Thrutheeya; Chandana (sandalwood paste) would be
applied to the Lord’s idol at Simhachalam on three more occasions viz. during
Vaisakha; Jyeshta and Aashaada months in the year. Ritual of Chandanotsavam
attracts thousands of pilgrims from across the country to get a rare darshan of the
Lord. Based on the concept of Chandanotsavam which is a favourite of Lord Vishnu;
at all temples especially that of Vishnu related; this ritual will be held on the day of
Akshaya Thrutheeya. We find even the Brundavanas of Sri Raaghavendra Swamy
including the Moola Brundavana at Mantralayam will be adorned with Chandana.
Simhachalam is located about 15 km from Vizag (Visakhapatnam) city in Andhra
Pradesh which is accessible from all parts of the country by road; rail and air.

We also find a temple of Lord Sri Varaaha Swamy (Aadi Varaaha) at the famous
Tirumala hills in Andhra Pradesh where the devotees have darshan of Lord Varaaha
before having darshan of Lord Venkateswara. On this sacred day in the year, Sri
Badari Naaraayana temple at Badari Kshethra gets opened for darshan and it is
believed that to have darshan of Sri Badari Naaraayana on this day is highly
Customs & Traditions of Akshaya Thrutheeya
(What is to be done on this day?)

On this auspicious day one should take head bath early in the morning. Taking bath
in the river Ganges on this sacred day is said to be highly meritorious.

Giving Thila Tharpana to fore fathers is prescribed on this sacred day which is
considered to be meritorious.

Lord Sri Maha Vishnu should be worshipped in the form of Sri Varaaha, Sri Lakshmi
Naarasimha, Sri Krishna and Sri Lakshmi Naaraayana. Worshipping Lord Sri
Krishna with Chandana (sandalwood paste) on this day is given lot of significance
and merits. It is said that, one who worships Lord Sri Krishna with Chandana on this
day will attain Vishnu Loka.

Ya: karothi thruteeyaayaam Krushnam

Chandana Bhooshitham!
Vaisaakhasya sithe pakshe
sayaachyuta mandiram!!

Reciting Vishnu Sahasra Naama Stothram; stothras related to Lord Varaaha and
Lord Lakshmi Naarasimha; on this day are prescribed.

Reading/Listening Sri Venkatesa Mahaatmya (Srinivasa Kalyaanam) Puraana for a

week days starting from this day is highly meritorious.

Giving charity on this auspicious day is given lot of significance; which is said to be
highly sacred; celestial that will give multi-folded meritorious results. Though there
are many types of charities that can be given; giving Udaka Kumbha Dana on this
day is given lot of prominence. Udaka means water, Kumbha means pot. Giving
charity of water stored in a pot made up of Copper, Silver, or at least earthen pot
(made up of mud) covered with a new cloth to a Brahmin on this auspicious day is
said to be sacred and highly meritorious.

Yesha DharmaGhato Dhattoh Brahma Vishnu Sivathmaka

Asya Pradhanathsakalam mamasanthu manoratha

Meaning: Let this water pot called Dharma Ghata signifying the trinal lords
(Brahma, Vishnu and Siva) bring unto me fulfillment of all desires. This can be given
either in memory of fore fathers or to please the deities.

Apart from Udaka Kumbha Daana; giving charity of wheat; curd rice; umbrella;
paada raksha (chappals); vasthra (clothes); Gho-Daana (cow), Bhoodana; Hiranya

Daana (Gold/silver/Cash) on this day is considered to be sacred, punyadayaka which
will produce multifold and everlasting (Akshaya) merits.

Yava homa, Yava Daana (charity), Yava Bhakshana is prescribed on this day that is
highly sacred that helps in getting the sins diluted. Only one time meals is prescribed
on this day.

Parashurama Jayanthi
This day is also celebrated as Parashurama Jayanthi the day on which Lord Maha
Vishnu took the avathara of Parashurama born to the sage Jamadagni. On this day
Maha Vishnu is to be worshipped during Pradosha time (1½ hrs time before sunset)
in the form of Parashurama and Arghya to be given with the following sloka…

Jamadagnisutho Veera Kshatriaanthakara Prabho!

Gruhaanaarghyam Mayaa Dattam Krupayaa Parameswara!!

Sade-Theen Muhurtha
In Hindu electional astrology, it is believed that Akshaya Thrutheeya is a very
auspicious day that, one need not look into the Almanac (Panchaanga) to select an
auspicious moment. It is called as Sade Theen Muhurtha. Sade theen means 3½ and
muhurtha means auspicious time. Four auspicious days in Hindu calendar are…

Chaithra Sukla Prathama (Paadyami) – Ugaadi day

Vaisakha Sukla Thrutheeya (Tadiya) – Akshaya Thrutheeya
Aaswayuja Sukla Dasami (Vijaya Dasami) – Dussera
Kaartheeka Sukla Prathama (Paadyami) – Bali Paadyami

First three are reckoned as full thithis and the last one is counted as half thithi,
hence it is considered as Sade Theen. Many people try to perform auspicious
functions on the above days based on the belief that one need not look into the other
aspects of Panchaanga. Though there is no doubt about their auspiciousness and
spiritual sanctity; one should not ignore the basic fundamentals of Panchaanga while
fixing muhurthas even on the above days especially for functions like upanayanam;
marriage; laying foundation for house construction or gruha pravesam.

Akshaya Thrutheeya – Buying of Gold/Silver

In recent times one would have observed a tradition of people buying Gold on this
particular day; rushing to Gold shops and forming long queues, in the belief that it
will become Akshaya (multifold). It is only a myth that has no relevance and
sanctity. But giving charity and performing sacred deeds is indeed recommended

and prescribed on this day that will produce multifold meritorious results if not in
this birth, at least in future births.

Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu

Sri Varaaha Stothram

Namasthe Deva Devesa Varaaha Vadanaachyutha
Ksheera Saagara Sankaasa! Vajra Srunga! Mahaabhuja!!

UddruthaAsmi Thwayaadeva Kalpaadau Saagaraambhasa!

Sahasrabhaahunaa Vishno Dhaarayaami Jaganthyaham!!

Aneka Divyaabharana! Yagnasuuthra Viraajitha!

Arunaarunaambara Dhara! Divyarathna Vibhuushitha!!

Uddyaddbhaanu Pratheekaasa Paadapadma Namonamaha!

Baalachandraabhadanstaagra! Mahaabala Paraakrama!!

Divyachandana Liptaanga Tapta Kaanchana Kundala!

Indraneela Manidyothi Hemaangada Vibhuushitha!!

Vajradanstraagranirbhinna Hiranyaaksha Mahaabala!

Pundareekaabhithaamraaksha Saamasvana Manohara!!

Sruthi Seemantha Bhooshaathman Sarvaathman! Chaaruvikrama!

Chathuraanana Sambhubhyaam! Vanditaayathalochana!!

Sarvavidyaamayaakaara! Sabdhaatheetha! NamoNamaha!

Aananda Vigrahaanantha! Kaalakaala! NamoNamaha!!

Above stothram on Lord Sri Aadi Varaaha (extract from Varaaha Purana) is said to
have been recited by Goddess Bhoodevi when Lord Vishnu had incarnated in
Varaaha Avathara. This stothram is said and believed to be a remedy for Rahu
related problems as Rahu is believed and said to be the Paramaatma Amsa of Lord
Vishnu’s Varaaha-avathara.

Related post you may like to read from the below given link…
Vaisakha Masam – The distinctive month


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